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Latest revision as of 20:09, 24 October 2017

Let's Rumble (and get Paid!)
Date of Scene: 23 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Hulk, Erddrache, Deadzone

Juggernaut has posed:
    A massive abandoned subway station is the perfect place for the type of sshennagins that go on in Mutant Town's more down an dirty areas. An infamous Fight Club and Bar has sprung up here, welcome to all comers be they human, mutant, meta, alien or otherwise and the eclectic collection of abilities an d assorted powers that make their way in and out of Mutant Town keeps the place hopping and interesting. One never knows who they might run into given the ability for any all types to it in around here and the station is large enough and crowded enough to hide just about anybody if they want. At least at first.

    Bets are being placed and two mutant bruirsers are going at it in the ring. The force of their punches can be felt all the way through the fifth row seats and shakes the walls. Reinforced material by some super tech or other (stolen probably) keeps the ring from breaking but they're going at it with the crowd roaring or jeering in approval or disapproval depending on how the fight progresses.

Hulk has posed:
    If you've got connections, not just in mutant town but in the underworld, you probably know Joe Fixit on sight even if you've never seen him before. Hard to miss a guy six and a half feet tall with a frankenstein head, built like that. He's known from Vegas where he worked as an enforcer for some mobster or other, breaking legs and worse. Rumor has it the guy's bulletproof, fireproof, hit-by-a-bus-proof, maybe even car bomb proof, but you know how rumors go in the mob.

    He's lounging in the front row, right up where you can literally taste the sweat and blood that sprays off the fighters, sitting in a pile of towels since they couldn't find a chair that'd hold half a ton. He has a bottle of beer looking like a shot glass in one huge hand, a bucket of ice with a few more stuffed down in it nearby, and a couple of girls who he's ignoring in favor of cheering on the brawlers leaning up against him. That's one scumbag who knows how to live, right?

Juggernaut has posed:
    Fixit's reputation indeed precedes him and there are probably a number of hoodlums and thugs here that would love to get on his good side, get a recommendation and get out of slumming in Mutant Town for the high life of Vegas or some other One such individual is one of the fighters in the ring. The huge mutant lands a thunderous uppercut on his opponent sending opponent flying up and -out- of the ring to go crashing against a distant support pillar with a spray of concrete resulting. The station shakes..

"Winner by ring out! Bruiser Kong!" roars a disembodied announcer voice as the crowd erupts into a mix of chaotic cheers, boos, 'Kong' gives Fixit a thumbs up and then retreats to his corner where a mutant healer begins attending to him.

In the back lurks an immense presence. Cain Marko is used to this place, having visited it once or twice. A corner table reinforced for his massive weight is dominated by his hulking physique and he watches the proceedings with a look of utter irredeemable boredom. Cyttorak is unsatisfied. Therefore he is unsatisfied. After watching the last fight finish up, he grunts and rumbles, "Fine, fine.." and slowly begins lurching to his feet. Towering up and up over those nearest him. He seems to not be aware of Fixit just yet.

Hulk has posed:
    Fixit laughs at the fighter's thumbs-up gesture, but salutes the guy by lifting his beer at him and then has a swig to complete the gesture anyway. In the lull between fights, the ex-? mobster leans back in his makeshift seat and pays some attention to the girls with him. It's totally insincere on all sides, plain fun for the big guy and probably professional for the ladies, and it shows.

    An empty beer bottle gets stuffed upside-down into the bucket and a fresh one gets pulled out. That didn't take long.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Kong takes the salute as a good sign. Vegas here he comes!!

"Kong remains undefeated!" roars the announcer, "There's still time and a lot of money riding on this. Can anyone put our mutant freight train down??" The crowd titters a little bit. Kong has been pretty lucky tonight. On a streak even, comboing great fighting skills with a level of strength that would likely make at least Beast of the X-Men take notice.

"Alright." Cain Marko finishes rising up, towering overhead at ten feet of monster-brute. Even at his most human he's got more in common with a bus with legs then he does a normal person. His huge body swells with muscle. Straining his garments, a simple tee shirt sporting an image of Godzilla on it, and jeans, to nearly the ripping point as he stretches and begins plodding towards the ring slowly and inexorably. The crowd parts for him like a stream letting a boulder roll through. They barely reach his ribcage for the most part and his foot steps seem to rumble the ground just from the pressure of his steps. The room briefly goes quiet before breaking out into a chaos of roars and jeers as he nears the ring His huge shadow falling over the front row, including Fixit, as he closes in.

Hulk has posed:
    As the working girls to either side of him cringe and cower from the mass of muscle plodding by, Mister Fixit puts his own big arms around them and gives the women each a comforting squeeze. "No worries, girls," he says loud enough for half a dozen seats around him, the fighter in the ring, and undoubtedly Cain Marko himself to hear, "the bigger they are," and then he makes a long whistling sound that starts off high-pitched and drops swiftly. That sense of impending doom changes immediately when the girls titter with laughter, and Fixit settles his gray-eyed stare on Marko.

    Toward the betting tables he hollers out, "Let it ride on Kong!"

Juggernaut has posed:
    To his credit, the red haired behemoth manages to merely curl his lip into a sneer as he hears Fixit's jibe boom through the air loud enough to cause more of the crowd to join in with the laughter..

Instead he continues his approach like an incoming aircraft carrier, and squeezes his monstrous bulk into the ring while reaching into his pocket.

".Put this all on me." He rumbles, bass voice quaking the pits of the stomachs of those nearest to him as he hauls out a fist full sized roll of greenand drops the huge chunk of money into the hands of a ring worker and approaches the center of the ring.

