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Latest revision as of 14:03, 22 November 2023

Dinner. That's the important thing.
Date of Scene: 20 November 2023
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Harry meets Kinsey at Mac's for a good meet and greet.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Kinsey MacKenna

Harry Dresden has posed:
Life has been, hectic recently. Harry is in the one place that might rival his office for the most comfortable of zones. All the magic protections in the restaurant makes it a little easier to relax in.

Harry is sitting at the counter off to the side.

He can easily look at the door comfortably. He isn't concerned overly, but a bullet isn't magic. He takes a bite of his sandwich and chews it happily.
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey had not imagined that she would be dropping in the MacAnally's Pub. But by the time she had seen to everything on her list, and then some, it was getting late and the Pub sounded better than going back home and making some soup, or going to the space station and rummaging through the reheatable leftovers from supper.

Mind you, by the time she had come in, took a seat, and read the menu, she was almost thinking it would be better to eat somewhere else. Though, they did have soup, and mineral water? With a toasted cheese sandwich? That would do.

She nodded to herself and put the menu down. Waiting for her order to be taken, and looking around.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry notes the unfamiliar face and if eyes meet he nods to her and otherwise keeps to himself for now. A bottle of Mac's homebrew chases the steak. Unfortunately for her this place is a little too rough and tumble for minter water or much in the way of soupt, bu grilled or toasted cheese sandwich would be doable.

Mac makes his way to her to get her order and the place just hums with a little activity on a Sunday night. Eveyrone seems at easy, happy, and getting less hungry by the minute.
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
It's not that she doesn't enjoy alcohol in moderation, but she has found as the years went by, as she felt herself growing into her Blue persona, she found it more of a bother than a pleasure. At any time she might be called on for help.

As for meat? Again, she wasn't /quite/ a vegan, but with her other job, she knows that humans ate far too much of meat, and meat by-products. To keep her physique if was easier to eat meat very rarely.

"No soup? How sad. I'll take the sandwick, toasted, and.. you must have tonic water, being a bar? One of those please." Kinsey smiled and Mac took her order, and went away.

"No soup?' Kibou started to talk as soon as Mac was far enough away. "Where do they put the leftovers then?"

"None of our business, Kibou. And inside voice please."
Harry Dresden has posed:
People talking to themselves doesn't bother Harry really. The sound of her answering herself in another voice does throw him just a little. He raises a brow and then goes back to his sandwich for now.

A few other people in the bar look at her funny when two voices happen. A few whispered conversations are centered on her.

Mac can get her tonic water and then goes to start her sandwich. He isn't mean, just not the most personable man on the planet and she she smiles he nods to her politely, eyes smiling maybe. Then off he goes to make her sandwich.
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kibou seems to remember not to talk aloud. But he is young, and invariably, he forgets when he gets excited.

Kinsey is so very used to that: His speaking, and people starting, that she is not in the least bothered by people giving her a sidelong look. At least when she was on earth they were pretty much people about their staring. In outer space it often was something else.

She caught the eyebrow lift of Harry, and she chortled to herself.

<<See what you have done, Kibou? Everyone is staring at me.>>

<<Why then, do you not seem angry? I'm very confused. Are you not angry?>>

That has Kinsey bring her water up quickly to cover herself laughing at something that only she hears. <<Oh, Kibou.>>
Harry Dresden has posed:
While he is surrounded by the weird and strange, Harry still gets curious. He finally offers politely,"Hello. I haven't seen you here before and I half live here." Behind the counter Mac grunts affirmative.

Harry glances towards him and then back at Kinsey,"That's Mac, I'm Harry." he tells her. Usually the grumpy guy, he is friendlier likely in wary and watchful manner about the woman talking to...well not herself really.
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey smiles. "Dr. Kinsey MacKenna, not from this place. I grew up in the 'hood so to speak. ?You know where Hell's Kitchen is. There."

She takes a moment to nod at Mac, before turning her attention back on Harry.

"I'm curious. Half-live here?" She figures something pedestrian, but she's been wrong before! And being a xenobiologist she's always found that the best way is to ask.?
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Nice to meet you Dr. MacKenna." he replies and takes a drink of his brew,"I am aware of where Hell's Kitchen yes. I haven't spent a lot of time there."

He smirks a little and points across the street,"My home is across the street. I eat here a lot." he explains,"When I am out of town, this is the one place I miss."
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey nods. "When I'm out of.. town, I often miss my home too. Though I haven't lived there for over a year. My job keeps me away. Though I must admit at this point in my life I only hold on to my apartment for sentimental reasons. And, of course, rent control. I wouldn't be able to afford a place for that little rent."

She shudders.

"Would you mind some company? Seeing as I am the stranger here. I don't bite, honest."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Listening to her talk about being away from home a lot get a sympathetic look,"It's hard to be gone all the time, but yes rent controlled is something worth hanging on to. You never know when you will be home again for a long time."

