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Latest revision as of 19:32, 24 October 2017

Superman Visits
Date of Scene: 22 May 2017
Location: New york City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Superman

Crusader has posed:
Late night, was the time a rather recent hero normally comes out. Crusader hasn't been on the hero scene long, and very little was known of him....except that he can usually be spotted (if your lucky) in the Flatbush area - his patrol grounds so to speak. But he also cropped up in larger scenes making his name slowly more known
    But, still, Flatbush is where it at for him. A clear night sky, most people sleeping. It was relativly peaceful, for now. The Rather massive figure kept to the rooftops, traveling a path to patrol the neighborhood, keeping a look out for trouble. Muggings, robberies, acidents, etc. But he was none the less nearing the end of his route and takes a pause to look over the city itself.

Superman has posed:
It' there that Superman floats down from above. The only sound is the ripple of the fabric of his red cape. His arms aren't crossed over his chest, nor are his hands on his hips. His hands are loose at his side.

"Good evening," he greets when he's close enough to be heard without having to yell, and likely well after he was spotted. he was moving at what would be walking pace.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader blinks, clearly not having been expecting to see Superman around these parts. But despite Superman fame, the large armored figure seems to treat this occasion as if it was normal "Evening... ummm what bring you to this part of Town Superman?" he asks. In truth he was excited, and /if/ he had a heart it would probably be beating a hundred miles a minut! Yea, no organs. But the excitment was clear in his body language no less. A lengedary hero right here!
    But he does shimmie back, to leave superman some room to land if he wanted too.

Superman has posed:
No heartbeat. That's... interesting. Superman's head tilts ever so slightly as he eases himself down next to Crusader. He was given room, after all.

"Thank you," he says politely, smile like a ray of sun shine.

"I was actually hoping to run into you," is the reply. Hoping... is a stretch. After all, he just hung out in low orbit until he spotted the man looking not busy and then flew down. Really, it didn't take much.

"Quiet night?"

Crusader has posed:
"Crusader blinks "Into this one? Oh, is there something one might help you with? He wonders, surprised now at the visit and at the idea that superman was looking for him. Though he does return the smile "And no problem"

When asked about the night Crusader looks out "For now. One does not expect it to stay quiet. Been some extra mugging lately, hoping to have it slow down again. No surprise with the weather warming up"
    He looks to Superman again "And your not that mimic again, are you?" he asks half jokingly half serious.

Superman has posed:
"Mimic?" Because that was what really caught his attention from all that. Earth-blue eyes turn to Crusder, dark brows high on his forehead. He'll get to the rest a bit later. This mimic thing seems potentially pressing.

Crusader has posed:
"No one told you eh? Well some person of deciet and chaos decided to impersonate you and called some emergency at the Halls of Justice" Crusader says "And several leaguer showed up...ah ahem, overheard and decided to see if ah could help" he explains

"Welp, turns out the mimic did mimic you, but than mimiced batman to try and trick us. As well as distracted us from a bunch of bombs getting ready to blow in the building. Long story short, the mimic was caught, the bombs disarmed and life has gone on" not the best story teller, clearly

"Hence the small joke there" he smiles a bit, his golden eyes seeming to glow momentarily.

Superman has posed:
"Oh." The tone could mean so many things, especially as he shifts his gaze to peer over hte city. It bothered him, to learn of the things he missed when he was dealing with Earth-family things, but... he needed to. That's why he has a double-life, so that he CAN step away now and then.

"No. I'm not a mimic," he says finally, face turning back to Bjorn with the smile back in place.

