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Revision as of 12:13, 1 May 2023

Of the Angel Within...
Date of Scene: 01 May 2023
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer takes on the angelic visage much to the surprise of Sinister. More theories about The Brood are given.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer has been out for most of the day, apparently on a business run or two around the city. To what end, he's mostly keeping close to the chest, but he does return sometime in the early evening. Though, instead of popping back into the Penthouse as he usually does, he's actually giving use to the elevator.\<br\>\<br\>As it dings and the doors open to signal the arrival of a person, the one who walks through...is not the usual appearance of Lucifer's making. Instead, this one has blonde hair swifted back and appearing wavy in nature, his features are a bit softer and his eyes are green instead of their 'usual' blue. He's also dressed in a white three piece suit, with a dark blue handkerchief tucked into the left breast pocket. There's a glow about him as well, subtle but there if one looks at just the right angle. He carries a bag of takeout in one hand and a few folders in the other. "Nathaniel? Darling, are you home?"
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Maybe when he's splitting his time as he has been, it's taxing on a level that he is not readily about to admit to. But when nobody is watching? This Nathaniel is flat out on the couch with a newspaper over his face, old fashioned though that is and apparently out for the count -- or meditating -- but the chime of the elevator is a sonorous toll on the mind of a Doctor. Even if he was actively practicing nearly two centuries ago, such things as chimes, dings and ringing of bells are ingrained into the psyche. He stirs with a start, lying there nearly apoplectic for a moment as he attempts to figure out why he can't see... then snatches the newspaper down to his chest. \<br\>\<br\>"I'm up, I'm..." and then the vision, which leaves him with his jaw hanging open a measure and a stare as his lips work around to "...this is new."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Hmm?" Lucifer watches as Nathaniel sits up and his jaw stays agape a bit while he stares. "Oh yes. I suppose it is... well. Not new, per se, but not my usual bit." He offers this much and then gives a smile while setting the take out on the island counter. "I brought food. I was feeling Thai, I hope you don't mind." Apparently skipping over the whole bit of the fact that he is using his angelic presence more than his devil/overworld one? Perhaps. "Oh and I have a couple of spots that are close by and have enough spacing and ownership of the underground that one could likely open quite a decent literal underground club - for those who are less likely to come out in the open and mingle with humans...or at the very least...with those who would otherwise shun their kind." Then he walks over to the couch and leans in for a kiss meant to greet, and maybe tantalize a bit. "How are you feeling?"
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"I know how I manage to keep a white suit white, but I must admire your lack of grime," Nathaniel offers that as he looks from his surprise over the white three-piece with its pristine lack of dirt, back up to green (?!) eyes and is there when the temtation lands. He inhales into it, turns the entire motion into a stretch and glances over at the counter, with the Thai offerings. A hand passes over his face, rubbing from top to bottom and across, like he's clearing the windshield. You're awake, Essex. "Well, that's good. I imagine Lux 2.0 should have a very different but similar vibe?" \<br\>\<br\>He swings his legs around, hands falling to knees, looking to see, albeit surruptitiously, if anything else has been tweaked. Up. Down. Away! And upright, he stretches, rolls shoulders and aims for the breakfast island, slipping past it to put the kettle on for tea. It's soon whistling. "Damn, now I don't know what -kind- of tea I want. You want a cup?"
