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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/18 |Location=Sunnydale, Bludhaven |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=328, 273, 103, 190 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:...")
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Latest revision as of 17:56, 24 October 2017

Slayer Patrol
Date of Scene: 18 May 2017
Location: Sunnydale, Bludhaven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, 273, Spike, Willow Rosenberg

Buffy Summers has posed:
9:45pm on a Thursday.

A thick layer of fog rests about a foot off the ground in the cemetary. There were storms all day so the ground is wet and soggy, but the storms have moved off to the east and the quiet sounds of rumbles can be heard o the horizon with flashes of bright light dotting the dark skies.

Buffy, is out on patrol, she's wearing dark black jeans and a dark leather jacekt with a black hoodie on beneath it, the hoodi spulled up over head and she's peering out of the shadows as she walks along between the grave-markers. She has a leather messenger bag slung across her body and its loaded with melee weapons and throwing knives. She's also got her phone in her hands and is occassionally looking down at it to respond to texts from Xander.

Casper (273) has posed:
Sunnydale, the gaping maw to hell, or maybe that's just the smell because we are downwind of Bludhaven. Air pollution, what a drag you know?

It's a pretty quiet night as Sunnydale goes, no world ending apocalypse so far but the night is young! There is a bright blue flash from inside one of the crypts as if lightning had struck inside the stone building. It illuminates the outline of the sealed doorway into the crypt leaving a spectre of a white square in the vision of anyone unlucky enough to have been looking that way when the flash happened.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy had almost thought that the flash of light had just been lightning off to the east... but she'd looked up from her phone a second tim enad her eyes narrowed inside her hood. The flash came from inside that crypt... or so it had truly seemed.

Buffy tucked her phone into her leather jacket side pocket and she walked across the wet pathway until it reached the littler pathway that wound across the grass to the crypt.

The Slayer pulled a small flashlight out of her pocket and she flipped it on then swept it around. "Helloooo?" She said into the dark. "Helpless nubile college girl... tastey blood..." She called out into the dark.

Casper (273) has posed:
"A little warning? I was doing laundry." a voice says from inside the crypt says followed by a sigh. Muffled by the stone door it's hard to make out unless you have sharp ears or happen to be close to it while on patrol. When he hears Buffy's voice the voice from inside calls back "Hello?" the voice calls out louder, "Is someone here who needs help?" the voice asks. Male, young, American sounding, "If you're having trouble moving on, I can help." he offers to the voice inside the crypt. "Tell me your name, and what you need. We'll get it squared away lickety split!"

Spike has posed:
Spike's leather duster jacket does very well in the rain. And his hair, well, that turns darker when it gets wet. It's still blond, but not of the glow in the dark variety. And he didn't seem to care about the rain. He was English after all. In fact, he was walking about the cemetery, enjoying that oh so English of cuisine; fish and chips. At least it smelt like fish and chips. There was actually sausage in there in place of the fish. The chips weren't soggy, as the rain let up before he left Mr. Pickwick's Fish and Chips. He got it for free, as part of a bit of a protection racket he had going on.

He wasn't really trying to be quiet, but he wasn't making that much of a noise either. He was just on his way back to his crypt when a guy jumped him from behind. Spike had been so preoccupied with his food that he hadn't even noticed, "sodding hell!" He shouted in anger, "you made me drop my chips, mate." Rolling to his feet, he looked the vampire in the eye. Spike looked human, but the other one was displaying his vamp face. "All right, give me all your money, and I'll let this one slide."

The other vampire said, "we know about you Spike. Killing your own kind. You're a marked man, and tonight is gonna be you..." but before he could finish that sentence, Spike staked the guy, turning it to dust. It was a young one. "Maybe you're right, but it won't be you. Bloody hell. And the chip shop is closed now!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy heard the voice from a person who sounded all-too-casual to be doing laundry in a place of burial and she pushed the Crypt door open with her left hand quite easily. Her light shined inside the crypt then and she replied to the question. "My name is Buffy. But my Facebook page says 'The Great Buffy'." She replied to the voice. "Who am I talkiing to, pray-tell?" She asked him---

Buffy's hooded head turned then to look beyond the corner of the Crypt when she heard the voices and the scuffle. She recognized one of the voices and it made her eyes narrow...