Kong is forced to look up at his opponent as Cain looms overhead, with the lights casting his monstrous physique in deep shadows. The giant examines Kong and then leans forward and rumbles, "Just take the first hit and lie down..I'll split the take with you.." He rumbles. He raises his right arm, turning slightly so the crowd can see what he's doing and then he curls it into a massive flex causing the bicep to bulge up, splitting the sleeves of his tee shirt seemingly he size of a small car. Veins the size of shipping ropes standing out stark against his hairy flesh. His tee shirt continues to split as his muscles pile sinew atop each other without restraint or end in sight.

Kong gapes at this intimidating act but is bolstered by the crowd and answers. "Yeah, go to hell man. Your big ass is going down!"

Hulk has posed:
    Joe Fixit downs his next beer even faster than the first and leans forward, unhooking his arms from around the women. Maybe this new, bigger character is just cocky or maybe he knows something most don't - after the beating Kong just handed out it seems insane to put that kind of cash down on himself, but now it's too late for the much smaller gray guy to change his bet. He doesn't look happy about it, either. He brings his knees up to his chest, feet flat on the floor he's sitting on, and rests his big forearms over his knees with his hands hanging loose.

    "You better not cost me my stake, Kong," he mutters, low and dark.

    Both girls sit up, suddenly concerned. More concerned than they were when Marko walked by. They aren't trying to mollify Fixit, they're edging away and looking around for purses and other personal effects, as if they know that look on his face and don't want to be around if it gets any worse.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The red haired goliath puts his other hand behind his back as he curls his upraised hand into a fist with the cracking of his knuckles booming throughout the station like the splintering of boulders and tree trunks. He twists at the waist, cocking his arm back and shredding his shirt to rags now, "Suit yourself!" rumbles, "You just have to take my SUNDAY PUNCH."

"Begin!" yells the announcers disembodied voice.

Kong lunges forward at Cain but Cain but Cain has already swung. His massive fist blasting around like an incoming meteor.


The impact causes a seismic event localized in the ring, sending a shockwave blasting out that overturns tables and sends people ducking for cover. Kongi is sent hurtling out of the ring, flying into and through one pillar, then another and then back further until he slams into a distant wall, forming a rapidly expanding crater. The earthquake subsides though car alarms go off above ground..

"Funny.." Cain's voice rumbles, audible to those in the immediate area as the noise dies down, "...I don't hear no whistlin'.."

Hulk has posed:
    The big gray man is on his feet before Kong is finished blasting through supports, and even though the ground is shaking and half the audience is up shouting, many cheering because they bet on Cain and many booing because they didn't, Fixit's girlfriends are running for two different exits.

    "YOU!" Fixit bellows at the mammoth in the ring. "YOU AND ME, TOUGH GUY!" He turns halfway toward the betting tables and stabs a thick finger at a bookie. "Whatever he just won, you double down on Joe Fixit!"

    The crowd roars as something like a barely-controlled riot breaks out while everybody in the place bumrushes the betting tables. The bookies don't know how to calculate the odds after what they've just seen, or if they want to put odds out there then they don't want to risk pissing Fixit or any bosses he might have off by implying the redhead will probably knock his block off.

    Fixit leaps straight up the edge of the ring, clearing the ropes and landing, boots and all, just inside the edge. He stretches his thick neck far over left, then right, giving off loud popping sounds of muscle and bone that echo even over the roar at the betting tables as people throw their money down on one fighter or the other.

    The announcer's voice is panicky when he says, "Hold on, hold on!" over the mic, afraid the fight will start before the audience is back in their seats.

    Joe Fixit's gray eyes stare at Cain Marko like he could stare holes right through him, or maybe stare his cash back out of the much bigger man if he just stares hard enough, but he shouts, "JUST SAY WHEN, SWEETHEART! I can wait," loud enough that it's actually louder than the announcer and the loudspeaker.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Kong is alive but to say he's battered is an understatement. But he'll live, especially with mutant healers present. He probably doesn't want to show his face for awhile though but it's not really his fault. Who knew what he as up against? There's no way to tell with Cain just looking like he's another one of the crowd. Unique in his own way as few mutants are even -his- size..but he can get away with this sort of thing here.

And then the chaos breaks out and Cain can practically feel Fixit's rage like a solid force. He turns, swiveling on his feet and turning his head like the movement of a tank turret atop a neck as big around as a tire.

"You coming crying because you aint got a good sense of the odds? Looks like you haven't learned your lesson! To the announcers he roars, "Put it on me again!"

He laces his huge fingers together, popping his knuckles with that loud thunderous sound again and then he clenches a monstrous fist and cocks it back once more while putting his left arm behind his back. His grin is almost unbearably arrogant, "One handed! This should be fun. I've never beaten a troll up before."

Hulk has posed:
    The grin that spreads across Mister Fixit's face is just plain diabolical. The kind of smile that silently sing-songs, 'I know something you don't know.' At the rate money is changing hands down there at the betting tables the only thing that's sure is fortunes will be won and lost tonight. "You should know better than to call people names, down here in mutey-town," the troll-man says loudly, causing a new uproar down at the tables as people push to get their bets in. He makes one of those huge hands of his into a fist.

    He takes a long, slow look over his shoulder, surveying the crowd of bettors, before he turns back to Cain and steps in, pacing slowly, strutting in on the man. His voice drops until it's just loud enough to be heard by Cain. "Same deal you made with that other idiot," he says. "Double up in the second and third rounds. I don't drop til the fourth, and you gotta make it look like a suckerpunch."

Juggernaut has posed:
    What the..

