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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/02/12 |Location=Club Lux, Melville |Synopsis=Lucifer and Lois Lane chat for a while after the charity event, soon re-joined by Nathaniel. They talk about the club, life, and themselves into wee hours before Lois rushes off to turn in her story to the Daily Planet. |Cast of Characters=256, 735, 231 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:256|Lois Lane (256)}} has posed:'''<br>    While the festivities of the auction ar...")
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Latest revision as of 12:40, 23 February 2024

In the Aftermath of Charity
Date of Scene: 12 February 2024
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer and Lois Lane chat for a while after the charity event, soon re-joined by Nathaniel. They talk about the club, life, and themselves into wee hours before Lois rushes off to turn in her story to the Daily Planet.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Lucifer, Sinister

Lois Lane has posed:
    While the festivities of the auction are over, the night is, as they stay, still young. Lois needs to get a bit more for her report, as well. That some poor, young, scrappy intern is waiting on her while she enjoys herself is on her mind. But the story only gets called-in when she's sure she can do it justice. Not a second before.

    "Wow, the bid really cleared six digits?" she laughs softly, "I should have gone for seven and really done some good! But seriously, I am flattered." That's... more than she makes in a year. Granted, she is just thinking of her minimum $100k. She has no idea what the real bid was.

    She considers what Lucifer says and looks thoughtful. "Well, how about this, then? A double date. I think Clark would be more than happy to join considering the cause. Provided he doesn't run off to chase down a story. If someone bids that much, I would like to at least provide something fun for them."

    She is digging out her notepad and a pen. They were... well-concealed. "I also was hoping we might talk about the event tonight for the Daily Planet article. Is it too early to provide the total donations collected? Even a ballpark would be helpful. Our readers will want to know and we will provide directions so they can make their own contributions."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smiles and nods his head. "Well, there were several bids for the article...but Nathaniel just happened to pull ahead of the game, as it were." Offering at least this, because he won't tell the woman how much the bid was for. That would be a bit rude in his mind's eye. "Nathaniel doesn't really go for press much these days. So the fact that he has something he wants printed in the papers is definitely interesting. I don't even know what he's got on his mind about it. Though I'm sure he'll tell me later tonight or tomorrow." A chuckle comes from him then.

As Lois continues and talks about a double date, Lucifer raises a brow but then nods. "Alright. I can accept that. I would love for it to be somewhere in Metropolis. So you pick the where, and we'll provide our company." He's sure Nathaniel won't mind such a thing, since they rarely get out into public. For many different reasons.

As the lady digs out paper and pen, Lucifer smiles and slides into a stool to get a little more comfortable. He's served another whiskey which he lifts to take a sip from. "It's a bit early for the grand total, but after looking at the bids, taking into account the direct donations, and that there's an added direct donation from myself and Doctor Essex... we're looking at roughly... seven or eight million? Maybe round that up to ten million. Nice round number. I like that." He might also just donate enough to make it 10 million so that the donation is a nice round number. "Which seems like a lot, but when you consider all that goes into the research alone for heart and stroke studies... it can be eaten up rather quickly."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois writes her notes in a shorthand that might as well be ciphered. It's not so much sloppy as in utterly terse. About the only thing that is clear are the numbers. Otherwise it honestly appears that she writes only the first letter of each word. Maybe not even that much.

    "Oh, and certainly. Metropolis would be wonderful. I know it better than other cities, to be sure. I am so curious about you and Dr. Essex. Your name alone inspires a lot of questions. However, I am not going to forget that this isn't about my interests."

    Lois nearly 40 can actually do her assignments, unlike Lois when she was 20, who was always a bull in a china shop. Her violet eyes look thoughtful as she ponders the next question.

    "What inspired you to focus on these particular ailments? Other than the relationship between Valentine's Day and hearts, that is. Did you lose someone dear to you to cardiovascular disease?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just grins. "My name does inspire questions. Questions that get answered truthfully - because I cannot tell a lie - but then begins to get scutinized because...who would actually believe that the Devil walks among man taking their very form?" Saying this as an answer to Lois' not so asked question. Lucifer never denies who he is. He would never, mostly because it's fun to see how people react. The ones who think he's just spinning tales are the funniest ones - especially when something happens that causes them to suddenly believe.

