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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/23 |Location=Hidden Passage - Fifty Fifty Clubs |Synopsis=When is a meeting not a meeting? |Cast of Characters=180, 11, 275, 310 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:180|Domino (180)}} has posed:'''<br>It isn't where you are, it's who you know.<br><br>Okay, it's also where you are.<br><br>After being elsewhere around the globe for a handful of years Domino's returned state-side to the east coast and wasted no time in getting onto P...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:43, 23 April 2023

Gotham Rogues
Date of Scene: 23 April 2023
Location: Hidden Passage - Fifty Fifty Clubs
Synopsis: When is a meeting not a meeting?
Cast of Characters: Domino, Joker, Riddler, Two-Face

Domino has posed:
It isn't where you are, it's who you know.

Okay, it's also where you are.

After being elsewhere around the globe for a handful of years Domino's returned state-side to the east coast and wasted no time in getting onto Poison Ivy's radar. This in turn has led her to a place named the Fifty-Fifty Club in town where the plan had been to meet up with Ivy and get the proverbial ball rolling with the town's movers and shakers. This would have been all fine and good if the albino didn't go and do something silly like arrive ahead of their planned time.

She wanted to gather some preliminary intel!

Clad in full black jeans, boots, and a biker jacket, the pale mercenary didn't just find her way into the club but might have happened to find her way a little TOO far into the place. If a door happened to be unlocked at the time she reached for it, well...that's just how things play out for her.
Joker has posed:
"Have you seen the well to do, up on Lennox avenue." It smells nice in here. Like fat, and cooking oil, and salt, and butter. There's a long foil container over a pair of portable torches, keeping whatever's inside hot. A thin man is sitting at a thin chair, carefully stuffing a cloth napkin down his neck so as to protect his expensive silk tie from his dinner; which smells like a plate of fresh perogis and kielbasa sausage, sauteed in butter and fried onions. The thin man's delicate hands start carving the greasy plate, stop, and gently put some sour cream on top of the buttery mess. "Up that famous thoroughfare, hats and noses in the air!"

Yellow eyes open, looking up at Domino, and then down at Domino. There's a flash of something, and a pair of wide, bright red lips twist into a smile that seems to dominate the man's entire face.

"Excuse me." The Joker says, leaning forward. A man behind him is suddenly holding a gun at Domino. "I thought this was a private room. I was just having a little dinner before a few friends arrive, you see."

"Do we go to the same dermatologist?" The clown asks, head quirking to the left. "How droll. You wouldn't be a friend of Ivy's, would you? Poor woman has a type, it's a little embarrassing, but you shouldn't get upset about it. Please, sit down, these are fresh."
Riddler has posed:
"If a party's private and the guests are exclusive, even you have to realize the obvious answer is she was invited." It's the voice of one Edward Nygma, well dressed, though not in his typical green suit. Sans jacket, he's wearing a black tailored shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbow, black suspenders, and dark grey slacks. Stylish, functional. With a bowler hat.

His cane, with the golden question mark head, is hooked under his right arm as he slips into the party room where Joker is prepared to feed his face and provide dinner entertainment when one of his men points a gun at Domino. "Don't mind him.. His over compensation is only out weighed by his willingness to follow through with a joke."

As he steps into the light, his bowler hat is swept from his brow and set down on the table oposite the clown. The cane hooks on the tables edge and he leans forward upon it, "I wonder if you know how many of those calories are empty?" Wiggling a finger at the mound of heart attack laddled onto the Joker's plate.
Two-Face has posed:
Hidden entrances are supposed to be hidden for a reason. So when the hidden entrance to the secret section of the Fifty Fifty Club is slightly ajar, the members of the Two Face Gang don't exactly look happy. Well, to be honest, they do look happy because one side of their masks is Comedy while the other is Tragedy. But they do realize that things are not looking up for them.

Especially since Two-Face's car rolls up.

As the car's engine turns off, the doors of the vehicle open up and out step both Sugar and Spice. The former in her classic white color and the latter rocking her chosen black. They both step toward the back of the car to open the back doors on either side, revealing Two-Face to be sitting in the middle of the backseat, split down the middle just like his ride. Rolling his coin over the back of his natural hand, Two-Face takes a few moments to decide which door to climb out of. When he slides out of Spice's side, Sugar pouts.

Two-Face narrows his one good eye at the ajarness and motions for the gang to be ready. Guns are reached for collectively while Sugar and Spice each take up position directly behind him. As a unit, the Two Face Gang strides through the entrance and into what seems to be a meeting of the minds.

