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Latest revision as of 13:02, 24 October 2017

Green Arrow and Canary
Date of Scene: 10 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Black Canary

Green Arrow has posed:
So if you're a new vigilante in town and you're looking for some action where do you go? Crime Alley of course! Notorious for it's mythic crime rates most people try to avoid this are at night. Most reputable people. Crime Alley is just as alive at night as it is during the day...if you know where to look. Unfortunately Ollie really doesn't so he's kind of just looking every where.

"Well this isn't as exciting as I thought it'd be," he mumbles to himself as he looks up and down the alley with his night vision binoculars. He's perched on top of a tall building giving him a decent vantage point of the entire area. Unfortunately he things haven't been quite what he expected. He was expecting...something but instead all he's seen is a procession of winos rooting around in dumpsters for moldy food. This was not the Gotham he was expecting.

Black Canary has posed:
Patience is a virtue, as the new kid in town will discover, although the Green Arrow won't have to wait too much longer. Things have a way of going way south quickly in this part of the city, after all, the high crime rate making for... well, a lot of crime. A shout comes from the far end of the alleyway, that followed by what could only be pleading. If he looks he'll find a group of thugs, four large men who look like they could be mob enforcers of some kind, the men tall enough to conceal who it is who is begging. The other voice is male, albeit mousy and squeaky in nature, but that's all that can be made out about the soon-to-be victim.

Standing off in the shadows of a building is a blonde in black, the heroine waiting for the right time to move in. Fingerless leather goves creak slightly as she curls her hands into fits, causing the leather to shift and made to tighten, her expression grim.

Green Arrow has posed:
Patience is not one of Green Arrow's personal virtues. Point of fact Green Arrow doesn't have many virtues at all, at least not until very recently and none of those virtues lead to measured and well thought out responses. So when he hears the man cry Green Arrow springs into action. He races along the top of the building, launches a grapnel arrow across the way, swings across and lands not too far from Black Canary, though he doesn't seem to see her.

Moving swiftly he snags an arrow from his quiver and launches it down into the crowd. About halfway between Arrow and the tall thug the head of the arrow explodes into a pair of bolas that entangle the thug and knock him to the ground before he even realizes what's going on.

Black Canary has posed:
The snared thug goes down with a cry, his cohorts as confused as he seems to be. They turn around, looking for the source of the unseen attacker, forgetting about the guy they had been harrassing who gets away. Victim now out of the picture, they can give their full attention to whatever, or whomever, just put their buddy to the ground. "Who is out there," one shouts while bola'd jerk grunts, still struggling with trying to get himself freed and back on his feet.

While they're confused the Black Canary dashes forward, fist put to the face of one of the remaining three. There's a sickening 'crack' thanks to how she doesn't hold back, the guy now suffering from some lost teeth and possibly a broken jaw. This gets #3 and #4 to scream like girls, her arrival so swift that she manages to scare the ever loving bejeebus out of them.

Green Arrow has posed:
"What the..." Green Arrow's butt actually puckers for a moment when Canary bursts from her hiding spot. It occurs to him that she totally had the drop on him...had she been working for the otherside he might have gotten a very nasty surprise. Clenching his jaw he curses himself for being so stupid as to not check his surroundings. Rookie mistake but he has to shake it off.
    Rushing out of the shadows his repositions himself so he can take down thug #3 in a hail of arrows. In the blink of an eye four arrows streak through the air slicing through the cloth in the thug's shirt near his shoulders and down near his knees they actually embed themselves in the wall behind him pinning him but doing little else in the way of physical harm.

"Hey, nice stockings," he says to the blond he finds himself with.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary darts a quick look towards the man as she's complimented, dividing her attention dangerously. The fourth crook swings a punch for her, punching her in the shoulder as his aim was off in his panic, his intentded target being her face. Gritting her teeth, she wheels back around, shoulder throbbing, and she 'sings'. She's careful to keep the decibels down, not wanting to hurt the archer by accident, but it's more than enough to put the mook down for a nap. Sighing, she reaches up, brushing her hair from her face. "And stay down." Not that she has to say that as they're not going anywhere.

Reaching up to rub her shoulder, now, she glances towards the Green Arrow again, her expression mildly pained. "Thanks. I like to think I make them look good."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Well you certainly..." With the thugs down and her turning towards him Green Arrow finally gets a good look at her. He stops short of saying her name but it's clearly her, Dinah the florist. To say that he's floored would be an understatement.

