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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/11 |Location=Serpent's Den, Cairo, Egypt |Synopsis=Magneto, Tabitha and Lorna meet with the Whisperer to discuss the next steps of dealing with the Segment of Death and finalise plans. |Cast of Characters=221, 1284, 128 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:221|Magneto (221)}} has posed:'''<br>Following their recent expedition into the King's Tomb nestled within the unforgiving desert, Magneto arranged another rendezvous with the en...")
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Latest revision as of 14:15, 22 November 2023

Returning to the Whisperer
Date of Scene: 11 November 2023
Location: Serpent's Den, Cairo, Egypt
Synopsis: Magneto, Tabitha and Lorna meet with the Whisperer to discuss the next steps of dealing with the Segment of Death and finalise plans.
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Boom-Boom, Polaris

Magneto has posed:
Following their recent expedition into the King's Tomb nestled within the unforgiving desert, Magneto arranged another rendezvous with the enigmatic Whisperer. The meeting was scheduled to take place once again at the Serpent's Den, a location that was becoming rather familiar to Magneto, perhaps more than he would have liked.

Now, Magneto finds himself seated across a table from the Whisperer, with Israa at his side. He has donned civilian attire appropriate for the arid desert surroundings, a departure from his usual attire.

"My team and I have achieved success in retrieving the item from the tomb," Magneto begins, his tone measured. "Fortunately, we encountered no hostiles during our expedition into the tomb."
Boom-Boom has posed:
Dive bars are still all the same, even when you're in countries not America. So when Tabby is back in the Serpent's den, flying the X-Flag while others gear up to fly home. She gets back to wearing roughly street clothes. Less skin than normal, but really, people would stare at the blonde no matter what she wore. Roughly since her jeans still have rips in her knees, and she's covered in dust from the streets. A t-shirt in plain gray over a khaki long sleave shirt being used as a jacket covering her while clunky old hiking boots cover her feet and yellow tinted cat eye glasses keep the winds and sand mostly out of her eyes as much as the sun's glare during day light hours.

"Took a bit to get those assholes like gone. But McGuffin snagged! Three to go I expect." she beams
Magneto has posed:
The Whisperer leans in closer over the table, his voice lowered in an air of secrecy. "Rumors have reached me suggesting that Clan Akkaba has already secured the remaining three segments."

"I see," Magneto replies, his expression contemplative. "In that case, it appears we may need to reconsider our strategy."

Israa interjects with a pragmatic viewpoint, "Shouldn't we first verify whether the other three segments have indeed been acquired? We should exercise caution rather than rush into action. After all, if we possess one of the four segments, they cannot complete the staff thing-y."

The Whisperer offers a correction, "The Scepter of Eternity."

"Right, the Scepter of Eternity," Israa acknowledges. "So, if they cannot assemble it, there's no immediate urgency."

Magneto, deep in thought, strokes his chin as he contemplates the situation. "The main concern is that the other three segments were not concealed here in Egypt. We'd need to venture to Tibet, India, and Greece to retrieve them. Such extensive travel exposes us to the risk of our segment being seized."

Israa appears ready to speak again, but the Whisperer interjects, stating simply, "The Segment of Death." His utterance brings Israa's words to an abrupt halt.
Boom-Boom has posed:
"Sooo, we play keep away? Clan Agadoo gonna keep coming after this thing right?" Tabby asks as she gets herself a seat and gets comfy with some cheap local brew.

It made her face scrunch up from how awful it is but she didn't expect to be able to order a mimosa. Let alone see a brunch menu.

"Soo, how hard would it be to like fake or duplicate this thing? It's part of a thing it does as thing. Can the thing it do be like replaced?" she saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when she was a kid. Old movie but she knows the bad guys tried faking the first McGuffin.

"Or should we go straight to destroying it. Just keeping on the run is gonna be a straight pain for anyone keeping it away from goons. And locking it up is gonna need way more work that the original location we found it" she ponders with looks back and forth between Magneto, Israa and the Whisperer.
Polaris has posed:
It's been some time since the raid in the Egyptian tomb, and Lorna had lost track of Magneto for a while. However, she still had her connections to the Brotherhood, and it didn't take her long to find the somewhat shady bar that served as the meetup point for Magneto and his allies.

She steps in, dressed in a somewhat low key outfit consisting of a deep green shirt and grey jeans. Black isn't a good color for the desert heat but at least her outfit is thin and somewhat cool. Nothing can hide the intense green hair although she does her best with a thin grey scarf but wisps of grey hair might still fall out.

Emerald eyes scan the area before stepping towards Magneto. "There you are.." she mutters, not looking terribly happy either way about this whole thing..
Magneto has posed:
Magneto swivels in his chair upon hearing his daughter's voice, a warm smile gracing his features.

Israa, on the other hand, playfully wags a finger in Tabitha's direction as she chimes in, "That could the solution! If we manage to destroy this segment, then the Scepter of Eternity remains incomplete, and they won't be able to resurrect anyone."

"I'm not certain it can be destroyed," Magneto replies rejoining the conversation. "It seems to resist my magnetic powers. If it can withstand my abilities, I'm not certain anything else could break it."

The Whisperer interjects, his voice hushed, "The legends did speak of immense power residing within each of the segments."