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"It does take a certain skill when one can't just make themselves a clean suit every time they get it dirty...but those secrets stay with me, my love." Lucifer says this with a smile that goes all the way to those eyes of his. "Mmn, perhaps it will...with a few more relaxed rules I suppose. And new rules to try and keep those of the underworld a bit more in line when they're within the walls. A safe haven, but not a free to do as you wish sort of place." In some regards anyway.\<br\>\<br\>Right then. Nathaniel is up! After giving a few more look overs to the Angel standing in front of him. Nothing else much has really changed aside from the fact that Lucifer looks more like -Lucifer- and not whatever visage he chose to give himself while roaming the Earth this time around. "Mmmn, I think a simple Earl Grey with lemon will suffice." Offering this as he's followed Nathaniel over to the breakfast nook. "You, however, failed to answer the question of how you're doing. I suppose I can first assure you that you are not dreaming and I am looking the way I am..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"Okay, good, I was wondering, you usually only turn up like this, fully clothed, when I'm having a moment..." Looking over his shoulder with a sparkle in the eye Sinister smiles a crooked smile and goes with the same; two earl greys with lemon coming up. "It's a welcome sight. Just a surprising one." Squeeze each lemon slice a little, teaspoon on account of nothing in particular, turn and voila. Serve! He holds the handle out, tilting his head as he looks over the very familiar but usually uncommon sight. \<br\>\<br\>"I slept. I slept a lot. Emotion it seems, is taxing, more than I thought it would be. I've destasis'd the test subjects only for a five minute period to adminster blockers and have otherwise been working on tissue samples from them all. I can slow it down mundanely, but I can't stop it. Not without some genetic modification, I fear."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Well, I have to admit, there has been something nagging at the back of my head lately. It was driving me a bit mad that I couldn't place my finger on it. Then, I took a step back from it and gave it all a good thought." Lucifer offers that and gives a smile. "I'm glad you like this sight, because I do not think it will be going away for a while now. Not from you, not from any of our friends, not from anyone at all, really." This much offered as he takes his cup of earl with a soft thank you offered and uses the teaspoon to stir even though there's nothing to really stir up necessarily.\<br\>\<br\>There's a moment taken to listen and then he nods his head. "Emotion can be a very taxing thing, on both the mind and the body...and with all the work you're putting into this predicament I can only imagine the toil it's had on you since you're seeing it all in a new way along with the old." This and then, "So no matter what, unless you modify their genetics, there is literally nothing that can be done and eventually the brood will take over the person? That's...definitely not ideal..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Sinister blinks a couple of times as the tea is handed over, listening to what is being said and the revelation that the truth is here to stay -- it leaves him simply blinking. Stunned? Surprised, more likely and trying to work out why a new leaf has been turned over. "Ironically, you have a mind reader in the room who has no idea what the logical sequence was, that lead to this. I thought... I don't know actually. I was under the -impression- you wore your dark face to blend in more and ... other things. What changed?" he sips on his tea, using the strength of it to bolster his will. \<br\>\<br\>"Essentially yes, as I've not had a go at the pharmacology yet, or on any kind of vaccination treatment, which would have to be along the lines of a sequenced MRNA one. They're tricky to get right." He informs this with a lick of his teeth and a roll of the jaw. "I've started turning to other life forms to see if there are any that have natural immunity."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer nods. "And that was the right impression...but when I took that look at myself I had to come to some very solid truths. Like how I was putting on a facade to hide myself. Blending in was a thing, but in the world today, what efforts is my blending in actually achieving? And believe it or not, it can be a bit taxing putting on that face day to day, not to mention...when I first came here yeah I was the playboy millionaire without a care in the world. Now? Well..." He smiles. "I'm settled down a bit, got my head on my shoulders a bit more squarely. So. Why hide it? Why hide my happiness? My true self? I mean, in certain situations when it might be called for sure but..." He sips tea.\<br\>\<br\>"Well if there's anything I can help with, do let me know..." This much before he moves to pull food containers from the bag. Having gotten their favorite dishes from one of their usual Thai places.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Sinister listens more and blinks yet again, only to in the end, come to a hesitant, but present smile, which grows to a full on colgate commercial. "I am actually really glad to hear this. And see this. It was... well, it's just good. I'm glad!" Rome, you have more things to answer for than Nathaniel thought possible. Maybe it was that last little nugget that did the job. He reaches out to touch Lucifer's elbow, smiles more brilliantly again, then is looking to the pad sai yoo that is his generalized favourite. It's the tamarind sauce. Side by side, helpings and sharings are to be had and after.\<br\>\<br\> Soon on one of the stools beside, rather than across the bar from the angel he eats with chopsticks, as is the right way of doing it in his mind. "I am sure there's something that -can- be done, I just don't know what it is. My perview is the science, but who knows if the non-scientific has merit."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"You going to finish that thought?" Lucifer asks gently. "I mean I'm glad that you like the change and the reasoning behind it but I feel like you're holding back a thought or two.." Especially since the man seemed to want to say one thing but went in an entirely different direction.