"So I thought it was traditional to wear a mask or cowl or something," he says motioning to his own green domino mask. "Aren't you afraid of being recognized?" He looks over at the goons before pulling out a cell phone and looking over at Dinah, "And what's the protocol for what happens next? Where I come from we'd call the cops and have them come clean up but...your city, your rules!"

Black Canary has posed:
Does Dinah catch onto the Arrow's surprise? Nope, not at all. She is absolutely, one hundred percent clueless. The question leveled at her has her touching her face, bared fingers brushing her temple as she considers how to answer him. "No, I am not afraid. Usually don't run into anyone else and the criminals I face don't know who I am." It isn't like the crooks are flocking to her shop to buy flowers for their mother, after all. The green mask the other hero wears is considered, Oliver's identity kept secret. Maybe he's onto something?

The second question has her pointing to the very phone he just revealed, smirking as she does. "You go ahead and call the cops." She's still not keen on using cell phones, even if she does have a cheap one to use for moments like this.

Green Arrow has posed:
When she says it's okay to call the cops Arrow does so, though he's a bit surprised as the laid back attitude of the person on the other line. In Star City it was a big deal when criminals were caught by the Arrow. Of course crime was different there, newer and not as ingrained into the psychology of the citizenry. That done he breaks the phone in half and tosses it into a nearby dumpster.
    "Maybe we could talk some place a bit more...private?" He asks. "And you can call me the Green Arrow. What can I call you? Legs? The Shriek? Oh, I know...the Banshee," honestly Ollie could play this game all night...

Black Canary has posed:
The Arrow is watched with a slight amount of wariness while he calls the police, almost as if she's expecting him to shoot her with an arrow next, but that doesn't seem to be what he has in mind and she relaxes again. Her shoulder still hurts, she realizes, probably knocked out of joint, but that can be dealt with later. Clearing her throat, she is otherwise quiet until his call is finished and the burn phone destroyed and discarded.

"Talk to me in private? Uhm, you're not going to hit on me inappropiately, are you?" It's a joke, that, but she has to wonder what it is Green Arrow has to say that can't be said in front of the felled felons. "Yes. Let's move on. Better not to be caught here by the police, anyhow." Motioning to him, she allows her fellow hero to lead the way.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Unfortately the inappropriate flirting may be unavoidable. Sometimes my mouth says things without consulting with my brain first so I'll apologize in advance if I offend you," he says with a smirk. When she shows she's ready to move on he nocks another grapnel arrow and fires it to the roof of a nearby building. Once it's secure he holds out an arm for her to join him.

"Don't worry, I don't bite. Not on the first date anyway," he says with a smile he hopes is disarming. Once she agrees, or says she'll find her own way to the top, he hits a button on his bow and soars to the top of the building. Once up there he takes one last look to be sure the thugs are firmly secured before giving his full attention to Canary.

"How's that shoulder? If you like I can pop it back in place for you? I promise no funny business, all serious vigilante work," he offers with that smile he hopes is charming again.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary hesitates at first, not sure if she should get too close to the green-bedecked archer but she's really in no mood to try and scale the ladder up to the nearby fire escape. She eventually moves in close, her arms wrapping about his neck and shoulders, blushing as she does. "Just save the flirting for after we're on the roof, please." And that is all she says until they fly up towards the upper reaches of the building and their feet are on solid ground.

Dinah almost says no once the Arrow offers help, But the truth of the matter is that she knows she won't be able to put it back into place herself and she begrugingly lets her leather jacket slide off of her upper body. The body suit she wears is high necked, giving modesty as well as protection, but her arms are bare. The shoulder is obviously not where it should be, slightly disformed by the misalignment, and a brush is already starting to come up to the surface. "Thank you," gets whispered as she looks down, trying not to pay too much mind to that damn smile of his.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Hey, we're brothers in arms it's the least I can do. I'm not going to lie though, this is going ot hurt," Arrow says as he takes her wrist in one hand and braces the other on her elbow. "I'd say I'm going to go on three but that's a lie," he says just before twisting her arm and popping the shoulder back into socket.

"Well that's it, the worst of it's over. I wish I had some aspirin or something to offer you. I'll have to make a note to include that on my little vigilante belt here," he half jokes. "How are you feeling? Gonna make it? Something tells me this isn't the worst injury you've suffered out here on the streets, huh? That's why I like to keep them at a distance," he says hefting his bow up to make his point.

