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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/12 |Location=Roof of an old abandoned factory. |Synopsis=Spidey and Firestar took a little time to catch up, make sure he ate something, and give her something he made to help her. |Cast of Characters=1014, 4 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> It's been a while since Firestar flew through the New York City skyline. There is nothing like it. She carries a flat box with her and even a small...")
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Latest revision as of 10:06, 21 April 2023

Dinner among friends
Date of Scene: 12 April 2023
Location: Roof of an old abandoned factory.
Synopsis: Spidey and Firestar took a little time to catch up, make sure he ate something, and give her something he made to help her.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Spider-Man

Firestar has posed:
It's been a while since Firestar flew through the New York City skyline. There is nothing like it. She carries a flat box with her and even a small plastic bag, easier said than done that one. She lands on the roof lightly, scanning the area as she does so as to make sure the roof is otherwise unoccupied,"I hope he remembers the old code phrase or I am going to look pretty silly." she mutters as she lands.

She looks back over the skyline and waits for the arrival of Spider-Man. For all it's dangers, New York is a beautiful city of lights and sounds. She stifles a little yawn because she has been at it since early.
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey did remember thankfully, but as usual he was late. There were char-marks on his suit, and some of the stiches he made had been broken as the sound of web hitting nearby happends, and then in comes a swinging Spider-Man. He was only about fifteen minutes late, but with a flip he lands ontop of one of the smoke stacks in a crouch with a smile. "Hey! Sorry about that.. Lady had fifteen cats I swear." as he looks back from where he came. He had saved the people. and pets from a house fire, even though he knew he was supposed to meet her here as he just couldn't help himself. With a chuckle he puts a hand to the back of his head, "Sorry bout that, but hey at least I remembered.. You haven't used that in forever!"

He starts crawling down the smoke stack towards the roof where they could talk without the need of flying. "How ya been? Glad to see your back in the skies this city could really use your help." he admited though he more ment he could use her help though you know Spidey he could never ask as it was his responsiblity.
Firestar has posed:
Turning towards the sounds of the arriving Spider-Man, Angelica smirks a little and walks towards him. She shakes her head and replies,"If anyone understands the lateness for the sake of helping, I get it." She watches him climb down the smoke stack.

She walks over to where she left the flat box and bag. Removing two bottles of still somewhat cold Pepsi, she sets them next to the box and flips it open to reveal a triple pepperoni,"If I know you, there has been no food eaten today either."

"I am glad to be back in the city." she changes the subject so as not to dwell of his bad eating habits,"You know if you need me you just have to call. I intend to be around the city for a while."
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey chuckles, and nods. "Thanks, I wish my boss was so understanding." he adds as he holds on to the stack with his hand fliping to a squat on the roof. "If it wasn't you I would prob still be out there. Always criminals out there. Sometimes it is easier to just stay out there ya know." and chuckles a bit nerviously as he changes to subject. "Is that triple pepperoni.. Always knew you were my favorate!" he exclames clapping his gloved hands together. He webbs a piece, and pulls it over as he pulls the mask just high enough to show his mouth.

Munching down as he was very hungry.. "mmm.. That is good.. I have been at it all day so missed lunch." as he ate he looked around a bit, "And dinner it seems." and chuckles again. He takes another bite of the slice eating it down quickly he knew her well enough to act like himself. Chewing it down quickly he continues. "Oh me... I am fine wake up, get out there, take a few photos, I am doing what I'm supposed to ya know/ Keeping the city our city safe, hiding my life issues in beating up poor thugs with crowbars... The normal!" and chuckles at her with a grin. He webs the soda then stop realising that he has just been going on, and releases the web.. "Sorry... Can I have some soday too?" and gives her the puppy dog eyes as that pizza was good with cola.
Firestar has posed:
Amusement. Angelica's eyes dance with it. She laughs softly and sighs,"Spidey. I've missed you." Of course she remembers his favorite and she nods when he puppy dog eyes for soda,"I can't keep this figure drinking that much soda." she teases.

She reaches for a slice of pizza as well, taking a bite and watching him while she chews. After a moment she asks,"Is there some other out there sponging off your image? I thought I saw you the other night, but it was dark, the movement was quick, and the shadow looked a little...too thin and shapely."
Spider-Man has posed:
With a smile he reaches over and takes a large drink of the soda, it was nice to cool himself down. He nods thinking about it. "I am sure it will take a little while to get back into the... swing of things." and grins with a wink, but continues. "And I am sure a couple soda's aren't going to hurt ya.. If so maybe someone should be running more then flying." he jokes with a grin, as he takes another slice. Eating it a bit before continuing, "Who would of figured swinging around town was excelent cadio!"