"... You people don't call first?" Two-Face quips as he realizes he no longer needs to be holding a Tommy Gun in one hand and a Beretta in the other. Spice takes the Tommy Gun and Sugar takes the Beretta as Two-Face's tension fades. He seems to be okay with other Rogues being in his place of business.

"Whatever this is, can you make it quick?" Two-Face thumbs over his shoulder as The Get 'Em Boys bring in duffle bags. "We got money to count tonight." Two-Face grins. Which is weird cuz half of his face is already kind of stuck in a strange grimace of a grin. So gross.
Domino has posed:
There's a certain feeling people tend to get shortly after making a wrong turn and realizing they've veered far away from the beaten path. For Domino this feeling begins with a peculiar comment about Lennox Avenue and something about hats and noses. And yellow eyes.

And a gun being leveled at her head. One of Gotham's movers and shakers, she presumes! Wait, no, make that TWO.

A Cheshire grin flashes a moment before half-gloved hands drift slightly upward, a part of her brain already crunching variables and figuring out odds when Joker goes ahead and answers his own question. One of them, at least. Really the important one out of the lot. Though Nygma's already telling her not to worry. Easy for him to say!

"Haven't seen a dermo since the last one went under" she remarks while cautiously risking a glance back at whoever's got a weapon aimed at her.

A second later and the albino's expression flatlines. "She 'has a type?' Are you fucking kidding?" Dom asks, suddenly looking annoyed despite already being told not to get upset about it. Pale blue eyes roll with a quick sigh but there's no other drama as she (carefully) steps forward and takes a seat.

"Credit where due, I've heard stories but you guys are -way- more intimidating in person." Intimidating in the 'oh shit what did I just walk into' sense.
A lingering glance at the Joker's meal now has her wondering as well but she can't begin to guess when Two-Face and his various minions pour into the room. Suddenly this mercenary is feeling like an incredibly small fish.

"Ivy wasn't kidding" she off-handedly remarks. Where the heck IS that lady, anyway?
Joker has posed:
"Ah, Eddie." Joker says, leaning back. He makes a gesture and the goon lowers the heater, tipping his baseball cap at Domino. "It's always the little details with you. The 'even' before 'you' explaining quickly and efficiently why you haven't gotten a phone call from anyone you're not holding hostage since aught six."

Joker has a few more bites of his dinner as Riddler snipes, his brows only twitching a little at being EXPLAINED by the b-act. "No, that's true, don't mind me. We have a little system here, it's a bit like pirates from that film where we all pretend to get along for the sake of the act. Eddie was just born pushing his luck."

Joker burps at Nygma's calorie counting, chortling a cruel laugh at the indignity of it. "Harvey!" Joker says as if they were old friends, "Paisan! Or are you Greek this week, it's all a Mediterranian mess to me. Either way, Eddie made the call this time." Joker elbows his guard, who was looking a little long at Spice. "I brought dinner. We were just waiting for the new girl to introduce herself. Pam vouched for her." Joker says this as if talking about an IRS agent coming by for coffee.
Riddler has posed:
"And Joker was born pushing the envelope.. But please, for the sake of the film, let's not fight... yet." Eddie is all smiles, tight and uncharacteristically polite considering Joker's antics. He pulls out a chair to settle in once they've all gotten their time in the lime light. "Some of us feed upon the intimidation more than others, but it's always nice to meet someone who appreciates the effort." He extends his hand out to one of the chairs at, at least in the senses that he was seated when they came in, the Joker's table.

Harvey's entrance is, in so much as anything at all can be with the him, expected. And Nygma glances back with a slight spin in his chair to gaze at the door where S&S flank their boss. "I left a message, but I can never keep up with which number to call. I believe you'll find what I have to say quite interesting..." His eyes settle on the coin, because certainly it'll come out soon, "Unless you don't, but that's what I love about you Harvey!"

His left leg comes up to cross the right, palms smoothing his pants leg out with both hands. Brow arched, eyes over on Domino, "Pam sent a wild card, now that's interesting." Once he's smoothed his slacks he taps on his chin.
Two-Face has posed:
Two-Face motions for Sugar and Spice to oversee The Get 'Em Boys and the counting and they both respond with a kiss to both of his cheeks before they are off with their guns and their attitudes to make sure nobody skims from the take.