Black Canary has posed:
"It always hurts. Just get it over with, please." Black Canary appreciates his not bothering with the counting as that only ever serves in annoying her, being more of a pain than the actual injury. Gritting her teeth again, she nods once and then steels herself, bracing for the pain they both know is about to happen. It's much to her credit that she doesn't scream when her arm is wrenched back into place but the pain does regiester on her face, her skin growing pale and her jaw tensing. Thankfully it's over with swiftly and she can breathe again.

A hand comes up and out to brace against the man's shoulder, a moment taken to steady herself and make sure she can speak without dissolving into swearing, her voice shakey. "I am fine. I'll be able to make it home without any problem. Will put an ice pack on it, take some pain killers and a hot shower before bed, I'll be fine..." Pausing, Dinah narrows her eyes, looking him right in his. "I wouldn't have gotten hit-," probably, "-if you hadn't distracted me."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Well, I can't say this is the first bump or bruise a woman suffered because they were distracted by me," Arrow says smirking playfully. "That said, I do feel obligated to make resitution. I could do so in the form of wine and lasagna if you were so inclined?" He asks. Bracing his bow on the rooftop he leans against it casually as he watches Dinah.

"Though before we make any future plans I, uh, think we should address something pretty important. We've met before you know. I thought there was something more to you than a simple florist," he says with a waggle of his finger. "I know the whole Green Archer outfit puts people off but...here, does this help?" With that he pulls his hood down then, a moment later, he peels off his domino mask revealing the man beneath.

Black Canary has posed:
"Then perhaps you're a liability and need to stop being so... distracting." God, Dinah. So lame. So, so lame. Sighing, she glances at her arm, noticing the spider-webbing of busted capularies and the red-becoming-purple of the blood pooling under her skin. It's going to be a deep bruise that's going to take a long time to heal. hopefully it won't take her out of the action for too long. "Hmmm? Oh. Are you offering me dinner? I suppose I could let you do that, although I am not sure how dinner while in costume will turn out."

Things just keep adding up, this time it being her confusion that is added to when the stranger speaks. "Have we? I think I'd recognize you if we had." But Oliver is wearing that mask and it does a pretty good job of hiding who he is, right up to the point when he removes it. Eyes going wide, Dinah stares and stammers, not sure what to say.

Green Arrow has posed:
"I know, right?" Oliver says. "I have to say my mind was pretty blown when I saw who the blond ass kicker was down there. Once again, however, it seems that our paths are destined to cross. It's like the universe is pushing us together. And we clearly have a ton in common, we like cracking skulls and saving lives," he says though this makes his think for a moment.

"One of us should have checked on the guy they were attacking to make sure he was okay," Ollie says feeling, for a moment, a bit bad about it. The truth is though that he doesn't always do this because it's right, that's a big part of it sure, but for him another part is the rush he gets from it all.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary blushes a little, the hint of pink breaking up the otherwise pale cast to her face. ""It seems so. And who would have thunk, right?" Chuckling weakly, she steps closer to Oliver, daring to reach out again, this time to touch his face if he doesn't move away. "So now what, huh?" That is the logical 'next question', right?

Mentioning the poor sap who was being roughed up has Dinah looking around. She actually forgot about the victim, mostly because he fled the scene, and she finds herself growing a little concerned. "I will go see if he's still around, make sure he's alright. And don't forget. You owe me dinner. And wine." A lot of wine. Giving him a wink and a smile, she begins the climb down, certain that she'll make it back to the alley just fine.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Lasgna and wine, that is not a problem. Though I remember something about greasy pizza and your apartment? We might need to get a day planner to organize all of our get togethers. I'd say I'll have my people call your people but I don't really have any people. I mean I do but not when I'm wearing this suit so how about I just pop by your floral shop sometime and we can set a date?" As he talks he slips his domino mask back on. When she says she'll go after the guy Ollie just nods.

"Take it easy on that shoulder, though I'm sure this isn't your first time or anything. Anyway I'll stop mansplaining and let you do your thing. Me? I'm just gonna tour the city a bit. Though I'm kind of wishing I had a cool car to do it in. It's just the Arrow-mobile doesn't have a really decent ring to it, you know? Anyway, I'll be seeing you around," he finishes with a wink. He watches Canary descend down into the alley before turning and firing another grapnel arrow into the night.