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Latest revision as of 10:30, 30 December 2023

A Titans (And Friends) Thanksgiving
Date of Scene: 23 November 2023
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Kara hosts a Thanksgiving dinner! No one gets food poisoning.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Raven, Wasp (Pym), Ivory, Lois Lane

Supergirl has posed:
Yesterday was the American holiday of Thanksgiving. It's about nice things, like appreciating what you've got, caring for your fellows and, of course, eating far, far too much. Kara appreciates all of these things. She's thankful to have a home here. She cares about everyone, because her job is Hope.

Food is also great.

Thusly, Kara is in the kitchen, wearing skinny jeans, blue fuzzy socks and a tight white t-shirt with a cartoon turkey on it. She is puttering around in the way only a Kryptonian can, zipping from the oven to the sink, to the counter and back.

The main area of the common space has been dominated by a big round table with loads of seating. On it are already many baskets of rolls with dishes of butter, various side dishes of roasted and steamed vegetables, stuffing and other holiday favorites. Each seat has a place setting, but no marked seats. There are also two big coolers off to the side. One is marked 'Soft Drinks' the other one is marked 'BOOZE'

It smells pretty good in here.
Raven has posed:
     Raven is dressed down, in shorts and a hoodie with her hair mostly mussed but made a little more kempt by the addition of a golden headband above her trademark ruby gemstone inset in that forehead. She's following her nose, sniffing the air and moving along with her hands in the pocket of her hoodie, coming out to see what all the food is about. Once she gets into the doorway of the kitchen she sees Kara zipping around in true Iron Chef fashion and simply observes for a few moments. It's only after a few seconds that she heads towards the table, picking up a dinner roll and remarking, "I don't know how about all this Thanksgiving business, but it smells nice."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
With the celebration being the day after it gives recent recruit Nadia Pym, aka The Unstoppable Wasp, time to research the holiday. Study traditions. And generally get a sense of what's expected of her.

And according to her exhaustive research (okay she spent five minutes looking online in between experiments) she should be bring candles or fruit. But not flowers or food without prior confirmation from the Hostess. So clearly the most efficient and optimal thing to do would be bringing candles in the shape /of fruit/.

This is why she's a Super Genius.

She's dressed up in her super suit. Because flying is the best way to avoid traffic caused by people doing Black Friday shopping. Plus the wings save her waiting for boats to the island Titans Tower is on.

"Happy Thanksgiving everyone!" she calls out as she flits in. "I got gifts for everyone." She glances up and down the place settings on the table and frowns. "At least I hope I got enough for everyone."
Ivory has posed:
There's reasons for humans to come to a Thanksgiving dinner, most of them are family. There's reasons for random people to come to the occasion, and most of them are probably friendship related. But are there reasons for cats to come to a Thanksgiving party?

When the door rings, there's a cranky old bastard had just turned around his little dinghy after dropping off the passenger, already some dozen yards out onto the water. Standing in the somewhat unpleaseant fall weather and armed with a stack of plastic containers and a cardboard box was a white haired one, offering a smile.

"Eh... Sorry for coming unannounced, but I heard a certain spectacular person is holding a party. I bring Deviled Eggs, Angel's Food Cake and something to drink. Can I come in?" they ask, shaking off some water from the thick yellow raincoat.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara, of course, hears people arrive, despite her zipping around. Then again, to her she's not moving that fast. Still, she pauses to give Rachel a smile and a cherry wave as she pokes her head in, then she pokes her head out at Nadia's arrival.

She also answers the door for Ivory. "Of course, of course. Come in!" They've met, after all. It was a comedy of errors, but no hard feelings.

She darts back up, pausing in the gathering room. "I prepared for more guests than are here, so...I guess there'll be leftovers to take home. Turkey's almost done, so...chat with each other!"

And back to the kitchen.
Raven has posed:
     "I mean, it's a day for giving thanks and gratitude for what you have. But it's also..." Whatever it 'also' is, Raven's bread-roll waving expalantion of the holiday is interrupted by the arrival of others, "Hey Nadia...." And then Ivory is arriving too, and Raven waves in a generally welcoming way in her direction, though furrow her brows perhaps trying to decide if they've met before. "Anyway." She says, moving over to float on a burst of shadowy aura up onto a free counterspace, "THe holiday just doesn't make any sense is what I'm saying."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"At first I thought it was all about throwing tea into the ocean," Nadia admits with a shrug. Her insect wings folding away into her backpack. "Giving thanks to freedom from paying taxes. Or something along those lines." She leaves a fruit scented candle next to each of the place settings. Largely at random. So everyone gets a random fruit.

Probably they can swap with the empty places or trade them with other partygoers!

"I didn't really get to the American pop culture section of my training before they moved me into the Science Class." She frowns. "Mostly it was just the down with capitalism stuff."

"Is it possible it's some re-imagined version of a pagan tradition? Like a harvest festival."
Ivory has posed:
Following up at a pace that's not Supergirl, Ivory leaves the yellow raincoat at the ground floor. Jeans and a loose T-shirt with a pair of kittens make the outfit. A huge yellow-streaked Floofy one carrying a smaller white floofball, just by size a Maine Coon and possibly a Persian.

Putting the platic containers to the buffet, the white haired one opens up to show what they brought. Halved cooked eggs filled with spiced mayonaise and a soft cake, the letter decorated with a clowder of tiny fondant cats in all forms and variants. Gingers and blacks and calicos, lazing and playing on the cake... as edible little representations. Someone got a theme...