Eating more of the slice he interupts at first. "Look I walked into Lux one time, I keep telling people I walk to!" then stops as she is talking about something else, "Oh no.. wasn't me. I am not really much of a hider as it takes being quiet too long." and grins as she knows how much he loves to talk. He thinks about it, "If it is someone new I haven't seen them yet, but if you see them ya might want to tell them looking like me is very dangerous." he holds a finger up, "Lots of people love taking a shot at Spidey." and shrugs a bit as he finishes the slice to move towards grabbing another one. "But thin. and shapley... That does sound like me." and winks at her with a grin.
Firestar has posed:
A smirk still in place, but one red eyebrow raises at the mention of walking instead of flying. Quipping with each other again, comfortable is hard to get once you are far from what has been home,"I'll keep that in mind. Not all of us enjoy doing a Tarzan impression." Teasing of her own,"Let me know when you're going to try it in a loin cloth."

She listens to his response to the question and takes another bite of pizza while she listens. After a minute she admits,"The figure was closer to my size than yours, I would think it was a female. I just wondered if you knew somebody else. I'll keep my eyes open though, make sure she knows what she is getting herself into." She rolls her eyes and takes a bite of the pizza as he comments about being thin and shapely,"Gif mm a brk." she talks around the food in her mouth.
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey chuckles, "Oh triple J would love that. Maybe a loin cloth would take his mind of how much of a menace I am." grinning he shake his head, "Besides, I have been into too many scrapes to wear just loin cloth anymore. Might start calling me Scarry-man if I were to do that." though he nods. "Did she maybe look like a black cat lady?" he munches down on his slice. "There has been a cat-burgler dresses as a black cat around.." he rubs the back of his head again, "While I have ran into her I have never been good with dealing with that type." he admits.

As he eats the place and smiles a bit, then grins, "Also what can I say Spiders are thin, not my fault." he finishes the slice, and moves to grab another. "Seems I can just eat and eat.. It is a curse." though the grin shows he doesn't take it too badly. "Oh woe is me!" chuckling as he continues eating only breaking for a drink as he was actually really hungry.
Firestar has posed:
She continues to eat the pizza and listens to him talk about Jameson's reaction to the loin cloth. Her head shakes slowly,"Same old Peter, still talking himself in circles." she muses.

The mention of a cat lady causes her to pause and she finally shrugs,"I suppose that is possible. I might keep an eye out in the area where I was, maybe fly by a few nights for the sake of curiosity."

She takes another bite and rolls her eyes again,"Some of us should be so lucky." she mutters after getting the food down,"When you're done woeing for yourself, how about you tell me about Aunt May and your general rouges gallery."
Spider-Man has posed:
he munches a bit, and smiles. "Yea I think if I wasn't talking I could do all of this." he waves a hand to 'New York' and smiles warmly, "I only wish the bad guys enjoyed my humor as much as you did would make my job way easier." he adds munching away. "If you see her, try to go easy on her. The Cat lady... She is a bit." he thinks of the proper word to explain her.. "Different, but she has a good heart. I just wish it didn't tell her to steal as much." and chuckles, as that was a way different issue.

He thinks about it, "You want to know about the Gallery.." he thinks about it for a moment, and it might be more trouble for her not to know. "Well there are six main ones, Vulture, Doc-Oct.. he is the leader, Craven the hunter, Electro, Sandman, and Mysterio... Which you want to know. Each are dangrous, though there are more those are usually the ones that are the most active." with a shrug he shakes his head. "And Aunt May is still good thinks I work too much, and I should visit more. I am sure she would love to see ya you know as she always did like you and Bobby." he grins a bit, "And would take off some heat on some questions of what I have been up to since she still doesn't know."
Firestar has posed:
"Secretly I think they like too, they just don't want to show it." she replies about his sense of humor,"I mean who wouldn't want to laugh while getting beat up? They just have to play tough. The male ego is sensitive." She considers about the Cat woman and raises a surprised brow at the mention of her stealing,"You going soft on the lady?"

She listens as he gives her the rundown on the current baddies that plague the web head,"The names always seem to get more colorful no matter how many times you hear them." She makes a note to look into the locals to help him if needed. The mention of Aunt May wanting to see her gets a nod,"I would be glad to go and see her yes. I have missed her. I can take a little heat off for you too."
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey grins, "Oh yea you think?" he consider the faces of his villians with a grin. "Yea, well still they are still dangerous so becarefull okay?" he asks worrying a little bit. "I mean despite my great sense of humor they really like going after those who get close to me, and it might make you a target." he admits. Then he is asked if he is going soft on the lady, which makes him blush a little. "Noooo.." he says quickly but he looks away a bit. While he didn't let her take the stuff he did let her go so maybe he was a little bit so continues "Maybe... a little bit." he shrugs, "I didn't let her take stuff.. okay,, I may of.." he ends quietly and quickly, "May of let her escape.. its complicated alright?"

He turns to look at her, "But speaking of those six they have tought me a lot despite meaning to." he holds up some web, "Non-Conductive material for example.. The first time I webbed Electro it was.... shocking." and grins happy to change to topic from Black Cat. He smiled a bit, "Also there are a lot of goons here, I keep aresting them they keep getting out. It does keep one busy as well, but what can you do.. I am not going to kill anyone thats for sure!" and shakes his head, "I will leave that for the guy with the skull on his shirt."
Firestar has posed:
A rueful smile is offered to assure him of her intent,"I will watch myself. We haven't been seen together in several years and the concept of grabbing me shouldn't cross the mind of someone that wants to keep their bodies in tact. You know radiation as well or better than me so you know too up close with the power generating will make folks...less likely to stay close." She knows there are ways around that, but she is trying to make him feel a little better. She takes another bite of her pizza.