Cain looks at Fixit incredulously and blinks a few times before just staring at him with his ice blue eyes. He keeps his fist cocked up and back like a cannon waiting to discharge and just continues staring at Fixit. His soul urges escalating violence and to teach this grey skinned bruiser a lesson. And his arm shakes abit as if wavering and wanting to launch forth right then and there.

And then he slowly grins once more..

"Let's make some money." He rumbles, audible enough only for Fixit to hear, apparently in full agreement. A deal is on

Hulk has posed:
    Joe Fixit smirks, puts one thick thumb alongside his nose and sniffs mightily, then steps back toward the ropes to shout down at the betting tables. "Let's get this on!" he bellows at them. "I want to bloody this meatbag up and get back to my beers!" The bookies, already flustered enough, make placating hand motions but step up their game and pretty soon the bets are in and the crowd is in their seats and the gray man shrugs out of his leather jacket.

    With that draped over a corner post he turns around, clenches his big hands into fists, and charges across the ring at Cain!

Juggernaut has posed:
    So..let's put on a good show!

Cain eyes Fixit as he heads off. "Just don't break in two before then." He mutters under his breath, a smirk that darkens his features into a brief diabolical look whiel Fixit's back is turned.. He knows this grey skinned brute saw what he did to Kong and ye he's still stepped into the ring with him. He's either tough or stupid or a combo of both. Hard to say around Mutant Town.

When the order to begin occurs, Cain holds his ground. Opting to not charge at Fixit, else it give away his identity for the savvy observer. His strength and durability, even restraining himself as he is should be enough. Thus he allows Fixit the opportunity to slam into him full bore and even take a swing while he himself rears back, twisting at the waist, seams bursting on his casual clothes as his body flexes.. "You should know..I was holding back when I hit that punk kid!"
His massive fist comes hurtling around like a meteor, arcing for the incoming Fixit.

Hulk has posed:
    Rather than take the hit or dodge it, Fixit takes a swing of his own at the incoming fist. He gives exactly as much force as he figures Cain must have given Kong in a hard and fast counter-attack, aiming for the knuckles on that incoming meteor. If there wasn't a deal on the table for Fixit to take a dive, a guy might swear that shot was meant to break the wrist, maybe even the whole arm. Or maybe Fixit meant -if you can last in the ring with me-.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The fists slam together with such explosive force between the two behemoths that the front rows are sent flying back, patrons scrambling and tumbling to get out of the perceived range of the shockwaves of the punches. The results is a w ide berth around the ring that is totally empty which is a good thing as cracks begin racing through the ground as the entire chamber violently shakes.

Cain simply..grins? His massive fist blasting into Fixit's and halting it right where the two meet. His wrist neither bending nor breaking and Cain's smile just growing bigger by the second.

"Cute punch!"

He begins 'cheating' almost immediately. As the left arm he promised to keep pinned comes from behind his back and arcs around in a thunderous uppercut that could send Fixit ceiling wards if he's not ready.

Hulk has posed:
    The whole crowd, or at least the members of the crowd not thrown out of their seats, has hit its feet and started either screaming and running for exits or cheering like mad. The bookies are down in front standing on their tiptoes, pads and pens in hand, crossing names off the list of bettors as they try to identify the ones who aren't going to have to be paid no matter who wins the fight in the ring.

    When Cain's hidden arm comes around at Fixit, the gray man leaps backward, out of range, landing with both feet and one hand splayed flat on the mat. "Watch that," he mutters, gesturing with a glance of his gray eyes at the people fleeing the warehouse and then flicking his eyes at the bookies. "Make sure we get a cut of the defaults."

    He gets up slowly and shakes out the hand and fingers of the fist that collided with Cain's, pretending it hurts. The crowd who put their money on the redhead roars encouragement while the rest scream curses at Fixit.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The big brute prowls the ring, circling Fixit.

"Yeah right, like I couldn't tell you didn't wanna crack my wrist in two. Aint trying to scare you but..these are just love taps. I've flicked my finger harder then this.." It's a grumble. He complains. But he knows Fixit is right. If there's nobody to collect the money from what' s the point? Well aside from the point of wanton violence. There's always a good reason for that.

Nevertheless , Cain stops fussing.and taking a cue from Fixit shaking his wrist, he lunges forward, going for a tackle and springing at Fixit with enough force that the ring bounces violently.

Hulk has posed:
    "Quit braggin'," Fixit growls back at the bigger man when he grumbles about how hard he can flick his finger. "These people want a show and I need to earn back the bankroll I lost on Kong." When Cain leaps at him Fixit coils his legs and pounces at him too, starting a hammerlike overhanded fistswing in midair. It's true he's swinging hard, but no harder than Cain so far. In fact it seems like he's giving the other man exactly as much as he can withstand - at least assuming he can take one of his own punches.

Juggernaut has posed:
No time for a quip or an arrogant come back. Both goliaths are mid flight and when they collide the impact is worthy of their scale. Another seismic event. Dust rippling from the ceiling violently.

Fixit's double handed strike slams onto the landscape like expanse of Cain Marko's back but this neither halts nor redirects his momentum and he slams fully into Fixit like a train, carrying him backwards and lifting up to keep his legs from touching the ground again.

Cain's huge arms curl l around Fixit's torso to to try and swallow him in a bear hug. It looking like two sequoias are pinning the grey bruiser.. His arms begin to pile on mountainous mass as they flex..starting with the strength he used on Kong but beginning a rapid escalation. A deliberate test to see just what Fixit can deal with. Cain grins.

"Not bragging. Just the facts, bro."