Adjusting his tie, Two-Face goes into his pocket for his coin and gives it a mighty toss. It lands on his scarred and disfigured palm with the Clean Side facing right up.

"It's your lucky day." is tossed out towards the Rogue Collective as Harvey makes his way over to his two toned seat and sinks down into it. "We'll hear you out." Harvey pulls out his third and fourth guns to put them on the table in front of him. Yes, Harvey carries two guns and Two-Face carries two guns. Listen, this whole duality thing is a mess, okay?

"We'll decide if we like what we hear after." Which may or may not involve his coin. Again.
Domino has posed:
No more gun to head. Things are getting better all the time here! Domino rests hands across her lap, letting her posture loosen up as the energy of the room seems to do likewise. "One big happy family, huh? I couldn't -imagine- a crowd like this would be so into theatrics" she kids.

They still totally had her.

When Joker mentions Pam vouching for her she mutters "Think she's also getting some revenge..." before taking the lead for an introduction. "Name's Domino" she provides, keeping it short and sweet. Such a name would certainly bring up hits around the globe, most recently from the opposite side around Madripoor.

When Nygma mentions a 'wild card' those black painted features break out into a lopsided grin when she suggests "You are so on the money." Like the haul Harvey showed up with! A collection which is certainly drawing her attention. That and the two well armed ladies which had accompanied him. The guy sure knows how to make an entrance.

With the four now seated, several guns already presented and a lucky coin toss which the visiting mutant certainly had no part in affecting the outcome of, Two-Face makes it clear he wants a story along with the name.

But first she's going to critique Harvey's OTHER two guns. "Solid choices for iron." Not that she's inclined to ante up and put her own two on the table just yet.

Settling in like she's done this a million times, the albino makes with the haphazard sales pitch. "Been working the private sector for a number of years. Coin's always good but it's become a trend that people aren't taking me seriously enough. You guys have class. Community. Power at your fingertips. And all three of you enjoy playing the odds," she dips her head toward Harvey. "With me around your odds'll only get better."
Joker has posed:

Joker gets very quiet for a moment, as if pondering something, or simply trying to keep track of his own mind. His hands shake, a little, the fork rattling on the plate faintly, like an old man trying to keep his body under control and not quite managing it.

It's gone as soon as it comes. "I LOVE Dominos. We'll get along famously, I'm sure." Joker nods, and turns his attention to Riddler. "Ed, you're up. I've got Everyone Loves Raymond in twenty, though."
Riddler has posed:
If he's good at nothing, it's reading the help. Oh, Eddie will do all the dance, he's politically correct and absolute woke, but Pam had sent Domino here. Let's look at the facts.. All of the people sitting at this table have attractive hench-persons. Domino is an outlier, obviously spoken for by Isley, so the obvious conclusion?

"Domino, that's a little on the nose, isn't it?" There's no distaste, it would be hypocritical of a man who goes by The Riddler to go around taking shots at peoples moniker. Random monologue ramblings and puzzle quiries aside, he flips his wrist and looks betwixt the trio seated at the table with him.

Everyone Loves Raymond? Ed shouldn't be surprised.

He still is, but he shouldn't be.

"Alright." He claps his hands together theatrically, "So we've all likely come to the conclusion that Batman is engaged in some form of deep cover, wherein, he pretends to have become an imbecile?" A raised brow glance to his compatriots, "While /I'm/ of the opinion that it's an elaborate ruse to fool us into a false sense of security, I'm willing to play the odds a little.. See-" He leans forward, elbows upon the edge of the table, "Gotham has always exist on a scale.. A balance." His palms turn upwards, moving down and up, "Tip to far to one side and the whole house crumbles, which is why Batman is as fundamental to what we do as we are to him... With him trying to out stupid the town drunk, it feels like it is on us, as his counter.. to fuck his shit up."

While it had been whimsical and playful at first, the last bit becomes very serious.

"If he's going to tramps around playing Date Night with a psychopath, I'm of the opinion we punish him for it.. So, riddle me this... without a Bat, how quickly can we destroy a city if we work together?"
Two-Face has posed:
"We prefer My Two Dads."

It's hard to tell if Harvey's being sincere or making a joke. He always looks like he has two different facial expressions. Also, his tone is about as deadpan as he can get so that might be a hint. Who really knows considering just how much he didn't want to have to deal with anything but his money tonight.

"Domino. Not bad. A bit singular for our taste but..." Harvey motions with a hand to his face. "We like the eye." There, some sort of compliment has been tossed in the direction of the Ivy Vetted one.