Buffy quickly ran into the Crypt that Casper was inside of and she closed the door behind her to hide! She didn't know who Casper was, she didn't know what Casper was capable of... she didn't even know what Casper's name was! But, apparently she thoguht it safer in here than out there!

Casper (273) has posed:
The voice inside the crypt calls out, "I know this is confu" but then he's cut off as a girl throws open the door and runs inside, "Oh, you're a girl." the surprised young man says as she closes the door behind her leaving the torchlight as their only source of illumination. He's wearing his WorldWar2 uniform pants and boots but no shirt. He has a muscular, bare chest that is only lightly covered in blond chest hair. His skin is tanned and in the dark of the crypt he seems solid and as real as anyone else, just standing there, being all sexy and soldiery, with a surprised look on his face. "I'm Casp" he starts to say but she turns and holds out a finger hushing him. Looking even more confused the young man starts to say something again, "Is eve" and she shushes him giving him a glare that could crack Hoover Dam. After that he falls silent... Stranger and stranger.

Spike has posed:
Despite the distractions of his lost food, and the Vampire attack, Spike did hear the sound of a Crypt door closing. It wasn't his Crypt, so he grabbed hold of his duster jacket with both hands and straightened it, "Well, time to meet the new neighbours." He walked, stalked really, straight up to the Crypt, and when he got to the door, he hesitated. He thought about kicking the door in. He thought about breaking it down. But instead, he turned, took a step back, and sort of had a half smile come over his face. He cleared his throat, and began, "To the occupants of the crypt, well, right in front of me." He paused, "Good evening, my name is Spike, and... as the self-appointed representative of the good people of Bludhaven, I order you to cease any and all evil activity and return forthwith to your place of origin, or the nearest demon dimension, so bugger off!" And in a whisper, he adds, "I wanted those chips."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy WAS glaring daggers at Casper when he was giving her position away, the light from her handheld battery operated torch would show it and when she shun it ON Casper... he went translucent, which... instantly made Buffy stop trying to hide and she just stood up all shocked-like and stared at Casper...

Spike's speech could be heard outside as Buffy just stood there and stared at the 'ghost' and after Spike finished talking she just spoke up. "Who the hell are you?" She asked Casper then in a whispy-voice, loud enough that Spike could probably at least hear a female talking inside the Crypt.

Casper (273) has posed:
Confused as to why they are whispering, "Iii'm Casper" he says like a recording winding back up to speed after being paused unexpectedly, "I'm a ghost. Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm a helpful ghost. Though I'm confused as to why I'm here. " he says looking around the crypt. Why is he talking about demons? Are you a demon? I've never met a demon. Werewolves, vampires, constructs, one Medusa, a guy with " Casper stops to hold his fingers up to his face and turn his fingers down wiggling them under his chin, "A squid faced nazi super-soldier. A guy with a red skull face. Saw a unicorn once. Not as nice as you were lead to believe." he says still whispering and showing no sign of stopping, "Normally I get sent to help people but I was already sent to help someone and he clearly, clearly needed help but he won't talk about his feelings so I was hanging around to give him time to open up but then all of the sudden I was here. It's weird that they would send me for someone else while working on someone already. I usually only work on one person at a time." and he just keeps talking obviously not understanding the whole concept of hiding very well.

Spike has posed:
Hearing a woman's voice, Spike worried that a human girl might be in trouble, and so he quite heroically took a few steps backwards, and then ran forward at the door to break it down, putting his shoulder and his vampire strength into it. The fact that it was made out of wood made it all the more heroic, as a splinter could have easily pierced his skin, especially the heart. When he did break it down, he fell, landing on his side. His unbeating heart was in the right place. He was trying to be a different kind of man, especially since life as a vampire who couldn't hurt humans became incredibly dull. He could only scare so many of them into giving him their money.

Crashing in and hearing most of Casper's speech, Spike can't help but laugh. He lays there on the ground, head to the floor, knees bent, clutching his stomach as his laughter filled the Crypt. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. He was quite insightful, and he put two and two together likitysplit. As he rose to his feet, he dusted his duster, trying to make sure it didn't get damaged by the wooden door he had just broken down, "great, terrific, here I am, thinking I'm doing the right thing, being a flipping hero, save some random girl, sight unseen I might add, and who do I find, but the Slayer.." The way he says her name is like venom. He hates that he loves her. Hates that he feels the way he does about her. It's weird and wrong. "... and Casper the Friendly Ghost?" He's made a right mess of this night and it's only 10:00 PM.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy just watched Casper as he explained all of this and as Spike burst through the old wooden door and landed on his mug. She didn't look down at Spike, because he was either still 'alive' or dusted, whichever.

