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Latest revision as of 14:05, 22 November 2023

A Devil, A God, and A Sinister all meet in a bar...
Date of Scene: 18 November 2023
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: And the God regales the Devil and Sinister with a spun tale over whiskey and ale.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister, Loki

Lucifer has posed:
Friday Nights at Lux are likely one of the busiest nights for the club owner. People are drinking themselves into the weekend, spending their recently acquired paychecks quicker than they earn them and otherwise just trying to have the best of times. There are naked men and women in cages dancing to the beats being dropped by the nightly deejay, scantily clad servers wandering between tables and booths, bartenders mixing drinks and there might be someone in the kitchen cooking.

Lucifer Morningstar, owner and proprietor, stands at his usual perch. Tonight, it's the dark green ensemble, an impeccably tailored suit of Armani branding, with black as the accent color up to and including the handkerchief tucked neatly into his left breast pocket. He snags a whiskey from the tray of a passing waitress, admiring the retreating assets for a moment before being mindfully reminded that he can look but he cannot touch.

Such a shame.

Speaking of no touchy, he scans both the top and lower level to see if he can spot the Nathaniel that may or may not yet be lurking within the club. Eventually they'll find each other either way but he does keep an eye out. For him, for trouble, or anything else that may spark interest.
Sinister has posed:
Ethical use of telepathy. Shall we be the one considering it this evening? No, we shall not.

Dressed head to toe in black, tailored to his form and accented in nothing more than slightly darker black, Sinister's shoes are polished, his stride is confident and smooth and he weaves with relative laziness in and out of dancing throngs, chatting chums and ne'er a look to naked dancers. He appreciates the form, but frankly has seen them more than once. Or twice. Or a hundred times over.

Tonight, his steel grey gaze goes from high roller to youthful potential, skimming thoughts to each that catches his attention, lifting pertinent information and essentially sucking up the beat of the drum that is New York and its greater cosmopolitan area.

There is a glance toward where Sunnydale lurks, for some reason or another, then he's ascending the spiral stair to the 'perch'. A drift past the Devil with a light little arpeggio of movement of fingers along the man's sleeve and he heads to a booth, where drinks are already waiting along with an ashtray.
Loki has posed:
Trouble just walked through the door. Well, he walked in a little bit ago but you know what? He's being low-key!

Eat that pun alive.

Loki Odinson - or Laufeyson if you ask of his deeper bloodline history - is currently sitting down on a chair at the bar, enjoying a clarinet of fine wine. Much like the Devil himself, Loki seems to be enjoying a dark suit with a dark green sportscoat paired with a green tie and a lovely hat adorned on his head, a yellow band around the forehead.

R&R? Since when do Gods of Mischief (and often those associated with evil as a concept) enjoy /downtime/ between their nefarious plots? Since when does Loki, scion of Jotunheim and Asgard, sit at bars with nothing to do? Surely he must be plotting something nefarious.

Surely...he has a plan.

Instead eyes lift, finding both Sinister and Lucifer at their perches until they manage to reconnect together. A soft hum, before he's looking at his drink.

A flick of his hand and the liquid changes colors. "Excuse me dear-" A hand finds one of the waitresses shoulders in a brief touch to gain attention. "Might you thank the proprietor for this drink? His stock is quite delectable. That is all."
Lucifer has posed:
There's a presence here that Lucifer has had a bead on since their arrival. Sorry Loki Odinson, but you don't walk into the club of the Devil and not get pinged for it. Especially since you've been here before - once upon a timeline or two. Lucifer lifts his whiskey to his lips for a sip just as Nathaniel brushes past him in that way he has. A smirk curls the edges and eyes follow for a lingering moment before they tear themselves away so he can pay attention to other surroundings.

It doesn't take long for the message from the God of Chaos to reach Lucifer, and this is when the man turns, eyes Nathaniel with a knowing Grin(tm), and then one step, two, and he is behind the bar and facing the God.

"Loki Odinson, as I exist on this Earth. To what do I owe the distinct pleasure of your presence within my club this time?" The man asks with a grin, keeping his voice low enough to not rightly out the Frost Giant turned Asgardian's presence, but at least letting him know that - oh yes - we know who you are. What you do and how you do it so well.
Sinister has posed:
In his alcove, Sinister settles himself with a private smile. It's quite hard to sneak up on a telepath, also, but he too, knows what 'discreet' means and simply settles himself, placing drinks on coasters and beginning the process of tapping out the cigarettes that will inevitably come after.

