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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/21 |Location=Over the Atlantic Ocean |Synopsis=Angelica encountered Kara flying out over the ocean and the two have a conversation. |Cast of Characters=1014, 55 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Firestar will never be the speed of a Kryptonian, but when she is free over the ocean away from the shore she can really move. Normally she comes out to relax while flying, but night like tonight...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:02, 22 November 2023

Flying the friendly skies.
Date of Scene: 21 November 2023
Location: Over the Atlantic Ocean
Synopsis: Angelica encountered Kara flying out over the ocean and the two have a conversation.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Supergirl

Firestar has posed:
Firestar will never be the speed of a Kryptonian, but when she is free over the ocean away from the shore she can really move. Normally she comes out to relax while flying, but night like tonight she is testing her top speed. Said speed can be estimated at around 100 mph. It's pretty stead.

The waters she flies over part in the wake of the speed and closeness of the flight path. Even when she is working, this is her favorite place to be.
Supergirl has posed:
Kryptonians are, as the kids say, pretty Bullshit in the power department. Here on earth, Kara tries to not crack the sound barrier above populated areas, and she tries not to push past Mach 5 over the open ocean. It's just bad for everyone if the powers that be clock something going that fast.

Plus, it takes too much brain power to not obliterate some migratory seabird by accident.

Thusly, she's cruising at what would be clocked at .75 Mach. Fast enough to be enjoyable, but slow enough that she barely has to think about it. A blue and red streak blitzes past Angelica and cruises on for probably two miles before it stops, whips around and moves to intercept.

Kara stops dead, smiling pleasantly at the redhead. "Angelica! Hi! I didn't expect to see anyone else out here. Well, maybe Karen or Superman."
Firestar has posed:
Angelica looks up and sweeps to the side as Kara blasts past her. She smiles when she recognizes the blue and red. She knows whoever it is, it should be a Kryptonian. Maybe somebody should warn her about Bizzaro. Regardless, when she sees Kara pull up and stop, she flies to her and replies once they are close,"It's funny. I fly out here sometimes and it seems like a lot of the time I meet others. The first time I met Karen and Archangel it was out here over the waters. I saw Superman over the city recently. How are you?"
Supergirl has posed:
"There's not much more freeing than to just go to the middle of nowhere and fly under your own power, right?" Kara asks, sweeping her eyes across the great empty. It's a good way to get some alone time without having to go all the way to the Fortress. And even then, Kal or Karen might be there.

"I'm alright. How are you holding up," she asks with a tilt of her head, blonde hair spilling over her shoulder. "Any news on the bloodsucker?"
Firestar has posed:
"Not much at all." she agrees with a nod,"It's nice to escape the world as it were." She looks around them as well,"Once in a while you inadvertently buzz a boat or a plane, but over all."

She shakes her head and replies,"I haven't heard anything. I know it's our responsibility as a member of GIRL to not think about taking him off the board permanently, but I would like nothing more than to leave my home and not wonder if he's out there."
Supergirl has posed:
"You haven't lived until you've had to hose off from hitting a migratory bird," she says, reaching up to scratch the back of her head. "It's gross. Don't do it."

"Here's the thing," she says almost conspiratorially. "I am absolutely willing to let Nadia do her thing and try to resolve this in her way. That said, I am absolutely ready to encase that guy in ice and throw him into deep space forever."
Firestar has posed:
Wincing, Angelica shakes her head,"Yes. I think I'll take a pass on that one." she admits,"I can't imagine what that would be like. I've seen Karen take off. I can only imagine that the bird never knew what hit it and probably you didn't either at first."

She nods and admits,"I am not going to argue with them, but I am with you. If there is a way to take him out of the picture without dying and moving to the next person I am all about it. If I never see that monster again it will be too soon."
Supergirl has posed:
"That's the thing," Kara says with a grimace. "I did know. I can see at that speed, but I was just so...dumbfounded that I couldn't react fast enough. On the bright side, it absolutely didn't suffer. I sure did, though."

She shakes her head. "I understand not wanting to harm people. Even people who are truly monsters and deserve it. This guy is...he's just a predator. A bloodthirsty monster and a parasite. His absence is a net gain for the world."
Firestar has posed:
"Oh you saw it coming? Oh that had to suck." she admits with a shake of her head. She chuckles a little bit and clearly feel bad for Kara,"Well I guess one of you suffering is better than two."

A nod and Angelica agrees,"There are bad sorts that still walk the world that I wouldn't see erased from the world, that monster is not one of them. He is irredeemable. He care about what he wants and what he wants is to feed upon his former species."
Supergirl has posed:
"That's a vampire," Kara says with a shrug. "Cursed with eternal hunger." She shakes her head, golden hair swaying. "I believe in Nadia, though. I think she'll get it handled before I have to show him that it's a bad idea to do the things he does."

No one wants a Kryptonian angry at them. Not even an immortal bloodsucker.
Firestar has posed:
"It makes he uneasy to know he isn't the only one." she admits, crossing her arms,"Granted he's the worst to my opinion, but I don't know many others thankfully."

She smirks a little and admits,"I would like to see the result if you did get him. He's strong and fast. Don't be unwary. His ability to mess with your mind is strong too." Experience talking for sure.
Supergirl has posed:
"He might be strong and fast, but, well. I doubt he's stronger or faster than me," Kara says, her lips twitching upwards in a cocky smile. "The mind thing, that might be a bit of a problem. I'm not human, though, and my mind might be just different enough to resist a bit longer than average." She pauses.

"So I can throw him into space."
Firestar has posed:
A smirk touches her features and Angelica admits,"I have seen the speed." She is teasing a little of course. She uncrosses her arms and shrugs,"I don't know how your minds work so I don't know what he could or couldn't do. I get the impression his powers are rooted in magic, so there's that. I don't know how the Kryptonians hold up to magic." She smiles and offers,"Thow him up and away from us so he doesn't accidentally hit the moon, the asteroid field, or a planet in this system."
Supergirl has posed:
"I'm not any more resistant to magic than you are, sadly, but if he's not ready for me in particular, I can probably make it work," Kara says. "And I'm really good at math, so I can aim well enough."
Firestar has posed:
"Yeah. Avoid his eyes if you see him. Don't meet them." she advises,"I don;t know if that helps, but they sure do draw you in." she adds.

"I wonder if..." she pauses and looks at Kara's eyes and then at her hands,"I wonder if we cut his arms and legs off and sent all the body parts in different directions if he would remain in suspension." A smile and she admits,"I lvoe physics and math along with it. I feel you there."