"Seriously?" Buffy said then to Casper, looking confused. "What do you mean you 'work on people'?" She asked then, still holding her flashlight which was aimed at Spike's boots when he rose up to his feet and started jibber-jabbering.

"Friendly ghost?" She repeated Spike's words, having apparently actually heard them even though it would've seemed like she hadn't been listening to the Chipped-Vamp.

A little glance was given between Spike, and then back to Casper. "Why are you dressed like that?" She asked Casper then. "Did you rob a army surpluss store?"

Casper (273) has posed:
A section of door flies right through Casper's bare shoulder and out the other side plinking off the wall and leaving a glowing blue splatter of ectoplasm. He looks down at Spike and smiles, "I like that. If I could carry cards that would go on my card. That's a wizzer job title for me." he says appreciatively. He smiles the happiest smile that was ever seen in Sunnydale. A smile so cheerful the Hellmouth's teeth may need a dentist it's so saccharin.

Strangely he's not at all phased by the fact some guy just busted down the door to save a woman in distress. It's like it happens around him all the time, like it's just another Tuesday.

"Oh, these are my uniform. I wasn't expecting to go out honestly. I was just haunting the laundry room catching up on things with all of the sudden, woosh. It's a little embarrassing to be caught out of uniform. My apologies Ma'am." he says and yes, the ghost is blushing. "My full name and rank is Private, Casper McFadden, U.S. Army, C.C. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am." he says standing more properly since he's in the presence of a lady.

Spike has posed:
"Sorry to break this to you mate, but you're a ghost. How exactly are you supposed to carry business cards, or anything else for that matter? Not a fate I'd wish on anyone," and with a gesture of his head towards Buffy, he adds "not even her." But then he catches the term wizzer. "Wizzer, I haven't heard that..." He squints his eyes as he looks Casper up and down. Spike was convinced. "He's legit. I heard of you."

For Buffy's benefit, he offers up an explanation, "he fought in the War, before we renamed it the Second World War late in the forties. With the American Creature Commando." The Americans called them the Creature Commandos, but Spike, like all good Englishmen, knew that the plural of commando was in fact commando. "Werewolves, Vampires, Frankenstein Monsters, you get the idea." And then, completely deadpan, he asks, "you're not here to haunt me, are you?" Becuase if he was, Spike's afterlife just got a whole lot worse.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy looked between the two of them as they talked and said quite a lot. She shifted her weibht on her booted feet and put her flashlight back onto Casper for a moment to see it shine through his body again. "Creature... Commandos." In America the word is pluralized as such! Deal with it!

"Frankenstien Monsters..." Buffy drew in a breath and softly exhaled a moment later. "And a ghost who thinks that a crypt in a cemetery is a laundromat!" Buffy laughed a little and shook her head inside of her black hood, just a few strands of blonde hair peaking out on either sides of her head. "Well this turned out to be a night that the others are surely going to be sad they stayed home from."

Buffy then looked back at Casper. "Okay, Private... I don't think you have to apologize about being out of uniform. That war ended about eighty years ago. So, I think you're off-duty now." She glanced at Spike then and put her flashlight right up on his face, nice bright LED-enriched light in his eyes.

"Spikey here lives in these Crypts. So I'm guessin you were summoned here to help him. So I'll just leave you two to that. Have your little pow-wow, while I go slay some undead..." She turned toward the Crypt exit then that had been bashed through and went to leave.

Casper (273) has posed:
When asked if he was here to haunt spike Casper raises his arms and shrugs, "Maybe? I don't know, the rules seemed to have gone square on me." but he can't hide the feeling of pride that his teams work is remembered to this day. So much pride he starts to glow, literally with pride.

Slay vampires? Some of Casper's best friends have been vampires. "No offence, Ma'am but isn't that a little racist?" the dead man asks the slayer. He looks at Spike and says, "You look like a cool cat, back me up here, isn't that a little racist?" he asks Spike.

