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Revision as of 01:50, 29 July 2017

Date of Scene: 18 April 2017
Location: Xavier's School Yard
Synopsis: It was a nice casual scene.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, 110, Deadzone, Gambit, Dazzler

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the backyard area of the Xavier School. She's got her leather bomber jacket on that looks a little too big for her since its technically a man's jacket. She has the sleeves pushed up to her elbows and fastoned like that by leather straps that are on the cuffs of said sleeves. She has on a green tshirt under the jacket and blue jeans tucked into leather boots that flop around on her feet as she walks.

Rogue's hands are encased in some black gloves that cover up the majority of her forearms save for some sliver of her skin visible on her elbows.

She's humming a song and walking alongside the basketball court by herself, her right hand is gliding silently across the black fence that is around the court and the wind is blowing in her two-toned hair. She seems kind of lost inside her own head, walking slowly and methodically. Daydreaming even.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars is blind..was blind? She should be. Rogue has probably seen the sophmore with her walking stick in the background in Rogue's short time at the school. The girl no longer hides her eyes - or lack thereof that she once had. Instead, the freckled girl has eyes..eyes with glowing halos in her pupils. Stepping through the building's exit she stumbles and falls to her knees in a panic attack. Breathing heavily she hugs herself, rocking and breaking heavily and quickly while her body shudders. It's all a visual stimuli that is far too much for her, overwhelming the girl.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue wasn't exactly close to the exit from the school that Mars came out of, but she would come to see the girl there looking as though she had tripped or was ill... or something... So the southern belle rushed toward her, hair flowing behind her as her bootfalls clopped on the stone patio.

"You okay, miss?" Rogue asked in her thick southern voice, her gloved hands reaching out. "Here, lemme help ya up." She said, placing one of the hands onto Mars' left shoulder while the other was outstretched in front of the girl.

Rogue was the 'new kids' that others talked about, because her mutation had become public to the student body and she was known as a Soul Sucker. The girl who could leave you dead if you touched her, and not everyone knew that it was only her skin that could do this... some thought touching her even through her clothing, could render them deceased. What Mars thought, was unknown as of yet.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars has always been known as a toucher. Being blind it was a comfort to touch others. She takes hold of Rogue's arm, rubbing it gently with her fingers as she feels the fabric. She blinks a few times, eyes tearing up. "There's so much color..." she stammers. "It's been so long, I didn't think I'd be overwhelmed." Unafraid of whatever danger is out there, she obviously doesn't know any of the rumors. She pushes forward to bury her face near Rogue's chest, clinging to that arm. It's fortunate for her of course that Rogue is rather well clothed. "That voice..." She whipsers. Closing her eyes she listens, and the change in activity seems to distract her from hyperventalating. "I'm not familiar with it. We are not familiar?"

Rogue has posed:
And for her part, Rogue wa snot used to having people embrace her like that. A lot of the kids in the hallways made wide berths between her and them when they passed each other. It made her feel pretty damn terrible too. But here and now? This girl was hugging her.... She must not have any idea who she is hugging or who Rogue is.

"Uh..." She said, her hands on Mars' forearms, not fully understanding what the girl was talking about as she hadn't noticed her eyes yet.

"I'm Marie." She told her, her voice thick with southern accent. "R-Rogue." She added since most here called her that. "You all right? Seen you around with the cane'n such. They need t'make this place more disabled-friendly... I'm kinda shocked it ain't infact."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars sits up as she listens, but she hangs onto Rogue's arm with one hand. "Do you prefer Marie, or Rogue? What is more comfortable with you?" She takes in a sharp inhale. then a soft exhale. "Here goes..." She opens her eyes slowly, the visual life flooding her senses once more. Those different Irises hard to miss when her eyes are open. "I'm Mars. I was blinded years ago, and I was just given my sight back by these prosthetic, special prototype bionic eyes. Things are so clear, and..and after years of darkness, seeing things again is so..overwhelming." She slowly blinks a few times as she paces herself.

