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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/29 |Location=Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville |Synopsis=Chicken demons. And midge demons and the potential that people are messing with the balances of reality. Either way, that'll be for another day to investigate. |Cast of Characters=231, 735 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:231|Sinister (231)}} has posed:'''<br>Time is a funny thing. Slot this existence somewhere between then and now, between reports and a day of activity, wher...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:17, 5 February 2024

What are you, Chicken
Date of Scene: 29 January 2024
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Chicken demons. And midge demons and the potential that people are messing with the balances of reality. Either way, that'll be for another day to investigate.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Time is a funny thing. Slot this existence somewhere between then and now, between reports and a day of activity, where there's a tricky bit of half-light where events /transpired/...

Post closure, there's always one or two things to do in Lux, with the book keeping and receipt detailing profit, ordering things if necessary...

And that was a pre-dawn, post-operation moment where Sin needed to go stretch his legs, pick up something savoury and something sweet for a belated breakfast and the promise of some 'good' coffee. And other things.

Then though, there's returning. Nothing fancy, included in this IS the things he went out there for, but Sin's arrival in the elevator is with a staring-into-middle-distance expression of halted incredulity. His leather frock coat looks mildly dust covered but the box of donuts looks good. As does the 'fancy silly coffee' he got out there...
Lucifer has posed:
Yes there is book keeping. And the ordering of stock refills. Then the ordering of -special- stock refills, because Lucifer keeps a lot more than general liquor behind his bars. Both the club's own and his personal stock. None the less, all this was done and then Nathaniel was off to do whatever it is a Nathaniel does when the need for leg stretching and acquiring things outside of Lux and the Penthouse is desired.

When the elevator dings the return of Nathaniel, Lucifer is sitting on one of the two plush chairs that the couple have acquired since redecorating the living area of the Penthouse. A thing Lucifer offered to the man one random moment in time past so that they could own things together, instead of his sort of making Nathaniel live among all the things post-relationship Lucifer owned that only served as reminders to all the sordid affairs. Nose flaring as the scents Nathaniel carries hits him and he sits up a bit to not only take in the contents that Nathaniel carries with him but there is a look over of the man's dusty coat which gains a raise of a single eyebrow.

"...Did you have fun on your little outing, love?"
Sinister has posed:
"Erm," that's the reply for the time being -- the span of the living area is taken in with a sweeping look, before the coffee table is made for, as a decision on placement of donuts, pastries and coffee products. Luci's is handed to him directly -- "...Sort of."

The tone employed is absentee, because there are certain things...

"You know I sometimes pick up the things you've ordered in the Magic shop. Occasionally, samples from the general area of the hellmouth for their mutagenic properties? Well." He finishes a jamjar out of his pocket, filled with absolutely teenie-tiny midge demons that were attracted to a dead frog he'd left there a day or two ago. It's set /aways/ from the nice smelling food stuff. Two dozen tiny demonic entities press up against the glass, iddybiddy eyeballs watching the Devil, all in a row.

Sin gestures at the jar. "There's that. And somehow, some way, they ended up with a giant petrifying chicken beast in Darlington park. I /think/ it was a cockatrice." He gazes at the open space to create a visual illusion of the creature. It's enormous. And definitely angry petrifying chickeny territory. "I sometimes feel I need a crash course in reality checks."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer tilts his head a little as he watches the almost auto-piloted motions that the other man takes while sort of not answering the question in the beginning. After a time, Nathaniel continues, the jamjar he pulls out is eyed for a moment as Lucifer watches the tiny demons within press against the glass, almost as if they cannot believe they're in the presence of the Devil himself.

Those eyes shift back to Nathaniel after a moment as the man continues and when that visual illusion is made, he looks over to the cockatrice, leaning forward with chin to fist as he watches the ancient creature for a lingering heartbeat while it exubreates it's chicken-like madness. "You live at the cross of Gotham, Sunnydale, Mutant Town and Hellsmouth. If this is not our current reality, then something is very, very wrong." He pauses. "Well it's not exactly a cross section, but we're all very close to one another. I can walk down one street and see a mutant, while across the street is a demon. Or a witch. Or vampire slayer. Super hero or heroine. And all manner of ill fated villains..." A grin. "You excluded, of course. Either way...my point still stands. What you really need is to actually finish blurring the line between science and magic..."
Sinister has posed:
"Well, there is that. But there are some things that are patently ridiculous," but then again. He frowns, looking firmly at the image in mind. "The uprooting of petrified trees and vigorous assault by heroic types, got sand and dirt all over my coat. I also had to think rather quickly, it was being vexxingly destructive. I might have decompiled into cockerels."