Spike has posed:
Lit by the light, Spike was a handsome man. The plantimum blonde hair didn't do him any favours, but he was a good looking, human-appearing guy. A little pale, okay, a lot pale. But not as pale as Capser probably was. The light didn't seem to bother him, he just locked eyes with the slayer. Then when she took the flashlight off him and turned to leave, he said to Casper, "yeah, right," he thought about offering a hand, but decided against it mid offer, "I live two Crypts down. The one with the vines growing all over it. You should see it in the daylight. It's lovely. I've been thinking of getting some gnomes." Was he taking the piss or being serious? It was so hard to tell with him.

As much as he'd like to back Casper up on the racism thing, he shrugs his shoulders, "wish I could. Vampires, we're not all evil. Some even fought for the allies in the War. Yay us. But really, as a lot, we're assholes. We eat people. We hurt people. We do what we want, when we want, because we want. 'cept for me. I had to go and get a chip in my head. I... can't hurt people. Demons, aliens, some metahumans, but no humans... not anymore. God I miss it." He sighs, then claps his hands as he tries to cheer himself up, "but, that's behind me. Now, I'm trying to fight the good fight. Come on Casper, I'm sure you'll come in handy on our patrol, isn't that right Buffy..." But while he was talking, she had slipped out.

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper and Spike are inside a crypt with a door busted down, smashed to splinters. Buffy just left to go on patrol having had enough of the two men. Casper is shirtless wearing his army greens and boots also, he's glowing lightly creating a blue aura that spreads out of the open door of the Crypt. It's bound to draw the attention of anyone walking through the graveyard.

Watching Buffy go, the ghost says, "That is a tall, cherry, glass of crazy right there. Why does she think it's her job to hunt vampires?" Then he looks at Spike and says, "And what do you mean someone put a chip in your head? A chip of what?" turning down the glow he makes himself look almost alive as he steps outside the Crypt into the graveyard proper. "Why would you miss hurting people?" he asks confused. From a distance it will look like Spike is alone in a graveyard with a half dressed teenage boy. What could possibly be misinterpreted about that?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow hopes she isn't too late. She was supposed to meet Buffy here, to have someone watch over her whie she collected some spell components. Grave moss, grave dirt and mushrooms grown on a dead man's grave aren't used that often in spells, but when they are needed there is little else that can be substituted. Having the Slayer with her to watch her back as she collected her little jars of dirt and plants would have been nice. Instead?

When Willow gets to the previously agreed upon place, she sees Spike. With some teenaged boy. Oh dear, this isn`t good. She sinks down onto the grass, hiding behind a gravestone, and starts fumbling for her phone to text Buffy right away.

Spike has posed:
Spike tries to explain in terms that Capser would understand. He goes through the list fairly quickly. "She's what you'd call a Vampire Slayer. She won't slay me, I hope, because of the thing in my head. G-Men performed an experiment on me, kind of like Frankenstein. I came out much prettier though. And I am, or was, a Big Bad. Bullying people's fun. It makes me feel tough. It's a great temporary boost for the self-esteem. Plus, I'm a vampire. Pigs blood just isn't the same, no matter how much weetabix I put into it."

Spike walks out of the crypt, with Casper hopefully to follow suit. But then Spike's jacket starts singing. ~I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want. So tell me what you want, what you really, really want. I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha). I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah.~ It was his mobile phone. Someone was ringing him, and of course, Spike had Spice Girls for a ring tone. Picking it up, he saw the call display, "Willow, does Buffy need me... I mean, do the Scoobies need me?" This was getting quite weird, them... trusting him to help out.

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper smiles at Spike and gives him a strangely proud fatherly look that doesn't belong on a face as young as Casper's. Spike understands that it's just a temporary good feeling which means he's learned all on his own that the secret to long term happiness is, in fact, friendship.

