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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/07/11 |Location=Moving Heart Yoga, Starling |Synopsis=An ambush on the Power Rangers at a Yoga studio. Just another day for the heroes! |Cast of Characters=322, 324 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:322|Kimberly (322)}} has posed:'''<br>"Pterodactyl!" <br><br> "Sabertooth Tiger!" <br><br> The flare of power surging through the space and illuminating the parking lot of the yoga studio ment two things. The Pink and Yellow rangers wer...")
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Revision as of 20:14, 14 July 2023

Another day fighting Aliens!
Date of Scene: 11 July 2023
Location: Moving Heart Yoga, Starling
Synopsis: An ambush on the Power Rangers at a Yoga studio. Just another day for the heroes!
Cast of Characters: Pink Ranger, Green Ranger

Pink Ranger has posed:

"Sabertooth Tiger!"

The flare of power surging through the space and illuminating the parking lot of the yoga studio ment two things. The Pink and Yellow rangers were here...and their plan for post-workout smoothies was almost certainly cancelled!

The angry warbling from their clay ambushers were one thing, but it was the snarling blue figure clad in gold behind them that declared his victory even in this moment.

"Surrender Rangers! You stand no chance against me!" Goldar declared, clearly confident in his ambush of the two female members of the team.

"Uh-huh," declared the Pink Ranger, "just like the last time!"

"And the time before that!" declared the Yellow with a laugh before they both dropped into a defensive position. "Bring it!"

With a snarl and a gesture of his sword, Goldar sent the putties forth and the fight was on!
Green Ranger has posed:
"Two can play at that game!" came the voice of the Green Ranger from behind Goldar and the putty patrollers. Tommy had been on his way to meet up with Kimberly and Trini, and there must have been a timing mixup. He wouldn't chicken out on joining them for yoga, now would he?

Leaping up and over, so that he landed between Goldar and the putties, he went through a series of emphatic motions meant to intimidate, or at least look cool, making extensive use of the dragon dagger.

"I have a blade too, and trust me, I know how to use it." A quick glance back, he was pretty sure that Kimberly and Trini could handle the putties, probably individually, but together, they had no chance, and he could tie up Goldar so that Rita's chief henchman didn't tip the scales.

"Come on Rangers, it's time to smash some putty and clip some wings."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Green Ranger!" Goldar declared with his ever-present disgust. "Today I finally crush you like the traitorous worm you are for turning on my Empress!"

Never mind that you can't really be a traitor to someone that actively mind-controlled you, right?

The poor villains hadn't counted on Tommy's habbit of being a little late and now they were out of position! As they had so many times the putties surged forwards while Kimberly lept, striking out with her foot to drive one down into the ground before springing over and summoning her Power bow to unleash a trio of arrows that shatter their targets. Trini whirled and slashed, her daggers at hand as their energized edges passed through the magical bodies of clay and stone.

Tommy would indeed find the henchman chargin him, the sword in his hand swung viciously towards the Green Ranger intent to cut him down.
Green Ranger has posed:
"Today, tomorrow, next week, it's always changing with you, isn't it goldie? Well, I've got news for you, it's not gonna happen today, and Rita Repulsa is not my Empress." That role properly belongs to a beautiful young woman behind him. "And she never was. She had to use mind control to get me to serve her."

Even as the Kimberly and Trini began serving a lesson to the putties, and those who sent them, Tommy was facing a charging, well, whatever Goldar was. He had never been able to figure it out. One of these days, he should ask Alpha 5 or Zordon.

Ducking under one slash, Tommy went for a quick thrust with his dagger, which clanged against the golden armour. It wasn't really gold, as gold was malleable. It made poor armour. This stuff was just coloured that way. "You're getting slow in your old age," he had no idea how old Goldar was, "come on, you can do better than that."
Pink Ranger has posed:
Enchanted alloy armor from space and Grid-infused nano-armor probably evened out a little, but as their blades clashed and the henchman was baited by Tommy's words there was a roar of anger from Goldar. Whatever else, his ego and temper were all-to-often his downfall.

He hadn't noticed that his two-dozen putties were now nearly in single digits, hadn't noticed the streak of lights surging across the sky, he was too busy trying to make Tommy a literal head shorter.