"I just wanted to stop by and greet you personally. I've heard of some of the things you've helped the League out with. Thank you," he says, leaning on the word to give it weight.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader rubs the back of his head or rather helm "Oh, umm, your welcome. Really it was no problem" though he clearly apprecaited being thanked. He typically dosn't stick around once something is over and done with. But it nice to know you made a difference somehow

As if to break a tenseion he says "Well, One is, but fret not, one does not tend to impersonate folks" and he chuckles deeply, his initial tenseness finally dropping

He eyes the city again, thinking about the tone of the 'Oh'. A moment passes before he speaks "You shouldnea feel bad about it you know. It just one of those things that can happen. Earth is a fairly crazy planet you must admit" a assuring smile is given to Superman. May not been what the other hero ment, but it was something

Superman has posed:
"Still. You didn't have to, and your help has been instrumental. Thank you, for doing what you do," Superman says, nodding once to emphasize his words. Hearing that one... one what? One of the ...special... forms... Crusader can assume? Yes, that sounds right. Go with that! Hearing that One can assume his form has Superman smiling lightly, one corner of his mouth a little higher than the other.

"Unless it's needed. I'll keep that ability in mind, just in case." Because you NEVER know! He follows Bjorn's gaze, head tilting as a soft but warm chuckle escapes him.

"Don't I know it. I don't feel terrible about it. It's just another one of those things. I'm glad you all were able to handle it."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn Arturson says, "One is happy we were...those were some pretty big bombs" he shudders to think of what would have happened if they had gone off. Actually his whole form seems to ripple like water. "But it is no problem, one was more or less....predefined to undertake such activites" he rubs the back of his head "Kind of scaled back actually" he seems to wander in thought

He comes back to the present though "But yes, though for impersonations, one must practice" it seems that Crusader talks in the third person.

"And while one does enjoy conversating...one still wonders. Why seek one out?" he asks Superman looking at him "It seems trivia to come all this way for a simple thank you, as much as such is appreciated""

Superman has posed:
This way of speaking is notable, and Superman smiles politely at it even though it takes him a moment to parce everything. Well, a moment for him. He can think at superspeeds when he needs/wants to.

"Everyone should be recognized for what they do, even if it's with a 'simple thank you', though in my opinion, gratitude is never trivial."

Crusader has posed:
"In that case, thank you Superman" he says, before putting out his hand. May as well make the introduction offical "One is The Collective Crusade....but general am called Crusader, or Vorn as one of my civlian identities"

Superman has posed:
OH! A collective. That explains some of it. Superman smiles again, the expression brighter, and her turns to shake hands properly.

"A pleasure to meet you, Crusader. And it's good to have you on the team."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader gives a firm shake. And it takes a moment to register the word 'team'. He blinks once, and than again "Wait, pardon?"

Superman has posed:
Superman blinks, looking confused. "What.. what?" What did he say?

Crusader has posed:
Crusader coughs claring his throat "Umm, well you said team. As far as one was aware, he wasnea on one." he explains. Though clearly he is not agaist the idea of being on one

Superman has posed:
"You've been workign with the Justice League, correct?" Superman asks, leaning forward slightly as if to make sure he understood.

Crusader has posed:
"Well, one has popped in, by happen stance...or you know hacking the private communication channels" Crusader says. "But yes, one has worked with some of the members"

Superman has posed:
"Hacked, huh?" Superman says, chuckling. "Well, you're welcome by the Hall anytime. And I'll see about talking to the rest to ensure your inclusions are more formal. In the meantime, if you ever need anything, call for me. Out loud. I'll hear you."

Crusader has posed:
"Might be a bit of a strong word, but one is can interperate such signals freely. Technopathy as it is called here" he explains. None the less Crusader smiles "One shall remember this! And thank you fer well wanting one as part of the team. Though if you need anything, well one does nit have the superhearing, but still feel free to call!"

Superman has posed:
To the returning of promised favors, Superman nods, the smile still on his face.

"I will. Thank you again, Crusader. Keep up the good work, and I'll see you around," says the Blue Boy Scout, giving a little salute as he drifts from the rooftop, back a few feet before he turns to fly away gaining speed as he gains altitude, and then a soft thunderclap, and gone. upup and away!