\<br\>\<br\>With their meals divided and their beginning to eat, he does this silently for a moment. "Ah. I see. So now we look at the non-scientific things...and perhaps see if there's a chance that way." He glances behind him, to all the books in his mini-library. "I wonder if there are any recordings of the brood somewhere in the history of the world..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"There might be," Sinister replies, looking up and over at the library with a steady regard. "Or at least something of that ilk. I think that modern recounting goes back about thirty years, from the last incursions." He eats neat and tidy for a while. "It just felt like there was a hurdle in your head that you were not overcoming -- you showed me your truth, then went and hid it again, which did leave me a little confused. I put it down to the mortal world not being truly ready for the divine. Or at least not -your- divine. I'm fairly certain everyone's on the gods are here page, thanks to the Asgardians." \<br\>\<br\>He shrugs gently. "I just didn't know how to approach it or even what to say, as you seemed mostly comfortable and occasionally exceptionally broody about all things familial." Tea is slurped, the lemon squeezed for a little more kick and he sets his chop sticks aside, to stare into middle distance. "I have to get my head to the ground and hunt to see if there was a princess. I don't think I should rely on other people, even if that's the thing to do these days."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"I don't mind hitting the books and doing some solid research. Maybe be able to find something in between some pages even..." Lucifer says this much before the topic shifts back to his new look and over all mentality. He listens to all that Sinister says about it and then raises a brow. "I wish you had said something. I really think I needed a kick in the ass sooner than it was given to myself. I'm happy here. With myself, the club, you...I believe I've finally found my purpose." He pauses. "I never meant to hide my truth from you...it was always yours to have whenver you wanted it... Now the world just gets to have it whether they want to believe it's here or not. To hell with those who still deny it or question it, and I have nothing to prove to them. You and I know the truth, and that is what matters."\<br\>\<br\>He takes a few more bites of food and then chuckles at the princess comment. "I mean I understand why you need to find a possible princess, since they lost their queen, but I really want to joke about not going to the top of too many towers..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"Oh, dear lord, that's a mental image that I'm going to dwell on-- I can picture a lot of penthouse invasions..." Shaking his head with a chuckle, he rolls his head back with it, giving a corny groan. "No, not this one. You're the wrong type of princess, trust me. And no, it's not because you're wearing a very pretty dress sir..." and with that, there's a wink. He sobers a little, shrugging with a spread hand. "As to your head? Well, I pick my battles. That one was a slow come-around." An air-kiss follows, and back to staring off into the middle distance. \<br\>\<br\>"Go and rest. You're getting to the point of making mistakes, just put it all in stasis..." the non-sequitur measured with a tick of the cheek. "None. So far none of the test samples show any resistance. Buggerit."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"You need to listen to yourself and maybe stop stretching yourself so thinly. You have more than you to rely on these days and while I may not be the most scientific, I'm also not the only one..." Then Lucifer thinks on it. "What about letting Doctor Strange take a look? Maybe there's another multiverse out there where the brood has been eliminated...surely he could give us pointers or something." That thought offered. "Put them all to rest, love... you're wearing yourself a bit thin...and that worries me, all truths told."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"I know. I mean..." Sin looks a bit angry for a moment, scowling at his tea with his lips pressed thin and in a firm line. "In principle, we're sound there. I am aware that you and I have both been cultivating more involved relationships with individuals." He points at his face. "This? This is my annoyed at myself look." He takes a breath, closes the eyes, wills himself to calm. "It's a little harder to control all of myself these days. I think part of my over-arching control is part of what was shed, frustratingly. I haven't had to practice for a long while, but I feel I ought to."\<br\>\<br\>He reaches a hand to the one at his side, resting fingers lightly on Luci's wrist. "I will be reasonable, I promise."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Also remember my threatening promise. If the ones in your mind mansion don't behave, I will personally go in there and give them a what for." Lucifer offers again, grinning even when Nathaniel looks annoyed or angry. "Maybe Nick had a point. Sometimes therapy is good at helping get your emotions in place. I saw a therapist for a while. They can be fun...if you find the right one." This much more as he tries to offer some other ideas. That hand on his after a moment brings a smile to his lips, but then a brow raises. "...you must be serious about that because you never make promises..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Sinister smiles thinly. "You noticed that, eh? It's a sign of the genuine commitment to not screwing myself up," he goes cross-eyed a moment, then rolls his eyes sidelong to Lucifer. "You in my headspace would be better off openly invited and working in tandem if you really insist..." he winks. "But they're not arguing."\<br\>\<br\>A long moment passes, when he just looks at the angelic face with its faint glow and after a while, there's an actual softer smile. "I am going to have to take some time getting used to this. Is that what it's like when your partner is a shapeshifter, I wonder? I do repeatedly come back to myself, time after time though. The man's face these days more often than what I crafted myself to be. I put that on like a costume now."