She takes the other girl in "Your pretty." she offers softly. "I usually have caretakers, however they are not allowed into the school. No cameras, or media. It's a safe place for me to be a regular person, and it's a little harder but I actually enjoy that. I can be a normal person here. No money, or status, or obligation. I'm just a person here. And that's actually kind of nice."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue showed a soft smile at most of what the girl said. "Rogue is fine." She said. "Marie makes me feel like I'm in trouble." She showed a small grin too. "And thanks, you're quite the looke'ah yourself."

After a small exhale and shake of her head. "You should be in some kinda rehabilitation afe'ah everything you just told me. New eyes for a girl who ain't seen the world before? Ya can't just be let out inta the wild... it should be like, some kinda slow process of lettin ya get your toes wet before shovin' ya clean inta the pool."

Rogue would sigh then and shake her head side to side as she tried to keep the girl steady. Mars would find that Rogue was as solid as a block of concrete. She felt like she couldn't tople over even if a wrecking ball slammed into her, so to collapse on Rogue, was a pretty good place to fall and not be dropped.

"Sometimes, I swear... the adults in this world are just like the cartoon ones in that South Park show." Rogue guided Mars toward a set of patio chairs. "Here, let me help ya sit down..."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars gets back to her feet with Rogue's help, but still won't detatch from her arm. She slowly blinks putting purpose into it to grow accustom. "It's more difficult than that I'm afraid. I've seen before. I lost my eyes when my ability emerged." It's been a rather public story for her.

Settling into the bench she gives Rogue's arm a little squeeze. "You sure are sturdy." A soft little giggle. "Maybe I came back a bit early - but I was over-eager. It's a place where I can be neutral. I can be weak if I need to be. There is a lot of expectation set upon me, and I have to perform. So really if I'm going to have a weak moment this is the best place for me to have it."

Rogue has posed:
"That is true." Rogue said to the girl, having smiled at the sturdy comment. "I've onlly been here since around my birthday a few months back... but I can tell that this place is a... Wel,l, its good t'folks that are goin' through things like we are."

Rogue would sit down next to her on the bench and put her elbows onto the tops of her jeans covered thighs. She'd look over at the other girl. "And hey, if its any help... the new eyes look pretty awesome." She said, showing then a pleasant smile on her red painted lips. "Its kinda wild how far technology is gettin'. And yeah... uh... at least now I know if I wanna stare at the sun'n blind myself, I can go get some robot eyes like yours an' be just fine." She tried to be funny to make the other girl feel more comfortable.

"You should totally get a dog though, one t'help ya get around." Rogue added then. "They don't allow pets at the school, but they can't say no to one'a those service kinds." Another little grin was shown then.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars is quiet a moment. A soft uncomfortable silence for her as she processes the comment, which brings a certain painful memory back to her. "I was taken in by Lex Luthor, learnin to live with my own strength was something that was insisted upon. I had support, but dependance upon others is something that wasn't particularly supported. Reliance on myself to be independant was what was the most important." She finally releases the arm and rests her hands in her lap. "There are a lot of obligations I have. But of all the advice I can give..." She smiles softly "Take really good care of your eyes. Oh. And keep your loved ones very close."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to the girl aside her speak and it made her smile to hear the wisdom out of someone who looked to be a year or two younger than even she. The southern gal gently nodded her head at the others statements and she reached into her jacket and pulled out a pair of dark aviators with black lenses and silver frames.

"For the eyes." She said, lifting them up and putting them on. "I call them my Cool Girl Shades." She said, now with the aviators on and her chin tipped up all proud-like.

"Don't got any loved ones though, though I'll just have t'settle for the first part'a your wise wise words." She looked back over at Mars. "So you're doin' alright now then? If ya need help gettin' some where, just ask and I'll make sure it happens. I can fly too, ya know? So I got all kinds a perks t'bein' around."

She was a friendly girl, even if most at the school avoided her like she was literally the Grim Reaper (which some did refer to her as).

