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Latest revision as of 12:22, 15 May 2024

A Powerful addition to the GIRL roster!
Date of Scene: 08 March 2024
Location: GIRL HQ. Somewhere between Gotham and New York.
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wasp (Pym), Power Girl

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
One of the advantages of having a strong, clear, and loudly proclaimed message is that sometimes people that even an ambitious super genius didn't consider recruiting turn up to say hi.

But then there aren't exactly many Kryptonians in the world. So perhaps it was inevitable that having recruited Kara into her science gang and given Clark Kent a tour the word would spread to other Kryptonians interested in science. But hey given how good Kryptonian hearing is maybe the word didn't need spreading around. Perhaps they all just heard Nadia talk about it from the other side of the planet.

Who can say.

Either way Nadia Pym has put on her prettiest dress. Her shiniest shoes. And got the lab ready for guests. Putting away as many of the vampire novels that colonised the shelves and leaving out lots of pamphlets on the exciting research they've been doing.

There's a general bustling atmosphere now GIRL is fully open. People heading between workshops, catching a break in the lounge area, and enjoy the fully stocked cafeteria when they remember to actually go get food.
Power Girl has posed:
It was really only a matter of time before GIRL came to the attention of Karen via her work with STAR Labs. Even without any sort of work agreement between them, the superscience community is pretty tight knit and even the oldest, saltiest scientists at the very least complain about those dynamic young whippersnappers coming for their grants or showing them up.

And really, that alone would have made Karen consider if, perhaps, she was focusing too narrowly on her connection to STAR Labs when there was a thinktank out there she could be so much more useful to, and an equal in. Was some of that the little voice in the back of her head reminding her she's a clone? Worrying she's a thing and not a person, and that those same scientists at STAR only pretend to not see her as a living version of one of the particle accelerators? MAybe a bit.

Whatever Karen's deepest reasons for taking the meeting are, she's pulling out all the stops for her arrival. Or at least, she's not bothering to show up in a taxi in a pantsuit and serious attitude. She in fact descends from the sky in full on costume, red half cape, golden pauldron, blue boots with that dramatic folded cuff and all.

And then she's striding to find Nadia directly, with brief but polite greetings and even a few autograph signings as the tall blonde strides like she's already comfortable in the place.

And she doesn't even try to see if the walls are proofed against her x-ray vision, before she's gently rapping on Nadia's office doorframe and peeking in with a broad smile. "I think I'm on time? Maybe?"
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Even with advance warning and emails telling the membership not to make a fuss there is still some degree of a crowd which forms when Power Girl arrives. Thankfully that email did specifically state that if people want autographs convention rules apply. And with how geeky the GIRLs are? Well that basically ensures everyone forms up in neat orderly lines for their autographs, handshakes, and chance for a selfie.

Being under ground and re-enforced against super threats the building probably does have lead lining in the walls. Not to stop Kryptonians peeking though. Just to shield against radiation. Both from the outside coming in and the inside coming out...

As for Nadia herself? Well she operates an open door policy. Whenever she's in her office the door is open and people are free to stop by. Even if this does mean they sometimes catch he spinning her chair around going wheeeeeee when she's supposed to be on important business teleconferencing calls. But shhh don't tell anyone she's created a virtual stand in so she can leave the camera off and goof around. It might hurt their funding...

"Oh don't worry about the time," she assures brightly. "I've booked the whole afternoon off in case you wanted the full tour... Oh yes I'm Nadia by the way it's a pleasure to meet you! I've heard a /lot/ about you." How much of that comes from Red Room dossiers is another matter entirely....
Power Girl has posed:
Karen is, if anything, impressed by the security measures. STAR Labs has a nice view, plenty of open windows, and it turns out criminals who want to steal high tech and alien gizmos realize windows are actually gaping security flaws. Underground science complex? Cooler. Maybe a little Bond villain-y to some, but that's an unfair stereotype in her opinion.

And once Karen has confirmed that this is in fact the right office for the right brilliant young heroine scientist, she steps further into the doorway and... well, does a fairly decent job of filling it. She really does make a better wall than a window herself. "Oh! Lovely to meet you,Nadia. I've heard about you! Like, in official journals and everything."

Bright blue eyes narrow and her shoulders shrug, "Oh, I imagine we can take the whole afternoon. Either for the tour, or like... we'll do the quick tour and find some other way to enjoy the time!" She clicks her tongue in a very playful 'I am totally fine slacking off during a 'meeting' way, "Oh! And you can just call me Karen. I mean, some people like 'PG' or 'Peej' or 'Blondie' but... somehow that last one's mostly costumed villains right before I punch 'em." She sighs and shakes her head slowly.

Eyebrows perk and she tilts her head thoughtfully, "And you've heard a /lot/? Oh my god, I'll have to tell you what parts are made up. There are so many rumors out there. I do /not/ shoot an energy beam my from my chest. That was photoshop."
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
The fact an old subway station had a lair vibe was not at all a factor in the choice of location for GIRL. Please ignore how sad Nadia was that there wasn't a single active volcano in the New York State area she could construct her HQ under. Geothermal power like that would have been exceptionally helpful in keeping energy bills down....

Also it would look cool. But mostly the cheap and clean energy thing. Mostly.

"Journals huh? Gosh the amount of things they print which are just /wrong/. It's shocking. And whenever I write in to correct them they make out like my understanding isn't valid because I don't have a piece of paper from a college that teaches things which are also wrong..."

She pouts.

"Well lets get started then. Uh this is my office. It's where I do serious business things," she gestures around the room like she can't wait to move on to more exciting things. "You'll have seen the lounge and the communal learning areas on the way through. And reception. There's also a place to get food. All the coolest science things are on the floor below."

The deeper you go the more exciting the science.