Hulk has posed:
    Up close and personal, being crushed in that bear hug, Joe Fixit's face takes on an ugly aspect. "Back off," he hisses through his teeth. There's something happening in his body that's more than flexing, which started the instant Cain latched onto him. Since it started he's been growing stronger by the second, his muscles getting harder and denser as the pain from that clinch mounts up in his arms and ribs.

    When he repeats, "Back off," it's more a warning growl than a conspiratorial hiss and he gives a powerful, explosive surge of strength against the constricting hug.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain Marko doesn't run from fights. He also doesn't scare easily. But he also knows something unsettling and 'wrong' when he sees it.

He also has a secret. He's The Juggernaut. When the surge of strength occurs he -almost- lets go, his arms getting forced apart. But then his huge arms seem to grow even larger, His own body hardening and as he begins flipping the switches of self-restraint off bit by bit. It's not the same sort of strength surge as Fixit. More that he's just been holding back so much and is now actively trying to give some effort even if marginal to start. It's still enough to keep Fixit pinned despite his warning. The warring of their sinew against one another an audible thing of creaks and groans that threaten to deafen those to close.

"Or what?" he challenges. "Aint my fault you were so arrogant you bet without knowing who you were.betting against. B'sides..I thought you wanted to lose" The pressure surges more.

Erddrache has posed:
There were still some late commers comming to the underground subway fighting rink. Some more willing than others. A rather cantankerous looking dwarf, godzilla....thing is forcebly shoved foreard by some other larger mutants. That would be Boris. Just in time to see how the two behemoths are going at it.

Nope, hes out! He wasn't up to fighting THAT. Heck he didn't even want to be here in the first place

Of course his escorts pick him up and turn him around one sneering "Oh no small fry, we know we can win with you" and gives the young mutant a boot to the rear sending him sprawling forward. Yea, he knew he was stuck here for now. Boris grumbles as he stands up and...stays well clear of the fight. Watching and prayer they knock themselves and everyone else, out

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum was visiting Mutant Town, seeing how it has changed in this world`s version of it. She nods, feeling she is finally getting used to this whole interdimensional baloney and how this world is and isn`t her world at the same time. She makes certain not to say hi to people she recognizes as old friends, since her not existing on this world would make that pretty awkward.

The tremor under her feet cause her to pause. That is *never* a good sign. It's not like New York is on a fault line or something like that. The X-men in her tells her to go investigate. It takes her a while, but eventually she finds the entrence to the abandoned subway station and makes her way down below. The scolding thought in her mind that she should call for back-up gets cast aside. She's a big girl and a New York native. What can she possibly not handle.

And then she sees it. She remembers Cain from her world and ... wait, is that Bruce? What the hell is Doc doing in a ring with... oh hells bells.

Hulk has posed:
    As the constricting arms around him only grow tighter, the pain sharper, Joe Fixit's gray eyes go a shade paler. He squirms his knees up between himself and Cain and, using them as leverage to push back against the arms holding him in place, rears his head back and then snaps his whole upper torso forward in a headbutt aimed at Cain's nose. As Gray Hulk strength goes, that headbutt is given at full power. It's a desperate, last-ditch effort to break free - or rather to encourage his newly acquired partner in crime to let go of him before somebody who doesn't know or care about their shady deal decides to poke his stupid little green head in and mess up the whole works.

Juggernaut has posed:
    *TWHOOOOM* "Mrffffghhh!!"

Cain 's head rocks back and his arms open wide, dropping Fixit and lifting both of his hands towards his face. He sniffles audibly at that. Blinking a few times, cross eyed before looking down to Fixit with a surprised look, He's taken punches of that force and harder to the face without being moved from the spot he stands on mind you but..wow. It is indeed more then enough to get his attention.

He rubs his nose, sniffling abit and then declares, "Wow! Nice headbutt!! What gives, shorty. You aint no normal mutie. Colossus doesn't even punch like that." He widens his stance slightly, starting to cock back his right fist again, "You aint half bad, chum.. You might make me actually work just a little bit!"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris eyes widen as he watches the fight...hehad no idea who they were. But you could as much feel as ye can see the power behind those blows. It was nerve racking. His tail thumps rythmtaicly either in agitation or mabey excitment...he never been to one of these things before. But his escorts where always looming...they made him nervous. Enough to cause small (barely noticble) tremors.
    His eyes wander over seeing Tatum comming down, as well as other. The fights seemed to be a big deal around here, thats for sure

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum stops to stare at the fight, her mind racing. If this were on her home dimension, she would be in a panic and telling people to get the hell out of here before things got ugly. But so many things are different here. For instance, Banner is... grey? That's not right.

Looking around the room and again at the fighters, no one seems to be in a panic. Could the throat clenching fear that is telling her to panic just be a whole 'Ain't In Kansas' anymore thing? Nervous that she might be making a huge mistake either way, Tatum pulls the hood of her hoodie up and over and leans against a nearby wall to watch the action, ready to intervene if she has to.

Hulk has posed:
    The roar of the crowd is deafening between cheers of approval from them who put their bets on Joe Fixit and shouts of encouragement from the ones who bet on the redhead when all 900 pounds of Joe Fixit hits the ring floor with a WHAM that echoes through the abandoned station. The raised platform the fighters stand on cracks all the way down to the concrete it's built on under the force of that half ton impact.

    Fixit's voice is low and cold, just loud enough for his co-conspirator in the ring to hear him, and his eyes rapidly darken in the middle back to that stormy gray as he says, "Don't test me, red. You're gonna get people hurt and cost us a lotta money."

