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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/27 |Location=Private Office, the Blue Lady |Synopsis=Thomas get's patched up, Faith get's a cold and Nick..is there. |Cast of Characters=7044, 9039, 39 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:7044|Thomas Raith (7044)}} has posed:'''<br>Thomas Raith had intended to join the others for the Cockitrice fight, but at the last minute had sent out a group text saying he was not going to make it. No further explination given. So a few hours l...")
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Latest revision as of 15:21, 5 February 2024

Later that night...
Date of Scene: 27 January 2024
Location: Private Office, the Blue Lady
Synopsis: Thomas get's patched up, Faith get's a cold and Nick..is there.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Phantasm (Drago), Faith Lehane

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith had intended to join the others for the Cockitrice fight, but at the last minute had sent out a group text saying he was not going to make it. No further explination given. So a few hours later, at the Club and upon asking to see him, Crush actually stalled Nick a minute while calling ahead before sending him upstairs. This was also unusual because the musician is one of the few people Thomas has made it clear is allowed unresticted access. The reason for the precaution though is evident when he comes inside. Thomas is sitting on his office sofa, shirtless, washing a scrape on his side that starts below his waist and goes all the way up his left arm. There is also the begininging of a sickly bruise forming in the same area. the White Courtier smiles as he sees his friend. "You should see the other guy."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Considering the small amount of time between the fight and his visit, Nick's attire is not quite of the clubbing variety. As far as the group is concerned, he doesn't have any room to complain in regards to attendance. It's been-

Well, pretty lacking.

The knit capped musician is patient with the stalling but the curiousity did get perked as well.

When he's shown in and sees the injuries. There's a bit of silence from the musician before the sound of the door latching shut behind him breaks the spell. "Ah."

"Based from this, I'm guessing you had a conflicting appointment."

Nick moves forward so Thomas doesn't have to get up for the greeting. Some formalities are flat out skipped as he instead seats himself nearby. Looking to the scrape, debating. "...What happened?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
It's clear from the look on his face the man is debating exactlly what to say, but then he shrugs slightly and admits "I fell down a ventilation shaft. Turns out it's not as easy as Bruce Willis makes it look." He dabs another scrape that comes back with more of his pepto bismol colored blood and asked "How did things go on your end?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the explanation. Mike grimaces, "...Hope it was a lower floor." He responds, "Acquaintance of mine had an incident with a stage trap door once. Lift wasn't up when he went through. Was not a fun night for him."

"Well... Wasn't quite read up on what we were fighting beyond 'demonic chicken'. But, neither was the super who flew in. Everyone did their part. Chicken might be blind and dealing with a sore throat now. "

There is NO explanation given for the last part. Sometimes it is more amusing that way. "In the end it vanished but the statues went human again so that worked out."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, letting out a slow exhale and sending up a silent thanks to a God he doesn't quite believe in for that much at least. He nods to the bar over in the corner and says "Pour me a double scotch would you? This next part is going to need some bracing." He says as he pulls out a hook shaped needle and some medical grade thread, looking at the pink oozing gash on his lower abdomen."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane had been pretty busy fending off the Cockatrice not long ago, and it left her pretty winded, especially as she seems to be coming down with something. Thomas' absence did not go unnoticed however, and she came over quickly afterwards, after having returned the scythe to its new warded home that is. No need to put the club in danger Afterall.

Eventually, she bursts to the office a bit breathless and still bruised and cut from the fight. However, right now she's more concerned for Thomas as she sees the state of him which causes her to scowl.

"The hell, Thomas?! What on earth happened to you?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Giving a nod, Nick gets up out of the seat to move over towards the bar. He grabs a glass, and proceeds to prep the requested double. It is during this time that Faith's entrance draws his attention along with her inquiry. "He fell down a ventilation shaft." He answers for Thomas, stepping away from the bar to make himself a bit more visible to the entering Faith.