Although sadly while not having windows does make things more secure being underground does dramatically increase the number of attacks by subterranean supervillains. The deepest basement has a very very thick floor to stop mole people invading!
Power Girl has posed:
Karen could probably help with the lack of active volcanoes in a very direct and measured way. But drilling down into the Earth's mantle sheerly for aesthetics would _actually_ be supervillain activity. Though for geothermal energy generation? Hmmmm. Hmm.

The fact that Nadia and her were already on that similar wavelength? Probably not a cause for alarm. Really. Totally.

She laughs softly and quirks an eyebrow, head tilting. "Have you considered simply having forgeries made? I... ah... well, it's not entirely unethical when you clearly have the requisite understanding. In a way my own identification is something of a fiction." She sighs out and smiles lopsidedly, "Honestly? Some days it feels like a lot of my identity is fiction, but... that's.. something we can talk about later. We are here to see the wonders /you/ have created at GIRL, and how I can help!"

Karen's eyes sweep the office and she hums softly. "It is very business appropriate. My own office is also for business. Business and fake potted plants so that I don't forget to water them. Again."

She grins just a touch brighter, and while there are no windows to allow sunlight, Karen seems to be trying to bring a little of the sunshine with her! ...And not just in the 'Her biceps can snap a battleship in half' way that she usually does. "But... yes! I've been thinking of branching out from STAR Labs, and GIRL seems like it would be a wonderful fit! I don't really have any... active of experiments of my own right now, but I'd love to be sort of a helping hand?"
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
The more efficient solution to Nadia and GIRLs power needs was simply getting a multi billion dollar corporation to pay for it all. It's less good for the environment but also less work.

"Forged credentials aren't really very useful for scientific journals," she points out. "They check with the college. I mean I could hack their records but then it gets into a whole chain of faked info and lies. And it's very much not worth my time! I know I'm right and eventually they'll catch up. When they make the effort anyway."

She lets out a sigh and stands up. "Really I don't want to lie to the world at all if I can help it," she admits. "That's something the Red Room would do. And I don't want to be /anything/ like that. But that's not why you're here is it! Lets get on to the science."

She heads for the exit, assuming Karen will step back to make room (although worst case she can probably shrink and find a gap), and motions for Power Girl to follow. "Harper's been doing some robotics work which is very cool. And we've been working on some fun projects for social events. Building replicas of the early cinema projectors so we can watch classic movies just like they were intended to be seen for example."
Power Girl has posed:
Karen does in fact step back out of the doorway, hands clasping in front of her abdomen for lack of pockets to sink them into and she falls into step as she laughs softly and bobs her head, "I suppose I am in a position where it is less... forgery. And more creative bureaucracy. I mean, my identity is official, provided by the US government. It just... glosses over significant details. And takes some liberties with my age."

And as Karen follows along, she gasps out sharply, eyebrows shooting high. "Oh! Robots /and/ classic movies? Well, now you're going to be lucky to get me out of here at all. ...Do you have Ghostbusters in the original 35mm?"
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Yeah the Government made a bunch of paperwork for me too," Nadia says with another shrug as she leads the way to SCIENCE! "Mostly as part of my 'asylum' from Russia and in exchange for everything I knew about the Red Room." Which is rather a lot. Not that everything she's heard can be certified as 100% accurate. The Red Room lies to itself as much as anyone else.

"Is age really all that important? For all we know time might be in blocks not a line. And everything we ever do or say is pre-destined and pre-set. Not that I really like the idea that all my actions have happened and I'm just moving from one snapshot to the next. But liking or disliking a theory doesn't make it any more or less true."

It would also explain how no matter how hard people try to meddle with the future or the past things always wind up pretty much as they were....
% "Are there any fields of science you are more or less interested in?" she wonders. "Oh when we're talking /old movies/ we're talking origins of cinema old. We've been trying to recreate the sort of films from before colour or sound. And then we'll move on to more modern classics. Ghostbusters is one I've been told we'll have to cover. Along with one about some kind of gate between the stars. Metropolis is on the list too. But doesn't have anything to do with the actual city of the same name. Purely a co-incidence it seems!"
Power Girl has posed:
Karen smiles lopsidedly, "Well, honestly? I'm kind of looking to branch out into a lot of things. Most of my work at STAR Labs has been on gravitational waves, and uhh... well, honestly, that was more a side project, my main work has been helping with Kryptonian technology. And a little materials strength testing and the like."

She sighs out and snickers softly, "I suppose it might be more like... stress testing and engineering work than pure science so far. And oh! My age? It definitely matters. It's uhh... a little complicated." She glances around and once she's sure they're secluded for the moment as the walk, she sighs out, "I'm uhh... artificially aged? I'm not... really..." She clears her throat and gestures at herself, "All natural, you know? I was cloned."

She gulps softly, eyes darting away from Nadia, only to slide back... dart away again... it seems Karen does have _one_ thing she is in fact not 100% confident about! In fact, she seems terminally low on confidence regarding her existence as a clone and its implications for her personhood.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"The more interests our members have the better," Nadia enthuses as she leads Karen through various different high end science labs. Showing off various projects, how well equipped they are, and various other perks of being at GIRL. "Stress testing is important too. No point building a fancy new drone and then finding every time you use it the payload breaks because it's too delicate."

She blinks a few times.

"But cloning /is/ natural? There are plants and bacteria which clone themselves. Identical twins are basically a natural form of clone. People have this weird idea that just because a sentient lifeform does something it's unnatural. But Humans and Kryptonians are not divorced from nature. If I make something in my lab it's totally natural. Because I'm part of the universe. Now if I used a device to drag someone into this universe from another dimension where the laws of physics weren't the same that'd be less natural because they wouldn't be made up of things from our universe."