The young shirtless man waits patiently for spike to get off the phone. Bringing his hand up to his chin he starts to think on several things. He'll have to ask about that song at the record store. That was catchy! Casper thinks back to what his vampire friend used to drink... He pauses and realizes he never actually saw him feed when it wasn't on the neck of a Nazi they were killing... Hrrrmmm. Maybe the Slayer wasn't so racist after all. What do vampires eat when there aren't Nazi's around? Casper honestly never stopped to think about it.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Please pick up! Please pick up!" whispers Willow to her phone. She hears a phone ringing and looks puzzled. Did Buffy change her ring tone? And then Spike answers. With a squeak of surprise, Willow hangs up her phone quickly. Well, that wasn't conspicuous or anything. Okay, so.... wrong number! Dialling Spike of all people, when she wants to dial Buffy to tell her that Spike is here in the cemetary with a half dressed... kinda cute in a non-werewolf kinda way... teenaged boy! Is he another vampire? Is Spike up to his old Big Bad ways again? Willow sits there on the ground, hoping that Spike will just go away when a hand bursts out of the ground between her legs, causing the redhead to scream!

Spike has posed:
Spike's conversation is very quick, as Willow doesn't answer, and then she hangs up on him, "yeah, right, what is this, tease Spike night? As if I have nothing better to do than answer prank calls..." He was shouting, angry. He was often angry. But he seemed to have made a new friend in Casper the Friendly Ghost, as he had nicknamed the soldier.

But then there was the scream, and he ran to the area. He was getting the hang of their hero thing. He hadn't even bitten anyone he tried to save. Plus, he was hoping to impress Buffy. Why did she have to be so difficult? Anyway, Spike punched the hand that had risen up between Willow's legs, "back you go! This one's a friend of mine." It was his way of 'doing Buffy', trying it out. When it seems awkward, he admits, "okay, so I can't banter like the Slayer."

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper is left behind as Spike moves way, way too fast for him. Casper didn't miss that part of having a vampire best friend. Breaking into a run the young man follows spike as well but he'll take a moment to get there. Not all of us have vampire speed. He does run fast, you know, for a human. A perfectly normal human.. Nothing unusual at all about him. Nope he's not at all a giant super-charged battery of magical power wrapped in a thin layer of illusion that a witch could drain to power her magic... nope not him! (He totally is.)

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
And there she is, sitting with her back up against a gravestone and Spike's hand buried in the dirt between her legs. "Well, this isn't awkward at all," she says as she smiles wanly up at Spike. "So.... come here often? To not bite the necks of people that just happened to be walking by and are completely harmless?" And then along comes the cute boy. Oh, this night just gets better and better!

There is something about Casper, he seems interesting. It could just be the magical power serenading Willow with it's siren song, but she doesn't know that. "Ummm... Spike? Hand?"

Spike has posed:
Spike backs up from trying to hurt the vampire that's trying to escape from the grave. He dusts off his hand, and then offers the cleaner one to Willow, to help her up. "No, chip's still in my head, so no bitey tonight, red. This here," he tilts his head towards the ghost, "is Casper the Friendly Ghost. Buffy ran off... somewhere. On patrol no doubt. For reasons that are beyond me, she figured a glowing shirtless soldier and a vampire wouldn't be good for her image. Go figure."

Casper (273) has posed:
Imagine if hope was a thing you could bottle up, if optimism and happiness was electricity that could be stored in a battery. That's what Casper is, a walking, talking, super-charged cell of all the best things in life. He however didn't see the vampire hand come out of the ground and by the time he gets to where Spike ran off to he can only see Spike reaching between Willow's legs. He averts his eyes and holds up his hand like a blinder, "Oh, terribly sorry, I didn't know you were meeting someone. Here I am being a third. You two lovebirds have fun." he says as he starts to back away not looking, not at all looking and wow can he blush. Willow might have thought that she was the ruling champion of blushing but Casper is practically a mood ring so he turns red waaay down his half naked, spectral body.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Taking the hand that is offered to help her to stand, Willow looks at Spike suspiciously. "So, the chip is still working the way it's supposed to?" she asks. She's about to say hello to ... the ghost? When Casper totally gets the wrong idea and assumes the worst. "Nooooo! Him? Me? No, there is no lovebirdiness going on here. No!" She glares at Spike, since clearly this is his fault, her own cheeks starting to go their usual scarlet.

Spike has posed:
Spike knows he can't prove it works except to 'hurt' her, so he flicks Willow's ear once she's up, and he goes 'owe,' instantly. He'd have to be a pretty good actor to pull that realistic pain look. It's as if he felt it himself, because he did. His mind told him he felt it. And if there's anyone who'd be happy to see Spike hurt himself, it might be Willow.