Israa concedes, her tone thoughtful, "Fair enough. But what about Boom Boom's other suggestion? What if we craft replicas and keep them far away from the cult's reach?"

Magneto ponders the idea for a moment, mulling it over. "It could be a viable plan. We'd need trustworthy individuals to safeguard the replicas---people who can also defend themselves."
Boom-Boom has posed:
"There's always just plasma, lots of it. Heat gets everything in the end. No heat, no anything!" she points out with and snap of her fingers and a brief flash of flame appears. Small enough some might think she just sparked a lighter and not her own powers.

Lorna's arrival getting a bright smile. "Looking FAB girl! I got turned around like five times. Same dude tried offering me a weird puzzle box and muttered something about pleasure and laments." she jokes at her own expense.

Soon enough she goes back to possible plans. "If it's got power the fakes'll need batteries. We know a few guys that can fabricate that and then we try and look like we're trying to secure them wherever. A-Game on the fakes security systems so they think it's genuine." she increases her Southern accent to Rogue levels on that last word.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane does catch snippets of the conversation but nothing that makes much sense as she's coming in the middle of it. She merely tilts her head slightly in acknowledgement of her father, although there is a coolness to her voice . "Father.." she says, "You ran off before we could continue our conversation the other day.." to be fair there were other people after that fragment, but she didn't like the implication of his words..Clearly she still doesn't trust him completely..Yet..

Tabitha is acknowledged as well with a short nod as is Isra, although she focuses more on Magneto. "Maybe you should eject it into space.." she offers, perhaps an outlandish idea but not entirely impossible.
Magneto has posed:
"As I was saying," Magneto continues, addressing his daughter, "it appears to possess a resistance to my abilities. I can barely lift it, and yet it doesn't weigh much at all."

With a deliberate gesture, he reaches into his jacket and retrieves the cylindrical metallic form of the Segment of Death, placing it on the table for everyone to see.

"Nevertheless," he concedes, "if the two of you wish to attempt its destruction, you are more than welcome to try."

Both Israa and the Whisperer lean in, inspecting the object closely without making direct contact.

"However," Magneto continues, "I don't believe we need replicas as authentic as you suggest, Boom Boom. We only require copies that resemble the Segment from a distance---sufficient to divert Clan Akkaba's agents and keep them pursuing decoys. But what should we do with the authentic segment?"
Boom-Boom has posed:
Boom-Boom grins. "We can give it a shot. Between the three of us. I figure Mags, you throw a dome over me and the dealybob for containment. I just pour plasma down on it, just crank it till the thing pops. If it 'splodes. You keep the blast contained. Lorna keeps a shield on me so I don't get nuked in case of like radiation and stuff. I'm fine with heat and fire but even I have an upper limit on how much blast force I can take." she considers the plan.

"That fails we just do the fakes. Maybe get Magik to portal yeet the thing into some random plane of existence. Send it where no one but she can go." ideas. Tabby's had some experience having to offload stolen goods. Some things are just too hot to fence and they have go somewhere it can't get traced.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane arches a brow at Magneto. "Well, if it is immune to your powers, I doubt I would dare much better.." she sighs and after a few moments of consideration, she takes a seat at the table next to Tabitha.

When she elaborates on her plan, she smirks, "Well, it's worth a try I suppose, although I imagine such a powerful device may not be so easily destroyed. Just to be safe, we should do it in a wide open space that is not too crowded.." but of course the nearby desert offers many such places.
Magneto has posed:
"That does seem worth attempting," Israa concurs, placing a reassuring hand on Magneto's arm. "If it survives all of that, then it's beyond our capacity to destroy. This seems to be the safest option, provided we take care not to jeopardize nearby populations or structures."

Magneto remains contemplative for a moment, weighing the potential course of action.

"In the interim," the Whisperer suggests, "I could mobilize my contacts to start crafting the replicas. With the resources at my disposal, we could have a dozen or so replicas prepared within a few days. Once they're ready, we can return here and conceal the authentic Segment of Death among the copies. The question of who should possess a replica can be addressed later. Perhaps I'll retain six replicas and discreetly disseminate them through my network."

Magneto begins to nod, as the plan gradually takes shape. "I believe this plan has merit."
Boom-Boom has posed:
"Yeah, we're definitely going to need to go do this in the desert. I'll need a change of clothes too. Back to the stanky ass uniforms." she jokes. "Maybe I should take up glass blowing when we get back home." No way her current outfit survives the attempt even if she does. No guarantee the uniforms does either.

"Even if we do pull off destroying the thing. They'll still keep looking and only find fakes. Give it long enough on the wild goose chase. Just start selling the knockoffs on the street to troll them and earn some cash on the side. Like most 'mystical artifacts'!" she grins. Pretty classic misdirection after all. "So just say when and we can get the fires lit!" she offers to the group.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane frowns, "Exactly how many pieces are out there, and how many do you already have?" she focuses mainly on Magneto as she says this, possibly trusting the other strangers here even less than her own sometimes villainous father, and she suspects Tabitha just came along for the ride one way or the other.

"Do you plan to plant fakes around the world to slow down whoever else is after these artefacts? Although if we are successful, that may not even matter. We should focus on destroying this current piece as soon as possible. I'm ready when you are.."

As for Tabby's clothing reference, she gets a slight frown and arched brow from Lorna, "Pleasectell me you brought alone spare clothes."