    He flexes his hands, making a show of recovering from the bearhug even though, to the eyes of any experienced fighter, it was obvious he was ready to go almost as soon as his feet hit the ground.

Juggernaut has posed:
    You some sort of berserker or something? Gonna lose control?" asks Cain, lacing his fingers together and approaching Fixit as he cracks his knuckles again. He beckons for Fixit to take another swing at him. Might as well keep the action going. There is indeed a lot of money on the line but Cain can't resist needling Fixit for more. Cyttorak's fire burns in the red haired giant and demands true strength, not this fractional display of Juggernaut's might for the sake of thuggery. It's hard to resist pushing the issue again and his fingers twitch as if eager to feel bones crushing in their grasp.

"C'mon then." He rumbles and then taunts, "I guess I'm to much for you. Back to love taps then, eh?"

As for the newcomers..he's fixatd on..well..Fixit. So he doesn't notethe other arrivals of interest. Not yet at leats

Erddrache has posed:
With people cheering for the action between the juggernauts, Boris tries to sneak away much more. This proably wasn't even legal. But than the young mutant is hoisted up by one of his escorts "Alright small fry, gonna hafta hang yea!" and pushes Boris into a wall a few feet above the ground before returning to the fight. The escorts are arguing who would win Cain or FIxit!

As for Boris he crosses his arms as his back spikes firmly have him held in place. He grumbles "Used ta be calt vee wall flowah, but vis iz ridiculouse" His tail thumps agaist the wall angrily, the wall and the ground shaking with it. Well no choice now, he had to watch the fight. Least it was a great view!

Deadzone has posed:
Watching the fight in the ring in the center of the station, Tatum starts doing something she hasn't done in years. She starts biting her nails. Or at least she starts to before catching herself. She reaches into a pocket of her hoodie and pulls out a wrapped candy instead, the wrapper crinkling as she opens in it and pops it into her mouth.

She tries to see if maybe she is over reacting. Okay, so Cain. Well, he doesn't look any different. That doesn't mean he isn't.

It's Banner that has her totally flummoxed though. Grey! And in the middle of a fight club? That is soooooo not the Doc she knew. He was a pacifist! So.... maybe he's not so bad here and she's over-reacting?

Not too far over, Tate sees the mini-godzilla like thing being hoisted up and hung on the wall. Well... life is always interesting in M-Town, that's for sure.

Hulk has posed:
    "Something like that," Fixit answers the berserker remark as he circles Cain, "but if you want a fight," he steps in and makes a fast, hard right jab at the giant's body at something still just below his own full, calmed strength - significantly less than what it was while he was clinched, but still a universe harder than that first swipe he took at Cain's fist. It's given as an index of sorts, if it lands, showing what's not likely to turn him into a crater-making machine.

    He doesn't stop there, following up fast with a left cross whether the first landed or not, maybe hoping to land a nice surprise.

Juggernaut has posed:
    When the first blow hits, Cain bursts out into a roaring laugh that echoes the roar of the shaking ground.

"Fine! I'll let you in on a little secret. Aint no force on this planet that can stop me! You can't stop me with tanks, missiles, and certainly not your little punches so stop holding back! "

The second punch lands with a thunderous *BOOOM* and Cain merely grins, unmovable, unpahsed. He lunges forward, leaning into that strike and returning with his own. His huge arm swings down, exerting force just under Fixit calmed state as he sees he can take it..

Should that hit or not he follows it up with another swing. A body blow that is of the same strength and then another preparing to come around again. Each impact seems slightly more than before should they land. The seismic events increasing in intensity unless Fixit puts a stop to it.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris take note of the seismic events...and really hopes he is not the cause of it. Though when Fixit makes that one two punch, Boris raise his arms in a "Wooooooo!" this actually did make for a decent distraction from everything that had been going on! The entire wall seems to lurch with Boris' excitment. ANd yes, he occasionly was trying to unstick himself from the wall, but that is easier said than done. Still he watches the fight with growing interest

Deadzone has posed:
Still watching the fight and the crowd suspiciously, Tatum gets out her phone. She starts texting like a millenial, her thumbs moving at mach speeds. No, not really. She's not that sort of mutant. She shakes her head to her phone, even though whoever she's texting can't see it.

Hulk has posed:
    The entire subway station shakes as Juggernaut hammers on Mister Fixit. The platform the two stand on gives out completely, wood splintering and exploding around them, collapsing as the two men fall into it. The crowd roars, surging forward and crowding around in spite of the powerful shockwaves given off by the impact of fist-on-flesh. The shockwaves from Juggernaut's repeated blows shatter what's left of the ring to splinters around the fighters, sending pieces of it wheeling up to the ceiling and flying to the corners of the huge empty station, even pick up chairs and betting tables to hurl them into the aisles and into the audience. That's been going on for most of the fight though and anyone not up for this level of violence has long-since fled. Men push their way into the circle of that force, heedless of the danger of shrapnel carried by it, holding their betting slips up in the air as if they were torches, chanting and screaming at the top of their lungs, pumping their fists as they cheer on whichever man they put their money on.

    Somehow Fixit withstands the repeated assaults, even seems to feed on them, gritting his teeth and roaring with rage as they rain in on his body. That only makes the whole crowd cheer louder while something, maybe the lighting flickering from all the seismic activity, makes the gray man's skin look suddenly a shade darker, maybe a little greener, and suddenly the gray hulk steps inside the reach of those raining fists and throws both arms around Cain's waist. With the gargantuan in his arms he jumps up in the air then flips over and upends himself, suplexing Cain Marko face-first into the concrete. Still holding on he gets to his feet and does it again and again until the much bigger man quits struggling against him, then gets up and paces slowly around him amid the ruined ring, in the center of a huge indented crack in the concrete that started under them during the suplexing. That crack continues radiating outward from that spot even though the violence has paused. The lighting problem seems fixed, although it never really seemed to affect anything but the shade of Fixit's skin, but either way he's lightened up a bit.