"Well, Doctor Essex and I put our date destination in your capable hands, Miss Lane." He offers this further before lifting his drink to take another sip of the amber liquid within.

As it comes down to the reason for the chosen recipient of this charity's funding, Lucifer gives a smile. "Well, I was pow-wowing with Nathaniel and actually Nick Drago several weeks ago. I knew I wanted to do some sort of fundraiser. This isn't the first we've done after all. It was actually Nick who suggested the foundation, and I simply went along with it. Mostly because, as you noted, it fits the theme of the upcoming holidays. I cannot say that I have lost anyone dear to me to such conditions...but I do know that they are two of the most underfunded ailments in the medical world. I also suspect a part of it was an omage to my dear Nathaniel. Him being a doctor and all. It just seemed fitting in a very particular way."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois resists the urge to scribble a few notes about Lucifer's response to her unvoiced question. She isn't one to believe things easily, but curiousity and experience make it rather hard for her to simply dismiss things out of hand. "Perhaps after I get this story prepared we might talk about someone curious I met with a few weeks ago," she murmurs. She isn't trying to be mysterious, honestly.

    "So it was a collaborative effort, in the end. So Mr. Drago is a friend?" Lois just won his services, so she might as well figure out a few things about his character. Other than the bit she worked-out in that he hates suits. "Oh, and is alright if I write that you and Dr. Essex were the hosts of this event, or is it preferred that I only include your name? It seems your loving relationship is rather open and I don't want to cause unwelcome gossip." She hates gossip, but she has recently warmed to the idea of celebrating love. Especially given the occasion.

    The whole time she works, she is calm. She has no problem meeting Lucifer's eyes and simply talking as she would to anyone else she was interviewing. There's a surreal feeling to the whole thing for her, though. She's a Catholic, after all.
Lucifer has posed:
"Oh and there you go piquing my own curiosity... but if I must wait for later to find out who this individual is, then so be it." Lucifer remarks this with a chuckle and downs a little more whiskey. Amazingly, even being on his third glass of the liquor, he shows absolutely no signs of being tipsy. Let alone drunk. And he's consuming it straight!

"Yes. Nick Drago is a friend. A close one. We've worked together on a few projects, and he often plays at the club when I can manage to hire him for a weekend. If he's not busy with his other ventures." He won't go into the full detail. Especially considering they're actually related. Not relevant to the story and not really something he wants to get into - especially without Nick around to fill in some blanks. "Oh and certainly. I would love if both mine and Nathaniel's names were mentioned as the hosts. Our relationship is very open to public knowledge, even if we don't flaunt it very much. We're not against public displays, but we do keep it to a chaste performance so as to not shove it in people's faces, if that makes sense." Oh but put either one in some sort of danger, and watch the other come to the rescue due to the love they have for one another. It makes no sense and all the sense in this crazy world considering.

He has noticed her demeanor and how she looks him in the eye. Shows no fear. "You know. If I had to choose anyone to interview me for anything. I would choose you. I like your style. Your dedication. Your craft shows it well, too."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois has noticed that Lucifer can drink without pause and without impact. It stands out when he's downing whiskey like water and keeping up a conversation without missing a beat. She also hates to make her host wait expectantly after her teaser.

    "You do not have to wait, Mr. Morningstar," Lois says calmly. "I met a woman who claimed to be Satan's daughter. Satana. She was quite a forward young woman who seemed interested in tarnishing my soul. Why, she even agreed to help me deal with human trafficking at the low cost of my soul."

    The reporter allows space to react, but it's not the topic of the moment. Not yet. She owes the Planet an article.

    "I will be happy to include both of you and mention the healthy, happy relationship, as well. I do know what you mean. I am pretty happy myself, but others might not be. I hate to gloat. I did enough of that when I was younger."