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Take all the time you need getting used to this..." Lucifer offers. "Also I only insist to go into your headspace if they need me there. Otherwise I will happily stay outside it." Then he finishes off his meal and pushes his plate away as one usually does when they're finished eating. He pulls a silver case from the inside pocket of his jacket, lights two cigarettes and offers one to Nathaniel. "We'll make it through this. Like we always do. And I'm sure you'll get used to seeing me like this...as I don't think I'm hiding this visage away for a while yet..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>There's a dark little chuckle and a nod, to the invasion of headspace and he touches the forelock of an imaginary hat-tip to the celestial at his side. "I like it," Sinister informs, with a thickened tone. "I missed it when it was gone. It feels as if this was the True you and I admit, when you are radiant, for the first little while I was fighting having a eccstatic moment or two, but I got used to that surreal high." \<br\>\<br\>He takes the cigarette, leans elbow on the countertop and negligently the dishes and take-out boxes that are unfinished, tidy themselves up, floating off to clean themselves, or stow themselves in the fridge, all whilst he blows a smoke ring. "Do we have any idea who else might help with this? We do need to keep it low key, as much as possible. Too much attention and we'll get bigger attention that could be problematic for all of us."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer smirks and nods his head. "I'm sorry you missed it. I'm glad to give it back to you." Taking a drag off his own cigarette while idly watching dishes and boxes go to their appropriate places for stowing or cleaning. "I don't know. Low key means not letting certain people catch wind of it, but we do need help in figuring this out... I haven't managed to make it to Metropolis...but I suppose I can see who I can run into there..." He thinks. "Might have a person or two in the mutant world willing to work with us, and Nick is looking into Gotham I think. So we have a fee feelers out there. Surely we'll get to the bottom of this..."\<br\>\<br\>He then turns and slides off his stool to walk to the mini-library. "Thirty years ago you said? Hmmm..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Sinister nods to that, all of it in fact and watches the devil walk. That's a graceful sight to behold, one he has actually not seen a whole lot. There's not been a lot of movement of that ilk, when he's seen this face before. He tilts his head, lost in watching it for a moment or two. "Yes. About thirty years. For us, at least. The Shi'ar empire and the Kree had more dealings with them going back a lot longer, I think. They're originally a parallel universe race, if I recall -- some of them genetically engineered to essentially be a quickly growing fighting force, I forget for whom. But they've not got the most reliable control of all of them. And wild, well, they form colonies as has been noted. I think... hmm. I think my focus should be on T-cell responses. I wonder..."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Kree aren't from this universe are they? Why does that sound familiar still..." Lucifer ponders while looking over the books in his collection. Nothing is going to be titled like 'The Brood and How to Fight Them' but he should have something somewhere. After a moment of looking he pulls out a couple of World History books, one about Ancient Civilizations and one that looks like a tattered untitled work. These four are brought back over to the breakfast nook and sat down. "No ordinary history books, some of the things written here are never taught in classrooms..." He offers and then grins. "It's at least a start....and I still say Strange might be of some use."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"He might. If for no other reason than he might be able to inform us better where this incursion came from, if that's relevant at all." SInister watches the books, finishes his cigarette in sweet, patient time. "What language are those in? I know you know a couple of languages, but isn't the rest all Tower of Babel blessings or somesuch thing?" Can speak to anyone, can't read everything. A bugger. \<br\>\<br\>He points at his stool however.. "I'm staying right here. If I try and help, I'll just get all into it and then where will we be?"
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"I can speak in every spoken language. Reading is a bit more...finickey. But...I have ways around that as well. Being magical and what not..." Lucifer offers this and then shrugs his shoulders. "Oh even I'm not going to read these tonight...because then I'll get all into it and we won't be anywhere closer to where we want to be. We need help. I'm just bringing along extra material.." He smirks and then turns towards Nathaniel. "No..I have other plans for you tonight..so long as you're willing to go along with them...but I don't think you'll be giving much protest once you glean what I'm hinting at."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"Are we talking some deep tissue relaxation, getting the mind off of things and onto other things and the potential for a lot of deftly applied heat? Or perhaps a game of scrabble..." Sinister responds that last with a flutter of lashes. "I see, a capital idea on preparing in advance..." and here he actually does slide off of his stool. "I wager it's time to get started on the decompression regimen, because I fell asleep with a newspaper on my face on the couch. That's not good for the posture -at- all."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer chuckles at the bit on scrabble. "I was thinking we could start with a nice hot soak in the tub and I can add a deep tissue massage to that as well. Then, after the relaxing bit...we move to the bedroom...and let things flow from there..." Explaining this even as he turns and heads towards the bathroom where he will need to be to prepare the tub with water, scents, and bubbles - cause why not. "I bet that wasn't good for posture...but I'm sure we can fix that right up..." A grin as he motions. "Come. Step into my parlour..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"In this scenario, I'm the... oh, who cares..." Sinister chuckles and follows. Because sometimes, the pampering is /exactly/ what is needed. And what may come, does not bear being writ upon this!