Once she finishes her slice, she opens her Pepsi. A few drinks and she lets that go for now,"New science lessons for the great Peter Parker." she teases lightly. She considers touching on the subject of the other lady, but for now she will let it go. He mentions the man,"Skull on his shirt? What do they call him, the Punisher? We hear a little about him up north. He sounds...focused and yet dangerously erratic at the same time."
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey holds up his hands, "I know I know you can take care of yourself, but I am a friend and will worry, but I feel sorry for any of that Sin Six that wants to pick on you!" he shakes his head at this. He considers her issue with a frown, and nods. "Still with side effects huh... Sorry to hear that. You know there is a Iron person named Tony Stark. He likes to tell everyone he is the smartest guy out there maybe we can come up with something to handle that?" he sighs a bit. "Though I think your fine just the way you are, but I am already irradiated so maybe I am a bit biased."

He knew the types were way different, but he smiled hoping to make her feel a little better as it had to be lonely forcing yourself into isolation, or well it was at least for him at times. "Yea, still love the science, but so busy with work, and this... I haven't been able to invent anymore. Also, Punisher yea that is it... I heard he had a battle van.. Isn't that awesome!?" he smiles, "I heard he is super serious, and doesn't like jokes... I don't believe it though would love to meet him." he snaps, "Oh... Also.. I made something." he reaches into his waste, and pulls out a small patch off his skin. As he shows some skin there are large claw marks on it that must of been deep enough to leave scars. He doesn't even seem to notice it as it was a while ago, "speaking of you... problem." he smiles, as it sees to be a patch you just stick on, though it looks home made the cloth of the sides holding wires, circuits, and other electronic parts inside them, and then sewn together. "If you look at the display you can see your output. If it gets dangerous you will know, and be able to fly away." he looks down as he holds it out. "I know it isn't much, but I worked on it last night.. A welcome back present if you will."
Firestar has posed:
"I appreciate the concern Peter. I do." she assures him. When he mentions the side effects she pulls her costume back a little bit and under it is a body suit, no peep shows thank you,"Mac Hudson and others with Alpha Flight designed this to keep the output down on other people. I still try to be careful though." She lets the costume settle back into place.

She considers when he talks about the Punisher and she says,"My turn to be worried about your safety. That guy gets a lot of bad press Peter, be careful." She watches as he gets the patch he takes loose and then studies it as he hands it to her. She takes it, confused at first, but she catches up after a moment as he explains the purpose.

There just might be the first inkling of a tear in one eye as she says,"Peter you're the best." She holds it in her hand and then hugs him tight,"It's amazing my friend, just like you. Thank you."
Spider-Man has posed:
"Of course you are one of my few friends, Angelica of course I worry." he looks at the body suit and rubs his chin, "Wow.. that is actually nice. Do you know if they had any extras? I would love to study it!" the science part of his mind thinking about what it is made, of and what it does is facisnating he doesn't even think about it being on Firestar as his mind wheels with how, and what he would need to make a suit like that. He shakes his head, "But that is like Stark tech levels there.. I would be careful with that one." he notes thinking a little less of his own gift.

He then shakes that thought as she brings up Punisher, "Many people have tried." he flexes a bit as he squats on the rooftop. "I bet I could take him no matter how scarry he is." he grins a bit, "You know I may look like I am having fun, but I do take the responsibility seriously I will not mess with him without a reason do not worry. He thinks about it, "Besides you know I am stronger then I look." and winks.

He looks at her response and frowns a bit, "Look.. I'm sorry I didn't..." then stops as he gets a hug as he was misunderstand of course his understanding of ladies feelings just a mystery to him he gives her the friendly pat on the bag. "I am glad you like it. It was an old plan, and I just put it together with some spare.." he rubs the back of his head as he never knew how to react to people appreciating his creations. ""Your welcome." he looks out at the city, "And thanks for the food.. It was really good, and I needed to eat something today." he chuckles a bit. "Sometimes I get lost in my job, and forget... Only my Aunt really cared for me enough to make sure I didn't do something like that." he looks down again. "Well no-one that is still alive that is."
Firestar has posed:
After a moment she pulls back to a comfortable space and shakes her head,"One suit Peter. It's all I have. I am afraid your curiosity is just going to have to burn." she teases lightly. She considers the Tony Stark comparision,"I have heard Mac is like Tony Stark in the north. I take good care of it though."

She doesn't push the issue on the Punisher. He listens about as good as she does so there is no point. Instead she moves the conversation back to something easier,"You're welcome. Some things never change and Peter Parker never takes care of the day to day things. He better start or I might set fire to his backside."