    The compliment is a surprise, and she smiles at Lucifer. "Well, perhaps I will have to come up with something additional to interview you about at some point. Considering my interests and the wealthy people that come to your club, it is possible with my current investigation. However, there's a certain feeling to this place. It is a place where secrets need to be kept and I rather doubt you can afford to be an anonymous source."
Lucifer has posed:
As soon as Lois mentions the name Satana, Lucifer cannot help but let out a rather boisterous laugh. "Oh that succubus... nothing but a little troublemaker. No. She's not my daughter. She -is- the daughter of a man who calls himself the Devil...but it is in namesake alone. Honestly I forget the story but...no. She is not -my- daughter. Prophecies sort of forbid me from having children lest I want to truly rain down hellfire." He offers this, casual as can be, and then takes another sip of his whiskey.

A silver case is then pulled from his inner pocket and he selects a cigarette from within, placing that betwixt his lips and lighting it with the snap of a finger. The case is offered to Lois - just in case - but he also adds, "If you do not smoke, don't worry. I promise you won't sniff a thing or be affected in any way by second hand issues. I promise." And, he has to be telling the truth, if his admission from earlier of not being able to tell a lie holds true as well.

"I appreciate the candor considering mine and Nathaniel's relationship. I also cannot wait to know just what that man wants published in the paper. I really hope he tells me, but he also might make me wait for it to be printed, the little bugger." Offering this with a grin and then he motions. "I noticed you're not partaking of alcohol. Not something you imbibe? Or you simply don't when it's a work night?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois grins at the reaction. "So she is rather overplaying her hand a bit with me? The succubus sounds accurate, though, considering what she was involved in." A pause for effect and Lois leans forward to playfully add, "Not to mention what she was offering. It's interesting. In all my years I can't recall having a woman offer me that kind of education on a park bench before. Flattering after a fashion, but not what I'm in the market for these days."

    She looks over the cigarettes for a moment and then shakes her head. "I appreciate the offer, Mr. Morningstar, but I will have to politely decline." She would be lying if she denied they look good, though.

    "I am very curious about his choice, as well. I have never done this before. What he requests will no doubt tell me much about his character. In short, it sounds fun. I enjoy a new experience."

    Then there is that question. It gives Lois cause to think things through. "I do prefer to keep a clear head, that is true. There are aspirations I have that require I take better care of myself. My doctor informs me I need to give up caffeine, stop drinking, sleep eight hours a day, and eat a balanced diet. I tried to negotiate him down to six hours and he informed me that is not how this works."

    She smirks at the memory. "Six hours is all I'm going to promise, though. My life doesn't work that way. Oh, question back to you. Why are you so open about who you are? Doesn't it cause problems?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shakes his head. "Word to the wise, my dear. Do not take up anything she offers. You know how they say to never trust something that sounds too good? That's her in a nutshell. She's fun to have a conversation with, surely, but anything more I would strongly advise against." He pauses, likely for affect. "Just saying." Before he takes a drag off that cigarette and flicks ash over the bar. There's likely something there to catch them.

There's only a nod in response to the continued anticipation over what it is Doctor Nathaniel Essex would spend two million dollars on just to get an article in the newspaper. Not that Lucifer has revealed that's what the donation was, but it keeps the Devil curious indeed. He says nothing more on it for the moment, letting that horse lie where it's fallen.

"Doctors are like that. Do this, do that. To keep yourself healthy and well. Was there a specific diagnosis? If you don't mind my prying that is. You can certainly choose not to answer anything I am asking. I am just curious, and perhaps wondering if there's a bit of doctor's prejudice in wanting you to act like they wish every other person in the world to act to remain 'healthy'. The truth is, humanity is pre-destined with death. You only have so many breaths you will breathe. So many beats your heart will take. Why spend those moments trying to be the perfect patient when you can spend them...having a little drink. Smoking the occassional cigarette?" He winks at her. "Just something to think about."

