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Latest revision as of 16:06, 13 May 2024

Interlude: Sibling similarity
Date of Scene: 01 May 2024
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: A little interlude, for Lucifer to get his thoughts straight regarding interfamilial relations.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Whatever could take Sinister away from family bonding time with the Host, one wonders? Well, when he's in the wrong frame of mind, just about anything to be fair. It's not that he dislikes them, but there's a measure of arm's length that tends to want to happen when individuals can just manifest themselves at any time. There's a few moments where that would be absolutely hilarious and at the same time, horrendously catastrophic.

So, he can be found in one of his lab spaces that exist under NYC. This one seems to be a cloning facility - a bachter style tank is illuminated in greenish blue, the individual floating inside of it looks adolescent at best, occasionally twitching a digit or two where they float, an oxygen mask and several tubes attached to them in places. The androgenous form is being gazed at by the Doctor, right up against the tank glass and gazing deep, an austere, but entirely focused look on his features. He makes a note.

And speaking of the Host materializing, there might be a moment of unexceptional rule prooving here...
Lucifer has posed:
Of course Lucifer doesn't necessarily worry about Nathaniel - at least not until the man is gone for a little while and then he wonders what may be taking so long for him to come home. But then there's the mental link, which he can use to figure out where the man is, and also use that to suddenly appear in the room where Nathaniel is. A glance around the facility for a moment, he folds his hands behind his back and walks forward. Shoes likely clip echoes in the area until he reaches where Nathaniel is standing. Staring. Contemplating.

"Penny for your thoughts, Nathaniel?" Asking this as he shifts to stand right beside the man and face the tank which is being stared at. "I've missed you."
Sinister has posed:
The scientist may have been exceptionally deep in thought there, but this time, unlike other moments, he's exceptionally focused on his surroundings also - as such, the Knowing in the mind and the sudden presence are not the surprise that they could have been.

Consider the rule disproved? Something like that...

"You need better aim, I'm quite a large target..." occasionally the quips need to fall, but there's also a wry smile and a look, fleetingly had, from tank to Archangel. It softens on contact and in a gentler tone "...I missed you, also." A light elbow touch, a hip bump and he looks back at the floater.

"I have moments, when I'm studying, where I like to play lets pretend on scenarios. This one slumbers," he explains "...but what would happen if it woke? Would it be quick to learn or slow and floundering. Would it hate me, or love me. Would it explode, go on to fix terrible catastrophies, would it sire great legacies, or would it wholely disappoint such grandiose designs and be a real estate agent."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smirks lightly at that quip and then gives a small shrug. "I shall strive to do such..." He retorts this before giving a broader smile, leaning over to press a kiss against Nathaniel's cheek. Listening as the man continues on about the fate of the person in the chamber. "Who knows? God might... if given half the chance to offer an opinion. But there is, truly, only one way to know what the fate would be..." This much more said and then he chuckles. "Or I suppose you could ask Uriel to pull the thread out a bit, see what he can decipher.

A pause, a moment for words to sink in and then a breath is taken. "Azrael sends her regards. Honestly I felt like I was suddenly in the midst of an entire family reunion...and even Michael was on his best behavior..." But even mentioning the twin's name has Lucifer giving a slight huff as his gaze turns back to the one in the tank.
Sinister has posed:
"Indeed. But in potentia, there are infinite possibilities, limited only by what one might concoct... And in this, perhaps I am like a god. I'm certainly not the morality police..." Sin leans into the kiss, fleetingly rests his forehead in a light bonk against the Devil's, then listens, quietly and intently.

"I'm sorry I left you to it, but I was not in the right state of mind to handle the melodrama. 'Tis not Telemundo, but on occasion, I do have to wonder at the exaggerated state of living that your family is capable of." Because that isn't in question at all. When the Generals of the army of one of the Gods that won the race hands down, that kind of thing makes it interesting.

"Something is niggling at you, isn't it? I mean, more than just a bee up the bum."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shakes his head. "You do not need to apologize. I understand you were not in the right mindframe. You have been quite social lately..." He offers this and then shrugs. "I think it's happening because of me, honestly. Twenty years ago this wouldn't have happened. I was still reigning in Hell, they were happy in Heaven. We've finally found a way to mingle with each other without breaking any rules or restrictions." Given that, as one knows, Lucifer is not allowed in Heaven.

When Nathaniel points out the likely obvious, he gives a little smile. "A little bit..." And he explains about Michael's revelation. About how he was actually punished for what he did when beginning the nephilim line. "And you can tell...even now...he is still in love. With a woman he was never able to see or speak to again. It...boggles my mind."
Sinister has posed:
There's a moment taken to squeeze one of Luci's shoulders and give him a rub square between the currently non-existent wings, gazing brief at his profile and back to the tank. "Probably right -- and goes to show that time does heal a lot of wounds, if not all of them. Just wait, it will eventually be crazy nights on the town and you'll be the one reining everyone in. And on that day, hell will have frozen over completely..." deadpan, then there's a silent cheese-grin.

Having implanted that particular thought, Nathaniel taps the air with his free hand, bringing up holographic displays to look through with flicks of the wrist, down to monitoring brainscans on the individual in the tank. It looks as if frontal cortex activity is going on as well as occipital lobe involvement, as the being dreams.

"So, is it that you never thought it possible, or that you never thought IT possible. I know that there's very little distinction there, but there is a subtle degree of separation."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer chuckles. "You're probably right. Except for Azrael. She'd likely thwap us all if we began to get a little rowdy..." This and then he shrugs, thinking on how Nathaniel worded that last bit. "I mean...falling in love is possible...otherwise I wouldn't love you." It's likely not how he meant that to come out, but it's said now so he just flushes a little and continues. "I...I don't know...love is possible. Obviously having a child is possible. So I don't know what is so...puzzling. Perhaps that Michael was capable of such things?" Then he blinks and chuckles. "Unless you meant something entirely different and I misunderstood you..."
Sinister has posed:
"No, no. The phrasing was intentional, to get you thinking. The answer is enlightening to both of us, I'd say..." Sin responds, lightly elbowing at the flush and after a moment of consideration, putting his arm around the ever so slightly shorter Archangel. There. All is secure, there's anchorage in existence.

"I imagine, in all honesty, it's context. It's not that it's Michael, it's not that it's any of you. It's how this one is /significantly/ different from every other. Including your own offspring."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods. "You're likely right. Then again, for a long while I've felt like my brother was only capable of one thing. He's actually a lot more complex. A lot more..." He pauses, swallows a lump in his throat and admits aloud, "Like me." Then he sighs. "Anyway...I figure that's something he and I will discuss the next time he pops down..." Offering this and then adds, "Also, he met with Nick on a mountaintop...talked to him...apparently Nick knew about this before we did, the sod." A smirk at that.

"So, how much longer do you intend to stand here and imagine yourself a god while watching a floating body?"
Sinister has posed:
"No idea, but likely not very long. I think this one is still giving good data, so I shall leave it dreaming for a while longer." Sinister replies, not touching upon the rest of what was said there. That's a thing for another day, aknowledged only by the single nod.

"And there we have it. Finished for now. I vote for mexican. You with me?"

Can't beat some good tacos. Or even bad tacos. They're a thing.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer sees the nod and accepts it. That's likely just something where they both know that such will be a topic for later. Then he grins. "Only if by Mexican you mean that really awesome taco truck that's kinda close but not to the club." He says this and then offers his arm to Nathaniel for a proper link between the two with which he will take them to the nearest place to abate their food desires.