There's a pitcher in truth, a foaming, delicious thing that is ultimately extremely rare outside of certain places and certain supply contracts. He lights a smoke, drawing his cheeks in to high cheekbones as he sucks deep, the cherry illuminating his eyes like a hint of the face he hides underneath.

He settles back to blowing smoke rings. They'll be over here eventually.
Loki has posed:
The God of Chaos.

Of Stories.

Of Mischief.

Of Evil.

Loki has many names. Yet all of them begin with a tale. A trick. A weapon composed only of a sharp wit and a silver tongue. But he's not a God for nothing. Even with his origins in Jotunheim, Loki has become a figure of immense capability and treachery. A shame that few have ever given Loki the time of day. Speaking of the few, Loki's dark eyes turn and observe Lucifer as the Morningstar approaches. "Lucifer Morningstar, as I weave my loom of sagas." Loki returns charm with charm. "The pleasure of my company is earned by the taste of your liquor. I haven't been to Asgard in..." Loki considers. "Two winters, yet mortal beverage continues to surprise me in the great list of their failings. Sometimes, even the smallest things can impress."

He meets the Morningstar's eyes. "Though, I see your club is still thriving. Even moreso that Hell hasn't come with you." A little smirk appearing onh is face. "I trust your great underworld is well-managed with your presence here. Perhaps that is your secret? Infernal ingredients?"
Lucifer has posed:
"Yes well. Mortal liquors keep my doors open because the mortals keep coming back for it time and time again..." Lucifer offers this with a smirk and then motions. "Not to mention the music, gambling and sex I keep on hand..." A chuckles as he glances behind himself - over his shoulder - and then looks back towards Loki. "But if it's a taste of home you're wanting...I have something that just might hit the spot. How about a glass of Asgardian Ale?"

He asks this and then glances around the bar once more. Perhaps looking for other familiar faces, just to make sure he doesn't miss anyone. Perhaps it's to make sure they're mostly in the clear. "Course, it comes at a cost...like most things do. But I'll make this one a fairly easy price. Come join me in the VIP lounge. I'll bring the drink, you bring yourself and your tales. I would /love/ to hear what's going on beneath that wonderful head of yours..."
Sinister has posed:
The continued indulgence of the cigarette is a preoccupation for Sinister, though he's watching the interaction beneath hooded lashes -- another cigarette prepared and set aside, he indulges his cognac for all that it's worth, before shooting it back and selecting a glass for the pitcher.

Stories may be interesting, particularly if they take the mind on sublime journeys.

"He must be in a mood," is mused, as he watches the approach. The VIP is of course, where this alcove is located.
Loki has posed:

Loki seems to swirl his drink in his hand, keeping his eyes firmly on Lucifer. "True, all vices that mortals so truly enjoy. Even I indulge from time to time, though not nearly so often as I'd like." He tilts his head. "Asgardian ale? Heh. Tell me stranger, how did you come by such a luxury?" Loki questions, knowing full well that Lucifer is no stranger to him, though his curiosity is honest. No doubt he could figure it out on his own.

Hell it probably came from him.

"Well, I suppose that's an easy price to pay. Perhaps I will weave you a tale of mystery, truth, and a little bit of exageration. Though I suppose you are the one to choose the loom of your poison." He winks, getting up out of his seat. "Shall we then? I trust you can lead the way." It's his club after all.

And it's not like Loki is unaware of the great power he speaks with. Gods, you know. Always with their own trinkets.

His eyes lift to Sinister as they walk. "He looks well."
Lucifer has posed:
"He is. Well, as much as he can be given the who and what that he is.." Lucifer offers a first comment to Loki's last, as is his habit. To work backwards in conversation sometimes. As he speaks, he shifts, grabbing a bottle of deep amber liquid from a cooler and a beer glass, also a bottle of his whiskey and his whiskey glass. Some of these are floated around him - which most people tend to ignore it seems.

"Perhaps a tale about yourself. What you've been up to lately. You say you haven't been back to Asgard for two winters...and you haven't really been around here for a while either..." Saying this much in response to the type of tale Loki could tell him. Of course he trusts the God of Mischief to spin the tale all sorts of ways. Sprinkle in some falsehoods and exagerations, make himself look damn good. The hero. In a sense.

When it comes to talking about the ale, he lets out a laugh. "I won a bet with a Valkyrie and the ale was the prize I chose." It must be true because despite the claims, Lucifer cannot tell a lie. This is a genuine fact about him. Universally known.
Loki has posed:
"Hm. So it would appear. Though the who and the what are just as important as the why in this instance. I wonder if he's been told a good story lately-" True, false, rhetorical, metaphorical, a good story is a good way to reconnect. But Loki seems to tilt his head ever so slightly, a smirk painting itself on his features. "A tale about me? Oh, well then. I certainly feel as though I'm being charmed. Should I fear a camera around the corner? My father - adopted or otehrwise - awaiting with brutal spear in his hand? Or, Gods forbid, my brother with his mighty hammer?"

