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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/26 |Location=Kitchen - Xavier's School |Synopsis=Remy and Kit raid the fridge. |Cast of Characters=14, 10042 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:14|Remy LeBeau (14)}} has posed:'''<br>Remy LeBeau is standing at the fridge, whistling tunelessly to himself. On the counters already half a dozen small containers sit along side of a clean plate. "Now Ah know dare more Cornbread dressing in 'ere somewhere..." He mutters to himself, near...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 10:26, 30 December 2023

Mmm. Leftovers.
Date of Scene: 26 November 2023
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy and Kit raid the fridge.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Kit Killovarras

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is standing at the fridge, whistling tunelessly to himself. On the counters already half a dozen small containers sit along side of a clean plate. "Now Ah know dare more Cornbread dressing in 'ere somewhere..." He mutters to himself, nearly half of his body consumed by the massive fridge.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Almost the moment he mentions it, a large bowl covered in a cloth suddenly hovers up from behind a few items in the fridge about the time a lanky yeen walks into the kitchen, looking tired as could be. He's dressed in his basic brown pants, no shirt and no shoes so chances are, he probably just woke up. Apparently he knows the kitchen rather well though.
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau pluck the bowl up and nods his approval. "T'anks." He says with a grin as he sets it down and begins constructing a plate of various miscellaneous goodies from Thursday's feast. "Yah jus' get up mon ami?" He asks almost rhetorically as he makes... choices... such as ladling chicken and dumplings over his mashed potatoes in lieu of actual gravy...
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit just sort of chuckles for a moment as he nods. "Slept most of the day yesterday, too." he admits with a little grin, adding, "Ate /way/ too much and got too comfy afterwards, I guess." with a little shrug as he takes a moment to look around, then breathes a gentle sigh as a few of the various items needed for a good cup of coffee begin to hover themselves out and onto a counter.
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles. "Pretty sure dat's what supposed ta 'appen, non?" He says with a slight grin, setting his plate in the microwave to heat while he assembles a "cold plate" of salads and such. "Ah've always said de best time ta attack de US is aroun' 8 pm T'anksgiving. 'Alf de population asleep, de ot'er 'alf ain' gonna give up dare spot foh whatevah Black Friday t'ing dey attending.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
The aardwolf just shakes his head and laughs a little as he watches the coffee pretty much make itself, giving a glance to Remy for a moment before he gives a little shrug. "I mean, from a tactical standpoint, yeah. Problem with that from what I've seen in the couple of years being in this country? An attack like that would be tactically sound.." Then there's a little pause as the yeen walks over to rifle around in a cupboard as he muses, "But the half that would be asleep? An attack would wake them up and most of them would be pissed enough to fight harder, just on principle." Then he gives Remy another glance and a wide grin as he adds, "And the ones who are waiting in lines? They're already stressed and I'm sure you've seen what happens when black friday events go horribly wrong."
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gins slightly, seeming to ponder the counter arguement. "True, but seem ta me dey as likely ta attack each ot'er as dey are de invaders." He says taking his plate out and moving to the counter to eat. "Yah may 'ave a point about de nappers being annoyed from being woken up. Have ta keep it a stealt' operation den." He says with a chuckle. "Ah always prefer dat kind anyway."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Stealth operations would be more useful, but you still would have to deal with the shoppers and honestly?" the aardwolf grabs a mug and starts adding a few things to it, a stick of cinnamon and a bit of sugar, then grabs the coffee that so casually made itself and adds it to the cup as he continues the thought. "Weaponizing them would be as easy as telling them that the invaders stole a truck from out back of the store and that's why the eighty-percent-off TV's ran out early."
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods solomly, but can't help but chuckle afterwards shaking his head. "Mrs. Pottswort', mah papa's 'ouse keeper. Most generous, God-fearin' Christian woman ah know... T'ree 'undred and sixty-fou' days out of de year. But on Black Friday? Ah literally seen 'er stab a man wit' a 'at pin because 'e tried ta grab a food dehydrator outta 'er cart." he walks back to the fridge and pours a glass of "Holiday Punch" and comes back to his food, "she deny de incident ta dis day, but Ah was dare."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little chuckle as the aardwolf nods. "Sounds like my grandmother.." before taking a sip of coffee before looking into the mug quizzically. Once again he goes to the cupboard and finds some candied ginger to snack on as he muses, "Greed brings out the worst in people at times, so personally I try to focus more on the positive aspects of the holidays, myself."

As he says that though, the air in the kitchen suddenly shimmers and things start to appear.. Decorations begin to form around the room, modest but elegant in what they are. The most noticeable of which being a cornucopia filled with every part of a proper autumn harvest.

They aren't real, a good look at them would prove that since they seem to shimmer ever so slightly, but to someone who wasn't expecting it? or someone who couldn't see through the illusion? They would be real enough to the eye.
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is exceptionally good at seeing through illusions, likely something to do with the unique makeup of his eyes. Still he smirks a bit and nods his approval. "Ah never really got inta de 'olidays. Yah gotta figure dat Ah spent allot of mah formative years growing up on de streets. Not t'inking much about Santa claus when yah more concerned about not freezin' ta deat'."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit gives Remy a glance and a little chuckle and a shake of his head as he explains, "Not so much the myths I'm talking about, but the original meaning behind their rituals." before popping another sliver of ginger into his maw and leaning against the counter a bit, sipping on his coffee between bites. "And to some degree, I find that those old practices are even more meaningful to those who have less. After all, when your trying not to freeze to death, you're not likely to turn down a coat when it's given."
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, "Ah promise dat yah offer dat coat ta a boy on de street in July, he take it too." He says as he finishes off his plates and puts them in the dishwasher. He then takes a piece of pie and heads towards the door. "Take care of yahself, Kit." he says with a small wave.