Even if there's not a plant themed gimmick involved. Weird.

Harvey turns his attention to Nygma now that things are getting underway. His coin is between two fingers as he listens. The side of his face that can move has its ups and downs through Nygma's speech but it kind of ends on a frowning moment. "Now hold on. We like this city. We make a lot of dough in this city. Two-Face is the Kingpin of Gotham." That's right, he's claiming the throne. Especially since Oswald's not around at the moment. "Destroying our city's gotta' be bad for business."
Domino has posed:
Knowing what kind of powder keg she wandered into here, when the Joker repeats her name and pauses with a bit of peculiar rattling Domino subtly tenses for what is fortunately only a brief shift of character. "Just don't try to push me over. Gets old real fast."

'On the nose?' There's some fresh amusement as Dom rises to the challenge and meets Eddie's look. "Ooh, careful there. With a punchline that good you're edging in on his territory," said while subtly motioning toward Joker.

"'Pip' aside, things have a way of falling into place for me. That I happen to rock the same color theme is a happy coincidence."

Someone still watches Raymond? Joker is given another glance with one brow sitting higher than the other.

Harvey also gives approval but it has the lone lady looking thoughtful. "Somehow 'The Domino' doesn't have the same punch, does it..." The black face dot in question is lightly tapped at with a fingertip, making a joke at her own expense. "Easy to spot in a crowd."

Just like that it appears to be down to business. Nygma takes the stage and the albino turns his direction while crossing a leg. It isn't long before she's looking...surprised?

"Right in with the Scorched Earth approach, hot damn I picked the right day to crash this party. Look, I've only been in town for a week and change and I can already point out multiple targets worthy of receiving demolition charges without hurting any bottom lines. Destruction's always an option, just gotta pick your targets. And, just putting this out there, but if y'all wanna check for a pulse and make something disappear while keeping your hands clean..." she trails off while revealing both of her own palms, "first one's free. If we're all set in our happy little alliance, of course."
Joker has posed:
Joker leans back, having finished his supper.

He purses his fingers together at Two-Face's claim of dominance and Riddler's hunger for chaos. Joker does not seem overly surprised by either element; he isn't, really, having known these men long enough to be able to follow how they act when not properly exercised. The x-factor here offering her services in whatever plan they have going, well, that could just be Ameircan enterprise at work. The clown's eyes narrow.

"I think." He says, taking a sip of water. "It's Tetch. This has his greasy little fingerprints all over it. But if you're right, Eddie, I do admit a team up would make the Bat cry uncle fast. He's not much for collateral damage."

"I don't see the value in just wrecking the place because we've got the keys for the night, though. What's your concept here, Riddler? The statement you're trying to make with us? It's always something, right?"
Riddler has posed:
"I can't believe I have to explain the nuance of destroy, but here we are." Eddie opens his hands, waving them around, "Let's say ... his sausage.." Pointing at Joker's sausage, "Is Gotham... and he cuts it into four pieces? Would that not be destroyed? Are we hanging upon the verbage so tightly as to overlook the intent? What are we, Catholic?"

He takes a breath and motions across the table at Joker, of all people, looking at the forest for the trees. "If he's playing a con, I'm calling his bluff. If this is a ruse he's orchestrated to somehow show he's smarter than me? I'm not fooled..." He levels a finger, eyes dangerous for a second, "So I'll challenge his authority.. We will challenge his authority. Worst case scenario? I'm wrong..." He doubts it. Scoffing indignately at the very idea he's misread this whole Batman is a dumbass routine as anything other than intentional.

"We carve Gotham up into equal pieces and sit upon a throne. But if I'm right..." And he definitely believes that he is, "We'll have beaten that Bat-brained bastard at his own game. Force him into a situation where he has to act intelligently, thereby proving it was all a ruse. Hah.. out Riddler me.. I think not."

As for Domino? He points a finger lazily in her direction, "There will be explosions. What do you call a plan in Gotham that lacks a few-" patting the air, "- tasteful explosions?" After a pause, "Boring.."
Domino has posed:
'What are we, Catholic?'

"Hopeful" Domino casually admits with a shrug.

Eddie makes good points and arguably a more tactful approach to the situation. Four sections. Four people at the table. No, the new girl isn't THAT short-sighted. She's Pam's +1, Greenie gets the fourth throne.

