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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/24 |Location=A Juice Bar in New York |Synopsis=Lucifer and Sinister try a Juice Bar, and talk about all things New Underground Club ideas. |Cast of Characters=735, 231 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:735|Lucifer (735)}} has posed:'''<br>Just after having a small visit with Nick, Lucifer and Sinister have exited stage right and gone to the gym's juice bar. Juice bars are interesting places. It's been described - at least to Luc...")
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Latest revision as of 13:41, 25 May 2023

Some Wheatgrass with your Wheatgrass
Date of Scene: 24 May 2023
Location: A Juice Bar in New York
Synopsis: Lucifer and Sinister try a Juice Bar, and talk about all things New Underground Club ideas.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:
Just after having a small visit with Nick, Lucifer and Sinister have exited stage right and gone to the gym's juice bar. Juice bars are interesting places. It's been described - at least to Lucifer - that it's just health in a cup.

He'll see about that.

Walking up close to the counter, he looks over the menu for a moment only to find... a lot of options. "Wow. You can even get shots of...stuff. Wheatgrass is there. B12? Echinacea? Different boosters? This is... weird..." A pause, a side eye to Sinister. "Does it make any sense to you?"
Sinister has posed:
This is really about observing the reactions of one Archangel that fell all the way down to earth to be amongst the people. Once upon a time, it was wine bars and orgies in rome, serving ocelot spleen canapes. Now it's super-fit work-out routines and health in a glass, served at high prices with added twists. But it peaks the Devil's interests so, who is he to judge?

Following closely behind, he saunters up with his hands in his pockets, looking over the options with his head on one side and eyes a'roaming. "Actually? Most of it does. Wheatgrass is an antioxidant protein, so if you want a boost to your work-out juice, add that. Echinicea improves heart, skin and digestive health an is an immune booster. Same with vitamin C. B12 releases energy, so if you're about to work out..."

There's a nod at all the juices and fruit. "And the rest is mostly to your tastes... carrot for the vitamin A conscious. Kale for iron and vitamin k..."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer frowns a little, glancing over all the choices and then finally approaches the counter. "Give me a juice with carrot, beets, celery, kale, blue spirulina, a shot of b12 and some echinacea."

He probably gets a weird look from the counter person, but then they just shrug. "Anything else?" And Lucifer looks over to Sinister with a sort of 'please get something' look.
Sinister has posed:
"I'll have the jungle juice," which is a load of fruits in a smoothie with a shot of vitamin C and half a shot of B12, to wake you up and fill you with soluble fibre. Sinister smiles at the counter clerk. "He's on a cleanse. This is dinner..." he explains, lying through his teeth, but doing so with a sassy hairtoss and a siiiiidle to stand all hipshod next to Lucifer, with his mannerisms effete. That ought to make them all look -elsewhere- knowingly.

After all, there's nothing like a fitness fop to get into crazy juiceblends, right?
Lucifer has posed:
"Whatever..." The guy at the counter offers the total and Lucifer pays for it with his platinum credit card. Then it's waiting around for their drinks to be completed. "Odd fellow. Must be having a bad day..." Lucifer comments this and then glances to Sinister once more. "Maybe that's what I'll do. Instead of making a new type of club, I'll make an underground gym where all the baddies and creatures of the night...cause where else can they go?"
Sinister has posed:
"Well, that IS an option -- there's already a fight club in mutant town. I think they use one of the abandoned warehouses, or a subway station. Having a badass bar with industrial lighting, infernal themes and killer cocktails and a massive rec room with hard-light holo-imaging... or just a boxing ring with industrial strength equipment. Could make a killing there.... " Eyeing the clerk, he narrows his eyes. "Bad day, thinks very low of most of the clientelle here, thinks they're bandwagon idiots on a fad."