That last question comes and he gives a little smirk. "It can. And it has, I won't lie. But... why should I not be open about it? Why shouldn't I let people know precisely who they are dealing with? I do it because it makes people think. Wonder. Question. And when they do these things, my business triples its profits. Because who doesn't want a little sneaky peaky at just what the Devil gets up to with his days on Earth?"
Sinister has posed:
The elevator makes a soft chime at this juncture. It's never an obtrusive thing at the best of times, but tends to be more like the clarid bell of attention-summoning /solely/ for the fact it rarely makes a sound. It goes only to a few floors in the building and you have to actually know how to get it to stop anywhere but the top.

And then, there's a Doctor Essex. He looks a little less styled for the evening in conscious fashion choices; the heart waistcoat's been replaced by something black and made of suede, though similarly tailored, over an open collar'd white shirt, with the sleeves rolled back and buttoned above the elbow. Moleskin pants and silver tipped ankle boots beneath, the rose tinted glasses remain.

Glancing about, he initially just makes a zigzag through the crowds that remain, to go and talk to one of the barstaff and a waitress, one or two gestures made about the place and a point toward the aformentioned elevator.

But then, it's strange. His attention simply shifts gear, a glance to the side, listening almost to nothing but the hub-bub of music, conversation and the pulse of humanity. But then? He's striding through the crowds in a manner that is quite the phenomenon to watch. He never changes course, but ... it's as if people have elsewhere to be just momments before he's walking where they were dancing or standing, so that he's never on a collision. A warship cutting waves. Waves that lead straight to where this interview is being conducted...
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I told her I'd deal with the problem myself," Lois explains. "A bit arrogant, but, well, when Superman is your friend it goes to your head. And I have torn down an empire or two with my pen. People just need to know and they can rise up to do the right thing." Sometimes.

    "The diagnosis, well, it's not an illness. This girl is no spring chicken. I'm almost 40 and I'm hoping to do things I should have done 10, 15 years ago. But young Lois was a bit too focused on the next front page story. Or chasing the next Pulitzer, or-"

    She stops, then, noticing Dr. Essex's approach. The reporter is captivated by that whole sequence. "It's like a movie," she mutters to herself. Her eyes flick over to Lucifer, "Your love sure knows how to make an entrance. And cut through the crowd."

    Her focus is not lost, though. Just paused. Cause that is just too amazing not to appreciate. So much so that she'll get up to greet him.

    "Dr. Essex! I'm delighted at your return. We were just talking about letting people know who they are dealing with." Well, kind of! "I have... questions." She looks back where he started that walk, then returns her violet eyes to Dr. Essex. "You probably won't tell me how you did that, though, will you?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is taking a liking to Lois. In so far that he may be considering bestowing something to her a little later on down the line if she proves to be as versitile and worthy as she seems right now. Having a friend in Metropolis is a good thing, at least in Lucifer's mind, and this partnership might be beneficial to all three of them. Still. "Well. I hope you find the time to do these things, but also that you remain aware that spring chicken or not, you should simply live as you wish to. Go do the thing, but also, have the cup of coffee. What's the worst that could happen?"

An infamous line from the Devil, but Lois does not know this. Things sort of stop when Nathaniel makes his entrance - and an entrance he does make. Lucifer enjoys watching the man walk through crowds, parting them as if Moses at the Red Sea. There's love in those eyes as he stands - but is beaten to the greeting punch by Lois so he remains a step back. Smirking as the woman practically gushes over the Doctor.

Once he has a moment in, he'll step forward and offer a chaste kiss to the Doctor's cheek. "Welcome back, love. Have I taken too long? Were you getting bored? I do apologize but I have been having the most amazing conversation with our dear visitor and esteemed reporter. Answering some questions for her main article about the event tonight... along with other questions of which I hope will remain slightly off record."
Sinister has posed:
"Miss Lane," Sinister's smile could haunt memories. It's just left of predatory, in the neighborhood of charming and tends to be the kind, thanks to dimples and the fact that it looks like it's just a little short of becoming a full on cheshire grin... that ends up being contagious. So are colds, but we'll not go there. Right? Right. "How I did what, exactly?" innocence radiates, with the casual glance through the sea of humanity. A two-bat of eyelashes and he leans to the chaste kiss, shaking his head mildly. "I had this urge to have mozza sticks and all we had are fancy canapes upstairs and a ridiculous amount of cooking chocolate. I'm not sure what you had planned there, but frankly, canapes and cooking chocolate are not what it was about..."

