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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/12/03 |Location=Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls |Synopsis=Sabrina dream report, planning session with Harry, Willow, and Sabrina. |Cast of Characters=174, 216, 190 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:174|Harry Dresden (174)}} has posed:'''<br> Harry is back in the living area. Sabrina knows how to pass the wards. Mouse is laying in the hall, watching people pass by on the street, but mostly pretty relaxed and laid back. <br><b...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 10:09, 30 December 2023

Sabrina has bad dreams.
Date of Scene: 03 December 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Sabrina dream report, planning session with Harry, Willow, and Sabrina.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Sabrina Spellman, Willow Rosenberg

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry is back in the living area. Sabrina knows how to pass the wards. Mouse is laying in the hall, watching people pass by on the street, but mostly pretty relaxed and laid back.

Mister walks by, he is the king after all. He's the boss or so he believes. He vanishes somewhere into the office, amazing conisdering how big he is. He can vanish like a typical cat.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Walks in and looks around she sniffs as she looks about , she's mostly checking for more evidence that others have or are here but she looks about " Harry you in here? " She asks softly as she peeks that blond head around the corner..

     She walks over and kneels to pet mouse and give him belly rubs before she continues Salem around her legs
Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse gives Salem a look, but nothing more. He loves the attentions of course and makes noises that say as much.

"Back in the living room." Harry replies. He is back on the couch. There are several books around the living room and several of them are academic in nature, not magic. He's not exactly the college type.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Looks over and walks towards where he said salem is sticking to her like glue acutally.. He jumps onto something then onto a desk and up onto her shulder to watch as she looks into the room " hello teach.. how are things? "
Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking towards her from a book of legends and myths. He nods and indicates a chair,"Good evening Sabrina. Things are well enough. Just studying up a Native American boogey man." Other books are math and science related too. There's a lot to unpack.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman cocks ehr head " is that what were dealing with some old native thing? " she asks softly as she moves to sit down and cross her legs smoothing her skirt as she looks at him.. Salem also seems to be just watching for now
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I wondered if you had a visit." Harry mutters softly,"That's four now. One was a stranger that visited last night. Tell me what you saw so I can make comparisons to what others have told me."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Nods her head and tells him the events of her dreams she also tells him since salem stays with her they can't attack her again.. because of the nature of salem he will chase them off or eat them . She loosk " Salem is a powerful force and can protect me from that stuff"
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry nods and listens to everything she tells him,"It sounds consistent with everyone else. A legendary cryptid monster called a wendigo. Not to be confused with the Wendigo, a bigfoot like creature that haunts the Canadian northwest mostly. Both are immortal, the one we are dealing with is not an imposed, external curse, it's a choice. Someone chose to commit canabalism and that is the result. Cursed by choice."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman sighs and shudders " Oh great " she sighs and rubs the back fo her neck " Just wonderful " she sits down " And are they connected to that giant cocatrice we were fighting with faith or soemthing else? " she asks " If so can we fight them..because demon powers work a little but not much :"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I don't think this is different and I am starting to think someone is doing this." he admits,"No proof. Just a suspicious of it." He frowns,"Someone is reaching out and getting into the heads of so some people. You, Willow, an Amazon Cassie. I think you have met her."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Nods her head " Was faith affected by this? " she asks frowning " Cause she was connected to the bird thing but yeah you might be right I dunno .. this is way to big "
Harry Dresden has posed:
"This feels like it is connected to the dogman and chupa cabra." he replies,"I feel like the cocktrice is something different. I could be wrong."