Well, there's that, too.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer thinks on this a moment and then nods. "So it can have a few things. Bar, rec room, gym, lounge for smoking...." The Devil's wheels are spinning now, and all due to a random visit to a gym an juice bar - where they likely never would have came except... "Why did we come to the gym in the first place? I can't remember... you wanted to check it out or something?" Asking this as he glances over to Sinister just before clerk on a bad day is saying "Order up for...Luci?" And thus, Lucifer goes to at least grab his drink.
Sinister has posed:
Sin's won't be far behind, but it takes a bit more. People have to chop fruits and EVERYTHING, and frappe it so that it's smooth. Rocket science, that is. "Well, mostly it was a knowledge that Nick would be here, but also..." he leans his hip on the bar as he waits for his service. "...I think our little home gym is a bit old-school. Functional and all, but I wanted to see what was possible in the modern era. I'm honestly less than impressed, but I might make a superstrength resistance machine."

Idly, he folds his arms, chinlifting at the drink. "How does it taste? Peppy?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer thinks on this for a moment and then nods. "Would have to have things that are set up for superstrength regardless yeah? I mean you can tone yourself down if you want, but I kinda go at one speed no matter what. Unless I've taken on the Devil or Angel...then I guess I can go harder..." Lucifer's public discussion of such things earns him a brow raise from a few people before he waves a hand in the air. "I'm a meta-human. Give me some slack. You won't raise a brow for Worthington, but suddenly someone's talking angels and demons and they get the stink eye..." He then takes a sip of his conoction, eyes it a moment as he swallows, then takes another drink. "It's...bitterly sweet...and...earthy..."
Sinister has posed:
"I think you've found your health drink. It's like you, in a glass. Probably needs a shot of tobasco though..." Sinister considers that. "You got tobasco?" "Do we look like a bar?" from mister quippy. "Actually yes, you do. And I could buy and sell this place in a heartbeat, so don't sass me kiddo..." One of the OTHER workers sort of interferes here 'A moment sir' and off to their lunch room, to come back with a little packet of hot sauce. SHe looks apologetic, but Sin looks molified.

"Thank you," he pays his in cash, a hundred dollar tip for the helpful young girl and he nods to the assessment. "Well, I can take you down a notch, but that makes you vulnerable to everything, including the common cold. Lets not."
Lucifer has posed:
"That's not taking me down a notch that's..." Lucifer starts and then looks up and around. "A conversation for later." He smirks, taking the packet of hot sauce from Sinister and walks over to one of the few tables to sit and add a dash of the hot sauce to his drink. "Also, I would be mad at you about that joke but..." He shrugs and then shakes his head. "I know you were being both honest and humorous..." The drink gets a stir or few before he actually puts a dab of the hot sauce on the straw itself and takes a drink.

"Oh. That is actually pleasant. A bit more palatable if I may say so. Good call..." This much and then the packet is offered to Sinister, because there is a bit left that maybe he could use for a little shot of 'oooh!' on his own taste buds. "So. A bar with a gym. Does that mean this bar will need membership profiles?"
Sinister has posed:
"I doubt it," but Nathaniel handwaves the hot sauce. It doesn't really go with the jungle juice and he's not prone to heat on the tongue for no particular reason. "I'm good..." pause, beat "...and impudent, don't forget that. Honest, humerous and impudent. The very nerve of me! I'm terribly naughty, but you -like- me..." he says in a pantomime dame voice.

Settling next to the devil for once, rather than opposite, he stirs his straw in the drink and takes a sip of his own. It seems nice enough, as he doesn't make a face or anything like. "If you do membership, you will get an exclusive crowd. If you want to cater to all, you need to do the Bar with No Name approach. That's in manhattan at the moment, I can take you there if you'd like, but it's definitely... the seedier side of things."
Lucifer has posed:
"Yes, yes. I -like- you. Though it's more like I simply tolerate your existence." Dead-pan. No emotion at all. Just a look cast Sinister's way as the man settles next to him rather than across. Another sip of his drink is taken. "Mmn, naughty is one word I could use to describe you, yes." More dead-pan. He's just raking it in now!

