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Latest revision as of 18:59, 24 October 2017

Define Predators
Date of Scene: 22 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Corusca

Superwoman has posed:
    The pair have left the party- a pair of unusual women. Damaris Duval and Miranda Madsen as they move quietly towards a place to eat. The scent of shawarma with laufa bread catches, undoubtedly, the attention of both. "Let's give pizza a rest. Shawarama?" she wonders over to Miranda. "If, that is, you don't mind?" she asks quietly.

Corusca has posed:
    "I do not." Miranda declares and immediately shifts towards the door of delightful smells. Her inner meat eater was bemoaning the choice of pizza and sizzling meats.. well.. She's opening the door without further adieu. "After you." She dips her chin slightly and gives an exhaggerated welcome to the establishment that is soon to have a very overdressed woman within it.

Superwoman has posed:
    Damaris steps into the establishment. She takes a moment to scan her surroundings before moving towards the counter where orders are placed. "I will have shawarma. In laufa. Hummus, tahini, salad, harif. Top it with umba- mango sauce." She looks then towards Miranda, "What would you like?" she asks curiously.

Corusca has posed:
    Now this is awkward. The infamous Miranda Madsen who is at home in any social scenario.. has never actually been to a shawarma restaurant. It's at this moment, she's cursing her stomach and her nose. "Well, having never eaten here.. and you seeming to know your way around.. I will let you decide." She declares with a laugh. "But I do love the smell of the lamb there." She points at the grill. "So lots of that." She tenders a little shrug at Faora. "And whatever else is low carb.. so.. none of the pita." Scandalous.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods slowly, quietly. "I see." she looks to the man behind the counter. "Shawarma plate. With sides." she states, as the two meals are created in front of them- served quickly. Shawarma is street food, fast and easy to put together. Miranda's meal comes on a plate, Faora's wrapped in paper. She takes some pickled peppers and coleslaw of a sorts. Red cabbage with mayonnaise. She looks over to Miranda quietly, before leading her to a seat.

    "Those people, at that party. You said they are predators. It is a curious thing to call human beings predators of that sort. Socially, I mean."

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda seats herself opposite Faora albeit without her back to the door or any similar military paranoia. As she looks down at the plate of food, she pokes at it with a fork as if exploring what precisely she's got in front of her. "Is it? Humans arguably are one of the biggest predators on the planet. Well. Most dangerous anyway. Unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, they don't butt heads for a mate and leave it be. They're perfectly content to kill each other. And, even in civilized company, that same.. habit.. if you want to call it that.. is still there. Call it the thrill of the hunt or just the joy of being the apex predator.. or whatever other I'm king of the world mindset.. but there it is." She finally takes a bite of the spiced meat and chews lengthily. "Now that's not bad at all. I could do this again."

Superwoman has posed:
    A bite, and then a second. Faora nodding slowly. Shawarma is typically not heavily spiced- a bit of fat on a vertical spit that drools down over the meat. Causes it to crisp at the edges. Adds a delicious moistness to the meat.

    "Perhaps. But big cats kill the young of other males, you see this in many species. To ensure the ongoing nature of their own genetic code. Most humans do not act in this way. They do not kill the young of competing males. In fact, many happily raise those children as their own." She looks quietly to Miranda. Watching. Studying. She engages her X-Ray vision, even. There is something off about Miranda.

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda continues eating as though this is an inherently tasty thing. Which it is. "Call it avarice then. When you get to a certain level of wealth you lose your perspective and relative humanity. I've seen it countless times. They just.. lose touch with reality." There's a snort of.. amusement? Derision? "And kill is a relative thing. For them, it's about the deal. Making a killing.. well.. it's about the money. They really don't think about who might be made homeless at that point. It's just ones and zeros now." She sighs a little then looks up from her food. "So what about you? Why crash the party of the stupid rich?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "Because I like to watch people." Faora notes. "I like to watch how they interact with one another." She answers with a quiet smile. "Its a hobby of mine." she takes another few bites of her shawarma. "And humans may grow out of that greed. Greed is a very powerful motivator. Few beings are fully free of it." Faora speaks from experience, "Regardless of the ultimate desire, greed is everywhere in so many forms."

    "It was, however, an unusual party." Faora offers, "I'm not sure I would be comfortable among those sorts of people."

Corusca has posed:
    "Yes well.. I'm not either but it's the company I'm familiar with and.. they know me.. so.." Miranda gives a wan sort of shrug as if to say that's her social circle for better or for worse. "People watching is a fun hobby. I used to do it a lot actually. Now.. not so much. But yes, greed is a powerful motivator. Very powerful indeed." She takes a moment to regard her food in thought before looking back to Faora and offering a wan sort of smile. "But hey, in the end, it's just money. It burns like paper and is worth about as much."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora finishes her meal before too long. She pulls some cash from her pocket and puts it on the table. "Money, however, is required. Needed." she states before she begins to stand. "Our meal has been enlightening. I hope to have another sometime soon." she smiles weakly. Bowing her head quietly. "Enjoy your meal, my friend."