"Then you'll die like any other ranger who doesn't join the winning side!"

"Tommy! Duck!" Kim's voice calls as Goldar steps forwards with a swing, a sudden shot from the power bow impacting against the blue winged ape's helmet sending him staggering off-balance and ripe for a strike.

The difference between Goldar and the so-called losing side? They had friends, something punctuated by the sudden surge of blue, black and red light decending into the parking lot.

This ambush on Kim and Trini had not gone well...
Green Ranger has posed:
"Our soldiers come and go, Goldar, but the Power Rangers are eternal," paraphrasing a quote by Tupac Shakur as he weaved, inflicting more hits, dodging others, getting by one that sent him flying, but he was soon back up, in a defensive stands, and just about ready to leap to kick the winged monkey in the face, when he heard Kimberly's voice telling him to duck.

He had to do an impressive gymnastic stunt, but he managed to duck out of the way of the shot from her power bow, before using his hands to push off the pavement of the parking lot, and get back on his feet. He gave the Pink Ranger a thumbs up, "thanks, Kim!" They had always made a habit of talking about each other as their given name, when they seemed to be alone with only Rita Repulsa's forces for company.

And with that, Tommy got back between the others and Goldar. He began playing his flute, not to call the Dragonzord, but to create a personal forcefield. It was a subtle plan. With the putties soon dealt with, the other rangers could leap out around him, or shoot around him, while he would provide cover.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Other Rangers? An unbroken barrier and his putties cut down? It was time for Goldar to retreat before the Power Rangers could take him down.

Or, as he would put it:

"You're lucky you're not worth my time Power Brats!" he snarls, stepping back from Tommy as the rest of the team surged forwards and disappearing in a rush of flames as Kimberly moves forwards, bow held at the ready.

"Typical! Ruins my afternoon plans and then runs away!"
Green Ranger has posed:
Turning to Kimberly after Goldar had teleported away, Tommy in his Green Ranger costume said, "oh, your afternoon plans aren't ruined. They were just delayed by a few minutes on account of putties." Like it was a weather forecast.

With the crisis over, and no obvious witnesses around, nor any surveillance cameras being picked up by the suit, Tommy transformed back into his civilian self. No doubt the other Rangers would be doing so, though some might head back to wherever and whatever they were doing before they showed up to help out Trini, Kimberly, and Tommy. "I think that smoothies are in order."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Sounds like a plan to me," Kimberly grins, her face revealed in a rolling pink light as she powered down along with the rest of the team, the usual thanks and high-fives given before she looked back towards Trini who was currently in the midst of chatting to Jason and Billy.

"So...do we invite the others or is this now a more 'you and me time' thing?" the brunette questions as she moves up, planting a kiss on Tommy's cheek and hugging against his arm.

"Since you came riding to the rescue."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Sounds like a plan to me," Kimberly grins, her face revealed in a rolling pink light as she powered down along with the rest of the team, the usual thanks and high-fives given before she looked back towards Trini who was currently in the midst of chatting to Jason and Billy.

"So...do we invite the others or is this now a more 'you and me time' thing?" the brunette questions as she moves up, planting a kiss on Tommy's cheek and hugging against his arm.

"Since you came riding to the rescue."
Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy had originally came to pickup Kimberly and Trini, well, actually, he was supposed to join them, but he was running late, as was often the case. He often seemed to arrive late, or leave early, it was almost as if he was trying to cleverly limit the amount of time he was in his Green Ranger uniform.

"Up to them, Kimberly. I know Trini was supposed to join us, but she seems to be chatting with Billy and Jason." It looked like Zack had already teleported out, no doubt to continue whatever he had been up to before the fight.

He returned the hug in earnest, pulling her tightly against him, and he smiled at the kiss of his cheek. "Oh, hey, I may have showed up, but you rescued yourself. You've become so strong and powerful a fight, while still retaining the grace and fluidity of when I first met you. I'm proud of you."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"C'mon you," she grins, blushing a little at his praise before drawing him to keep walking. "I'll text Trini to let her know we're going and she can let us know. For now? I feel like I could use a smoothie and a massage as an 'I'm sorry' for you being late."

She was teasing, but that doesn't mean she didn't want the smoothie!