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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/22 |Location=Morrisania, The Bronx |Synopsis=Buffy and Angelica get to have a talk about vampires of coffee and pastries. |Cast of Characters=1014, 328 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Angelica makes her way down to street level and then out of the building. She looks like maybe she is heading for the subway station or maybe the news stand next to it. Some girls are a little old fashione...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:30, 5 February 2024

Vampires with a side of Buffy and Firestar.
Date of Scene: 22 January 2024
Location: Morrisania, The Bronx
Synopsis: Buffy and Angelica get to have a talk about vampires of coffee and pastries.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Buffy Summers

Firestar has posed:
Angelica makes her way down to street level and then out of the building. She looks like maybe she is heading for the subway station or maybe the news stand next to it. Some girls are a little old fashioned like that.

Being what she is and seeing what she's seen, she is mindful of her surroundings going out at night. She might be dangerous when aware, but anyone can get jumped if they don't watch where they are going.
Buffy Summers has posed:
And that's when she heard the sound of feet coming from behind her. Someone was running. Should she glance over to look, it would be just in time for a man to start to run past her heading for that subway entrance. Only thing was he was being chased!

The woman behind him was petite, wearing black leather pants and a red top underneath an open leather jacket in matching black. She had boots on her feet with a little heel but that wasn't slowing her down as she pounded after the man, a look of concentration on her face.

"You're just making this hard on yourself!" she yelled at him as she was almost to Anjelica. "

"Keep away from me, slayer!" And the man made to head into the stairway leading down into the subway only to collide with a man coming out. He grabbed the man and held him in front, between himself and Buffy, like a human shield. "Go back to the Hellmouth where you belong!" the man who had been fleeing yelled at her.
Firestar has posed:
The running sets her on edge and Angelica slips to one side. She gets set to engage the man who then runs past her. She lets her gaze follow him and then whips back to see his pursuer. She considers the lady as she runs past as well.

New York is weird. A part of her starts to reach out and stop the woman since she is the aggressor, but she is also a woman chasing a man into the subway. Things can turn fast.

When the man grabs a hostage her attitude shifts a little. She turns towards the hostage grabber and then to the woman who chases him again,"Slayer..." she mutters softly,"Hellmouth...what is wrong with the people in this city?"

Fortunately most people are watching the drama unfold and so she slips behind the news stand. It's not much, but all anyone sees is a red head walk away, then a burst of light before Firestar rises,"What is wrong with people?" she calls out, higher than any of them can reach.
Buffy Summers has posed:
It did indeed look like the little blond was the bad guy until he grabbed that hostage. "Let him go. This is between us," she says reasonably. Not like she can go dusting him in front of onlookers but the good news is it isn't too many people. Yet. She needs to get this done faster.

"Release him and I'll let you go tonight." Not forever. Never forever. She was determined to hunt this one down after all this drama.

Then suddenly there is a glowing woman rising into the air and Buffy blinks, looking at her in confusion. SHe's used to monsters at the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. Not flying superheroes. "That...is a neat trick." The flying thing. Not the glowing. The glowing she suspected would lead to being a target back home.

But seeing the hero, the villain showed his true colors. Or at least the mask he was hiding as he went full vamp face. Those that had been starting to pay attention reacted in varying ways from crying out to quickly leaving the area.
Firestar has posed:
Distraction. She's good at that. Even when she doesn't want to be. Briefly it stops the escalation. Briefly.

"Let the man go and let's talk like functional and rational adults...." she starts out. Calm and all professional sounding.

Her eyes go wide as saucers with the monster's face is revealed. People panic and run. She manages to keep her head, but the face full of fangs shakes her for a second.

The blast of microwave energy goes high over the vampire's head and mangles the metal hand rail behind him. Most things don't scare her like they used to, but one thing still haunts her dreams. She shakes herself and gets ready to fire again.
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Holy shit!"

This was in stereo. Both the man that was being held and the vampire that was keeping him there. Neither had expected to have that blast of heat and see metal just turn into a liquid and gloop down onto the ground before it cooled enough to solidify again.

"And that is every neater. More neat? Neatiest?" Buffy was struggling to find a term good enough to deal with it. But now that the flying woman had his full attention, and the people with the cameras had the good sense to run away instead of hoping to go viral, she was able to make her move. There would be two witnesses but it was better than dead people.

