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Latest revision as of 17:26, 24 October 2017

Returning to the Fantastic Four
Date of Scene: 17 May 2017
Location: Four Freedoms Plaza, New York City
Synopsis: She-Hulk returns to the Fantastic Four
Cast of Characters: She-Hulk, Invisible Woman

She-Hulk has posed:
It's an ordinary day in the city, so far. Which is good! It means Jen's been able to wrap up her work a little early, and beat the rush hour. So a quick cross-town jaunt later, the gamma gal finds herself approaching Four Freedoms Plaza. It's been WAY too long since she's been able to stop by and say hi to people. She heads into the building, looking around as she enters, and giving a smile. Feels like home.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "AUNTIE YENNIFER!" Is the child's cry from a side room, and suddenly, there's extra weight on Jen's leg. it's Valeria and she's giving Jen's leg a hug so big, she's using her arms AND legs for it.

And that's when a blonde leans out of a side room. "hey Jen!" Sue says as she walks over and gives the brunette a hug.

She-Hulk has posed:
Oh, GOODNESS. Jen doesn't squee. But she wants to. The brunette returns the hug, warmly. "Hey, Sue! I see you've got your solution to the world's energy crisis ready." She smiles, and releases the hug, so she can lean down and hug Valeria. "Hey there, smidget. How are you doing today?" She tousles the little girl's hair affectionately.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Hee!" Valeria says as her hair's ruffled. She is now sitting on Jen's foot...and refusing to let go. "I saw a plane fly by today! Was a tiny thing!"

Sue laughs at Jen's comment. "She does seem to have a lot of energy." She then snickers more. "If only we could bottle it. Hey Valeria? Can you make us some tea?"

"KAY, Mommy! What kind to Auntie Yennifer like? Green?"

Sue Facepalms.

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen smiles. "That's because planes go WAAAAY up there, kiddo." She makes no effort to dislodge the girl from her foot, though. She enjoys being "Auntie Yennifer". And honestly, with her gamma biology, it may be as close as she comes to having kids...no one wants a gamma temper tantrum.

    At the tea comment, she can't help but laugh. "All right, SOMEONE is teaching this little genius proper snark. I approve wholeheartedly. Auntie Jen will happily take green tea. Green is best." She grins.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "What is snark?" Valeria says. Blue eyes all curious. But then she remembers. "Kay! Green tea for Auntie Yennifer!" And she scampers away into the express elevator.

Sue watches as Valeria actually activates the express elevator, WITHOUT A CARD and it shoots up tot he 70th floor. "She hacked the elevator about a week ago and wandered into New York because she heard Ben wanted a latte, but he was in one of his moods. So Valeria hacked the express elevator, and went to starbucks to get Ben a latte, out of her own allowance. I think that was one of the first times I've seen Ben cry."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen watches Valeria leave, then looks back to Susan, her expression turning a little more serious. "I sincerely hope you've got her lo-jacked. Somehow. If she's good enough to hack the security and get out on her own, that means the wrong sort of people could get ahold of her." She looks in the direction of the elevator. "And if someone hurts her, I am going to have some serious Hulk Smash to lay down on a bunch of people."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "As much as I'd like to, I don't think Valeria would wear it, if she knew what it was about. So Reed's rigging up certain things to look like everyday items." Sue then smiles to Jen. "By the way, you'll never believe who else came. Crystal...of the Inhumans. Apparently Medusa Disappeared, and she's looking for her."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Nanobots. Subdermal. Your husband's the smartest guy on the planet, Sue. There's gotta be SOMETHING." She frowns a little at the announcement, and looks thoughtful. "I haven't heard anything about it. You'd think it would be pretty hard to overlook someone with hair like that."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Medusa's hair is crazy, but it's lovely. When she's able to come down off of her pedestal, she's pretty sweet." Sue then shrugs. "But, it'll be on our 'watch for' list." She then taps a button. "Herbie? Yeah, it's Sue. Can you pull up the measurements for Jennifer Walters and have a flare gun and her uniform ready? And be ready to update those measurements. Yes...make sure it's made of Unstable Molecules for her."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen looks curious. "A new uniform? There something I'm not aware of? I mean, I can keep an eye out for her, but one pair of eyes in all of New York is a bad way to find someone." She seems amused but resigned at the Unstable Molecules comment. Kind of a gotta-have, given her.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "You're a little older, Jen. So you might've grown out a little. I know after Franklin and Valeria, I needed a new uniform." Sue says with a smile. "Older, wiser, prolly a little bigger, stronger, smarter, etc." She says softly.

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jennifer can't help but quip. "That had better not be a crack about the size of my butt, Sue." She knows it's not, but hey...it was funny. "Thanks for it, though. I can definitely use a new one. I've put on more muscle since the old days." And filled out, but hey.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Well, if you didn't land on that tank, butt first, to crack the armor...." Sue jokes with Jen as they move towards the elevator. "Everyone treating you well in the office?"

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen laughs. "THERE you go." She smiles and hipchecks Susan lightly as she heads for the elevator. "Yeah, it's going pretty well! How about you out here? Getting to do anything fun, or too busy being mom?" It's nice to hang out with Susan...not a whole lot of women in and around the Four to have girl time with.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Reed's still in the lab. he rarely comes out except to eat and sleep. I still check on him though." Sue then sighs. "But, I did meet up with Superman of the Justice League. He's.....definitely a rock and roll superhero. he tries to remain humble, but....welll."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "That's no surprise. Reed would have died of starvation years ago if it wasn't for you." Jen moves to get into the elevator with Sue. "I haven't had a chance to meet him yet. Curious, though. You know, it's like the popularity contest; "who's the strongest" and all that. "You need to get out, though. When was the last time you did something fun?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "When I was dating Reed." Sue says as she swipes her card on the floor. "71st floor." She says as the doors close. "Kinda hard to have a girl's night out when you're surrounded by guys. One is your brother and the other is your husband." She then chuckles. "and Ben is so self-concious. A kid went over and asked Ben one time if that was a suit he was wearing. He said no, and the kid surprised him when he said 'COOL!'."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Well, that's all the more reason to do it. I mean, hey, there is a DIRE lack of estrogen around this place. Why don't the two of us go do something? Shop, hit a spa...just...tune out and drop off the responsibilities at the door for a couple hours?" She smiles at the story about Ben. He's a good guy.

