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(A gathering of younger heroes on the roof of Titan Tower.)
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Latest revision as of 21:26, 29 March 2024

The people you see when you are flying along.
Date of Scene: 15 January 2024
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: A gathering of younger heroes on the roof of Titan Tower.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Supergirl, Raven, Robin (Wayne)

Firestar has posed:
Flying. Sometimes that is the best therapy. Schools are back in session, complete with all their own stresses. Firestar is flying towards the ocean, but happens by Titan Tower. She hmms and swoops closer to see if anyone is up and about that she knows on the roof. Not landing without a familiar face she hovers there a moment to see.
Supergirl has posed:
It's pretty late at night, and a cold night at that. The aurora borealis viewing had occurred a couple of days ago but some weaker light shows can still be seen on a clear night, which is what draws Kara out this night.

Earth silver moon always fascinated her as does the sky and star field from this corner of the universe. She sits on a lawn chair, not really bothered by the chilly wind as she is dressed in a simple white tshirt, blue jeans and ares hoodie that is zipped most of the way up.

Probably not typical winter wear but the cold doesn't really bother her that much thanks to the red sun. Occasional streaks of light flash through the sky, perhaps remnants of the main show from the other night.
Raven has posed:
Late, cold, gloomy...it was probably exactly the sort of weather that Raven might be expected to be out in. The half-demon heroine was currently out and about...but she wasn't flying tonight. She wasn't even in costume at the moment, instead favouring her hoodie and a pair of jeans, the heroine was nursing a mug of tea out on the roof, looking up at the night sky as she made her arrival...only to blink as she realises she wasn't on her own.
Firestar has posed:
The aura of heat energy around Angelica gives her position away in the sky. She waves to Kara and calls,"Hey stranger. You have a place a gal to settle for a while, catch up on the latest gossip, and otherwise forget about the new NYU class schedule?"
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers is naturally drawn to heat and light as her body tends to absorb and store solar energy, so the arrival of the fiery Angelica is always a welcome sight.

"Hey, Angelica, how have you been?" she chuckles and nods, "Of course! Always room for another!" it takes her another moment to register Rachel lounging about and that causes her to chuckle, waving to her as well. "Rachel! When did you get here?"
Raven has posed:
"Just now," Raven speaks, the steam of her mug attesting to the comment on her arrival before she exhales a breath fogged by the night air's chill. A small sip taken under the moonlight she looked up at the pair flying, taking to a small hover herself without issue, even if she was still mostly on the roof.
Firestar has posed:
Firestar lands on the roof and nods to Kara,"It's good to see you again." she tells her with a smile. Her attention moves to Raven, only noticing her just now too. She offers the other woman a smile and nods to her as well,"Hello. I'm Angelica."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers chuckles, "Just enjoying another crispy evening flight? It is peaceful tonight, probably because it's so cold and dark." but don't those make the best flight nights?

She smiles and nods to Rachel. "Rachel is a member of the Titans, Rachel this is my friend Angelica. She's from Alpha Flight."
Robin (Wayne) has posed:
"What is Alpha Flight doing here?"

Asks Robin as he emerges from the elevator, the door opening with a slight hiss and the Boy Wonder steps through. His cape flowing behind him, the black and gray suit wit hthe red 'R' on his chest the first thing seen, his gauntlets with the same blade-catchers that mimic Batman's own. Speaking of Batman? Robin has the same serious look on his face.


He greets the trio in friendly fashion.
Raven has posed:
"Raven," Rachel corrects, not that she was wearing a mask or her costume...she just generally preferred her hero identity after all. Wrapped in her hoodie jacket and sipping from her mug, Raven does at least offer a lift of her hand before she makes to touch her feet down on the rooftop once more, only to look over her shoulder at the sound of the new arrival.

"Robin...I guess this is normal hours for the 'Bats' huh?"
Firestar has posed:
"Alpha Flight came to NYU to get a degree." she replies to the new arrival,"I am on leave of absence from them for the time being and likely I won't be going back."

She looks to Kara and smiles,"Your cousin and Diana, they offered me a probationary membership with the League. Batman didn't object, that one is intense." She looks at Robin and smiles,"A good man, but intense."

She looks to Raven and nods,"Raven it is." she agrees,"You can call me Firestar or Angelica in a setting like this."
Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers chuckles, "Can't say I've had many interactions with Batman but his antisocial tendencies are rather legendary.." she shrugs.

"Oh right, you mentioned the League before, that's cool.." and then Robin, or one of them makes an appearance, which calms her to smile. Seems they have their own version of Batman.

"Hey Robin, how goes? Have you met Firestar yet? She's just dropping by from The League." having been away the past few weeks herself, Kara is trying to catch up on recent events around here too.
Robin (Wayne) has posed:

That's Damian's initial reply to Firestar. He recognizes her, of course. He's met her in his civilian identity of Damian Wayne. She's nice, though hearing she's being offered membership into the Justice League is no surprise. If her civilian identity is so friendly as a legitimate team player, then she'll be perfect for the role. "Congratulations." Robin declares as he approaches the trio a bit more closely, crossing his arms over his chest.

He looks at Raven. "Mhm. This is pretty standard hours for you too, though it's surprising to see you not performing an incantation right now." He admits to her, though he turns his eyes to Kara. "Fine." That's how it goes. "Haven't. But speaking of arrivals, welcome back." He tells Kara, his gaze returning to Firestar. "Welcome to the Tower."