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars nods softly "I see. That's a shame, you seem like a nice girl. At some point you will have those that are important to you. I have some people, but unfortunately they are often at odds with one another, for reasons I cannot really understand."

The girl perks up "Aviators? Are you a pilot?" then she processes that the girl can fly, and she laughs a little "I guess you kind of are, huh? I can fly too. Though, it's not so much as flying, as kind of falling or flying very poorly, and going very slowly at it at that."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiled at the first part of what she said. "Sounds like every family I've eve'ah heard'a." She retorted in a quiet tone to that part of Mars'.

After an exhale, Rogue nodded and looked back at her, she pulled her righ thand up and swept the snow-white hair of her bangs off of the right side of her face. "I can fly planes too. And a couple'a different kinds of helicopters too. And ya know what the messed up part is? I've neve'ah even been inside'a one."

She showed a slight grin then before tilting her head while looking at Mars from behind those Aviators of hers, and she also had that Bomber jacket on, so it was clear she was going for the whole Top Gun kind of look. "So you fly kinda like how a bat flies then? More like a glide'ah?"

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars looks confused "Hmmn. Well that sounds..confusing? I can't say I understand it. But there are many things I don't understand. I don't think they will let me even attempt to drive anything until they are sure my eyes are flawless." A quick blush comes to her freckles cheeks. "Um..well. I have a magnetic field. I can manipulate the magnetic field of a metal object, like my walking stick. By manipulating the balance between the two fields I can make myself fly, but it's a balancing act I'm not very good at."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nodded her head softly. "Its just parta my mutation. When I touch people, I draw their memories outta their heads, includin' any skills or abilities they might have. And I had a pretty bad run-in with a woman from the military awhile back, its left me with her... everything." She said all of that with a bit of darkness in her tone, regret laden.

"So what you're sayin' though, is your flight power needs t'be used ove'ah like a lake or somethin', just incase ya fall outta the sky like a brick?" She showed a grin. "thats fun come the hot days'a summe'ah... Wait, are your eyes able t'go unde'ahneath the wate'ah?'

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars nods softly. "I can understand what you experience. I have painful memories I somedays want to forget, some days those same memories give me strength. Both boon and curse. I can imagine having someone else's intense memories is very disturbing." She smiles and shakes her head softly, reaching over to give the girl's covered arm a firm squeeze. Her effort to show she isn't afraid. "My eyes don't have any robotics or metal in them, being..well, an eye that's inside a body they have to be waterproof. But it's also why it was so difficult to create. I make electronics on my person go a bit haywire." She smiles a little more "Well..I haven't practiced flying. You might say outside of these grounds I am very much in the closet. Though Uncle Lex certainly knows about my mutation. I mean, a blind girl just doesn't have much use for flying about to be honest with you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue and Mars are sitting side by side on a bench on the back patio of the school's posterior (lulz). Rogue has her bomer jacket on and her eyes are covered over by a pair of dark aviator sunglasses. She's got her hands covered in black gloves and her legs covered in blue jeans, and her feet covered in big leather boots. She's looking over at Mars and smiling at her.

"Well, yeah... blind folks don't need t'be flyin' around places. That'd be bad... stuff right there." She said with a grin. "But hey, ya got these new peep'ahs an' they're workin' good it seems, cause ya done said I look pretty, which means they're wired right and ya got a good brain inside'a that head'a yours t'boot."

The southern belle was being quite, normal, it would seem... at least for her. "So you just hollar if ya need ol' Rogue t'come an' help ya up if ya fall. I'll be there, like a trained see'n'eye dog. " She nodded her head, her Aviators slipped down to the tip of her nose. "Woof." She added, a grin showing on her lips then.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum and Remy are walking about, Tatum getting a tour even though she knows the school fairly well. Still, there have been more then a couple changes from her dimension, so it's good to get a tour. Just in case. Upon seeing Rogue, Tatum screams with joy and starts running over. "Marie!!!!" She pauses just before she gets to Rogue and the other woman and holds up a hand. "And you don't know me!"

