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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/08 |Location=Central Park, Manhattan |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=154, 338 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:154|Zatanna Zatara (154)}} has posed:'''<br>A fine, Spring day with just a bit of chill still in the air. People are out and about: walking dogs, going for a run, taking a leisurely walk with a friend coffee in hand. <br><br>In the city for a meeting of some kind of another, Zatanna is one of those having...")
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Latest revision as of 13:39, 24 August 2023

Center of Magical Activity!
Date of Scene: 08 April 2023
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Hulk

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A fine, Spring day with just a bit of chill still in the air. People are out and about: walking dogs, going for a run, taking a leisurely walk with a friend coffee in hand.

In the city for a meeting of some kind of another, Zatanna is one of those having herself a casual, lazy coffee. In a white blouse, black slacks, and black ankle boots and cropped jacket she stands out.. but not too much: there's people of all walks of life in the park. However, she is occupying one of the benches along the path; one leg crossed over the other to balance a notebook. In one hand she holds a cup of coffee while the other holds a pen being used to scribble (write or draw it may be hard to tell at a distance) in the notebook. Beside her on the bench sits a half-eaten pastry: chocolate croissant by the looks of things.
Hulk has posed:
Just a little bit of chill rests in the air.

People are trying to play frisbee or walk their dogs or have a conversation on the vibrant green grass. Walking throug hthe park today was Dr. Bruce Banner. His hair a little longer and touching the back of his collar, nursing a beard slowly growing on his face. He wore a black suit with a white dress shirt and lacking a tie. He had a book in his hand and a pair of glasses covering his eyes.

Even still, Zatanna Zatara stands out, her beauty unmatched and her style even more so.

As Bruce is walking, he finds himself slowing to a stop as he looks towards her. "Zatanna?"

He notices the balancing notebook, the cup of coffee, and the pen that she uses to try and jot down some notes. "H-hi.."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
*Slurrrrrp* Distracted coffee drinking is not the most flattering coffee drinking. Zatanna's eyes are on the notebook and she's drinking somewhat out of the side of her mouth.

Upon hearing her name, however, she stops writing (it's largely notes with a diagram here and there) and looks up. A slight tilt of her head, but Zee smiles at the approaching Bruce nonetheless. "Hello," she offers in return, giving him a small nod as she closes up the notebook with pen inside. It's dropped into a small purse at her feet that in no way could *normally* hold something that size, but it holds it nonetheless. Resting her coffee on her raised knee, she wraps both hands around it. "Out enjoying the day?"
Hulk has posed:
"Trying to."

Bruce remarks swiftly enough, smiling at her. "I-I'm sorry if I've...interrupted your work. Hopefully I haven't distracted you too harshly." Bruce looks at her, a slight flush coming across his features as his hand lifts to rub the back of his neck.

What does he do!?

"It's a beautiful day to be outside. Though I must say, you are a w-welcome surprise."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Another head-tilt and arch of manicured brow at the 'Trying to,' but Zatanna doesn't pry any further. Instead, she just gives a light shrug and flickers her fingers in a sort of wave. "No need to apologize. Just getting some thoughts to paper." She lifts her coffee for another sip before leaning back into the bench.

A quiet laugh -- not mocking, but perhaps a bit self-deprecating -- answers the compliment. "Thank you. I must say I've felt a bit... mmm, invisible at times. A city where famous people and aspiring actors are a dime a dozen? Strange to admit but I miss being recognized a bit." Even if she isn't *ultra* famous, she's famous enough to be readily recognized in her usual stomping grounds.
Hulk has posed:
"W-w-well, maybe I've helped there a bit?"

After all, Bruce recognized her immediately. Is there a poster somewhere of her in his lab?

Maybe. Shhhhhh.

"What kind of thoughts, if you don't mind me asking?" He gestures to the spot next to her on the bench, as if offering to sit down next to her if she felt comfortable enough to accept. Though Bruce seems to clear his throat.

"I don't know how you can avoid being recognized. You're one of the most famous people in the world."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
In answer to the silent request, Zatanna picks up her pastry and carefully wraps it up to be eaten later. Thus: a clear spot and silent invitation in return.

"Ah, well... I've had ideas on a book for ages. I had a bit of time to spare," 'for once' is what's left unsaid in the statement, "so I figured I'd make use of it."

There is a laugh, too, for the comment about her fame. "Ah, no. Only in some circles. I assume you like magic, then?"
Hulk has posed:
"I don't know if I...believe in 'magic' so much a science that we just don't really understand yet."

Bruce remarks to her, no doubt to her disapproval. Though the invitation is accepted and delivered, allowing Bruce to take a spot next to her, angling himself to face her a bit better, looking her in the eyes. "Oh?" A book! A fantastic use of the time. "An autobiography or..?"

Because yes, Bruce is interested.

Only in some circles? "In plenty. I think you're huge in Gotham."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh god no, not an autobiography. I doubt anyone would really want to read it," and this is a genuine moment of being humble. Zatanna lived it: she doesn't think it's worth putting to paper. "And I doubt I could write it. No, no, more of a..."

There's a head-wobble and a shrug. "Well, okay, to be honest: I don't really know. I briefly thought of turning some of the things I've seen into like, one of those urban fantasy series. But I've also considered writing some guidebooks. A sort of 'You should never summon demons but if you're going to at least be safe' type deal." She shrugs, giving a small, helpless sort of smile.

"In Gotham? Yes. Bludhaven, too. But I think I need to wait for Penn and Teller to finally move into a retirement home before Vegas will give me a show." There's a bit of a laugh to that.

"As for magic..." she circles back. "I know the quote, yes: 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' She holds up a finger (albeit one connected to a hand still curled around her coffee) to forestall any immediate response. "*However* I do not think that concept negates magic as magic at all. I believe it to be more like... mmmm. The first time any of us encountered," since most of the world has at least seen the effects thereof by now, "aliens. Their technology was so strange, so... other-worldly that it may as well have been magic for all we knew."