"I haven't seen Faith for a time, but if she does it won't take her long to come tell me about it. She likes to grumble."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Nod sher head " Okay well as long as you talk to her soon she needs help and maybe she can help us with this " she shrugs " I dunno I'm just saying more friends is good.. and have we figured anything out or anything I can help with ? "
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I am waiting to see who else comes around for a few days. Satana was also on the list. Whoever this is, they pick enemies poorly. Very stupid." he strokes his jaw,"That makes me wonder if this is a strong person or an arrogant person. I keep thinking I haven't met anybody that stupid."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Thinks for a moment " My uncle could do something like this " she thinks " But hewouldn't this is not flashy enough for his style.. too much smarm not enough hold crap " She says "But could be one of my other uncles "
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry frowns and asks,"You have a way to back track and see if one of them might be behind this? I mean in a way that won't draw attention. If I start looking for people, people tend to get uncomfortable and those that are innocent might act out."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman thinks herself " Well the best way would be to ask uncle luci and see if he knows anything.. he can find out if it's one of the others pretty quickly " she says softly " he would know best "
Harry Dresden has posed:
He nods thoughtfully and asks,"For now just ask in regards for you. You might mention others have experienced it too, but I douby they would want someone to know. Well, Satana probably wouldn't care. She'd probably enjoy the look on your uncle's face."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Laughs and nods " Yeah she loves to mess with dad but I think her dad is diffrent it's complicated . since most of the lords of hell have more than one name.. and some times others have the same name " she shrugs " my dad was a lord of hell for a while too so "
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I have not, thankfully, had a lot of experiences with Lords of Hell." he admits and closes the book. He reaches behind him and pulls a shirt from the cusion of the chair.

He looks at it and mutters,"That's where she threw it." He tosses it at the general direction of the nearest hamper.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Lifs an eyebrow " New girlfriend? " She asks you can feel the room getting colder as she says this too but she dosn't seem to have any emotion on her face . She looks aroudn though " Well thier my uncles and dad so yeah kinda have to know em myself "
Harry Dresden has posed:
He's either oblivious to the temp change or he ignores it. He nods and tells her,"Yes. Willow and I have started seeing each other recently. She's here about half the time. She can't have computers around me and she needs them for working."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Blinks " wait you hooked up with willow " She stops " Woah .. ok " She says softly seemingly a little surprised but she just shrugs her shoulders she's not sure how she feels right now as she pets salem trying to make up her mind
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
And who should show up? If you said Willow - you would be right!

And not just Willow! Willow with a half pepperoni-half vegan pizza. Because.

Opening the wards, she steps through his office, and then his living room. "I hope you are hungry. I got a x-tra large. They had a special today. Oh. Hi Sabrina. Uhm, you can have some too? Good thing I bought it then.. uhm.. Am I interrupting? I can go? Visit with Bob."

That last little bit made her giggle.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Sensing the wards allow another through, Harry smiles when he sees the red head,"She's going to see to it I get fat. She's worth a lot in that respect alone." he teases.

He shakes his head and tells her,"No we're talking about another dream and I am having Sabrina talk to some of her contacts. I am really starting to think someone is messing with all of you and in turn me since the dreams pointed you to me at one point or another."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Thinks " Now that I think about it .. everybody that's been messed with is connected to you in some way or another " she looks to harry " So any ladies that are the jelous type we should know about teach? "
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I'd ask Giles or John.. but Giles is in England. And who knows where John is. I can look around online. But that would have to be later." For obvious reasons.

Opening the pizza box she pulls out two pieces and put them together as a sandwich, then passes the box along. "What do we know about that dream?" As for jealous types she cocks her head.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry takes two slices of pizza as well and passes it to Sabrina. He considers her words and shakes his head,"I don't think so. Murphy doesn't have the ability. Susan doesn't either. She has too much happening in her life even if she did."

"I considered Lash as well, but she's never shown that particular ability to make anyone other than me dream about things."

Looking back to Willow he adds,"Her dream is pretty much identical to what you and Satana both told me. Cassie too for that matter. It sounds like it is the same as our mystery visitor from last night as well."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Grabs some za and splats them together like willow but she grabs one meat one veggie as she takes a bit and thinks for a moment " Well the question is why us " She sighs " I guess it's one of those figure out who they are and find out "
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods. "So, if we are all getting the same dream, that odds are its like a recording' calling out for help. Or in this case, calling to.. warn you?" Which doesn't sound right. "No, I still think it is a calling for help. I was thinking about it, and with hers.."


"It seems to be more likely that it is a beacon. Where to go. Though if I were the jealous type I'd be feeling quite put out by now! But - I don't know of a being that targets the female members of the sex. Do you?" The question is put out there between Harry and Sabrina.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking a bite of a piece of pizza, Harry frowns thoughtfully and chews it up,"All of you are connected to a mystic force of one sort or another." he commens thoughtfully.