Turning to Remy, Tate lifts her arms in exasperation. "I'm never getting used to this!!"

Gambit has posed:
"Not if you keep cryin' like t'at." Remy says with a smile before walking up towards Rogue and catching up with Tatum. "T'is is t'e new ol' teacher from anot'er verse who knows us all. I was showin' her t'e ropes, turns out you two is best friends and share stories about boys and clothes and everyt'in'." Remy says with a tease before looking over at Mars and lifting his hand in a wave, his entire world becoming the new-new girl as he approaches her to say hello, focused soley on her.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars laughs "I'd kiss your cheek, but I suppose not. Though I can do this." She covers her hand by slipping her sleeve down, and reaches up to try to pull at Rogue's cheek with covered fingers. Of course all things considered she's probably more 'firm' than she expects. "Well why don't we just say freind, because a female dog has rather unexpectedly inappropriate innuendo and expectation." Looking up she blinks a few times rubbing at her glowing halo-eyes. "You don't sound familiar to me.." The sophmore has been enrolled since Freshman year, though she started school blind and without eyes. Now she appears to suddenly have eyes with a glowing yellow halo in her pupils. "Oh, you must be Mr. LeBeau. Hmm. I thought you would look older actually."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at the covered gesture that Mars did unto her cheek and it made her scrunch her eyes up a bit and at the part about the 'bitch' name and Rogue openly laughed. "I actually got a t-shirt up in my room that says that on the boobs. Its pretty great... but they don't let me wear it around here--"

And then Nancy!

Rogue stood up real quick when she heard her name get shouted like that and she lifted up her gloved hands, balled them into fists and was ready to fight! Oh, wait--- this woman didn't look pissed at her.

Marie's aviator covered eyes looked Tatum up and down... and then landed on her face again. "Lady. I don't have no idea who you are... but I swear t'god, he told me he was eighteen." She added before regarding Gambit.

"Oh, wait... what? A new verse? Anothe'ah verse? Like from a song?" The southern gal was genuinely confused now.

She'd glance over at Mars and then motion toward Remy. "Hey ain't no 'Misteah Lebeau'. He snuck inta my room the othe'ah night an' caught me in my unde'ahwear. He's a Peepin' Tomcat is what he is."

Tatum would note that Rogue was several years younger than the one she'd know, at least five infact, maybe more... and she sounded like it by how she talked.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum nods to the other two. "It's actually funny, Marie. Where I'm from, you're my age and the French teacher. It's a little weird finding out my bestie is like 4 years younder then me." She then looks to Mars, tilting her head to the side. "I don't actually know you. Weird. And... neat. According to Dr. McCoy, I don't exist in this reality, so ... yeah. We're going to try and figure out a way to get me home though. Go Hank!"

Upon hearing what Remy did in Rogue's room, she turns to him slowly. "And I'm betting that is the *real* reason you wouldn't let me borrow her clothes. Remy! You scamp!" Oddly enough, her tone of voice doesn't sound upset, but rather amused by the theif's antics.

Gambit has posed:
Remy lifts his hand and waves everyone good bye. "Nice meeting you again Mars. I look forward t' seein' you in class." He is basically the Doctor Jones of this school and doesn't argue that fact as he turns around and makes his way towards the garage.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum tilts her head to one side and watches as Remy walks away. "I hate to see him go, but I *love* to watch him leave. Dayum! Oh... yeah, I can't talk like that to students, and you're a student now. That's going to be hard to get used to. I can't make my usual lewd suggestions about other members of the staff."

Then Tate remembers something and smiles wide. "Oh wait! If you don't know me, then you don't know about what I can do! Marie, wanna find out why we became besties?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue heard this interesting story from this new lady and she reached up and lowered her aviators down to the tip of her nose. She spoke out then in flawless French. "Vraiment ? Cela me rendrait lenseignant sacrément plus sexy jamais!" And then she grinned from ear to ear. She looked over to Mars to nudge her schoolmate on the elbow but Mars was gone! Which made Rogue jump out of surprise. "Zombie jesus day! For a blind girl... she really knows how t'exit without even makin' a sound... Damn. Musta be a mutation thing she didn't tell me about."