Though all jokes aside, Loki nods. "Fair enough. My travels are many and numerous. My paths are rarely wide, ever narrow. Perhaps I'll spin the tale like a riddle. It's been a long time since I've done that." Thinking out loud to keep them all guessing, he just ends up laughing as Lucifer tells of a valkyrie giving him the ale.

"Oh but of course. The Valkyrie do love their dealings and bets."

He shrugs. "If I knew you as only a truthsayer, I would call you a liar." Which of course would make playing liar's dice an incredible boring affair with Lucifer. Oh well.
Lucifer has posed:
They easily and quickly reach the VIP lounge up another small flight of stairs and once at the booth there Lucifer smiles upon Nathaniel. "Loki Odinson, may I reintroduce Doctor Nathaniel Essex...or in some circles...Mister Sinister." He offers this with a grin before motioning to the booth and then slides in to slip as near to the Doctor as allowed. A chaste kiss against the flesh of cheek is offered before ale and whiskey bottles are settled onto the table along with their glasses. "Loki is just about to regale us with a tale... I suppose it will be our job to dissect the truth from it.." He grins then.
Sinister has posed:
"Dissemination of fact and fiction is counteractive to a good story," Sinister responds with a grin, leaning into the kiss a little, like a proprietous miss that he most definitely isn't, only to smooth imaginary fluff off of the Armani. Cigarettes, very perfectly tapped are gestured to and there is a little mead to go with the ale -- that's what was in the pitcher.

"A pleasure again, Loki Odinson, he-of-the-many-hats and just as many faces. You definitely have got about a bit in the past, though I approve..." just the look up of grey eyes to the hat and a flash of the flaming coal red in the depths of them as he gives his most charming incline of the head. "It has been a while though."
Loki has posed:
"Always a pleasure, Mr. Sinister-Nathaniel Essex - He with a diamond on his forehead." Loki runs through the list of titles and names for Sinister with a smirk on his face. "Lovely." He comments between Lucifer and Sinister's affections, though he quickly seems to find a chair to sit in, crossing his legs at the ankles as he lifts his hand to the brim of a conjured hat to tip it slightly in the pair's direction.

"Quite a while. But, that's the problem of time - it never quite works the way you mean it to. Thankfully, I'm always on time." Everything that Loki does is on time. No action is overcalculated. No time is underwhelming.

Perfectly done, each time.

"Ah yes...a tale. Let us regale the time I once stole the Norn Stones from mighty Karnilla herself."
Lucifer has posed:
"It is lovely, isn't it?" Lucifer offers in returned comment about his affections towards Nathaniel. He knows his lover doesn't appreciate PDA much, but within the confines of the club and Penthouse, and in certain company, he can get away with a few things now and again. "One of these days I'll get curious enough about your love life... if there is one... and then offer you a slice of paradise that you could want for..." He motions gently towards the outer club where caged dancers are naked.

When Loki announces the tale he intends to speak on, Lucifer smiles. He picks up a closer cigarette, lighting the tip with the snap of a finger, and then pours drinks all around as desired. "Oh this should be good..."
Sinister has posed:
"Well, if the legends are to be believed, Loki's love life has been perpetually interesting, strange, convoluted and occasionally cross-species. Sleipnir -and- Fenrir, if legends are to be believed, with Angraboda, the jotnar..." Sinister lifts a finger. "You forgot doctor. That's the first title I ever got," he flashes eyebrows upward, smiles crookedly and lights a fresh cigarette, by lean-to toward Lucifer's light.

He settles himself into the comfortable apolstery of the seat though, extending his legs beneath the table and reaching for his own ale. Storytime?

"I imagine that you always arrive precisely when you mean to, Loki. And if you did not arrive, that was also purposeful -- though chrono-quantum is a thing we've been having some fun with lately, at least it's interesting."
Loki has posed:
"Well, my love life is more storied than the Norn's abilities themselves. Trust me, it's not as interesting as you might believe-" Then of course, SInister just /has/ to prove Loki wrong with the little pokes and prods at some of his progeny. "Let us not forget Jormungandr." Loki winks softly at Sinister. "Though it is not my love life we will be approaching today...but the love life of the Bravest of all Asgard...Balder, the Lord of Light, God of Peace, and Master of Prophecy." Loki winks softly. "For Karnilla was - and often is - his lover."