And so it is that he simply slides himself onto the stool nearest, shifts about so that he's apparently looking leonine in lazy propriety, one elbow propped and the rose-tinted's just a little slid down.

"Questions are always a valid thing to have. Answers tend to be more elusive... but..." he looks to Lucifer sidelong over his cheekbone and back to Lois. "In all honesty though... how I did what?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    After all that, Lois can only look from Lucifer to Dr. Essex and ask her most ineffective question of the night. "Seriously?" This is punctuated by laughter. "You just cut through the crowd like it was a choreographed routine, where every single person stepped out of your way just in time. You weren't even hesitating!"

    The reporter is more amused by the casual response of the good doctor. It puts a mischievous twinkle in her eyes just having to wonder what that was all about. Unlike many people, Lois enjoys that feeling of not knowing something. The knowing is her drive, but she's mature enough now to realize that one does not truly appreciate the latter with the former.

    "So... first, of course I'm not going to write about everything we discuss. I'm a reporter, not one of those... lesser creatures that find meaning in writing about private matters. I wonder what level of hell they wind up in, actually." She gives Lucifer a curious look. No, no, bad Lois!

    "What is your favorite part about this place?" she asks next. And her glance indicates that both of these wonderful people are encouraged to answer. "And beyond that, what wakes you up in the morning? What lights the fire?" Cause they obviously both have it.
Lucifer has posed:
"Same place as lawyers." Lucifer casually answers the asked but likely not expecting an answer question. This is, of course, right before Lucifer looks back to Nathaniel and motions towards where the man came from. "Like a hot knife thorugh butter. The reporter has keen eyes." Is he ignoring some of what Nathaniel said? Of course not, he circles back to that with a clearing of his throat.

"Canapes were for snacking if and when we find ourselves in front of the fireplace. The cooking chocolate is for a surprise." Which is likely as close to an answer as Nathaniel will get regarding those until the time comes. Lucifer may not be able to tell a lie, but he can hide a secret like the best of them.

His attention finally returns to Lois as she asks those last questions. "Oh see. Now we're getting into the fluff of the story. This place?" He glances around the club for a moment before lifting a single shoulder in a shrug, his silver case offered out to Nathaniel whom he is still standing beside. "I like that it is my own. I can shape it into whatever I want...and have done just that." He offers. "Every day I do not have to live my old life is a day worth waking up for."
Sinister has posed:
There's a silent 'aah', all the motions there, but no sound to accompany. "Would you believe that I'm very good at guessing intent? No? Well, one can argue that every individual on Earth has their own personal space, some of which are larger than others -- and arguably that some have no concept of what personal space actually is. I'm good at projecting a personal space bubble... it's a very handy trick when one is attempting to catch a subway train at rush hour." Sinister deadpans that, listening keenly to the reply regarding awareness -and- canape purpose. A spocked brow and a glance to Lucifer later and he gives a silent chuckle and takes the proffered smoke, set to lips casually.

And then, questions.

"It is refreshing to encounter a journalist reporter, as opposed to tabloid hack. I have little time for them, unless I want there to be all kinds of Spectacle, elsewhere. There's a place for it, I suspect..." And due consideration, his head tilted just so, looking at the future with the sparkle in the eye of one that wants to know what it is going to actually -be-. "I like that it is a home. I haven't had many of those in my lifetime -- nowhere seemed like a haven, until Melville and Lux. Plus, the crow's nest up in the gods has an extremely commanding view." Grin. Pause.

"What lights the fire..." PC answer, Nathaniel. There are ears listening and keen minds at work. It genuinely seems to have caused him to have to think and quite deeply. "Correcting what never should've gone wrong in the first place, seems to be a very obscure answer. Understanding how it all ticks..." he clucks his tongue, ending up in a shake of the head. "Doesn't sound apt enough..." and steel grey eyes find violet ones. He has a regard that tends to feel a little weighty. Like he's looking right inside. "What about you, Miss Lane?"
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois tries not to grin too much about the cooking chocolate. She is definitely not too old to have ideas on how that might be employed. Perhaps she is just inspired by the amusing evening and the pleasing mix of most lovely guests and find conversation, but she has few inhibitions in this conversation.