He nods to the stoll next to him and says,"Please do." he replies,"I can't promise I am the best company in the world, but I will do my best."
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Moving her seat to across from him, she nods. "It was my mother's apartment, but I had it grandfathered into my name. It's just a little place, up in the third floor of a tenement, but I have so many memories there. Of course, I had to get rid of my plants when my mother died. Where I work, I can only have a few of them."

Kinsey looks at his beer. "Can I buy you another? I'm afraid I don't drink very often. I have to be ready at any time to respond." She shrugs.

"Kinzee! That is not precisely true! I have more than enough power to clear out your bloodstream at any time."

Kinsey sighed as she closed her eyes and rubbed them. "Kibou. This is not the time."

"But it is true. Why don't you tell the truth?"


Kinsey sighed. "Please excuse my ring. He is young, though you would think that after a couple of years he would know the difference between inside voices and outside voices."

Of course, right now, Kibou is quiet.

"I supposed I could join you with a beer."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Listening to her, Harry makes the required nod here and there,"That is home with a lot of history and thus a strong threshold." he tells her,"That much family history has a strength to it."

The talking ring gets a raise of his brow and Harry takes a drink, finishing it. He smirks a little at the exchange between the two of them. Something in his eyes says he understands such exchages only too well.

"Your ring talks to you? Some sort of magic though I can't say that I recognize it just right off." he comments. He must understand the indoor/outdoor voice. A nod and he adds,"Never turn down the opportunity to drink a beer with someone that seems a good sort."
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"You would think that I never go out with people to hear him speak." Kinsey glares at Kibou.

"This is Kibou. My friend, I suppose. My partner. My understanding of the universe and all its rules. I don't know if he is magic, or technology, or a hybrid of the two. He stays with me as long as I am the epitome of Hope. Say hello, Kibou."

"Hi!" For just one moment you could imagine a person who was bursting out the way that often teenagers on the cusp of adulthood looked at the world. All full of hope and dreams. But he's just a ring. right?
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry listens to her talk about the ring like a person and that peaks his curiosity. Listening to her describe the ring gets a nod,"Well there is something mystical about him, but nothing like I am familiar with just right off. Maybe someday there might be a time I could study him."

He pauses and looks at the ring,"Are you a member the Lanterns? I haven't met one, but I know some people who know a few."
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey taps on her nose as if to say 'that's right'.

"Blue lantern, to be exact. Kibou picked me, at Odym. I am his first partner. Sometimes, when I am not looking after my sector, I'm the Head Xenobiologist on the Mackenzie Space Space Station. My day job is certainly not exciting." She laughs.
Harry Dresden has posed:
A nod and things start to better fall into place for his understanding,"That's the reason for the talking." he muses softly and seems to be a little more at ease. He raises a brow and adds,"That doesn't sound exciting, but it can't be terribly boring either. I mean studying aliens on a space station? I couldn't do that, but not because I wouldn't want to."
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Well, I say that, but I don't believe it one bit. There is something rather fascinating figuring out which parts of the equation are important. Then again, I was a weird child. My first degree was genetics. It took me all the way to my doctorate to fall in love with xenobiology. But, again, it's not for everyone."

Kinsey laughs, her eyes crinkling.

"What of you? You say you've got friends who know lanterns. That's not something everyone could say."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I can appreciate the puzzling things out fascination. I find the research as interesting as the result." he replies. He shakes his head and tells her,"I know people that are friends of the Lanterns. I think you are the first I have ever met that I know of."

"As for what I do. I am a wizard and a private investigator. My office is just across the street." he explains. Pushing a card to her, she can see his name, address, message number, and the services offered.
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey takes the card offered. "A wizard, you say? I can't say I know of magic. But some say, science is like magic. Especially genetics. Things that are so small to be almost invisible which can make your life go this way or that? Magic in the sense that most people will never understand."

"And," Here Kinsey sits back. "The Lantern part of me certainly doesn't understand even a little bit of it. But my Hope that it will be alright if I just do my part. Do you like magic? Can I keep this?" The card.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I am impressed." Harry comments,"Most people immediately try to say such a thing couldn't exist and that I must be crazy. I can't tell you how many birthday requests I get in a year."

A nod and he replies,"Sure. Keep the card. You might need to use it some time. I am in the book however, assuming you can still find a phone book. I like the sound though, the power of Hope. More people need to understand that."
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"It's been my experience that scientists are one of two types: those who believe in what they can prove, and those who believe in what they are hoping to prove. Very subtle difference. I will let you decide what I am." Kinsey winks at him, and puts away his card.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"There is science in magic and I suggest there is magic in science." he replies. A smirk when she mentions the two types of scientists,"I am all about will, so I have to side with those trying to prove, forcing the universe to their viewpoint." %
Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey laughs. "I have so enjoyed our time. Thank-you. Perhaps we shall meet again."

She pulled out some bills and put them on the table. "Take care Harry. All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well. You look like you could use reminding of that." And with a wave of her hand she departed.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry listens to her, nodding as she lays it out. He looks a little curious and admits,"I appreciate the reminding Kinsey. Everyone needs a remind now and then. Be safe out there. If you need me for something, you know how to find me now."