Ed declares calling the Batman's bluff. Newbie's head tilts to one side with fingers brushing along the edge of her jaw, sitting thoughtful.

"Is this all about lighting a fire under your Bat Toy's ass? Back him into a corner, make him prove he's not all he claims to be? Sounds like an interesting lesson in humility." One which she's not voicing any objections to.

Dom's thirst for detonations is addressed directly, leaving the pale gun for hire snapping fingers once and pointing at the Riddler. "Knew your heart was in the right place. You boys wanna figure out your plan of attack then I'll sit pretty and wait with Ivy for the go sign."
Joker has posed:
Yep, Joker thinks, Pam has a type. And then.

Joker looks up at Riddler, as Riddler's demonstration has gotten sausage grease all over Joker's new tie. The tie he worked very hard to keep clean during his dinner. There is a brief moment, as Joker looks from the ruined tie up to Riddler.

"Heh." Joker says, and his eyes bulge as though there was some deeper, more violent laughter fighting to pour out of his throat. He swallows it down, standing up with a jerk to remove his tie. "Heh hah hah. Hah! Excuse me, Miss Domino, something I ate. Sounds...fun, Eddie. If a little one dimensional."

"Whoever makes him squeal first." Joker says, in a very private sort of tone, leaning in like a snake about to strike, "Wins. Side bet?"
Riddler has posed:
One dimensional?! Eddie squints at Joker, leaning forward upon his elbows resting against the surface of the table. "I cannot possibly have parsed this any better for you.. /You/ of all people... how is this not offending you to your core? How is his willingness to flagrantly disregard the structured rules he established for Gotham nights not got you beside yourself with disdain?" His lips purse, shaking his head as if he's both shocked and amazed.

Both at once.


The Riddler vibrates with barely contained anger.

Then holds his hands up... and straightens his tie.

Very classy. Very deliberate.


"Agreed, gentleman's wager-" Neither of them are gentleman. "-Whoever makes the bat tap first. Ohhh I'm going to enjoy it too.. Make him admit his paltry attempts at clever games pales in comparison to me.. I just hope, genuinely, for the film, you're willing to eat crow?"

Poor Domino.

Eddie glances over at her... and blinks. Is this to light a fire under Batman's ass? "... well that's an over simplification..." He could go on for hours, ".. but if you want to-" Hands waving around frantically, "-dumb it down... sure.. Yes.." Each word with a backwards jerk of his head as if he's trying to retreat away from even HAVING to say them.
Domino has posed:
Why no! Domino isn't about to say anything to counter the Joker's claim about 'something he ate.' Her head dips and a hand motions onward. By all means.

Besides, if anyone's going to be visibly upset the Riddler has it well handled! Before he has a chance to calm himself Dom's subtly straightened her posture and slipped both hands below the table.

Joker's side bet is taken. Her only contribution here is a subtle nod and a quietly voiced "Definitely personal."

There's a lot of back and forth at this table between three of Gotham's heavyweights, leaving her to look to and fro as though watching an energetic round of Ping Pong, choosing her moments to disrupt the play...and take the wind right out of Eddie's proverbial sails. His next response seems to physically pain him to say but she merely remarks "I like simple" in what is possibly the single biggest admission that she's sitting at the wrong fucking table.
Joker has posed:
Joker's smile turns cruel; he knew exactly what that would do to Riddler, and probably that Riddler would be thinking obsessively about the conversation for the next week at least. It was a nice tie. He's about to twist the knife when.

The new girl does it for him. Hah. "Cute." Joker says, clearly appreciating the gag. "Side bet it is, Eddie. You can buy me a new tie."

Edward's frustration is ignored at first, as Joker gets his coat and his hat, but he stops, suddenly. Who knows why. "It's Tetch. Or a robot. Or one of. One of those aliens his clubhouse friends fight. Despero, or Kanjar Ro. He's the one with the gong that makes you drunk." Joker explains towards Domino, assuming she doesn't have the experience he and Riddler does with how completely nonsense the Justice League's adventures can get. "He steals planets and sells them to people. Sweet guy, deep down. Anyway it's one of those. And if it isn't? If Batman finally succumbed to the nature of the world? If he's really become just another rich thug out to play feudal lordling?"

"Well he'll get a merry 'I told you so' and I'll move on with my life. I'd be right, Riddler." Joker's face twists, and it takes obvious, physical effort for him to push past his scarred, fixed grin into the kind of full body frown French artisans spent years carefully preserving into stone so the faithful would understand five hundred years later just how seriously they took the concept of 'sin'. "I'd have finally won. Why wouldn't I be happy?"
Riddler has posed:
Eddie actually looks like he's been struck.

