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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/12/31 |Location=The usual rooftop the duo meet up at. |Synopsis=A usual meeting between the two Spider friends. Talk about the old day, feed the Spidey, and talk about the future. |Cast of Characters=1014, 4 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Angelica arrives to the usual place first as usual. She lands and drops two bags on the roof. The smell is wildly fabulous to most. Philly cheese steaks...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:17, 10 January 2024

Haven't touched base for a minute.
Date of Scene: 31 December 2023
Location: The usual rooftop the duo meet up at.
Synopsis: A usual meeting between the two Spider friends. Talk about the old day, feed the Spidey, and talk about the future.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Spider-Man

Firestar has posed:
Angelica arrives to the usual place first as usual. She lands and drops two bags on the roof. The smell is wildly fabulous to most. Philly cheese steaks. The bags are stained with the juices and steam of the food.

The other bag has a six pack of cold Dr. Pepper cans. She looks at the food and shakes her head,"You need a wife Spidey." she admits with a laugh and waits for the arrival of her old friend.
Spider-Man has posed:
Look, if he had a wife he might be a whole lot more organized. And if he was a whole lot more organized he might start showing up places on time and already well fed. And if that happened? Well that would surely be the sign of the approaching end times.

And no one wants that.

Still, it is not overly long before a dark shape swoops out of the sky. If nothing else, Spider-Man's new costume certainly blends in with his frequent nocturnal doings a little better than the customary red and black.

He is little more then a shadow when he drops down onto the roof, only a short distance away from her. And just importantly, the waiting food. Which he can smell from here. "I know, I know. I'm late. Sorry about that," he offers up wryly.

It's not the first time. It won't be the last.
Firestar has posed:
She hears the approach of the swinging hero and smirks a little. There is a difference in sound by size. She recognizes him even with the black suit. She looks his way and she winks,"I wouldn't have it any other way." she tells him lightly.

She indicates the food,"I had time to pass through Philidelphia earlier. These are legit." she tells him. She open two sodas and hands one to him,"Since I know you aren't eating I won't ask. Other than that how have you been? I fly by the park more regualarly since winter break. No sign yet."
Spider-Man has posed:
Look, he's not too proud to take food when it's offered to him. Even better when it's good food and authentic Philly cheese steaks are pretty darn good.

Though he probably should be careful about not spilling it down the front of his costume. The gold spider insignia might be classy, but a big, cheesy stain probably wouldn't quite make the grade.

"Uh huh. I'm not sure if I believe that," Pete says drily as he joins her by the bags, sinking down onto the ledge of the building. "But I appreciate the sentiment. I'll believe you'll take me as I am at the very least," he admits, his smile almost palpable even before he rolls up the mask to reveal it.

"You definitely spoil me," he admits fondly, taking a bite of the sandwich, his expression growing a little more serious. "Yeah. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since that glider swooped out of the night sky and carried him away," he admits.
Firestar has posed:
When he sits down, she watches him eat. She lets him chew up the first bite, then leans down to kiss him once, not exactly super affection, but mostly a hello a little more than friends. Not dwelling there.

She gets her sandwich after and takes a bite too,"I gotta spoil someone Spidey. You need me whether you know it or not. That's why I drag you out here now and then to make sure you're eating." she teases.

She takes a seat on the ledge next to him and sighs,"We need to figure this out. I miss seeing the red and blue swing." She takes a bite and is quiet for a moment.
Spider-Man has posed:
There is no denying that she does have a way of bringing a smile to his face and when she leans in, Peter leans over a little, taking her hand in his own for a moment and giving it a gentle squeeze. There are not a lot of people who can understand. But then there aren't a lot of people who have been through as much as they have.

"Oh, is that it?" he asks with a laugh, lips curving wryly before he takes another bite of that sandwich, the melted cheeze and steak blending together so well. "Well then, I don't feel quite so bad being your project in that case," he agrees, a brief boyish grin flickering over his face.

THen he is nodding in agreement, still casully munching away at that sandwich under the dark sky and the stars. "It would be nice. I mean, I don't know who is behind all of this admittedly, but I'm almost sure it was Chameleon who was immitating me. If we could just lure him out."
Firestar has posed:
She settles and hmms softly,"Don't you forget it." she quips lightly and gets another bite of her sandwich. There's always a love there, the best of the best. She leans on him a little and says,"My favorite. Don't you forget it."

"Luring him out means bait." she comments thoughtfully,"I wouldn't be really a good choice. Bait needs to be helpless." She frowns thoughtfully and her head cocks to one side,"So...need someone you are know associate with...or a shapeshifter."
Spider-Man has posed:
Chuckling quietly, he nudges her lightly in the side and threatens to polish off that sandwich. Already. When it comes to food, Pete doesn't really mess around. It's not like he's struggling so much that he doesn't know where his next meal is coming from, but finding the time to eat well -- let alone real Philly Cheese Steaks right from the source, well, that's a little harder to manage. "I'm not likely to. You're a pretty good reminder," he says with a quiet laugh.