He blinks and looks at Sabrina a moment and then at Willow,"All of you are appealing to look at as well. Each of you have a specific pedigree for lack of a better and physical beauty that rivals any." Yeah, that will stir up Willow, but he said it.

"Each of you are what you are. Cassie is an Amazon princess. Satana is a daughter of Hell. Faith got the last one, Vampire Slayer. Who am I forgetting?"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman sighs " I'm also a daughter of hell and half witch.. I'm not even human .. then again neither is cassie " She hmms rubbing her chin as she tries to think about it .

     She bites her pizza " So your saying they target magic pretty girls.. have you talked to zatana to see if she's gotten attacked too then by your stantard ? " She says "My suggestion is connection to you " .
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Ah! But Harry forgets she is bi. Chewing on her pizza, she nods emphatically. "You do like the pretty girls, Harry." Some of them were hotter then hot. Take Satanna (although she was almost too sexy for Willow's tastes.)

She doesn't even try to put herself down in the looks department (even though she can't see it).

But the pedigree? That one she will protest.

"I don't fit in the subsets, really, I don't. Unless I get glomped in because you like me?" Though that one is iffy - they weren't dating back then.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I have you two around to keep me thinking. As an apprentice either one of you are a second line of thought. I won't dismiss the idea that it is connected to me. I will add it to my thoughts and I'll talk to Bob as well."

He looks at Willow and sighs,"Willow. I've seen what you are capable of and you truly are more powerful than you understand yet. I am one of the few that will say it. Just trust me."

Shanking his head, Harry tells Sabrina,"Look at your contacts and get back to me. Whoever it is may be connected to me somehow, but isn't coming anywhere near me with its power and even Mouse has gotten in its way a few times."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is fighting with herself. On the one hand Satanna and Harry both -could- have enticed her with piles of laud and praise to get her into their respective beds. But if they knew her, they would realize that that wasn't necessary. At all.

Beside Tala said something akin to that too. Although she kept her praises much more perfunct. And she was a couple of years ahead of Harry and Satanna.

But Willow has trouble looking at herself from a distance. And to boot, to raise herself up? Sounded like arrogance to the nth degree. Even with her IQ she felt funny bragging about it, and that she had proof.

"We should poke around. See if there is any common denominator that we are missing."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He knows Willow is having an internal struggle with what she is being told. Normally he would let her have her say, but this is something far more important and so they need to keep things in focus.

"Have Buffy reach out to Giles. See if he has any thoughts. As much as I don't want to, maybe you should contact Constantine too. See if you can find him mentally focused enough to give you any good points."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
At that, Willow smiles. "John always was nice to me." Sure he was crotchety, but dealing with Willow, he was crotchety light.

"I'll make certain to reach out tonight or tomorrow. See what they can come up with." That's assuming they are able to be contacted.
Harry Dresden has posed:
A nod and he tells Willow,"I remember you saying as much. That makes you a better candidate for talking to him." Another bite of pizza and he thinks it over more,"Tomorrow will be early enough. There is no reason to try driving out to find him with night on us."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Nods her head s she finishes up her pizza and thinks " I'll reach out to my uncle if he's not in a orgy or with his boyfriend " She shrugs " either or .. I can ask his boyfriend too he does alot of magic stuff even though he's a mutant "
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I was hoping you'd say that!" To Harry.

Willow gets an impish grin on her lips. "I mean, it is getting late.." As though Willow has not traisped around the greater New York area after midnight. Pft.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Shaking his head, Harry doesn't want to try to unpack that. The devil has a boyfriend. No thanks. Shaking his head he agrees,"All right. Look into it and get back to me." he agrees with Sabrina.

He glances at Willow and smirks,"It might be self indulgent, but yes. Tomorrow is fine." he agrees. THen he thinks it over,"I don't think the fae would be much help in this, even Toot Toot. Though he might be able to ferret out something we can't."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Shrugs " dosnt' hurt to ask around when dealing with seriously old shit it's best to ask around you never know who can have the answer .. stuff like that tends to follow the word of mouth and legends threads and that stuff only gets caught if you send out a huge net "