She made a move to the left at speed, tapping into her Slayer abilities so she was mostly a blur of movement. A quick dash, a slide using the icy sidewalk to help her out here, and a stake right into the back of the vampire!


He turned to dust, sending the man he'd been holding falling toward the ground. Buffy quickly caught him, showing she was stronger than she looked. "Get home and get inside. He might not be alone." Which wasn't true. He was alone. But she didn't need the drama that might come from the guy thus wanted him running on his merry way.

Then she looked up at Firestar to see how this was going to go now.
Firestar has posed:
Watching it all unfold, Angelica is still a little shell shocked. She knew of the existence of one vampire. Maybe she just hoped he was an anomaly. She blinks as the monster turns to dust and she lowers herself to the ground near the woman.

Her foot idly moves some of the dust and despite being scared, there is just enough scientist in her to kneel down and study it a moment.

She doesn't watch the other woman too closely as she says,"I am guessing this is common for you? Meeting these things." Nothing to take the dust into, no baggie or anything, she stands up and dusts off her gloves. Slipping a glove off she extends her hand,"I'm Firestar..." she pauses and since nobody is really gawking anymore she amends,"...Angelica. Buy you a cup of coffee and danish...heck I'll make you a coffee and there are some doughuts back at my place." The scientist rises, curiosity and desire to sate it.
Buffy Summers has posed:
At the offering of her name and her real name presumably, Buffy took the proffered hand. A brief firm grasp, a single pump, then she released. The stake she had used to off the vampire was no where to be seen. Presumably either in the jacket she was wearing or the messenger bag slung cross body over her torso.

"Buffy, The Vampire Slayer." A little smirked as she used the title then gave a little shrug. "It's kind of what I do. My calling or whatever." A roll of the eyes at the way that sounded then a smile. "Coffee and doughnuts sounds great. Either or. Your place probably is safer talking freely I'd guess. Not like we try to advertise all this stuff that goes bump in the night. People would freak."
Firestar has posed:
Her own grip firm, but not over powered. She has the handshake of a business woman or at least someone who was drilled to never dead fish handshake. She smiles a little and replies,"Buffy your job is at once intriguing and terrifying." She winks and looks to the building she came out from. A nod and she says softly,"Meet me at room 2A. I will fly a loop and come down from the roof. Unfortunately when I shift like that, my clothing options get a little sparse. Give me ten minutes and I will meet you there."

She winks and rises from the ground after letting Buffy's hand free,"See you shortly." she says a little louder and then giving the area a once over she flies into the night, making said loop and returning to the roof with a bag.
Buffy Summers has posed:
That was definitely different. Buffy watched as Firestar flew off into the sky and disappeared from view. "Huh." And with that, she moved toward the indicated building and made her way upstairs. To any onlookers, it would just seem she probably lived there. Not that there seemed to be any of those. Vamp faces tended to cause them to scatter to the four winds. And later they would mentally convince themselves they didn't see what they saw, protecting their minds from the darkness in the world once again.

She climbed the stairs, not bothering with an elevator. Then she stopped at the apartment in question. Once they were inside, she'd explain a bit more about that job title she'd shared. But first coffee.
Firestar has posed:
When she comes down the stairs, Angelica isn't Firestar anymore. While Buffy might not know her by face or by name, it would be very difficult for them to have shook hands and Buffy not make not of that fiery red hair or those sparkling green eyes. Her general body type sticks out as well, hard to miss that shape.

She walks down the hall towards the room and offers the pretty blonde a smile, opening the door and says,"Come in please. I'm Angelica by the way." She heads to the kitchen area and starts a pot,"I have some raspberry cream cheese pastries I made yesterday. They were good yesterday, still are just a little chewier."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"You made them? That's bonus points right there," Buffy asserted as she entered the room, glancing around as she did so. The fact she was this trusting either showed she was rather naive or that she figured she could handle whatever the world threw at her. It might be a mix of both, in all honesty. But anyone that attacked vampires was good in her book. It's why Spike still had his undead life, after all.

"My biffle bakes. I can but it's not really in my genes. She makes the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet. I think she uses magic." She was just talking as she wandered toward the kitchen where she guessed said pastries might await. It certainly would be where coffee got brewed unless Angelica was some weirdo. "And I mean that literally cause she's a witch. Like the Glenda kind. She works with the Justice League," she added, sounding a bit proud of her bestie.
Firestar has posed:
"Oh yes. They are a result of my mad science." she teases softly and pulls the pasties from an old bread box. You don't see those much. The funny thing? Her bread is on the counter opposite the box. Some people.