Claiming one of the sodas, he cracks it open and takes a sip, planting his free hand behind him and leaning back a little, oh so casually. Despite being on a ledge about ten feet up. Suffice to say heights don't bother him. "It's tricky," he agrees. "It all depends on what he's really interested in. Or who's hired him to be interested. I mean, there haven't been more attempts on the Mayor so maybe that wasn't his real target. Without knowing more it makes it hard to prepare, to figure out what might lure him out," Pete says, maybe just a little glumly.
Firestar has posed:
Shaking her head, Angelica takes another bite of her sandwich and gives the rest to him. Once it is down she says,"Unlike you, I can't eat mine without my hips suffering the effects." she teases.

She hmms softly and finally she smacks herself on the forehead,"For crying out loud I am a moron." she hollers and stands up. She stalks to the other side of the roof and back again,"I mean I only sleep with a shapeshifter more nights than not." she grumbles to herself.

"Now we just have to decide who to look like or what might draw out the false Spidey." she mutters,"I am sure Vanessa will help if I ask. She might invite you back to our place for pie...believe me there will be more than pie." She winks playfully.
Spider-Man has posed:
It's not completely fair. She springs for food, brings the food, waits for him to show and then even gives him a decent portion of her own sandwich. But hey, not too proud right so Pete takes it from her with a wry smile, swiftly moving to finish it off too. "Your hips look pretty good from where I'm sitting," he points out with a little grin. "But, don't expect me to turn down free food," he points out as he dusts off the remainder of her sandwich.

As she stands up, as she paces and comes to that little realization, Pete gives a slow, thoughtful nod. "I mean, that works. I can definitely give it some throught, see if I can come up with something that might lure him out," he says slowly before smiling at her once more. "You're pretty handy to have as a friend," he points out with a quiet laugh.

Then he rubs his hands together, lips still quirked in a grin. "The pie just seals the deal."
Firestar has posed:
She laughs softly and sighs,"You're biased old friend, but thank you." she teases him about how she looks,"I bring the food mostly to make sure you eat. I always get some, but mostly I worry about you. Like I said, you need a wife."

She settles on the ledge again and she nods,"Has he been showing up around those you know or just high profile sorts only?" she muses,"I mean Vanessa can look like anyone, can match powers with anyone too."

She laughs and shakes her head,"You think pretty highly of yourself there Spidey, she's pretty wild and we might break you." Of course that is mostly a tease...or is it?
Spider-Man has posed:
"Maybe," he conceeds with a faint smirk. "But first I would probably need a better job. I can barely afford a girlfriend on what the Bugle pays. Hell, I can barely afford an apartment," he points out drily. Fortunately he has a guardian angle out there looking out for him and his nutritional needs. Or at least his metabolism's desire for more calories then the average human being at the very least.

"Look, it's not flattery or bias when it's between old friends," he points out archly before he grins once more.

"And that, admittedly, is the problem. Since he tried to kill the Mayor there hasn't been another obvious sighting. He could be anyone really. I suppose what I really need is to come up with a way to zero in on his genetic signature or something. Maybe Stark would pay to let me design something," he says drily, shaking his head. It is a dilemma.

Again he laughs, slowly standing himself, stretching for a moment as his lips curl wryly. "I'm pretty durable, so you might be in for the challenge there," he counters playfully in return.
Firestar has posed:
"Money isn't everything, but it keeps the lights on. Fortunately I had a friend take care of the rent for the apartment for a year. Vanessa makes money too so there's that." She nods to the meals,"Hence I have the extra to feed you sometimes so I know you eat."

"So what if we were able to fabricate the arrival of some big wig, have Vanessa appear randomly around town and then make a day where she spends all the day out in the open. She heals fast, not quite as fast as Wolverine, but fast."

She smirks and nods,"Oh I know you're durable Pete." she whispers gently,"Maybe we will call you some night and invite you over just to see if you can keep up." She sighs softly and looks at him. Something in her eyes says more.
Spider-Man has posed:
"That might work," he admits thoughtfully. There's a lot they don't know. Whether the Chameleon is working his own agenda. Whether he is working for someone else. What the ultimate aim is. But they have to start somewhere right? Have to narrow things down. Otherwise he might be running around in this black and gold costume for the foreseeable future. Not that it's not stylish and comfy in it's own way.

But it's not exactly him either.