Rogue looked back toward Remy to see him leaving then. "You runnin' away from me?" She shouted after him. "You owe me naked time!" She shouted in unison with Tatum's own words and then looked back at her.

Rogue's forefinger came up and she pushed her dark shades back up over her eyes and smiled big at Tatum. "I don't mind a little dirty talk. In fact, I encourage it." She reached into her bomber jacket's inside pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, starting to grab for one.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum is going to be the world's worst teacher, not that she was all that good before. She thought it, she said it, and she has a terribly dirty mind so what she usually said is just as pervy. She grabs her own vice, a lollipop, from her pocket and pops it in her mouth. "Well, if it's naked time you want with him, I'm yer girl."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sat back down on the bench and looked around again for Mars... still creeped out how that girl got away so fast without being seen. She went about lighting her cigarette then with a book of matches from a local bar and then her eyes went up to Tatum when she said what she said.

"Wait, what?" She said up to the teacher. "What do ya mean?" She asked then, taking a puff on her cigarette she glanced after the direction that Remy had gone. "I can't tell if that guy sleeps with every woman he meets or not. I mean, yeah... I can think of a few things I'd like t'let him do t'me, but... See, my mutation always jumps in and blocks that kinda stuff from eve'ah happenin'. Because I put folks t'sleep--"

Rogue started to explain it for the nine millionth time in her life, not realizing that Tatum-Nancy already knew the story of it.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum laughs. "I know he seems like the sort that sleeps with everyone, but he's actually not as slutty as he comes across. After all, he never slept with me and he and I have been flirting for years! He knows I like someone else and he would never *actually* break that up, no matter what his flirting may imply otherwise."

With her lolly in her mouth, Tate listens to the explanation. Again. "Marie. Marie. Marie," she says, trying to interupt. "Marie. I'm a Null."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was cut off from her explanation and it was so foreign to her tha she babbled a few more words out because she wasn't used to someone not listening to it. Truly foreign to the young girl with the brown and white hair. She looked over at Tatum and then looked back up at her face, her eyes narrowed and she looked at her a bit more closely this time... actually, looking at her. "You see familar." She said to TatumNance. "Its kinda weird... can't explain it. Deja vous... feelin'."

She then registered what Nancy had said. "A what? A... Null? What is that? Some kinda political party or somethin'?" The world had just gotten out of a wild political season, so Rogue had heard a lot of older people blabbering on about it for the past year or so.

Deadzone has posed:
If Nancy Tatum Margaret O'Neal were not a teacher and Anna Marie were not a student, Tate knows exactly how she would show her bestie what a Null is. But, since that ins't an option, Tate just reaches out and caresses Rogue's face and lets her see that there is no ill effect. In fact, no effect at all. "A Nullifier. My power is to make other people's powers not work. There's a couple people, like the Professor, that can still get through, but most are completely human around me."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was looking over at the basketball court watching some of the other mutant students play when the hand came up to her face and touched her. She'd been listening to Nancy's words, but hadn't expected the woman to touch her. It made her whole body go stiff as she expected the worst and she looked back over at the woman with huge eyes behind her sunglasses!

But nothing happened.

She heard the words that the other spoke, but they took a few seconds to sink. "Far out." The mutant girl said up to the other, her voice was whisper-y quiet and she seemed just, stunned by this. She hadn't touched someone in years without making them... esentially immediately dead. So the young Marie, who'd been living on the road for the past two years, just kinda inadvertantly leaned her head toward the hand.