"Hang on there mate," he calls after shaking his head from the pain, "there's a new vampire in there." He scuffs at the fresh grave Willow had been sitting on. "Vamp's gonna be out any minute. We can deal with it, or let it go. I can go either way. But I figured I might as well stake it now and be done with it. Oh, Casper, this is Willow Rosenberg. She's a witch."

Casper (273) has posed:
Telling Casper she's a witch isn't really winning Casper over to her side, "So, you're a vampire who can't hurt people, your one friend hunts vampires for fun and your other friend is a witch?" he isn't sure this is the kind of place he should be hanging around. He's getting that 'I need an adult' feeling. "But none of you are having any deep emotional crisis at the moment you need help with, right?" he asks not moving any closer. "Sooo... I can skedaddle and you'll all be groovy, right?" he asks. For some reason Willow makes him more nervous than Spike or Buffy. Maybe he's had a bad experience with a witch before?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow puts a hand up to her ear as it's flicked, frowning at Spike. "Okay, so the chip still works," she says, rubbing her ear more out of surprise then pain. She backs up as Spike offers to stake the new vamp or let it go, her face written with disapproval. "It would probably be a good idea to dust it. You know, so Buffy doesn't have to. Or since you would have to anyway, since I'm the only immediate food source here."

She looks again to Casper, offering her quirky, shy smile. "So, you're a ghost? You're not like any ghost I've met before. Usually they are trying to possess us or kill us. You're a refreshing change."

Spike has posed:
Casper's insightful in his own right, and Spike can't help but nod, "yeah, that about covers it." He might be in a deep emotional crisis, in fact, he is, but he didn't want to admit that, especially not in front of Willow. "I'm sure someone is going through pain. Aren't we all, to some extent?"

Reaching into his duster coat, Spike draws a stake, and waits for the vampire to claw it's way out of the grave. It does take time, so he takes a seat on a headstone. "She's a good witch, and a right tough one at that. There isn't anything that Willow can't do if she sets her mind to it." He meant that. He liked Willow, even before the Chip, she was always nice. Not as nice as Joyce, but not far off.

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper stays at a distance, "Yes, Ma'am. I died when I was just a child. Pneumonia. It was more lethal back then." he explains, "But I didn't pass on. I guess I didn't know better so I stayed with my family where I felt loved. We lived together, it was a wonderful life with them but they grew old and passed on too. Then I made new friends and one day I got recruited for the Last War." he explains, "I don't know why I'm different. Maybe because my unfinished business was love not anger or hate and stuff." he says shrugging, "That's what my C.O. said he thought it was. He said I had tapped into some kind of energy he had never seen before." Honest to a fault, Casper tells his story, "Now I kind of get sent places to help people. " he explains, "But the last guy I was sent to help, he wouldn't let me help him. Then I was sent to that "Slayer" Cherry and she didn't want any help. I don't get it. That's two people in a row who just won't let me help them."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blushes and smiles at the compliment. "I'm not that good. I mean, I try, but there is still a lot I can learn. I'm hoping Giles friend will be able to help me learn some new things." She looks over Casper and lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "People are very solitary these days. Little islands of loneliness. They keep to themselves even when they are surrounded by friends. It's not your fault no one wants help these days. It's just a sign of the times."

Spike has posed:
"Buffy gets more help than any other Slayer in history. But Slayers, I know a little something about them. They're the Chosen One. It's on them. The world. They carry it on their slender little size 0 shoulders. Don't let them fool you, they punch way above their weight. In all the world..." Spike rolls his eyes and rotates his wrist as if he's giving a speech that he'd rather not, "right. There's only ever supposed to be one of them at a time. We got two. Buffy's the nice one, if you can believe that. But keep at her mate. She's worth the effort. And then you can quantum leap your way outta town." When he spoke about Buffy, defending her, there was no hate or malice in his voice. No, there was something far worse. It was almost as if... could he... it can't happen again? Not another one? But yes, it was love. He cared for her. A vampire in love with a Slayer? What's next, Spike getting his soul too?

Turning to Willow, he adds, "pish posh, I've seen you do loads of things that witches way more experienced than you have trouble with. You're a natural!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy appeared in the dark, flashlight in hand, she came around the edge of a tree and a bunch of hedges. She still had that black hood up over her head and a leather jacket on over the hoodie, plus with the black jeans on she was barely even able to be seen if it weren't for the flashlight.