"I should probably consider a roommate, but, the secret identity thing makes it a little challenging. Living with Harry came with far too many close calls for my liking," he admits wryly. Still, something to consider, long term. Or you know, find a wife.

Chuckling, he casually bumps his hip against hers, the line of his mouth curling upwards slightly. "And don't you forget it," he teases, tossing her words back at her. "Well, I think I can promise that I'll keep my calendar clear at the very least."
Firestar has posed:
"You'd have a place with me if my apartment had another bedroom." she tells him with a nod,"Save everyone a little money. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of privacy beyond one person in there."

"Keep the calender open for sure. I don't think she'd believe you're just some guy I met and wanted to get with." she warns him,"So she might ask questions. She's inquisitive like that."
Spider-Man has posed:
Looking out for him again.

Leaning over, Pete brushes a kiss across her cheek before smiling once more. "I appreciate the sentiment and I totally get it," he assures her warmly. "Space is at a premium sometimes and you deserve at least a little privacy."

That draws a quiet laugh from him and he nods. "That might not be no bad thing," he points out. "Besides, I trust you so I'm going to be willing to invest a degree of trust in anyone who is important enough to you that you share your life with them," he points out reasonably. "Sounds like it's not as if she can't take care of herself too."
Firestar has posed:
"If it was just me 24/7 I wouldn't care." she admits softly,"We'd just have to move around each other. It would be fine. Space is all around and if I need it, I can fly far over the ocean where very few can reach me."

She smiles when he mentions trusting those she trusts,"She can handle herself yes. In some ways she is quite terrifying when she wants to be."
Spider-Man has posed:
Again Pete offers up a simple smile, nodding his head and taking her hand long enough to give it a gentle squeeze. "I get it, I really do. And yeah, I know what you mean. Despite ti all, sometimes just going out, swinging through the city is more then enough to clear my head," he admits.

His life has changed a lot since high school, that much is for sure.

"I mean, if she can change her shape I would certainly imagine," he agrees wryly. "That has to be pretty potent. But yes, either way, I just want you to know that I trust you. If it comes up she certainly has the right to know who you're feeding on a semi-regular basis," he teases.
Firestar has posed:
"Yeah." she mutter softly. She squeezes his hand back,"Getting out in the air helps a great deal. High school really was a pipe dream compared to now.

"She is very strong yes." she admits,"I really don't know what her limits are. I don't ask."

She chuckles softly and assure him,"I will talk to her then. At the very least you can get something to eat more often and if you need a place to sleep..." that hangs there, dripping with innuendo,"...there's a vacant apartment across the hall." That was cold for a heat warrior.
Spider-Man has posed:
Look, if anyone is going to appreciate poking a little fun, it has to be Pete right? He's practically made it into another superpower for himself, taunting his foes and sometimes even his friends. Besides, it's her. She feeds him! Supports him. He can at least take it in the spirit it was intended.

Lips curl once more as she lays the innuendo on thick only to pull the carpet out at the last, provoking a sharp bark of laugher from the costumed man. "Oooooh, harsh but fair. I suppose given what I'm accused of breaking into a vacant apartment to crash for the night is positively mild compared to what I could be getting up to," he points out wryly. "Even if not nearly as fun as the alternative," he teases.
Firestar has posed:
She chuckles softly and shakes her head,"I'm kidding. You can stay with me." She nudges him,"You just have to sleep on the couch." She is full of barbs tonight.

She winks and adds,"Now if we all meet and Vanessa likes you, who knows? We might have to figure out just how amazing Spider-Man is." She chuckles softly,"Never give up on the idea of alternatives though."
Spider-Man has posed:
Zing! To be sure she's in fine form tonight.

But it is nice to have a reason to smile, to laugh. Any reason really. "Well, all things considred that's not so bad. So long as it is a decent couch and I'm not going to wake up a twisted, wrecked shadow of myself," he says wryly.

Possibilities abound and Pete bumps his hip against hers once more, nodding his head. "You never know!" he agrees before flashing that smile at her. "Thanks for this Angel. You have a pretty good way of brightening my mood.
Firestar has posed:
Sometimes the queen has to arrive.

"You never know. Might be that bed becomes a three person on the regular." she comments with a shrug,"You brighten my days too Pete. I call you when I need someone to stand with me."
Spider-Man has posed:
He tilts his head and regards her for a moment before giving a little nod. "If that's something that you want, then hopefully I can catch the both of you sometime soon and see exactly what it going to fit with your life," he agrees quietly.

Then those lips curve up ever so slightly once more, a hint of mischief creeping back into his words. "That bed sounds a lot more cozy."
Firestar has posed:
She smiles and nods,"I will call you. If she's with it, you have a place and two crazy females to keep happy."

SUCKER! Didn't think about that did he? She chuckles softly,"It sounds veyr nice yes."