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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/02/17 |Location=Operations, The Triskelion |Synopsis=Alex proves he's the best yet again. |Cast of Characters=276, 9664 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:276|Black Canary (276)}} has posed:'''<br>There was a bit of a buzz happening among the agents in Operations. Whispers about a visitor were passing through the area faster than a Cat 5 hurricane windspeed. And those that were able, were making their way to one of the briefing room...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:30, 23 February 2024

Date of Scene: 17 February 2024
Location: Operations, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Alex proves he's the best yet again.
Cast of Characters: Black Canary, Phobos

Black Canary has posed:
There was a bit of a buzz happening among the agents in Operations. Whispers about a visitor were passing through the area faster than a Cat 5 hurricane windspeed. And those that were able, were making their way to one of the briefing rooms with their theater style seating and the stage at the base level. Because it seemed that a certain little birdie had come to visit. Some of the agents were showing up for the celebrity.

Most it was the fishnets.

It wasn't as though Black Canary wore them NOT to be looked at. It was a strategic choice because it sure wasn't comfort to wear those things. But it was a distraction and distracted opponents made mistakes. One used every advantage they had and those that chose not to? They were stupid. Or Dead. Or both.

It wasn't that she was giving a briefing. Nothing of the sort. She actually had delivered an item to the higher-ups in SHIELD. "It's a neuro enhancer of some sort. Helps a person think faster and allows them to learn skills in an instant or close to. We took it off an AIM agent. When the fight started, he was a pushover. He put this thing on and it took Wildcat, Green Arrow and myself to take just him down after that."
Phobos has posed:
    Professor McFey was the ranking R&D researcher on hand during the handoff and he had his cadre of support staff on hand as they gave the carrying case for the item a once-over. Several hand-held sensor arrays made passes over the box while the data display was ready by the tall man with glasses.
    "Interesting, were you aware there is some phlogistinic residue on the device? That indicates a possible eldritch point of origin." The researcher turned to look at one of the other labcoats who nodded back, though this particular other R&D individual looked a bit more... goth. As she had dyed black hair and black lipstick.
    She said, "That means we get first crack at it, McFey. We need to convey it to WAND ASAP."
    A nod of agreement was given as he replied, "I wholeheartedly agree. Canary?" He turns to her, "If you will be so kind as to maintain custody for the moment."
    HE turns to one of the comms agents, "Have Agent Aaron report here. We need his special talents for this."
Black Canary has posed:
When the word 'phlogistinic' passed through the Professor's lips, Dinah murmured "Gesundheit." But then she continued to listen. Eldritch she did know as a word and that meant something magic. She thought. This really wasn't her area of expertise but that did catch her attention. "Really? I had no idea. We just thought we'd bring it to you since AIM is not generally in our villain fo the week list. I know you deal with them and HYDRA often."

While some people might be put off by the goth researcher. She as a musician part time and she was more than used to it. Though in this setting, the woman was very different from most of her peers. At the request she maintain custody for now, she frowned oh so sligthly but gave a nod. She had things to do, people to see, flowers to arrange! There was a wedding tomorrow and she had to do the finishing touches. "Of course." The frown replaced by a polite smile instantly.

She gripped the handle of the case, pulling it off the table it had been resting on and letting it dangle at her side. "Agent Aaron have something to do with phlogistinic residue and eldritch points of origin?" she asked conversationally as they waited.
Phobos has posed:
    Professor McFey lifts his chin and smiles a little thinly, "He has what is considered an enhanced durability against threats of a magical nature." To which the other research staff give a few nods in reply.
    Though it's not much longer after that when the large double door into the receiving area opens and through it steps a figure in that black combat suit armor of a SHIELD tactical agent. Helmet in place and sidearm at his hip, the figure walks in and stops before the assembled intelligencia. << Professors. >>
    A glance of the reflective face mask is given toward Dinah, << Ma'am. >>
    The goth professor steps forwards, "Agent Aaron, if you could be so kind to escort the Black Canary, she has been so kind enough to provide us with an item that could be of some use. We'd like you to convey it to the WAND facility, bay..." She pauses to look at some of her colleagues, then back to the soldier.
    "Bay 12 I think is free. Then take custody of it from her."
    << Bay 12. Roger that. >>
    He turns toward her, << If you'd follow me, ma'am. >>
Black Canary has posed:
When he arrived, Dinah couldn't help smirking a little bit. She tried very hard not to but, unlike many SHIELD agents, hiding such things didn't come as second nature to her. Thus it peeked out before she got her face back to netural.

"Lead on." And she fell into step beside him. It would allow her to follow him as he moved through the featureless halls. She was positive that they were setup that way on purpose as they started the trek. Yet, she had been here a few times and she was making mental notes of each turn.

But she was also her. "So, do they make you wear that or is it a stylistic choice? Because Stormtrooper is a look, I'm guessing. In some circles. That usually involved comic books and sci-fi. Such as conventions. Do you do conventions?"
Phobos has posed:
    << I get more grief for the hat... >>
    That modulated voice is heard and as he strolls along with her he turns his head sidelong and lifts his hands to tuck in under the clasp and the neck material, undoing them with a few clicks and then pulls the helmet free. Which frees his blond hair with a rush, his hat hair very much in evidence though he tosses his head a little to help it fall back into its more customary position at rest.
    Then the Taller Blonder Blonde turns his head and smiles at her, pale eyes meeting her gaze. "I do conventions, movie premieres, and birthday parties. Very reasonable rates."
    That said he walks along and looks at the package, then quirks an eyebrow. "So what is the thing?"
Black Canary has posed:
"I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you," was the immediate quip back to the serious question. Since, it was probably unusual for him to get pulled in for escort duty for objects.