The Slayer was putting a small handsized crossbow away into her messenger bag when she looked up and saw the gathering near the open grave. "Will?" Buffy asked, shining her light on her BFF. "I thought you said you weren't coming out tonight?" She then shot the light over to Spike and then the New Casper. "What are you guys talking about? Were you talking about me?" She shot her eyes from one of them to the other as she drew near and came to a stop.

Casper (273) has posed:
Casper seems to have grown more comfortable with the idea of Willow so he moves back closer to the in casual conversation range. This makes it more clear as to why Casper is hesitant when he gets closer and Willow can feel the magic off of him like the warm light of a camp fire.

Casper makes no sound when he walks because he isn't really there but he looks solid enough at a distance. "Yes, Spike was telling me how you spend your nights waiting in graveyards for Vampires to pop out then kill them because they are evil unless they have a chip in their head. Seems like a lot of vampires for such a small town." he observes, "Lots of Vampires in L.A?" he asks thinking he must be close to where he started but nope, not even close. "Maybe you should start putting these chips of magic into all violent deaths. Have the police do it. That would make your life easier."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Listening to Spike talk about Buffy like that causes Willow's brows to rise. What is wrong with the blonde vampire. If she didn't know any better, she would say he fancied her best friend. But that couldn't be true. He hates Buffy. And as if by magic, Buffy calls out her name.

Turning to the blonde, Willow sighs with relief. "I really need that grave moss for the spell I'm working on. And since you said you were going to be in this cemetary anyway, I thought you could use the company and I could use the moss. And we weren't really talking about you. Well, not at first. We started by talking about Casper not finding people to help. And then about Slayers. And then about you."

Spike has posed:
"Flipping heck," Spike states loudly and clearly. He was caught talking about how much admiration he has for Buffy Summers. "Yeah, I suppose I was, but only because he asked," and he pointed at Casper, as if that was a defence for talking about her behind her back. "Besides, I wouldn't have had to if you hadn't buggered off on us earlier." Yeah, he's blaming her in an attempt to deflect things.

Spike didn't like Casper's idea, he didn't like the chip in his own head, but decided to go with it, "yeah, put a chip in everybody's head. Join the party. See how well you feel with one of these bloody chips."

At the mention of the moss, Spike decides to be helpful, grabbing a shovel that had been left after burying the vampire in the fresh grave. He's trying to get some of the moss out for Willow, and does. It might not be the right moss, but he gets some and offers it to her, "this the stuff you need, red?" Of course, as he's doing that, the other Vampire finally manages to break free of the grave!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy shook her head at Caspers words. "Vampires don't just come out of the ground here. They're sired in the seedy nasty places of the town, and there's a lot more that come in from other cities... they flock to this place like a moth to a bug zapper." She told the ghostly visage.

At Willow, Buffy walked toward her and reached out to touch Willow's elbow. "You should've texted me." She told her. "Its been a busy night out here, its dangerous as heck." She told her friend with concern on her voice. (Buffy's phone was on silent-mode and she'd forgotten).

When the Vampire came out after the shovel-scooping Spike, Buffy's head shot over and down at it. She leapt at the Vampire (the new one, not the blonde one) and she grabbed it by the shoulders and pulled it back to the edge of the new-grave. He trashed in her arms and hissed wildly with the Slayer behind him, only to suddenly go quiet and limp as a stake came through the back of his body and burst out through his heart.

A moment later and he was dust in the wet rainy night wind... And Buffy just released a heavy exhale from within her black hood-covered head. "Feels like a Arby's night. I think." She said then to everyone else as she climbed out of the grave. "I wonder if they're still open..."

Casper (273) has posed:
Heroically leaping into inaction, Casper does nothing because he's a ghost so.. Yeah.. what's he going to do, talk it to death? "Well, I've learned a lot about vampires. I guess they aren't all like my friend was or maybe he was more greasy than I realized." the ghost says but then smiles, "On the bright side," he concludes because he literally can not stop seeing the bright side of everything, "It's nice to know there are good people like you out here protecting the innocent." he says cheerfully, "I'll leave you to go eat. If you ever need me just call." he says as he starts to walk back towards the Crypt he arrived in... but he has forgotten to tell them where to call to reach him.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow offers a sweet smile to Spike. "Oh yeah! This will do just great! Thank you." She's lying. It has to be harvested in just the right way, but Spike was trying to be nice so it's good to try and foster those behaviours. She puts the moss in a baggie and into her own satchel, patting the satchel so Spike can see she's keeping it.