"A null." She repeated. "Blind girls with robot eyes... Now someone who can, shut off mutations?" She exhaled. "I've been here just a handful'a weeks an' this place is like a daily surprise."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum keeps her hand on Anna Marie. As one of the few people that can touch her, she knows how much it means to the girl that is her best friend on her reality. She starts to run her fingers through Rogue's hair. "Yeah, I remember that feeling. When I first got here, everyone was so... yeah. Daily surprises. Oddly enough, you get used to it. I got pulled out of my own reality and dropped off in this one and I'm actually starting to get used to it."

Rogue has posed:
It was a bit odd to have a woman she'd never met before touch the side of her face with a caring kindness to it like that, but it was also weird for ANYONE to touch the side of her face. Rogue hadn't smiled so much in recent years, but she was smiling now and it felt nice.

"I'm sorry ya got pulled outta your home, Miss." She told her. "But I'm glad you're here. Lotta the othe'ah kids here... they don't seem t'want me around much. Once it got out what my mutation does, they think I'm gonna lay'em out or something. Some of'em are callin' me the Grim Reape'ah n'such. Remy's been a big help, he's helped me come outta my shell some."

She gently shook her head then. "But, I can't imagine what it must feel like to get slung inta some othe'ah reality where ya don't even exist. So if I can help with it, just lemme know."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum finally takes her hand away and listens. "They call you that, huh? Not around me they won't. No power shaming. Besides, you should have heard what they called me. But, they got used to me and we even found good uses for my power. Like usually, Thurday nights are Power Off nights. We put a movie on the big screen and I fill the room with my aura and everyone gets to just be normal human kids. It's kind of nice for some. Usually, it's only touch though, unless I'm sleeping. I can't control it when I'm sleeping, so it sorta fills the room I'm in."

Tate takes the lolly out of her mouth, using it to point at the direction Remy walked away in. "He's a good guy. For all his smooth talking ways, he`ll never do the dishonorable thing. He`s actually *huge* into the whole consent thing. You say no and that`s that. No means no."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is seated on a bench on the back patio of the school. She's got a leather bomber jacket on and some aviator shades on over her eyes. Tatum is standing in front of her and they're conversing.

Rogue looks up at her and grins. "I guess I won't worry about him so much then... I'm just, ya know... used t'gettin' the dice all snake-eyed. Seems t'be my lot'n life." She glanced in the direction Remy'd gone too.

"So you mean that when you're around I can just walk up t'some an' give'em a big ol' huge smooch?" She askaed then, her shades-covered eyes going back up to Tatum's own.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum tilts back her head and laughs at Marie's question. It always goes right to the kissing, don't it. At least some things never change. "Yep. Back home, our bedrooms are next to each other, our beds on the same wall, so you can take advantage of my sphere. You and the history teacher have a thing going. Sounds pretty hot from my side of the wall." Yep, Tate is a bad, bad teacher. Mind you, she might not even *be* a teacher here in this reality anymore.

Dazzler has posed:
The back door to the mansion opens and closes, gently. With her long, blonde hair sweeping the sides of her face, Alison Blaire makes herself apparent. Face down in a cell phone and wearing an overbaggy tee shirt that hangs over one shoulder, half-hiding the yoga shorts she's wearing as nighttime garb, she's pounding out a few last text messages for the night before retreating to her room. In fact, she's heading for the bench she usually claims, currently claimed by Rogue and Tatum.

It takes her a few seconds to hear the voices and look up from her wealth of emojis and plans for next week to widen her blue eyes at the two of them.

"Aaaack?" Alison asks, slowly. "Bench taken, am I infiltrating the gossip bubble?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to this revelation from her friend from another reality and it made the eighteen year old straighten-up and then smile big as she squirmed around on the bench that Alison was headed for. Rogue was truly 'beaming' at what Tatum had just told her. "I'm bangin' the History teache'ah?" She asked. "God. I'm so scandalous!" She openly was giggling now like a crazy girl when Alison arrived and she looked over at her.

Rogue knew-of Alison, of course, but didn't have a real assocation with her... after all the Southern Belle had only been here a few months and mostly stayed to herself.