She gets the coffee going and reaches into the refrigerator to bring out a bottle of real, honest to goodness cream. A cabinet opens to get sweetner and raw sugar. Lastly one more cabinet to get two coffee mugs and two small plates.

"I don't get to bake as much as I'd like. My life is a little...well complicated." she admits with a laugh. She washes her hands, dries, and then gets a pastry for each to start with. She hands one to Buffy and ohs,"A witch? Does magic work with mathematics? She works with the Justice League? What's her name? I might have met her. I haven't met a lot, mostly the big three and the Kryptonians. A few more."

Coffee brewed, she pours one for Buffy and asks,"How do you take it?"
Buffy Summers has posed:
"With all the cream and all the sugar. Usually it's a negative ratio of coffee to the rest. But, since that's not always possible, black is fine too," Buffy says with a grin as she looks at the pastry placed before her. Carefully she lifts it and takes a nibble then grins as she takes a bigger bite. Thankfully, she actually chews and swallows before she continues talking. Joyce would be so proud.

"This is really good. Thank you." Then Buffy focused on the question. "I don't think she has a codename. Her name is Willow. She trained under John Constantine for a time and he is the one that brought her to the League, to help back when they rescued Superman from another planet. When everyone had thought he was dead." It was quite a few years back. "I can't give you a whole lot of information outside that as my memory is sketchy." Read: Gone. "For the last few years. Still working on trying to figure out why it went away and how to get it back. She would have to tell you if magic works with mathematics. She's one of those Big Brain people so she'd love that sort of conversation, I bet."

Because Buffy does not consider herself amongst the Big Brain people. She was more the brawn. "And to address the vampire in the room, yes. There are vampires. And werewolves. And monsters and demons and all sorts of things out there. I'm sort of the Chosen One--of a sort--that was born to hunt those things.
Firestar has posed:
A smile and Angelica gives a triple hit of cream and sugar, stirring it up and handing the mug to Buffy,"Nobody drinks black coffee in here unless that is exactly what they want. If you want more cream or sweetner have at it." she tells her with a wink.

"You are quite welcome." she replies with a wink about the pastries,"Welcome to more if you like. IF I eat them all my hips won't go through the door." She does have the hour glass shape so as the song goes, hips don't lie.

She shakes her head and admits,"I can't say that I have met her, but I would like to. It would be an interesting talk for sure. My science is mostly focused on Physics due to the nature of my power." She pulls the shirt back a little and there is a silver jump suit under,"Long story short, my power is radiation based, so I wear this to protect others. If they can heal fast I don't sweat it, but otherwise."

She nods as she makes her own coffee,"I knew there was one." she mutters softly,"When I was still in my late teens. Me, Iceman, and Spiderman encountered one. The one. Everyone knows his name." The more she talks, the quieter she becomes. She takes a drink of her coffee and pinches off some pastry,"I hope you found him and ended the scourge of Wallachia, I had little reason to not believe he was Dracula. He had his own wolfman and a Frankenstein's monster."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Well I have good news and I have bad news," was Buffy's reply as she continued to munch, though again have the manners to not stuff her mouth while speaking. She did that while Anjelica was doing the talking.

"Good news is I do heal fast. Not like super fast but faster than a normal person. I'm not sure what the radiation would or wouldn't do to me to be honest. Though I'd rather not go testing the theory."

Then the little frown. "The bad news is that Dracula is still out there. He showed up in Sunnydale recently. I just met him myself. He wants me to reach my full potential so it'll be a fun fight for him." A wince as she says it, showing her distaste at it all. "So I have my Scooby Gang--that's what we call ourselves after the cartoon teen sleuths cause this all started when we were in high school--trying to dig up anything they can to help me get rid of him for good."
Firestar has posed:
"It's always that way." she comments dryly on the good news/bad news front. She shakes her head and sighs. When Buffy comments about her ability to heal she tells her,"Oh no. I am all sealed up. I don't know for certain the suit itself is enough. A friend of mine gave me something else to help so I tend to stay well closed off."

She doctors up her coffee, takes the pastry, and indicates the living room area. She heads that way and a soft gasp,"He's that close?" she whispers and looks at Buffy. Fear, not overwhelming, but fear. Something else. Something that says if she sees him...he's cooked. She goes to take a seat on the couch and settles into the corner of one side.