Looking to Buffy, she smiles. "I was in the middle of texting you when," she points to the grave. "Mr. Grabby Hands decided to say hello. Oh! And here he is!" She takes a step back, letting Buffy do what she does best and then nods when the Slayer mentions Arby's. "Aren't they 24/7?"

Spike has posed:
A vampire gets dusted, by a slayer, and it's not Spike. That feels weird. She should want to stake him. He should want to kill her. This was so weird. But he had adjusted to it. She and her scoobies were another matter though. "Don't know about Arby's, but the Big Belly Burger on Thousand Oaks is 24 hours," he volunteers helpfully. "Hey, Casper, join us. You can enjoy it vicariously. Don't worry, we'll get a table in the back, or get an order to go or something." Damn, even Spike felt sorry for the guy. Glad that he was able to help Willow, he gave her a thumbs up that seemed suspiciously like the Fonz. "No problem... hey, can you, I don't know, conjure up a shirt for him or something, or clothes that didn't look like he raided an army surplus store?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy, back up out of the grave, wiped her hands on her black jeans (she was wearing some black leather half-gloves on her hands, she claimed they gave her more 'Stake Gription' and made her look more 'Badass'). Buffy's eyes went to the three of them as she picked grass out of her gloves. "Ew, no, not Big Belly... they don't have curly fries." Her eyes then swept over to Willow and watched her put the grave moss away. "Got your reagent?" She asked (Buffy paid attention to some things! She new WORDS like 'reagent' ... she just, wasn't sure she used it right.)

At Casper though the Slayer exhaled a little. "You seem nice though, so I hope you don't fade away. You're welcome to come eat... with us... but I figure you don't really do that, so, you're welcome to come watch US eat." She said with a smirk. "Are you going to be hanging around this place for awhile? How do we find you?"

Casper (273) has posed:
Making his way into the Crypt he popped out of, Casper hears Buffy's question and turns back, "It's a long distance call probably. Call the operator and ask for the Keasbey, Empire City exchange. They should be able to put you through, it's a place called Angel Investigations. I'm helping someone there." the Ghost explains then he waves and steps inside the crypt. There is a bright flash and then he's gone.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I don't know if I can conjure ghost clothes. I've never really tried before. I guess, I could do some research and see if it's possible," Willow says to Spike in regards to the ghost teen. She then nods to Buffy. "Yep, got it right here. All safe and sound." She tells herself that she will go out reagent hunting with Buffy again tomorrow night.

"Angel Investigations. Small world. I wonder what he's going to hear about you when he says he met you."

Spike has posed:
"Arby's it is then. That's on State Street, isn't it?" Truthfully, he had never set foot in Arby's before, so he was trying to remember where the nearest one was. He nodded in agreement with Buffy. Casper did seem nice. Even Spike liked the guy. He just wished Casper would put on some damn clothes.

At the mention of Angel, Spike frowns, he thought about saying, 'oh, him. So, that's what he's up to. Gee, I wonder what could drive him all the way to the south end of Empire City?' Spike wished it was farther. Good riddance if you asked him, not that anyone did. But instead, he decided to be diplomatic. "Empire City, right on. They could use the help." With Casper disappearing, he addressed the women, "so, Arby's?" Or was it just them, no Vampries allowed?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy shook her head at the ghost shirt stuff. "Of all the things in this world that I want you to figure out how to 'magic', Will... Ghost Clothing might actually be at the bottom of that lis--" She cut herself off when Casper said Angel Investigations and she looked up from the mud on her nice new leather jacket at the Crypt that he vanished inside of. "Ugh... why does that not come out until the end of the conversation?"

Buffy, still with hood up, looked over to Spike and she shot him a glare. "I'm not buying your food tonight. You better have your own money." She said at the blonde vampire while making her way toward the rain dampened pathway that winded its way back toward the front of the cemetery. She'd dusted five vampires tonight, and Spike had gotten at least one that she'd seen... so it was a pretty good night.... and tomorrow was the start of another weekend, which were always even busier.