Decompiled into cockerels? Yep. Pile of cocks.

"I suppose, on the very surface of it, when viewed from a time when demonic incursion was far more frequent than it is now and viewed from the lens of humankind attempting to describe what they're looking at, frame of reference says 'demon chicken'. This likely has very little to do with any chicken and the legendary is pure confabulation as to how to put it in a way one can understand and paint the picture that it can be defeated by ordinary folks, such as they."

He cocks his head to the side, studying the similarities to essentially... a T-rex with whattles and A HORRID breathweapon, plus the 'looks that can kill' "It didn't like the sound of the cock's crow though. I think the resonant frequency interfered with its anchoring in this realm."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer listens studiously as he watches and tilts his head one way, then the other. "Do we know where the cockatrice came from?" Though the whole thing has him drumming fingers, as if even while asking questions, his mind is working on theories already. "Are the veils between realms thinning that much now? Probably too many hands in the pots..." Standing then, he shifts and walks towards the balcony windows that overlook New York as a near whole.

"Also, I wasn't trying to undermine what you were saying. Aligning yourself back with reality is often a good idea too... but the blur we're seeing is getting a little...worrisome. First it was those underground burrowers. Then it was the elementals that got stirred up and drawn here for reasons. The Apophis Asteroid. A cockatrice. ...." He opens one window - the one that can be opened - and goes through the motions to light up a cigarette.

"I might have to talk to a few people...and then do a little realm hopping myself. Make sure things are staying...aligned as they should."

Something then apparently - and quite suddenly - fills his mind and he gives a laugh. "Pile of cocks, eh? And you subdued it with a cock's crow. That..is a funny thing to imagine."
Sinister has posed:
"Well, I think it destabilized something or other. The being stabbed in the eye and hit by someone with kryptonian abilities helped. Also your neice was there. The little lady with the talking cat? Sabrina, wasn't it?"

Following onto the balcony, ignorant or heedless of the cold, Sin brings his coffee with him -- white chocolate mochas occasionally need to be indulged in.

A judicious sip later: "It could be generalized pan-dimensional activity, brought to you by our friendly neighbourhood hellmouth. Or it might be people /fiddling/ with it, like I do, except I don't probe the damn thing with magical doodads or spells. Firstly, I wouldn't know my arse from my elbow, secondly there's enough specimens to study without having to."

He sniffs.

"I thought you might like the notion of me cockblocking it."
Lucifer has posed:
"Well, I can see how all of those people would help yes. Plus my neice? Shame I wasn't there to tell her hello... or to help with the cockatrice from gods know where." Lucifer comments this much and then turns and floats over his own coffee delight that was brought for him, surely.

"It could be one or all of those things, yes. Or some newbie who doesn't know what the hell they're doing and suddenly we're going to have more of an influx of things before we have less of." Plucking the coffee from the air, he takes a generous sip and follows it with a hit off his cigarette. The cigarette is then offered to Nathaniel, in case he wants a hit, unless he just decides to help himself to one of his own.

That last comment actually gets a snorted laugh from the Devil who then shakes his head. "Is this where I comment that you cockblock me all the time, but I absolutely adore you for it?" Asking this while giving the man a side eye, grinning all the while. "Anything else happen or was that everything plus the trip to the shops for coffee, donuts, and foodage?"
Sinister has posed:
There is a grin, wry and sidelong for the devil. "Do I now?" a low, hearty chuckle.

But then the observations have him nodding, sipping his fancy froofroo caffiene beverage and taking a moment to light his own smoke from the end of the cigarette offered. Compromising on the use of cancer stick? Check.

"And them." Sinister points at the very tiny demons in their jar. "I was... not expecting those when I sought to trap mutagenic sources. I suppose size doesn't always matter, when it comes to demonic realms, huh?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer turns at that first bit, leaning in to give a very generous but quick love-bite to Nathaniel's neck. "Maybe sometimes...but it helps me be a better being for you in the long run." He says this and then quickly moves with cigarette and coffee towards the jar-trapped mini-demons. After Nathaniel has lit his own cigarette and all.