A smile is given to the slayer before Nick turns, setting the drink down before Thomas so he doesn't have to drop what he's doing to take it. "And considering the odd nature of the injury, I'm assuming there was a good reason."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith makes a face at Faith's abrupt enterence. On one hand, Crush should have called ahead to warn him she was coming... on the other hand even a werebear has his limits, and there is no way the Bouncer was going to slow the Dark slayer down once she has a head of steam behind her. He decides to give it a pass. He takes his drink from Nick, nodding his appreciation and also agreement to the man's statement but adding "I got an e-mail from Lara." This added explanation obviously supposed to mean something to Faith but not Nick.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane's scowl only deepens as. she inspects the wound. "Seriously? What were you....?!" and then he mentions his sister and her gaze hardens, eyeing him suspiciously, "Soo...Dear old sis calls and you decide to jump down a ventilation shaft? Are you crazy? Yoy could have got yourself killed!" she looks around, "Where the hell is the first aid kit?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It looks like he's already using it." Nick comments, moving over to the seat he had claimed just earlier. Granted it deprives Faith of the closest seat to Thomas but he kind of figures a bit of breathing room while Thomas is working the needle would be beneficial. Worried girlfriends can ... complicate things at times. "I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it wasn't that simple and there was a VERY good reason that led to that fall."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith downs the scotch, wincing at the burn... but then offers the hooked needle and suture to Faith since she would have a better angle at the wound on his side... and it would allow her to help him. "I hope you don't think I would bail on helping down Col. Sanders nightmare just because Lara sent me a message. It was the same problem I had at that hotel a few months back that I called you to help me clean up with." He winces as the scrape burns with a movement. "And I didn't jump down it. It broke. With me in it. I slid."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane frowns, folding her arms as she watches him dress his wounds. When that needle is offered, she takes it with a slight frown and gets to work to stitch the wound. Unfortunately Faith is not a gentle person, but she's stitched enough of her own wounds to at least finish it quickly and efficiently.

When he says something that sparks a lightbulb in her head,n she blinks and pauses. "Huh? You mean...?" she shakes her head. "Geez, you should have called me, let me in.."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is tempted to give a response to the general lecture but being Faith's not being AS confrontational about the injury, he lets it slide. Thomas can explain how Faith can't be in two places at the same time. So Nick is left to sit in the chair quietly, fading to the background as the couple have their moment.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a little bit, "You had bigger fish, or should I say Chickens to fry." He manages to hold completely still as Faith quickly and efficiently, if not painlessly, dresses his wound so that the oozing pink blood stops at least for now. "It's handled. I promise, and aside from shoddy ventilation work no harm was done. "Now bring me up to speed on the cockitrice. Nick implied it was neutralized but not dead?"
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane wrinkles her nose, finishing up, giving his shoulder a rough slap. "Don't think I wanna eat that chicken." she shrugs, "Well, it was basically unkillable, even when this way over the top Suoerman wannabe flew in and blasted heat vision down its throat, and Nick blinded it, it was still alive, started to heal itself. Harry and Sabrina had to banish it back to wherever it came from, but don't ask me to explain magic mojo, I'm just there to punch stuff." she cuts the thread, "Hiws that feel? Got anything to cover it with?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick cracks a smile as Faith gives away what led to the sore throat comment from earlier. "I was more trying to keep it from doing that stone gaze thing it was doing. Oh!"

Nick looks to Faith, "You missed the part about all the small cocks running around the bird crowing at it."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith starts to turn, winces, and then points at the open tackle box that he uses as a first aid kit. After all when you make a habit of dating Slayers and Power Rangers it's a good idea to keep a full sized kit. At Nicks statement Thomas turns and looks at Faith and says "There are so many double entandres there I can't pick just one. Assume I said something sexual and offensive."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane groans, "As if that having one big......" she draws a deep breath and shakes her head because they're trying to keep it PG for anyone who reads this. "You know what? Forget I said anything. That was just some crazy ass shit I mean, how on earth did that pasty faced weirdo turn into a bunch of little cocks in the first place and why?"

Really she needs to stop talking about it because she can't even talk with a straight face. Instead, Faith reaches for the tackle box, scrounging around for a bandage and gets to work wrapping the wound.