She manages a smile though, at the mention of the Scooby gang,"If you tell me you have a talking great dane, I am coming home with you." she teases,"That would be too much to miss." She considers and adds,"If I can help you, especially with him, you know how to find me."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"No talking Great Dane. We did used to have a werewolf as part of the group if that counts though? But he's moved on to other things in his life. Haven't seen him in years." There was a moment of sadness at the loss of Oz from their lives. He'd been a breath of fresh air in a lot of ways. His outlook on everything tended to be so positive. And he'd been good with Willow.

Though, such things didn't always work out as planned. It wasn't always meant to be. She knew that better than most.

Besides, Willow finally had found someone and she was hoping this one stuck. Her biffle deserved some happiness. "We have a witch. A human. A vampire. Another sort of kind of vampire. A wizard. Another ...huh, I don't know what to call him. But he's magic too and can shapeshift but I don't think he's a shapeshifter so much as a magic user who can shapeshift." She was ticking off each on her hand. "A Watcher, which is a person that ...well, watches the Slayer. Like watches over, not like creepy peeping tom stuff," Buffy added to be sure it was clear.

"With your powers, you'd be a great help against vampires. They are very flammable. I mean, people are too but not as much as vamps."
Firestar has posed:
A smile and she takes a drink of her coffee,"Aww. I was hoping." she admits softly,"For the record, I grew up with Scooby Doo. I kinda sussed out why Shaggy was always hungry before most of my friends." She chuckles softly about that.

"It's hard when friends move on. I haven't see Alpha Flight or the New Warriors since I came down here to attend NYU."
She listens to the list of the usual suspects when Buffy talks about her gang of Scoobies. A smile touches her lips again and she sips her coffee. The Watcher comment gets a choked giggle and she manages to not send coffee out of her nose.

"Well if you need a nuclear weapon that flies, you have her." she tells Buffy as she wipes her face off,"I would be glad to help thin out that population. I don't think they are alive and hence they don't really hold a place..." her mind pauses and rolls back,"...umm did you say there were vampires in your gang?"
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Caught that, huh?"

Buffy grinned a little, not really apologetic. "They aren't your usual vampires. They all bring something different to the table. One has a soul. So he actually doesn't bite people and helps fight the monsters himself. Though he too has moved on mostly. For...reasons." Yeah, she's not even opening that can of worms to explain. People didn't need that heavy of a situation at a first meeting.

"One calls himself a vampire but he dosesn't drink blood. He's feeds on emotions. So more like an incubus?" She wasn't sure if that would be a term that Anjelica knew since it wasn't something that came up conversationally for normal people.

"And then there's Spike."

She finished off her pastry and took a sip of coffee, knowing she needed to be prepared for this one. "He was a Big Bad. Uhm, what we call some of the more dangerous of the ones we fight. He actually killed two past Slayers in his lifetime. But something happened and he got this chip put into his head and now he can't hurt people. If he does, it causes him severe pain. He helps us now to fight the monsters as they are something he can hurt without it hurting him back. If that makes any sort of sense." It really didn't.

"Oh! And there is another Slayer. I didn't mention her but should've. There's supposed to only be one but we sort of broke the system. So she got activated and there are two of us."
Firestar has posed:
She smirks again, taking a drink of coffee,"Took me a second." she admits lightly. She listens to Buffy talk about the list of vampires that she works with. A raise of her brow and she finally admits,"That sounds like a lot to unpack for sure." she finally says,"I mean a vampire that doesn't drink blood is harder to understand than one that feeds on emotions. I have met mutants that do that. They are...less than pleasant."

She smirks a little at the mention of the Big Bad, but the mention of one killing two slayers stifles that quick. She frowns and asks,"So he...has a microchip in his head and if he hurts people..." she pauses,"...how does he survive? Any of them that drink blood, but don't or can't, how do they survive?"

Silly Buffy, she's got the smart girl in think mode now. The mention of another slayer gets her attention again,"Two like you. Tearing up the vampires of the world? Why in the world would there only be one? That seems...counter intuitive. I mean, even dogs battle coyote packs in pairs to watch each other's back. It would seem to be good sense."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"No one ever said the people that made the first Slayer were smart," Buffy said with a bit of a face.