    "The fluff is always required, and sometimes it is a surprise. I once interviewed a supposed anxious, mourning mother whose son went missing. I've done this kind of thing a lot. You have to gently work your way through it. I asked her what she would say to her son when she next saw him. You know, optimism, trying to get human interest and help my readers get a sense of what it would feel like. It was a simple goal."

    Lois takes another drink of the virgin margarita to wet her whistle. "She told me she would say I'm sorry for everything. She broke down crying and told me the child was buried under the slide in his favorite park."

    Lois lets that one hang out there. She has learned, over the years, that people have a way of opening up, sometimes in ways that are as shocking to them as they are to her. Those eyes of hers are focused on Dr. Essex when he speaks. She is taking notes, but as Lucifer has noticed, they are of little value to anyone else. The competition can never steal a story from intercepting them. The notes trigger her own memories of what she intends to write.

    "Your answers beg many more questions, Dr. Essex." She can meet that gaze, but yes, she is interested. Both of her hosts tonight are fascinating in their own right. Together? She could fill a series of novels and still only scratch the surface.

    "My fire, hmm? The world can seem an unfair place. But I think that kind of view is a bit simple. It lacks nuance and implies that fairness is some universal matter. A scale that should be balanced for all. It ignores the truth that what each of us thinks is right never works out the same. The unfairness of the universe is what is most fair about it. This is a lot of setting the stage, so please bear with me." She pauses to take another drink. She's reached the dregs of the drink, and judging by her expression it is not her favorite taste of the experience.

    "What lights my fire is to find the truth and give people the chance to wrestle with it. To decide what should happen. To make decisions based on reality. I believe in justice, I believe in the concept of innocence-though the Bible tells me not to-and I sometimes find other things worthy of attention. The world isn't all about scandal, ugliness, and violence. There are beautiful things, too. Often where you least expect them."

    She raises her empty glass in a kind of salute of the couple in front of her. "I should really have ordered another before raising a toast. But as ever, the thought does have some value."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer sparks Nathaniel's cigarette with a snap of fingers, as he often does, and then settles in beside him. Slowly but surely the crowd is dispersing little by little until it is only the three of them left in the club. None of the lights go off, of course, because the owner is still here in the main room entertaining company. Though it seems the interview has gone from questioning him, to questioning Nathaniel. Which is all the same for him since his partner's perspective on things is nice to have as well.

Though it seems when Nathaniel asks of Lois the same that she has asked of them, her answer is long. Opinionated. But an interesting view of the world. Refreshing even. He still doesn't say a thing and instead simply looks between man and woman, pleasently happy that things all seem to be going so well.

When Lois lifts her empty glass for a toast, she'll find that is has suddenly - and without warning - filled itself with another mocktail. This one is not the same limey green her margaritas have had. It's a bit pinkish and swirling with glitter. Nathaniel has been served his usual cognac and Lucifer still has a bit of his whiskey left. A toast. Even as he remains silent.

This has surely been an interesting night.
Sinister has posed:
Sinister drags on the smoke once the spark is lit, a hollow-cheeked motion that leads to an exhale through the nose and an appreciation of sweet tobacco and the hint of clove. But the smoke never does much more than tickle the senses, there's no 'second hand' about it. The cognac is lifted, a bump at the apex of the rise that adds a silent 'hear, hear' to the gesture.

"The world is unfair. It never purported to be otherwise -- we like to ascribe good and evil to things that simply -are-. Saving the planet one event at a time always seems pointless to me; the planet isn't going to care whether we're on it or not. The world keeps turning."

He shrugs "...The difference is in each choice and consequence, event and chain of events that can be set in motion, that fundamentally alter the fairness of an outcome, the observer effect as you seem very well aware, is a powerful one. But..." he shrugs lightly "...it is refreshing to hear that some actually do still believe that justice is blind."