"Mmn, I don't really want to do exclusive...not to a point any way. There will need to be a way to ensure that only the bumps in the night and the ne'er do wells make it into this underground space... anyone who would try to upturn the place being not allowed. Like the Slayer, or any sort of anti-supernatural hero..." Commenting that much more as he stares at his drink for a moment longer. "I'm still not sure if I like this drink or not. Might need to try someting else..."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister dutifully slides his jungle juice over, which has zest, it has tang, it has zero in the way of naughty things in it. But it DOES taste good, if it's tried.

"You know, the thing is, if it becomes a villainous haunt and it has more style than the bar with no name, it won't matter if hero types come a'calling. I am an Alpha level threat. Sometimes, one might consider me omega level, but you'd be being generous. And a bar full of spot on the wall villains, low lifes and ne'er do wells, is just as likely to have the Rhino having a drink as it is to have the toad. Or myself. Or anyone. If it becomes known to be what it is, a place where they can be relatively themselves, then believe me, it will police and own itself. You just need to honestly look at supernatural bouncers -- I recommend demons that have been itching to do something other than torture the dead. Living beings have something to lose, after all."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes the proffered drink and has a sip. It tastes better than his, so he'll have to remember that one for next time. He slides the cup back over and dutifully takes a sip out of his own again.

"See, this is why I am glad I can bounce ideas off your head. I tell you what's on my mind, and you inevitably give me a better idea. Which is great, I mean that. It's what I need. It will help us build this place the way it's meant to be." He pauses, sips, and then grins. "Assuming you'd want to go into this business with me. Own a little portion of the club. Maybe even having Essex Corp tagged onto it somehow will help in the policing itself factor. I do also love the idea of hiring a demon or two to be the bouncers." He taps his fingers on the table and then finally stands and walks back to the counter.

He wants a jungle juice of his own now.
Sinister has posed:
Nathaniel hath created a monster! Well, no, not really, but!

"i read somewhere that that's what you're supposed to do in a healthy relationship, when there's a partnership based on merit and respect. Attraction goes without saying..." Sin muses a moment, thinking to himself. "You know, I think there might be something to this counselling thing. As a society we've become innured of our bad habits, it does a body good to be sterilized, heat treated, checked over for structural flaws and replaced in the great Tray o' Life." Well, that's certainly ONE way of putting it. "I used to think that kind of work was rather ham-acting and snake oil, but... I think I might have been wrong."

Looking toward the bar itself where Lucifer stands, he appreciates the view for a good long while. "Isn't there also certain warding effects that can prevent action on ill intent? Or cause outrageous amounts of coincidental trouble should it persist? Mystically, I mean."
Lucifer has posed:
The nicer girl from before treats Lucifer to his second drink, which he returns with in a short time frame. The whole while he was listening to Sinister but he waits to come back in order to answer. "Counseling has it's merits. But some people do take advantage of the trade and use it to sell snake oil. One just has to be careful in the counsel they take."

That much and then, "Also yes, but then again no. You can have the wrong person know the right words to counter those wards. I mean, could always try and see how well or how long they hold. I could probably put up a few that would last a while...but even my own work has it's weaknesses when it comes to things like that." He grins. "Anyway. I got this to go...well I guess it's all to go isn't it? Why don't we saunter homewards and we can spend the night listening to music, drinking, and looking over some open real estate?"
Sinister has posed:
"The trick is probably a random algorhythm in the programming of the spell. An element of chaos, I suppose. Once in a blue moon, it will go off and create a seemingly random chain of events but most of the time, it will randomise the 'entry codes' so to speak and create an intent ahead of action. We might want to test it though, maybe on the staff room at Lux, just to see if it works." Because you bet that there are nights the staff walk into the rest room and lounge with ill intent and potentially under the cloud of wanting to punch something in the nose. It would be a small time acquiescence to a security notion, n'est pas?

"But otherwise, that sounds like a perfect plan to me. A plan with zero drawbacks. Tally ho, Luci and don't spare the horses!" Bloody Brit.