"Eh, hey... I'm Ivory and I guess I kind of am some sort of friend for Supergirl?" they introduce themselves, smiling awkwardly as they do, finally getting out a bottle of Eggnog. "My granny's recipe... and nah, Thanksgiving is a re-imagination of a bunch of ill-prepared settlers recieving Food-Aid from the Native Americans."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara stays in the kitchen, letting her guests have this conversation as she finishes preparation. There's a blur, and a giant bowl of mashed potatoes appears on the table. Another, and what could be called a vat of gravy appears next to it. All is silent for another moment.

Kara tries to make it triumphant. She comes out of the kitchen bearing a massive platter. Atop it is, honestly, a good looking bird that has to be pushing thirty pounds. The blonde walks gingerly over to the table, reaching out and placing the Bird of Glory upon it.

"Thank you for coming. I ...I kinda wanted to do something like this. I'm not sure why. Though I know that most of you didn't have anywhere to be, so thank you for spending time with me, and sharing this meal."
Raven has posed:
     Rachel stands up from the counter, having finished her breadroll and grabbing a plate and silverware to begin serving herself from teh buffet style spread. But not without a waving of her fork in Ivory's general direction, "Exactly! It's a reimagining of genocide is what it is!" She spears some Turkey onto her plate, "Native Americans forced to live in mobile homes and white people wearing cardigans and drinking high balls." She pops a deviled egg into her mouth, and her impassioned speech on behalf of the indigenous people would maybe have more impact if she didn't deliver the end of it around a mouthful of delicious mayo/mustard filling so that it's pronounced a bit garbled, "Darn shame is what it is." But the eggs /are/ delicious, and she does offer out, "Thank you for this Genocidal Feast Kara, it's really nice of you."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Would you like me to distribute drinks to everyone?" Nadia muses, perhaps reminded by the mention of high balls, heading over to the coolers to grab things for people. "Raven would you like a soda? Some wine? A beer?"

She collects a selection of drinks, including any requests people might make. And drops them off at the table. Then moves to help herself to an excess of food. Petite scientist. Large appetite.

"It's really nice of you to take the time to make everyone a meal Kara! Thank you very much for the invite. I'd probably still be in the lab reading books about vampires for that GIRL research project..."
Ivory has posed:
There's... a face going kind of flat in disbelief as Rachel starts to twist words from the payback festivities of 1621 for the generous food aid the jamestown colony recieved to... all the atrocities that were commited well after. But the face of the whitehead was rather... dry as they almost stare at Rachel. "I guess... In some fashion..."

As Nadia asks about drinks, the head shakes a little, almost startled from the sound. "What? Oh right. Drinks... How about something... you know how to miy a Cats Eye? Or Catnip?" they ask from Nadia, offering a pair of drinks for making, before nodding in agreement.

"Indeed... Kara. Great cooking." Right... was it ok to call her Kara? An eyebrow twitched before the whitehead's hair seemed to follow the twitching and unfold into a pair of cat ears. White ones. Yes... there were no other ears.
Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane is late to the party but fashionably so. Dressed in a sparkly red mini dress, hair pulled up in a messy bun and black wool coat draped over her shoulder from the nearing winter cold, she steps in a bit ruffled but nose in the air, all businesslike even here, peering around for a familiar face before glancing at her watch. "Oh Clark, don't tell me you stood me up.l" she mutters.
Supergirl has posed:
Kara is playing the ever so gracious host. She bustles about, making sure everyone is properly beveraged and whatnot, paying no heed to the ... discussion about the origins of this holiday. It's not something she wants to think about.

Her head lifts a little, glancing towards the entrance. "Oh, Lois is here!"
Raven has posed:
     "I'll have a beer." Because that's the most emo of the options available to drink. "Thanks Nadia." Raven smiles at the Wasp, and then sits down and starts digging into her plate, though she glances occasionally at the clock as if she might be running out of time.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"I grew up in a bunker in the middle of Siberia," Nadia says by way of explanation. "The only cocktails I know how to make are vodka neat. And vodka in a shot glass floating in a beer." Neither of which seem very thanksgiving really. But everyone has different traditions and perhaps one of Kara's guests is really into heavy drinking!

Like a reporter who was stood up by her date and left to hang out with young superheroes.

She snags Rachel a beer. As well as something for Kara.

Once everyone has a drink she starts snacking on a very stacked plate. Going quiet as she eats. Occasionally doodling equations on her napkin. Alas it seems even at a celebratory meal she can't help herself when it comes to doing some science...
Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane peers around, not nearly so familiar with the Titans as she is with the Justice League..But of course there is Clark's cousin and she smiles and nods to her, moving to join her. "Kara, how good to see you! How long has it been now? And your cousin, has he arrived yet..?"
Supergirl has posed:
Kara smiles as Lois fully arrives, shaking her head. "Clark isn't here, no," she says with a shrug. "You're welcome to stay and eat, though!" She sweeps her arm towards the table. "There's, uh, plenty!"
Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane sighs, "Figures he'd invite me then not show up himself.." she rolls her eyes. "But I plan to have fun all the same." she smiles, "Perhaps you can introduce me to your friends? Although I think I know of many of them, I suppose we are not personally acquainted."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara's smile is still bright and sunny. She sweeps her arm across the room. "Of course, of course. I wish Clark were here, but, well. I know how it is with him. Always something that needs doing."

She begins to point out her attending friends, introducing them to Lois as she makes sure the reporter gets a nice drink. After that, the carving and feasting begins. Kara's cooking isn't anything special, but it's good enough. Serviceable.

After that is, of course, the Great Nap.