He has a dazed boxers glaze in his eyes, shaking his head trying to regain some kind of composure. Both hands held out to forestall any further comentary until he's had ample opportunity to put right the mental gymnastics he's going through as he stares at Domino. When he speaks, each and every word is accented with both hands chopping, left-right-left, "You. Like. Simple."

He throws his hands out, rocking back into his chair, "Fine, why don't we hit him with a giant rock, if we're going to devolve all the intricacy from the methodology. We-... we can stumble around, throwing feces at him! Hah! Get it, because he's shit..." His expression sours so quickly. Staring at Domino with the kind of deadpan reserved for the very special wards of Arkham.

His palms rest upon his thighs, slowly blinking. Eddie Nygma is rebooting. After several seconds of blank, catatonic like, staring, he blinks rapidly and shakes his head. "This is why I'm fairly well certain you're the help... I'm writing Pamela a strongly worded letter regarding your review. She'll absolutely ignore it.. do whatever she wants anyways.. but-" Both hands, two index fingers, pointed right at Neena. "Simplicity isn't the name of the game here. Please, for your sanity and mine, pay attention?" Motioning. One hand towards himself, one hand towards Joker, alternating back and forth indicating the lack of simplicity betwixt them. (let's be honest, it's more hypocracy. He goes by the Riddler and tells riddles. It's pure psychosis.)

Eddie is still musing over all this.. the intricacies and nuance of the thing.. the details. Compulsively, he's rubbing his hands together. If he had a handy wipe, he'd be cleaning them. They're in his coat, however. So all he can do is pantomime the effort. Staring between Domino and Joker as if they've both grown three new heads.

is expression jerks and contorts.. twists.. trying to put pieces into places where those pieces just don't fit. "FIne!" He jerks his hands up, "I'm sorry about your god damn tie. It was educational callatoral damage! But no stacking the deck!" He points at the Clown, narrowing his eyes. Too insane in his own right to appreciate just how precarious the situation can become... but this isn't either of their first rodeo. "No I told you so.." Beeeeecaaaause...

"He's doing it on purpose. This is intentional. The man beneath the cowl is far too.. and I hate myself for saying this.. intelligent.. to be this fucking dumb."
Domino has posed:
Whether Domino had predicted Eddie's reaction or not isn't obvious, though for someone who had clearly been in over her head she's no longer seeming afraid to make some waves. Perhaps the newbie here is getting a parting shot for the whole 'gun to the head' from before?

Riddler looks like he's on the verge of a meltdown and there the pasty white bitch sits, trying as hard as she can to look perfectly stoic through it all. It's not easy! It is exactly one part hilarity and one part fearing for her life.

At least the Joker found it amusing. That's... Well, that's definitely a thing.

When Eddie seems to be settling down she calmly lifts her hands up, just enough to try and be disarming rather than outright surrender. "It's my first day. Seriously, you can't tell me this isn't a difficult crowd to work with. Tell you what, you can show me how it's done and I'll learn the ropes from the best." Her hands motion outward a bit, "Everyone's happy. But first, I have to go break into Pam's personal space a third time and figure out why she left me to crash and burn here" she says while heading for the door.
Two-Face has posed:
Blink. Blink blink.

Harvey Dent's eye opens up after being closed for quite a while. Even he doesn't know why or how long it's been since he's not ben allowed to be privy to anything that's been happening in his club. Well, not his club. Two-Face's Club.

There's a moment where Harvey does a double take at the guns on the table and then he's looking up and around at the gathered criminals. All of whom, at one point, he very likely wanted to put behind bars. For Good. For The Greater Good.

It takes him another few moments to realize that Two-Face has done it to him again. His eye narrowing as he looks around at the likes of Joker, Riddler and... some Woman With A Spotted Eye. A glimpse down at the coin in his palm reveals the Clean Side of his coin, which may explain why he's 'waking up' at this exact moment.

"I don't know what you all think you're doing here. But you better leave. Now. Before I call security." Harvey's pointing his normal hand's finger at the collective. "Use The Iceberg Lounge for your little clubhouse meetings! The Fifty Fifty Club is half-mine! And my half is off limits!"

Harvey snarls. It's nowhere near as good as Two-Face's snarl but it's there.