    The men who bet on Cain are screaming at him to get up while those who bet on Fixit are screaming, "FINISH HIM!" so Fixit walks around to Cain's head and leans down to deliver a flurry of right-left-right blows. The ground shakes violently with each one that lands, those cracks reach the end of the concrete floor and start creeping up the walls, and when there's a sudden sharp jolt in the abandoned subway station and a huge chunk of concrete falls out of a wall, landing with a thunderous CRACK, it makes Fixit stop and look up and around at the crowd.

    Then he looks down at Cain and cracks a wide, toothy grin before he throws both fists up in the air. The men who bet on Fixit howl, jumping up and down with mad glee, while those who bet on Cain scream. Fixit steps over Cain and, his back to the ten-foot-tall Juggernaut, he takes a slow-pacing victory lap with his hands up in the air, making a real spectacle of the fact that he's the last man standing.

Deadzone has posed:
Lifting her phone to film the spectacle, Tatum shakes her head as the platform under the fighters collapses. And then the crowd surges forward? Does this reality of Earth just have an inordinate amount of stupid? Two behemoths going toe to toe, making a long abandoned subway shake and people are trying to get closer? Okay, yes there is money involved, but you can't spend it if you are dead.

Looking at her phone again, Tate types something new, starting to make her way back to the exit to get out if the roof starts to cave in.

Juggernaut has posed:
The cataclysmic punches kick up dust and debris and air warping shockwaves that billow around the two behemoths like a whirlwind and for the first time this evening Cain is seemingly driven into silence. Or at least the roar of the blows and the earthquakes are such you couldn't hear him even if he was talking.

The suplex sequence ends up with him literally upside down, stuck head first in the ground in the middle of a massive widening crater and then the crater only widens even more so as his huge body falls over, back to the ground, which makes it that much easier for Fixit to just slam blow after blow after blow into his head, driving it further into the ground. And then he just lays there as the apocalyptic punches stop. There is silence from him. His head is buried up to the neck in the e pic center of the crater. Fixit's won. The behemoth has fallen.

Naw, just kidding!

Cain's massive shadow looms over Fixit. Rubble and debris falling from him as he reaches out and grasps the grey bruiser to turn him. Once Fixit's head has turned slightly, it's to see Juggernaut's massive fist dominating his field of vision as a meteoric punch hurtles his way. There was an agreement after all.

Cain's truck sized And the force is not insignificant. Colossus would crumple or be sent flying from such a strike. A strike that even so is pulled at the last second. Let's not -over do- after all.

. Either way, Fixit is going for a ride. Turn about is fair play and all.

Erddrache has posed:
That piece of concrete that happened to fall....also had Boris attached to it. First getting face smacked by one of the flying table and than falling onto the floor with a ton of concrete on you. Good grief. He moans a bit his head spinning. Of course no one actually saw or cared what had happened. It seems a winner hasbeen found! And Boris was a /bit/ thanful for this, got him out of the wall at least. The unsual mutant crawls out from underneath the debre, dusting himself off.
    Just in time to see Cain getting up like some giant about to pummel another giant. His eyes widen as he sees the fist fly towards Fixit. Nope, he crawls right back under that rubble and watches from the safty of collaspes rock. He could sense everything that was going just fine from there

Deadzone has posed:
How to catch all of this on her phone and still get out so she doens't have the debris fall on her head. Tate is now watching the action on her phone, glancing up occasionally to see the real thing, just so she can be on the stairs and ready to run for her life.

Hulk has posed:
    Mister Fixit might not have cared if him or Juggernaut won the fight, since he had money riding on himself and had a deal with Juggernaut to split the winnings if Juggernaut won, but it still catches him off guard when Juggernaut hits him like that and pisses him off just a smidge that the redhead only pulled his punch a little bit. These thoughts race through Fixit's mind in the seconds between that impact, when blinding light fills his brain and his feet leave the ground, and the next impact. In those seconds he's airborne and travelling fast, a half-ton bullet moving the speed of a locomotive.

    Fixit plows through a couple of audience members who were standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the bookies gleefully cross those names off the lists of people they have to pay out to. Fixit hits a concrete pylon and smashes through it like it was made of dirt. Fixit finally hits a concrete wall and goes completely through that, embedding deeply in the dirt behind.

    A gigantic left workboot, size 20 triple-wide, and a huge right hand are left sticking out of the hole. The hand clenches into an angry fist and starts to reach for the edge of the concrete as if Fixit was going to drag himself out, then shakes angrily as if to say, 'Son of a!' and then goes theatrically limp as if the owner passed out.

    The announcer's voice roars out over the loudspeakers, "AND A NEW CHAMPION!" and is still barely heard over the roaring crowd. Every betting slip with Joe Fixit's name on it flies up in the air, some in more shredded pieces than others, while the ones with Cain's name (or whatever name he gave the bookies to identify him, or whatever name they used) are excitedly presented for payment.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Yes, ladies and gentlemen...Cain Marko ..is a bastard. He may a times seem affable, genial..even jovial..but..at his heart he's a Grade A. Bastard.
He raises both of his huge arms and flexes biceps the size of small cars wile hooting like a frat boy at a drunken game night party. He spreads his arms wide again and twists from side to side, taking in the accolades and the r roars of the crowds. Even the jeers seem to fuel him in a sort of, 'Oooh, yes, your tears only make me stronger' sort of way like the bully he is.