"But there was something said about phlogistinic residue that indicates a possible eldritch point of origin.' And apparently that means you are well suited to deal with it as you are considered to have 'an enhanced durability against threats of a magical nature'." As she quoted those lines, she made sure to change the tone of her voice to indicate each of the people she was quoting. It wasn't exact but it was pretty amusing. To her at least.

She looked him over now that she could see his face. "Are you a magic user? Maybe Fae? You've got the looks."
Phobos has posed:
    The young man does have a certain look like that. That sort of partially detached from reality way that somem of the fae might have. Or Californian, either/or. He smirks a little as he walks and eyes her sidelong once, though she might notice his eyes dropping to glance at the fishnets. But it's just a moment before he looks back up at her.
    "I am not sure if I should be insulted or not. But no, my heritage is Olympian." He then says with a slight smile, "Your teammate Diana is my aunt. Sort of." He says that with that hint of tone that indicates that...
    It's complicated.
Black Canary has posed:
"Olympian." That was mulled over in Dinah's head for a bit. Diana was his aunt. But sort of. "Let me guess, it's complicated? Since she's a demi goddess or goddess, I'm really not sure on that and no insult meant. If being called a demi godd when one is a god is insulting. I'm not sure of the rules here."

She gave a little shrug and continued on. "Though it's good to know that you are for hire. What precise do you do at parties through?" And she flicked her gaze over him, a brief skim much like his glance at her fishnets had been.
Phobos has posed:
    "Well that whole made out of clay thing." Alex says with a slight smile. His gaze does linger a bit on the package she's carrying, then he looks down the hall. He has this entirely too easy going vibe to him, and despite her rep and role, there's no hint of trepidation or intimidation. Then again... Olympian might explain that entirely.
    Then she asks after what he does at parties he half-smiles, "Oh you know, stand there and look pretty. But if you go for the deluxe package?"
    He nods a little as if getting ready to reveal such a secret to her. "I can be convinced to juggle. Maybe even do a cartwheel or two."
Black Canary has posed:
Her eyes went wide. "Oh my goodness. That is so well worth the money. Juggling is a lost art these days," Dinah said as she nodded sagely. "Though I suspect with your looks, many are happy just to have you stand around looking pretty."

She considered the next turn they took and then the next before she continued. "Since you are related to Diana and a SHIELD agent--I'll not hold the Olympian part against you--I'm going to guess you are trustworthy. If they start experimenting with this thing," she said, hefting the case in her hand a little to indicate what she means if there was any doubt. "Be sure you have a lot of security measures on hand.

"I don't know if it makes people act out or if the guy already was acting out when he put it on. But when he put it on, it was like he went from Revenge of the Nerds to Yip Man and Bruce Lee's lovechild, with a bit of Chuck Norris thrown in for flavor."
Phobos has posed:
    "Revenge of the Nerds?" Agent Aaron asks, looking at her blankly for a moment. Though she can tell he gets the gist of the sentimment, likely on the back of the names Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee. "Oh that's interesting. Usually they don't have me test the objects. Well... not as much lately."
    Since there had been... complications in the last few times that he participated.
    He continues down the hall until they reach a series of security checkpoints, though the other team had called ahead so they're waved through. Mainly because nobody ever wants to get in the way of WAND's weird stuff.
    "Though that sounds like it'd be interesting to figure it out some. Or at least see what the vibe is with the thing."
Black Canary has posed:
"I thought it was just a technological item that would be good to study. If it can teach someone skills instantly, that's a game changer. Though do they retain those skills after removal? The guy was out cold so I don't know the answer to that yet. We brought it over immediately."

Dinah was a little curious at how quickly they went through the checkpoints. Though she was a consultant for SHIELD and a Justice League member so perhaps it wasn't that strange. She had no idea it was likely more fear of what she carried being able to turn them into newts as opposed to respect for her position.

"Until the Professor scanned it and turned it over to WAND, at least. Now I'll be glad to be rid of it. While I know some magic users and they are good people, I'm more a what you can see and touch sort of person, y'know?"
Phobos has posed:
    "I'm with you there, I've had more than my fill of magical things of late." Though he doesn't elaborate too much on that point, leaving it hanging there as they stroll to the large reinforced double doors that have a sign beside them staying, 'WAND Test Lab Alpha.'
    He holds a hand up to the dataslate next to the door and after a moment the doors slooooowly slide open, the portal rumbling apart as the two people wait there.
    A glance is given to her, "So what was the inspiration for your name? If I may ask."
Black Canary has posed:
"Because I can sing like a canary. Or so the saying goes," Dinah answered immediately. She watched as the heavy doors took their sweet time parting. "That's not intimidating at all," she muttered half under her breath.

Then she looked back to him as she continued answering the questiong. "I'm a singer. But I also can use my voice as a weapon. So guess it seemed to go together. And she wore black."

She realized she missed a step. "She being my mother. I'm a legacy in the costume. Picked up the mantle much to her chagrin though so maybe that isn't really a legacy so much as disappointment."

She gave another little shrug and a big smile then got back to business and stepped across the threshold into WAND.