"Let me see if I can get this right. Giles hates it when I misquote." She thought about the verbage. Then she cleared her throat and intoned, "In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer." Then she grins. "Though I've also heard him say 'For as long as there have been vampires, there's been the Slayer, one girl in all the world, a Chosen One.' Yet, we broke that.

"See, the way it works is there is one. Which if I told you how many people I've met that are the Chosen One for something, we'd be here for at least twenty minutes going through names. It's so silly that everything is just a Chosen One but there's dozens!"

Realizing she was getting off track, she got back to storytime. "The first Slayer was created to fight the monsters. But they didn't want to lose control of her I suspect and so only made one. And when that one dies, the powers get activated in the next person in the line. Thus, there is only one. Slayers have a very short lifespan typically," she added as an aside.

"But when I faced a Big Bad named The Master--I know, very creative--he killed me. Drained my blood, dropped me in water, I drowned and died. But when they created the first Slayer, CPR didn't exist. So my friend, the human I mentioned. Xander was able to bring me back. And I kicked some Master ass but it kind of messed me up for a bit until I regained my confidence. But because I died, another Slayer was activated in that moment. Though she got killed too. Then the one that was after her got activated. If Faith dies, I figure we'll get another one. If I die, I think it'll just leave Faith since she was the one in line after me."
Firestar has posed:
She listens like a good student. She might even be making notes in her head. Curious and inquisitive. This is what Buffy discovers about Angelica. She really is a perfect student in so many ways. She and Willow might get on famously.

She frowns thoughtfully and nods at the mention of CPR and return,"Near death experience becomes real death experience. That's scary. So Faith is the other Slayer. I will keep an eye out." she comments,"I have feared Dracula for so long. Someone helped me deal and at least it isn't terror now. Before, I might have totally frozen down there." She takes a drink of coffee and sighs,"Instead, the League might get a bill for a hand rail. Baby steps I guess."

She shakes her head and adds lastly,"Whoever made it one, I hope they are roasting over a hot open fire somewhere." She takes another bite of pastry and sighs,"Sorry. That's just too much. It's good you have your Scoobies and if you need you have a nuclear fire bomb if the odds get too big. I don't know if they can fly, but I can."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"We have no one in our group that can fly outside Nick. So you are very welcome to the party as air support. I'll try not to bother you too much though since you obviously have lots of responsibilities too."

She grinned a little. "You do need to meet Willow though. That's my biffle." Which was her pronunciation applied to BFFL. It never crossed her mind people might have no idea what she meant. "I think you would get along famously. She's very much an academic, on top of being a witch."

Though she sobered a bit. "It's good to be afraid of things. When we aren't afraid, then we do stupid things. I learned that from..." And she realized just how crazy this was going to sound but Anjelica was on a team with Kryptonians and they were sort of like gods in a way, right? "From the God of Fear. Y'know, the Greek one. I tried to kill his father once but we came to an understanding." Yes, that father, Ares. "I had to buy him a new jacket though cause I tried to stake him." A hand wave in the air. "Long story. I got an axe out of it though so yay?"
Firestar has posed:
A soft chuckle and Angelica says,"I will rain fire from the skies to send vampires to their doom." The voice is one of those bad movie preview tones and it passes.

"In seriousness though. If you need my help it is yours. I am busy, but something like this will take proiority over most things." She takes a napkin and grabs a Sharpee. She takes a moment to carefully write down her number. Capping the marker, she turns and hands the napkin to Buffy.

"I would love to meet your...biffle..." she tries the word for a moment,"...academic and a witch. She sounds fascinating."

A nod and she adds,"Oh the fear is still there, but at least it's not crippling anymore." The mention of a Greek God does get her attention. The idea of a God of Fear is fascinating to her and it is obvious,"An axe? An axe from a God? That's amazing. I would wager that not many vampires want a part of that."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Oh it's not a magic axe. Just a regular old hand axe. Though it doesn't seem to need to be sharpened so maybe some magic to it? One would think a God of War could give you a magic axe but nooo. I think he held a grudge still over the staking thing," she mumbles with a sage nod of her head.

She takes the same pen and quickly writes down her number. "If you don't get me, give it a day. I tend to go through phones quickly. They break. A lot." Something to do with going into combat with them in a pocket seems to be bad for their health. "I just use a burner so don't try to send me anything fancy either. Just enough to make phone calls and send texts. But I have a bunch in the closet and usually get it replaced pretty quickly.