Invisible Woman has posed:
Susan Storm-Richards says, "Heh. I definitely need that. I think a girl was trying to hit on me the other day when I was at the coffee shop, but balked when Valeria called me mommy." She then laughs. "I can't tell anymore.""

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen laughs. "Doesn't matter. That ring on your finger puts an end to the hitting-on. But I can soak up all that for both of us. And this would be a sans-Valeria trip. I LOVE that little smidget, but YOU need some time to be "Susan", not "Mommy".

Invisible Woman has posed:
Susan Storm-Richards chuckles. "I love her too. Just worry that she's able to get around most baby sitters." She then shrugs. "A girls night out then. Just the two of us." She then winks as the door opens......with the smell of brewed tea and.....cupcakes?' Sue actually giggles. "And.....she's hacked the stove."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Herbie." Jen suggests. "Or better yet, make your husband drag his sorry butt out of the lab and do it." She blinks at the smell. "You little genius, did you make us all dessert?" she calls, looking around to trace that smell.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "She's hacked Herbie. On my birthday, she had Herbie come into my room and sing a heavy metal version of 'Happy Birthday' to wake me up." Sue says before she then giggles.

Jen will find a few cupcakes that are surprisingly done and frosted as well. Valeria trots on over and offers Jen a cupcake with dark frosting. "Here you go, Yennifer! I getting cookies too." Of course, on a table with a couple of chairs.....is steaming tea.

She-Hulk has posed:
    "You're gonna be terrifying in about another five years, kiddo." Jennifer smiles, as she looks over and accepts the cupcake, before taking a bite. "Good thing that uniform is stretchy."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "To say the least. She has fun doing this, and I'm actually sorry, I'm not here to help her with it. She love to bake and create food. She's gonna be like Reed, but as a chef." Sue says sitting down...and is immediately slid a cupcake. But then, a new smell hits them....cookies. "Yup...good thing the uniform stretches."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Tell me about it. You're gonna make Auntie Jen fat, kiddo." The brunette smiles, and sits down. "But it'd delicious. How many of these have you already had, Princess Sugar Buzz?" She grins to Sue. "Maybe we should add a regular workout time too."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "First batch! I only made the one batch!" Valeria says as she closes the over and turns it off, then pours everyone's tea.

Sue giggles a bit. "I work out every morning, but you may have to use Ben's workout area." She says to Jen as she sips her tea. 'Good tea, Valeria."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen shakes her head. "Not after what we found out about my powers. Whatever my Jen-body has happen gets amplified in the She-Hulk bod. So putting on a little muscle here means putting on a LOT there. So I mostly do my workouts like this now." She smiles and sips the tea. "Just be careful you don't burn yourself, kiddo. You're a genius, but you're still a /little/ genius."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Valeria holds up a band-aided finger to Jen. "I know Yennifer." She says before she sits down. Sue smiles and her eyebrows raise. "That's.....cool. Wish that'd work with my force field powers."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen laughs. "Well, it also means I have to watch my weight. If I put on a couple pounds in the wrong places..." she looks at her chest a moment, wryly. "...let's just say amplification is a double-edged sword." She smiles, and scoots her chair back a little, and pats her thigh. "Come on up here and help me with a cookie, Sugar Buzz."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "IT MEAN YOU'LL GET A REALLY BIG BUTT!" Valeria sums it up nicely. So much so that Sue falls out of her chair because of a fit of the giggles.

She-Hulk has posed:
    It's Jen's turn to facepalm this time. "Or other places. But THANK you for pointing it out, Princess Sugar Buzz. Maybe I'll have to feed you ALL my cookie." She watches as Sue literally laughs herself out of the chair. "Hey, don't laugh too much, blondie. You've done a little spreading in the hips yourself since mommyhood." She quips and moves to stand and offer Sue a hand.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue pulls herself up with Jen's help. "That's why I mentioned needing a new uniform.. having kids does that to you. My old uniform was nearly obscene with the way it stretched around me and it wasn't because I was fat."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen shakes her head. "Pssh. You have /never/ been fat. Even when you were pregnant." She nods. "So, yeah. Workout day on top of girl's night out."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "You haven't either. Big but not fat." Sue says with a smile.

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jennifer chuckles, and sits down again. "Nope. I've always been the twiggy brunette. Well, less twiggy now, but." She smiles, and takes another bite of the cupcake. "So, anything else I should know about?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
Susan Storm-Richards says, "That's about it. We're on the Avengers, Shield and Justice League frequencies, so if they need help, we can go to help. Give Herbie a couple of days, and a session for him to give you your clearance and uniform, and you should be set for active duty. Oh...I flew out the check an anamoly and found a 'tiger person' had landed here. didn't speak the language and called himself Tygra.""

She-Hulk has posed:
    Jen nods. "Sounds pretty standard. Just have Herbie give me a call when he's ready for me and I'll stop by." She starts to finish up her tea and snacks.

Invisible Woman has posed:
Susan Storm-Richards nods to Jen. "All right. It'll be wonderful to work with you again, jen." She says getting up and giving Jen a hug.