He sips the cognac, looks to Lucifer a long while, then smiles at him with warmth that goes all the way to storm grey eyes. Nothing said, no gesture, other than a look. And a reach of his right hand to touch the devil's wrist with fingertips in silence.

"You know, it's always good to take the bible with a pinch of salt. They offer fashion advice of wearing tea-towels with tassles on every corner, you know. Plus, there's a whole section on the merits of stoning, blinding and beating women which I abhor."
Lois Lane has posed:
    The refill is a surprise. Lois looks over her suddenly full glass at Lucifer. She has no super powers, but her calm reaction to this evening comes close to one. Rolling with this turn, she says, "To new friends and their joyous love. May it outlast time itself."

    She drinks what has been given. Not knowing what to expect, she is pleasantly surprised. Not that she doubted it would taste good, but that it tastes good in an unexpected way.

    "I need to know how to mix this up at home," she says. "I may not miss alcohol at all if I hang around here enough." Her eyes are bright and amused as ever.

    Dr. Essex's response is definitely one she pays attention to. It gives her a lot to chew on, really. It also invites so many more questions. However, well, the hour is late and Lois realizes something.

    "I have a poor intern sitting at the Daily Planet right now waiting for a diva reporter to call in her story. I am so sorry, this talk about fairness does seem a bit off considering what I'm doing right now."

    Lois feels like an ass, really. "I'll make it up to them, though. I have to somehow balance things out in the universe, right? And I will be in touch about the article, Dr. Essex. I am most intrigued and eager to be your pen for hire."

    She rises and takes one more drink. A long one. This is her new favorite. She smirks and offers something of a curtsey, though in that outfit she can't do much with her skirt.

    "I also need to arrange for a double date for us, still. You certainly deserve that, though I think the pleasure will be mine."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smiles to Lois as he straightens up a bit. "We wish the same unto you and your partner as well, Miss Lane." He offers this and then finishes his glass, setting it on the bartop. The bartender takes the glass and Lucifer gestures he does not wish another, so the glass is moved to be cleaned. The cigarette he's finally finished is crushed in his palm to nothing but ash soot that scatters nowhere but also disappears from sight.

"You should probably get your article to them so it meets the presses. I cannot wait to read what you write about us and the charity event." He offers this with a smile. Her drink is a strawberry and raspberry lemon spritz. Non-alcoholic because Lucifer wouldn't subject her to it without permission.

"Either way, it was a pleasure chatting with you, Lois. Allow me to see you out the door. Do you need a ride? I can have my driver take you if you'd like." Offering that last bit before looking to Nathaniel and gives the man a wink and an air kiss just because.
Sinister has posed:
Edible glitter is a fantastic invention, one that astonishes and delights the Victorian in modern society. Along with those little silver cake balls and hundreds and thousands -- Essex is a man that grew up in the era of fancy little doodads and quaint new cakes and sauces for the worldly conniseur. EDIBLE. GLITTER.

But we digress.

"It is funny how irony can strike, isn't it? /Do/ be well, miss Lane. I look forward to you reaching out."

Double date? That though, does have him lifting BOTH brows slightly at the air-kissing winking devil, before his faint smile goes crooked and wry.

"It was a distinct pleasure though. Truly." His cognac finished, he rises languidly from the stool with a faint nod to the barkeep, as his empty also simply is ferried away. He still has his smoke, albeit.

And apparently a surprise to have with a good deal of cooking chocolate.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois clearly wants more of their company, but it is quite late. And as much as she likes to see interns prove their endurance, she knows when she's being a jerk. She's absolutely being a jerk.

    "I would appreciate that, Mr. Morningstar. I appreciate knowing I will be transported safely." She avoids the rudeness of stretching in front of her hosts, but she will later. Somewhere in the back of her head there is a voice that informs her she is not 25 anymore. She hates that voice.

    As soon as the door in the car closes, she speaks politely to the driver, and then starts to dial. She has a lot of apologizing to do and a byline she is going to share. Sure, 3AM work sucks, but not many get to have a say in how she writes a story.