"And if you are ever in Sunnydale for funsies, I work at the Magic Box. It's a new age sort of store though we do sell actual witchcraft supplies too. Usually I'm afternoon to closing before I go out on patrol." She didn't explain what patrol was but it was sort of self explanatory.

"If you don't mind my asking, how did you guys beat Dracula back when?"
Firestar has posed:
"Still, pretty cool. Axe of a God." she comments,"Never having to sharpen it would he handy too." A soft laugh and she adds,"The Greek gods were famous for petulance and pettiness. I think it's great you put one in him though. A mortal knocking a god down a peg is awesome."

She looks at the number, grabbing her phone to enter it in there. She smiles and says,"Mine get damaged soemtimes. I will bet the reasons are at least similar."

"The Magic Box. Got it. No big files. Got that too. Sometimes I think we would be better off if all they did was call and text. Maybe some time I could patrol with you."

She hmms softly and admits,"Things were confusing." she admits,"He had me in his mental games..." She pauses a moment and closes her eyes. She opens them again and sighs,"Spidey is...well it's complicated. We were kids, we didn't really know what we felt or how to express it. He talked to me and well, he found his way through the fog, setting me free. I turned on the fire. I always hoped he died, but I knew he hadn't. The wolfman turned human and the Frankenstein's monster fell into pieces."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"He seems to have powers others I have faced haven't. Most don't have that mind control mojo. I've faced two before that did. And I managed to win against them. So I'm hoping it's the same with Dracula but admittedly, I don't know for sure. He managed to get really close to me and I didn't even notice so pretty sure he has some of that mojo too. And being the Lord of Vampires, maybe even stronger than the ones I faced."

But she shrugged as she sipped her coffee. "He probably used an illusion to make you think he had then ran off to lick his wounds. With your sort of powers, I can't imagine that he wasn't hurt by it at all. He has some sort of magic stuff too. Spike said he uses like gypsy magic. Are we allowed to say gypsy anymore? Romani? Is that the right word. Anyway, magic. He says it's smoke and mirrors."

Buffy frowned slightly. "Considering Dracula turned into bats and mist, I have no idea if that's valid though. It seemed pretty damn real to me."
Firestar has posed:
A shake of her head and she sighs,"That sounds like him. He definately could put a mojo on people." She takes another bite of her pastry and chews thoughtfully,"It's funny. Until recently I couldn't talk about this without being half catatonic. Now I am sitting next to someone who tells me there are more and she kills them. You're a hero Buffy. Even if you don't put yourself out there the way some of us do. In your line I'd wager publicity would be worse than for me."

She shakes her head and gets up to go get the coffee pot and the mix ins. She comes back to warm Buffy's up and sets down the cream and sugar,"I don't get it. The proper words. I have been called Mutie since I was in my teens. Gene Joke, that was another. Those are the nicer ones. People are...well people."

She nods and adds,"I remember him shifting into the bat form yes. I don't think I saw the mist. It sounds like you have the real guy. He definately can touch your mind. Stories I read imply avoiding his eyes help, but I don't know. Stories you know?"
Buffy Summers has posed:
"I've had the mojo hit when not looking one in the eyes so I'm not sure that's the key to it," Buffy admits. She was adding liberal amounts of cream and sugar now that more coffee had been added to her cup. Until it was just the right tone of tan then she took a careful sip. Satisified, she settled back again.

"I thought he'd be sexier. But he was like...old. Too many movies, i guess." And she had to giggle at the sheer silliness of even thinking about such a thing. "Way too many movies obviously."

She did nod at the one observation. "Anonimity is a big thing for a Slayer, yeah. If they don't know what you look like or who you are, they can't come hunting for you instead of the other way around. Most of them don't realize there are two of us. Even Dracula didn't. He'd met Faith before me, had set a trap for her but I showed up instead. Lucky me." The sarcasm dripped from those two words. "So that works to our advantage too."

She did drop her gaze and shrug again though in a dismissive way. "I don't know about hero. I just dust vampires and kill demons. I don't deal with giant alien invasions and stuff." Sure, some of her stuff threatened the world but it was better the world didn't know that. People needed to be able to sleep.
Firestar has posed:
"Grand." she mutters softly at the idea of not needing eye contact. She smiles a little as she watches the coffee get doctored up. She warms hers as well and then takes the pot back to the kitchen.

"What little I can remember, he was young and noble looking. I was in my mid teens so..." She shrugs.

