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Latest revision as of 14:37, 10 January 2024

Borrowing Trouble.
Date of Scene: 24 September 2023
Location: Los Altos, Empire Bay
Synopsis: Remy and Faith.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Faith Lehane

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is perched on a roof several blocks from the steel and glass monstrosity that is Wolfram and Hart. It's just past the official time of "sunset". There was still a golden light over everything. One might mistake him for several other things. a Bird Watcher perhaps, with binoculars and camera and notebook. Though most bird watchers aren't using thousands of dollars of equipment to look at a billion dollar office complex.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane was really hurting for money lately, which is probably what drove her to check in with Angel Investigations after a long absence. But of course she's too proud to actually ask Thomas for money, and they haven't been particularly close lately either - Harry's sudden inexplicable wariness of her didn't help matter either.

Its still pretty early in the morning but late enough for the sun to be mostly out in the sky, which means Angel is most likely at home, though hopefully not asleep. With a sigh, she pauses outside the hotel, searching for a bar..And that's when she spies some suspicious guy lurking on a nearby rooftop.

"The hell?" she frowns, peering around for a way up, and finding a fire escape ladder,she starts to climb, making her way to the rooftop..
Gambit has posed:
"The problem with these cities," Remy LeBeau thought to himself quietly, "Is all the damn heroes. The Villians running a close second." As the figure made it's way up the fire escape, Remy tracked it with his Kenithstetic Sense while noting the progress of a security guard on the fifty third floor. "Retinal scanner. Always a bitch bypassin' dose..." He sighs as the figure reaches the roof top. His inate sense of motion letting him paint a radar like image of the person approaching. Fit. Female. Preditory. She reminded him abit of a female Logan honestly in stance and movement. Sighing he sets down his binocs and offers his most charming smile. "Now what a pretty girl like yah doin' in a dump like dis?" He asks, as if they were meeting in a bar.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane is certainly not your typical 'heroine'..Actually she's not a heroine at all if you ask her. It's not like she goes out there with the intention of saving people, but a lot of vampires and other baddies often carry a lot of cash, and that's always a big enticement for her 'heroics'.

Either way the plainly dressed not-a-heroine climbs up on the rooftop, dressed in rugged torn blue jeans, a white crop top that shows too much midriff especially with the holes in it, and her favorite denim jacket. Practical rather than pretty, more or less blending in with the background, except of course for the fact that she's scaling a rooftop.

But of course he spots her despite how quiet she's being. She narrows her eyes and shrugs! tensed slightly, ready for a fight, a wry smirk on her lips.

"Well you got me there, if it was up to me, I'd be stayin' some place classier but, don't got the cash.." she tilts her head, "Unless you'd like to treat a girl? I'm sure I could make it worth your while?" there's a wicked glint in her eyes, taking a step towards him, "So what's the deal with you, you just out bird watchin' or gettin' ready to knock some poor sod off?" she gives him the once over, searching for a sniper rifle, checking out the surrounding buildings..

"Wait...Is that Wolfram and Hart? Are you...Lookin' for someone there?"
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives the girl a long slow appraisal as well. Predatory. That had been the right word for her. The kind of girl you didn't take home to meet mother. Likely the kind of girl you didn't take home at all if you wanted to have all your belongings in tact when she left. But defiantly the kind of girl who knew how to have a good time. No sniper rifle reveals itself, though there are defiantly accoutrements that would not aid a bird watcher. A Shotgun Microphone for instance. A Laser ranger finder. At her question, the reds of Remy's eyes take on a sort of glow. "An' jus' what a pretty girl like yah know 'bout Wolfram an' 'Art?"
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow at the eyes, taking another step towards him..She notes the long coat that could hide a lot of equipment, as well as the flashing red eyes, "Well you sure ain't no bird watcher, but I don't see any obvious weapons on you either..Not that it means you ain't got something hidden under that trench coat of yours..."

As for herself, she just shrugs and grins, "Me? I'm just a hot chick Lookin ' for a good time. You looked like you were having fun up here, thought I'd join you.." she nods towards said building, "It's a law firm, but they sure like to defend some shady clients..Why, you need a tough lawyer? You runnin' from the law or something?"
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau considers the girl, then shrugs and his face takes on that charming impish look. "So dare dis guy. Otis Brown. Good fellow, fought in Vietnam, den Korea. Come home from de wars an' used 'is G.I. Bill ta buy as nice lil town 'ouse. Cost 'im about five t'ousand back in de late sixties." He then flicks his eyes towards Wolfram and Hart. "Till some stuff shirt in dat building steal 'is identity, take out four mortgages on de now t'ree million dollah valued home, an' steal it from him wit' 'im wit'out so much curtesy as puttin' a gun in 'is face.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow as she listens, "Sooo..Friend of yours got scammed by a lawyer who stole his ID and made a fortune? That's weird, I mean why would a lawyer do that..I mean, I know they're shifty lawyers, but they're usually in the business of defending...Well..Shady people and they're careful about still staying within the law. Makes no sense they would break the law. Now, if they were defending someone who stole someone's ID, that's another matter.." she peers at him, "Where did you get your information from?"
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, "Favor for a friend. Otis' grandson. GOt me out of a tough spot once, so Ah owe 'im. An' de idea of someone stealing from a vet boil mah blood, yah know?" He shakes his head slightly. "Ah'm not sure who do de actual work. Ah just know de trail run cold on de fifty t'ird floor of Wolfram an' 'Art... An' considering who some of dare client list /is/, Ah takin', shall we say nessicary precautions.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane frowns, pondering, "Sounds tricky, like it'd take a lot of investigating. Honestly, I'm good with the bashing of heads, I usually leave the investigating up to Angel. Why don't you give me your name and number and I'll pass on the information to him, see if he can help you?"
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau raises an eyebrow, "Yah know Warren?" He asks a bit baffled. Then he shakes his head slightly, smirking "Dat sly dog, he sure do get around don' 'e. Yah should know last Ah 'eard 'e was dating a literal ninja. A Telepat'ic ninja. " Because obviously there can't be two men who go by Angel.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow in confusion, "Er..Who?" she frowns, shaking her head, "I think you're thinking of a different Angel. I'm talking about the private detective who runs the Hyperion hotel down below, not far from Wolfram and Hart. Tell you what, why don't I take you out for drinks and we can discuss it further." she smirks wryly, "I'm sure I could make it worth your time.."
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau ahhs slightly, and grins a bit. "Well Ah don' recall evah turnin' down a free drink from a beautiful woman. Ta be fair, Ah don' recall one evah offerin' before eit'er so.." He quickly packs his survailance gear into a black canvas bag and slings it over his shoulder. "Mah friends call me Remy." He offers, extending his hand.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane smirks, extending her hand, "The name is Faith, nice to meet you Remy." she takes his hand, giving a firm, oddly strong handshake, he can probably feel her inhuman strength through that handshake even, "Gee, sounds like you just hit the lottery with me, lucky you."she grins wickedly, letting go, glancing around, "Soo, I imagine there's an easier way off this rooftop..."
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, and steps off the edge of the building. He lands on his feet four stories below and looks up at her with a slight smirk. "Dare is dat way." He calls up to her, almost challanging her to follow /that/ way.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane blinks as he so casually jumps off the edge - and survives. "Woah, you ain't no ordinary guy.." but she doesn't hesitate to leap after him, landing lightly as a cat, crouching and recoiling to stand up straight, facing him with a devil may care look in her eyes, "Well that was fun, what other tricks do you got up your sleeves?"