He tilts his head at Sinister. "Chrono-quantum is a fun time, so long as you don't shatter the time-space continuum with too many paradoxes. If that's even possible. If it were...I would've accomplished it already." He chuckles.

He looks towards the outer club where cage dancers were in fact naked in all of their glory. "Too easy, Lucifer dear." Loki smirks at the fellow.

"Now then...where was I? Oh yes, Karnilla."

He slowly begins. "Once upon a time..." He chuckles. "There lived a Goddess named Karnilla. The birth and early life of Karnilla were shrouded in mystery. All that was really known is that she had long lived in Nornheim with the masters of Destiny, the Norns. Of such a land? Karnilla was the only and unchallenged ruler. However...a brilliant light once shone upon her and she loved it from the moment she felt it's warmth. However, Odin disliked Karnilla the /instant/ she laid eyes on the aura of the purest of Asgard, Balder, and invoked her as a great enemy. But they say love endures through even the greatest calamities..."
Lucifer has posed:
"We are being very careful not to destroy any sort of time lines, but also, we're working in probabilities and not actual lines that exist." Lucifer explains...at least that much. He's not going to go into specifics because for one, he might bugger something up. For two...c'mon...anyone who knows anything knows to not show their whole hand of cards. Especially to Loki Odinson.

There's agreement to what Nathaniel speaks on, about time and how Loki arrives precisely when intended. He doesn't need to repeat the same phrase. Another drag is taken from his cigarette as his eyes shift to the god, himself, to listen to the story as it begins to unfold.
Sinister has posed:
"Quite. Probabilities and a strangely compelling parallel to this moment. It makes me wonder about kismet, my dearest." Oh, for the lovey dovey look he slides sidelong to Lucifer, so saccharine sweet it has to be slightly put on. But perhaps not, as the warmth of it lingers in the eyes. Loki's talking about love after all and spells, stories, have their own power. When you put it down in words...

"Oh of course, I would be a fool to forget about the oroboros, moebius loop that it is, consumer of its own tail until the end of days--" Sinister grins, but silences, listening to the beginning of the tale, his expression taking on a distant kind of focus. Stories and recollections twist in the telling of them, whether this one is familiar or not remains to be heard.

"Always struck me as an odd thing, the obsession with physical beauty and all the lessons that go hand in hand with it being only skin deep and all that. It persists nevertheless." Pause, then a wave of the hand and a mouthed 'apologies' to Loki, with a nod. We are listening.
Loki has posed:
"I trust that you would-" Loki stops telling his story, looking at Lucifer. "And if you break a few rules? Other rules exist to rectify the error. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides-" He lifts a finger in front of his lips. "That's my job. Lately, anyway. Don't tell Thor or the big jock will think I actually care, which is just ridiculous."

He chuckles a little bit, turning his attention to Sinister. "Ah yes, circles the entirety of the world and bites it's own tail, fated to slay the Thunder God come Ragnarok...but we all know that cycles are likely to repeat themselves." Loki smirks. "Now hush, a story I'm weaving and listening you should."

He jokes about the classic 'Yoda' voice, yet Loki does it better. Eat your heart out, you little green elf.

"Now then, where was I? Oh yes..."

He clears his throat. "It did not help Karnilla's tale in that she considered Nornheim a realm beyond the reach of Odin's authority. Against Asgard was she a powerful enemy...but Odin one-eye was a clever King indeed, knowing full well of her affections for his son did he send Balder to meet with Karnilla, for Surtr of Musphelheim had begun his war with Asgard and though the realm was mightiest of them all, it was difficult even for the Realm Eternal to fight a war on two fronts."

"So was Balder finally convinced to lower his guard...and beautiful Karnilla earned her way into Balder's heart, who finally succumbed to her advances."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just nods along as Loki gives them the general 'do what you need' permission - not that they were asking for it. He does raise a single brow and then shrugs a single shoulder. "I rarely speak with your brother and when I do, you never come up. We have other topics that we can conversate on..." He offers this much and then listens as Loki continues his tale.

"So a war was stopped, two were able to be in love, and alls well that ends well...something tells me that's not quite the end of that little story either. Much like most tales of Asgard tend to weave in and out with one another time to time." He grins, because he knows it to be mostly true. That and those who weave the tapestry of Fate. Pulling and making strings all the time.

Such as it is, the three continue to talk into the later parts of the evening, sharing stories and drinks until nothing more can be said and eventually the couple part ways with Loki, with an extension that the God of Mischief can stop by for an ale or something else to whet his whistle any time.