Coming back to the seat, she settles and puts some cream and sugar into her cup too,"I try to keep my identity as quiet as I can too. Sometimes, things happens. I meet a lady that can throw down with the nightmares of the world. I have to know her a little better."

"He was confused? That is good. Hopefully we can keep him that way until he dies or has the good sense to leave. Given a chance I promise you I'll set him off. My ability against mental attacks are significantly better."

She sighs and adds,"Buffy. You fight monsters and keep people safe. That's a hero in my book and hey, I'm a member of the Justice League...well probationary, but that should count right? I wonder how many vampires wander around, calling themselves Dracula, Lestat, or any such legendary or literary vampires. I can't imagine keeping a straight face if some pimple faced twit told me he was Lestat."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Oh we've met wannabes too. They thought the vampires would help them and turn them, that they were lonely and sad creatures who just needed love." Buffy scoffed so hard she almost spilled her coffee. She quickly righted the cup and took a quick sip to get it back down to normal levels since she'd added so much stuff to it, thus raising the liquid level.

"From my understanding, a lot will claim to be Dracula but they are just poseurs. But there are others that play at being Lestat and whatever those other ones were. That was a weird movie. I really wanted to stake all of them." She grinned. "And I wasn't even a Slayer when I felt that way.

"It's almost as many that claim things like that as there are that claim they were actually at Woodstock. I'm not sure /why/ that is a bragging point, but it apparently gets used by a lot of vamps according to Spike. So weird."

Then she remembered something. "He eats bagged. Like donor bags? A lot of that gets thrown away and wasted cause it has a short shelf life and doesn't always get used for emergencies." And Spike stole it but probably better not to add that part.
Firestar has posed:
Making a face at the idea of wannabes and their thoughts, Angelica shakes her head and sighs,"They need a little sun if you ask me." she mutters. Amusement lights her eyes when Buffy gets the coffee crisis under control,"I have a machine to shampoo the carpet." she teases lightly.

"That movie scared the crap out of me, but I had had my encounter before the movie. For the longest time the word vampire gave me chills. Now it just makes me want to put them out of their misery. No good could come from that existence. I mean, well you said one had his soul so I gather than means the rest lost theirs?"

The mention of Woodstock gets another smirk,"Sex, drugs, rock and roll, and free love. What's not to like? Except for social diseases of course."

The revelation of how they feed gets a mixed reaction. She is glad people aren't giving it up, but it's still a little weird,"I see. That sounds better than the alternative at least."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Well, the one with a soul uses animals exclusively. Spike is ...well, Spike. I think he'd still be eating people if he could." But then Buffy had to pause. "But I'm not really sure on that honestly. He's helped us a lot of times when it wasn't of any benefit to him personally. So I have to wonder if he has truly changed."

She focused back on the question of souls. "Yes. Basically when they become a vampire, a their souls is basically usurped by a demon. It takes control. While they are themselves in some ways still, they don't have that conscience to guide them away from doing wrong. The demon part doesn't see it as wrong and thus the monster is created. Some will play at being human a while, remember they are supposed to act a certain way. But in the end, they fail."

She grinned a little. "Angel is the one with a soul. He helped me against the vampires. We...got close. But things went sideways as things do and we had to part ways in the end." Something about killing a guy and shoving him into a portal to a hell dimension had that effect on a relationship. Throw in if he was with her, he might be truly happy again. And if that happenned, Angelus would be loosed again. Better to avoid each other as much as possible. "He got cursed by a gypsy to get his soul back and basically brooded for 200 years over what he'd done as a vampire," she explained since she suspected Anjelica would ask, being the curious sort she was.
Firestar has posed:
"Better than people sure." Angelica comments about the animals,"Spike sounds like the sort that is dangerous to know." she admits.

Falling into student mode, she listens to Buffy's descriptions and all the facts about the vampires and such.

She smiles just a little at the mention of them getting close. She doesn't press it. She gets the idea.

She has questions of course and she asks. If Buffy answers great, if not she doesn't push it. Instead, the two just have a nice evening talking into the wee hours. Coffee and pastries, more if Buffy wants food. At the end of their talk Angelica offers Buffy the couch to sleep if she wants or she sees her to the door and tehn quietly shadows the Slayer from high in the sky to make sure she makes it home safely. After that she flies home to catch a little sleep before getting up for class in the morning.