When tired of that, he makes his way along the path that Fixit took from his punch, walking the long length of the subway tunnel and passing by those Fixit slammed through. Eh, there's mutant he alers around. Oops. Hope that wasn't them

He eventualy makes it to the hole Fixit flew through The area wisely clearing out as he arrives so he speaks at a conversation level. "Alright, get up. I know that didn't take you out. Nice acting."

Erddrache has posed:
With the roaring of the crowd, Boris finally comes back out. The ground on which he stood continued to shake with his nervousness. But as he looks to where Fixit crashed...and Cain going over...he couldn't help but wonder if everything was fine. Despite his nervousness the diminitive mutant lumbers over, cautiously his ears pricking when he hears something about acting. None of his buisness anyways. But he does pipe up speaking in a deep gruff tone "...sie fellas alright?" he squeeks out

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum couldn't care less about Cain. Besides, he won. But Bruce! Okay, this one doesn't know her for Adam, but she still liked the person in her memories that this one seems to be this world's equivalent.

Tate gets closer, if she is able, keeping her null field close to her skin. "You okay in there, big guy?"

Hulk has posed:
    The gray hand twitches after a moment, then grips the edge of the hole and Joe Fixit hauls himself out of the hole dragging a load of dirt and concrete dust in his hair and piled into the collar of his shirt. When he grabs the collar with both hands and starts lifting and shaking the shirt, an awful lot more starts falling out.

    "I'm fine," he answers. "Just rattled me, I guess." He looks around, taking the angry stares from the losing bettors in stride (which is probably pretty easy since they look away almost as soon as he looks back at them), and eyeing Tatum up and down and Boris nose to tail before he turns to Cain.

    "These friends of yours, red?" he wants to know.

Juggernaut has posed:
    When Fixit admits to being rattled, Cain grins again. That's all his ego needed. But he can't take advantage of the moment as Fixit points out the new comers. Cain turns, looking perturbed at first but then confused.

"Hm?" he answers Fixit. He then fixes his gaze on Tatum, "What do you want? I'm not doing autographs unless you want me to sign your bra or something." His voice trails off as he looks at Boris. He just inclines his head at him, waiting for an explanation.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris sems to try and make his small size even smaller....he wasn't a fighter apparently "Ummm....no, jis...jo..jist wanted ta make sure sie folks vvver alright is all" and the ground begins shaking quite readily. He puts up his hands "Didnea mean ta um umm...bother" he backs the heck up... untill he hears a familair voice. The voice of his escorts

"Hey, were are fighter go?" is heard loudly.

Boris looks that and begins backing back towards Tatum, Fixit and Cain...and realizes where he going. Between a rock and another rock. "...ummm...mind if umm...ah use sie tunnel vere?"

Deadzone has posed:
None of this is making any sense to the goth. The Banner she knew was green, not grey, and not exactly capable of this full sentence thing he's doing. And certainly incapable of being this big and as calm as he appears.

Tate hates riddles. They make her head hurt. So she uses Cain's comment as an excuse to vent some steam.

"Gee, Marko! You learned to spell your own name?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tate hears the men looking for Boris, looking over her shoulder. She sneers and quickly grabs Boris' hand, pulling him towards her as her negation field wraps around him and makes him "normal". She hopes he's not an alien, knowing that her powers are chancy on those at best. "Look down," she tells him with a wink.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Awwww..he was worried about you!" says Cain, mockingly, as Boris explains himself and Cain latches onto it as a way to needle Fixit, "Isn't that sweet." Still..this is getting in the way of important things. Namely money.. and also something he wants to say to Fixit about that fight. He opens his mouth to address Fixit again only to frown as Boris indicates the need to go and hide and then Tatum speaks.

"Huh?? What was that?!" Cain snaps his gaze fully onto her at that. It's like having an earthquake personally notice you. His ire is partially tempered by his confusion. "How'd you know my name girl? You one of Tom's groupies??"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris blinks when Tatum suddenly grabs him. The change was drastic, he goes from a 4' tall boulder to a 6ft tall beanpole. Spikes dissappear, along with his tail, and his beard and whisker just dissappear. Heck even his eye and hair color changes. But it does require him to suddenly dip and pick his pants back up as his clothes were now WAAAAAY to baggie for him. A dramatic change indeed. He was stunned "Whit vee hellz?" and the quacking stops too. Even when he looks nervous as Cain looks in their direction

Boris escort do come down the hall. One dosn't seem to much care who was here, merely snaps a "Hey, you seen a shortstack round here? We need that F*cker." he says his gaze stopping on the newly changed Boris, who now seemed even more nervous

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Beat it." is Cain Marko's response to the guys. Rude but..it's Cain Marko. Looks like Tatum's needling has raised the ire of the giant at the right time as he's no interest in being troubled by anyone else for any reason not related to him personally.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate pulls back her hood so Marko can get a good look at her face. Not that he'll recognize her, but maybe next time. Cause she's pretty sure there will be a next time. There always is. "Don't know who Tom is, but I remember you. Shame you can't say the same. Maybe you took one too many hits to the head?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum smiles to the men that approach while she plays with fire by taunting Juggernaut. She hooks a thumb towards the stairs. "He's long gone. Ran up topside."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris' hunter seem about to protest...untill they realise who cain is. "Umm" they back off VERY quickly. No longer bothering to look for Boris, you don't mess with FIxit and Cain. Not after witnessing THAT battle! Boris himself is relieved. He watches Cain nervously but does say "Ummmm, vanks, Sir" before looking to Tatum "And sie too..and fer guess curein me?" he looks at himself. Mabey things were begining to look up!