"Anyway, it's dealt with, but I have a feeling that's just the tip of the...Ahh......Aaaaaaaahhhhh........!" her eyes widen as she suddenly lets out a very loud sneeze, her eyes watering.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"And assume we just gasped at the assumed sexual and offensive remark." Nick quips, before looking to Faith. "As for why. He's a shape shifter of sorts and pretty well read. So I'm assuming he knew something about the cockatrice we didn't. There would have to be good reason for him to do what he did."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow, "so what, you send a a cock to fight a..." Of course then he gets sneezed on. He looks away but still wipes his cheek and says dryly "Gesundheit..." He looks back. "You alergic to double entandre all of the suddon?"
Faith Lehane has posed:
Sexual innunendos abound no matter how hard she tries not to. It's not like Faith is even trying. She sniffles, grabbing a tissue from the desk. "Yeaah sorry, like I was saying, I ran into some crazy blizzard demon..In the same area that we fought the Cockatrice. Didn't defeat it so it's out there now..Think I got a cold or something, I dunno.." he may have noticed that her touch is quite cold, a little too cold.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Fortunately for him, it wasn't a measuring contest." Nick replies to Thomas's aborted question.

Nick glances off to the side, avoiding any eyecontact for the next few moments before mention of a blizzard demon giving her a cold. "...When did that happen?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow, and reaches his hand behind Faith's neck, which is a much better place to check for fever then the forehead. "I didn't think a Slayer /could/ get sick." He says with obvious concern now. "Like seriously, have you ever been sick since taking your mantle?"
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane sighs and shrugs, "Few days before we fought the cockatrice demon. Didn't think much of it at the time, I guess with the cold weather I was already feeling not so great, I'm sure it's nothing." she's running quite the fever though, desire trying to act tough.

Annoyed, she attempts to swat Thonas' hand away. "So don't worry about it. That vamp cult probably just summoned another demon from their fancy book..Guess they got some talented magic users with them, which is not common for run if the mill vamps, but.."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick listens to the explanation quietly before giving a curious look. "...Ok, pretend I haven't been around for awhile... Vamp Cult?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly and gestures towards Nick with his thumb, "What he said." He says with a slight smile, moving to put on his shirt over his now stiched and bandaged torso. "Maybe you should start at the begining while I have Smash send up some chicken soup.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane rolls her eyes. "Geez haven't you all been paying attention? Hello?! This started since the M scythe showed up again and those vamps attacked the magic box..The same vamps that I found hanging out in that old abandoned church, messing with some magic book. I managed to steal it but they stole it back when they attacked the magic shop. Sabrina helped me decipher some of the stuff in that book, looked like high end magic." She shrugs.

"I dunno what crazy shit hapoened before the m scythe was recovered by SHIELD but I'm guessing this guess a ways back since then.."

Before she can say any more, Faith sneezes loudly again but at least covers her mouth this time. "Geeez, I feel like shit, think I might have to stay over tonight, my body aches.." and her eyes look redder by the minute.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Faith. Smile fading slightly to the eye roll. The musician tilts his head forward, pinching the bridge of his nose "...Faith, I got a text message last night asking me to show up to help deal with a demonic chicken. And then there was that time I had to come back in the country to help talk to someone about getting you that fucking scythe. Anything beyond that, I wasn't privy to. I was not present for these other events. So, if you want me to PAY ATTENTION to something, it should probably be brought out TO attention first."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "You were going to have to fight me to leave." He says plainly, Then to Nick, "Hate to break up the party, but I'm going to have to pour chicken soup down her neck and then get her in a hot shower, and into bed..." He offers his hand to trade grips with the other man. "But don't be a stranger. We miss you around here."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane is a bitch at the best of times and now is no better than ever, especially with a flu or whatever keeping her cranky.

"Well now you're up to date. Thomas is right, don't be a stranger! Although you sure pick weird company. Who the heck was that pasty faced chicken guy anyway?! He seemed to know you.."

As for Thomas she just snorts at him. "You know you can't force me to do anything I don't want to do...But all that RandR actually sounds pretty damn good, especially the forcing party." she grins and winks wickedly at him.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Thomas hints to the need to take care of Faith, Nick nods, getting up from his seat. "Yeah, got it."

Nick takes the offered hand, returning the gesture. "I'll try to swing by a bit more."

As for Faith's inquiry, he glances back over to her as he releases Thomas's hand. "That was Sinister. He's helped out with Buffy before. So he's not quite a stranger to the group. It's just, not all the world's troubles center around here."

Nick takes a step away before he pauses, looking over to Thomas. "As far as the other troubles that was messing with work- Well, it's settled to the point where we're accepting bookings again. Just in case Sasha needs help at some point again."