"They do. But these little ones have seemed rather fascinated by me..." He gets to the table with the jar and gently picks it up, getting a closer look at the little ones inside. "What was in this jar before they appeared? It's not familiar to me so... is it something you did?" Asking this as he glances back over to Nathaniel for a moment then to the jar once more. "I kinda want to take one out and see if I can talk to it."
Sinister has posed:
"A dead frog. Something was causing necromorphic mutation in the local ponds and I wanted to know what it was. These little things feed on dead frogs and other pond life. Or it could just be a portion of their life-cycle, I'm not wholely sure. Demonology isn't one of my strong suits..." There's a pause from Sin then and a press of lips in consternated amusement. "Although at this point, it really -should- be, shouldn't it? Seems like a wasted opportunity..."

He sits in his own comfy chair on the return inside, settles there to watch the jar and the inspection by the King of Demons. The things are quite ugly, but they're so tiny, that they're somewhat fugly in their appeal. Iddy biddy mischiefs! "I suspect something in their saliva works. Whether it works on mammalian DNA, I do not know."
Lucifer has posed:
"I mean you could get a start in demonology whenever you want. I have a few I could even offer up as studious subjects." Lucifer says this, thinks on the wording he uses, and then nods. Satisfied that his wording is correct. "A dead frog, eh? I suspect that I should not open this jar here in the Penthouse. Who knows how chaotic the little beasties inside are, and I am not about to subject the Penthouse to their antics..." He smirks tho.

"Your lab might work. Or perhaps even my walk in safe. Just a better containment then what we have now... because I feel that even trying to get just one out may somehow wind up releasing all of them. Cute as they are... again... tiny havoc is still havoc, and small beings can instill great chaos if given the chance." He looks to Nathaniel. "Gnomes for example..."
Sinister has posed:
There's silence for a couple of long, pregnant seconds. "There's a story here. I am SURE there's a story here." Sinister looks from the jar to the lord of Hell to the jar again, back and forth a couple of times, until an arching eyebrow challenges the storyteller to spill the beans.

"Did we completely get the wrong end of the stick with such creatures? Aren't they generally amiable, or is this just going to show just how little I know about this aspect of creation?"

Consideration due, the lab is shot a look at. "Don't know if that would be the best place. If they DO get out, they can wreak havoc in there, on the things contained therein. Best have your safe on standby. Although they're foiled by a jamjar, so I can probably safely say that they're not -that- hazardous."
Lucifer has posed:
"I suppose it depends on which story you listen to and believe. Gnomes in some cultures, likely gremlins in others...pixies likely was the better example. Either way. Gnomes. Tiny little creatures that come into your home and steal things. Socks, but only the left ones. Buttons. Batteries. Little things here and there..." He chuckles. "Oh! Goblins! That's likely the term you're more familiar with....maybe..." He has to wade through eons of cultural terms to land on the right thing sometimes.

"How long ago was the dead frog put in the jar? I suppose they can stand a little more time within it's confines... cause I have coffee, donuts, and a man to spend some much needed recharging time with."
Sinister has posed:
"Ohhh, a couple of days. The frog isn't there today, so they must have had a feast. I think we can probably drop another dead frog in to tide them over. I have some in a jar in the lab, they're old-school dissection teaching tools, plus occasionally amphibian dna is useful." Ok. Definitely don't want to probe that one too much, right? Right.

"But indeed, goblins, gremlins, nixies if you want to get cornish, as opposed to corny." -- Out of the lab a frog doth fly, the clunk and click of doors opening and the incoming dead pond dweller culminate in a rapid frog-in-jar-and-lid-on flip manoever, quickly and deftly done, to prevent escape.

"I could do with a pair of wings, honestly. And a cool shower, first."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smirks, and then simply sets the jar down again so the mini-demons can feast for a while longer. Maybe they'll get too full to cause mayhem and he can fish one out by itself. None the less...

"Then let us go shower, and then we can wing over to one of our other homes where we'll bask in the simplicity of life and what it offers us.." He says this much and then turns and deftly heads straight back to the bathroom with invitation open for the taking...