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain Marko sneers. It's not a pretty sight. "I don't beat up on little slips of girls but I'm not gonna stand here and be disrespected, punk and I don't have a problem shoving you into that pile of dirt to prove. You better watch your mouth." He shakes his enormous finger at her as he speaks and then looks up to note that Fixit has already wandered off. He's got the right idea it seems. There's lots of money to be counted.

"i think I'm going to go and home swim in my tens of thousands of dollars. You can stay here and be snarky and broke." He just eyes Boris, especially as the thanks are given. He doesn't answer but instead gives a bullish, "Hn." snorting sound..and starts to turn to head back to the bookies.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum snorts softly. "Please, almost everyone is a little slip of a girl compared to you. And you were the one that started the disrespect by talkin about my bra." She shoos Cain away, turning to the lanky man beside her. "It's not a cure. Just something I can do short term. Touch mostly, but I can reach farther if I have to. Sorry."

Erddrache has posed:
And...like that Boris heart sinks. A person could just say it in his face. He groans "Damn et! Veres always vee catch!" he curses several times in german, seeming right pissed at the idea that he was about to go back to being dwarfzilla. Good lord he can't catch a break, can he! He watches Cain lumber off. He is silent a bit "But guess it better than nothing. Thanks"

Juggernaut has posed:
    That was disrespect? Well perhaps to most people it would be. Either way Cain is tugged between the pull of money and wondering why Tatum is so..familiar with him. "Girl, people familiar with me don't talk to me like that and I don't -know- you but you seem to know me. I've punched people into paste for less. What is your problem? You better clue me in now or don't let me see your face again."

He eyes Boris but looks back to Tatum, gaze demanding answers.

Deadzone has posed:
"You didn't look like you wanted to be here, so I figured I'd help you escape. You need money for food or something?"

Tatum rolls her eyes as Cain sticks around rather then heading off to play with his money. She turns around to face him, looking him over. Smirking, she lets her field grow to envelope Juggernaut into it. "We've met before. A few times actually. Let's just say we never got along well. You have an obsession about my bras, which are really way too small for you."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris looks to tatum "...vee tunnel was da escape. Und no...ah eat rocks" he says with a straight face. He grumbles about it clearly not happy "Jist wanna git back home iz all" But than he can't help looks between Tatum and Marko. He raises an eyebrow "...ummm, should ah give sie two some privacy? AH jist need vee tunnel"

Juggernaut has posed:
    She might have stepped to far there. It's one thing to mouth off at Cain..dangerous under most circumstances, especially if he's confused. It's another toe expose him to any sort of power in a manner he deems threatening. The Cain Marko she may be used to also might have been during one of his depowered stages when Cyttorak was less pleased with him. Not so here. This is Juggernaut at full power. Perhaps 'and then some' considering some past events..and as such when the field hits him.. it drains him alright but he's far from negated. Weakened..but still quite capable of a very very angry stomp. Which is what he does.

His foot slams onto the ground producing an agressive earthquake that peals out away from him as if Rogue herself had slammed into the ground with the strength of Captain Marvel at her disposal. It's enough to send most people staggering or falling over and it drops more rubble from the ceiling. Cain shrinks, muscles deflating and tightening up but he's still huge. He drops towards seven feet, slowing in size but advancing on Tatum and Boris now.

    "Whatever you're doing..KNOCK IT OFF!"

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum's worst enemy always has been her own snarky mouth and it's around the time that Marko stomps hard enough to cause debris to fall, that she remembers this. This world's Juggernaut doesn't seem nearly as weakened as what she's used to, but he's just as grumpy.

Pulling her field back so it rests on her like a second skin, Tate shrugs her shoulders. "Sorry. It's not something I can turn off. And the closer you get, the less likely I can keep it off you." She holds up her hands in a gesture to show she's unarmed, trying to keep a civil tongue in her head.

"Lets just go our own way and agree to just not deal with each other."

Erddrache has posed:
As the field back down...Boris inexpbinly change back, his form gaining mass, spikes erupting from his back, tail growing. It looked uncomfortble, and he grimices. His stomech rumbles hungrly as he now needs something to fuel all that extra mass. But more than that as Cain came forward, even before he began to change back, he lumber forward to get between the two saying "Whoa whoa, it nothin perement ah dink. Ummm, pretty sure ouse hauf nothing ta worry abouts"
    Boris is an oxymoron, being a brave coward. Coward in the sense that yes he is 10 to hells power afraid of Cain...but still damn brave enough to get between him and Tatum...or stupid enough. Opiones will vary "...mabey we go seperate ways"...and than he picks up a rock and start munching

Juggernaut has posed:
    "I dont' got to agree to nothing girl." responds Gain, eyeing both Boris and Tatum as his powers surge back into him and his connection to Cyttorak is restored in full. "You think you know me but I don't know you. That could be a trick from somebody trying to use you to get at me, and I don't much like that you can impact my connection to Cyttorak and I bet he don't much like it either." responds Juggernaut as his huge body swells back up in size slowly, "Thor, Thing, The Hulk don't talk to me as casually as you are. I want some answers. But later." Juggy's going to come calling it seems..but not now. Best be ready though.

He rubs his nose sniffing slightly as he eyes Boris once more. Then he turns, this demonstration warning enough, and starts off again. His mood quite foul now. Messing with his powers is an easy way to get on his list.