"Its cool, ma'am." Rogue told her. "This here is... uh... I can't remember what she said her name is... But Remy said she's from anothe'ah dimension, where she helps me get laid. Its the best stories I've eve'ah heard!"

Deadzone has posed:
For a goth, Tatum sure is cheerful. Clearly not the emo, sullen type. She pops the lolly back in her mouth to offer her hand to Alison. "Hey there. I'm Tatum O'Neal. No, not the actress. My mom was just really, really cruel."

Tate looks to Marie with a grin. "Yeah, the students all make jokes about which teacher is doing which other teacher. You and Logan, Scott and Jean, Remy and Storm, Hank and .... ummm.... someone!" Oh yeah, Beast told her not to tell people in this reality about their relationship.

"So.... what do you do here," Tate says to Alison, hoping to change the subject."

Dazzler has posed:
One carefully manicured thumb presses down on the 'send' button. Really, it's pink and black and has the little beaded flower arrangement in the white striping on the acrylic. Up higher north, the sudden look of shock in Alison's eyes is quickly replaced by a quirky little grin as she carries herself the last few feet to the bench.

"Thanks for clearing that up, because I know who Tatum O'Neal is, and she doesn't strike me as a Bauhaus fan." Alison laughs and swings an arm behind her back, hiding the cell phone. "Or an interdimensional wing girl. Wow, by the way, you must be the nexus of all of the better gossip whichever you are from and //thankfully//, you have no gossip on me."

Laughing, Alison snaps her fingers and winks at Tatum, then turns her eyes to Rogue, smiling to the other woman.

"Well, not doing any teachers, and come on, call me Alison, I'm way too young to be a //ma'am//," Alison breathes with a shake of her head. The other arm swings behind her hip, clasping the other wrist. "I'm Alison Blaire, I go by Dazzler. I teach music here at the school, when I'm not crazy busy with all other kinds of things."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned when Tater mentioned the part about her sleeping with Logan. He was a member of this school too, she knew him... at least a little bit, but he was totally MIA right now and she had no idea where he was. But when she spoke of Remy and Storm, Rogue's grin faded and she looked in the direction of the garage where the Cajun had gone.

"Storm and Remy?" She said. "I'm gonna punch his lights out."

Its possible that the young Anna-Marie might have trouble separating realities, especially when her own reality was so bogged down with the cluttered mind of other people's memories and personalities up inside of her brain.

Rogue would look over to Dazz then and smile softly at her. "I totally wanna take your music class too, by the by. I can play the piano, but I wanna learn how t'play the guitar. If... thats what ya teach." She inaheld softly and then released it. "But I gotta test my way up a lot of grades, or something, I don't know. Its confusing. I dropped out when I was fourteen, and I have t'catch up. My schoolin' is a mess right now. I SHOULD be studyin' right now..."

Deadzone has posed:
When Alison mentions Bauhaus, Tate grins. "Nice to know that at least one of the groups I like still exists in this reality. I was starting to worry that I was going to have to find whole new bands, or worse, create a music genre."

Tilting her head to the side, Tate looks over at Alison quizzically. "Actually, I don't think I know you. Either you aren't in my reality or it's one of those weirdnesses where the age difference is all weird. Everyone here is a *lot* younger then my world. Hank's almost my age!!" Tate hears about Dazzler's job and frowns. "So.... guess that means I won't be getting my old job back."

Dazzler has posed:
"But that's in your reality, right, the Remy and Storm thing?" Alison speaks up, brows lifted high over her blue eyes, in sudden question of Tatum. Then, as if she's caught something, Alison twists her lips into a cringe and gives Rogue a shake of her head and a wave of her hand. "Just curious because I want to make sure I'm not late to the news of something."

Then, deciding that she's welcome to sit, Alison's hair whips about in a glance back to the mansion and she turns, lowering herself onto an open spot on the bench. Quickly, she crosses one leg over the other and leans back, flicking her phone back to life.

"Anna-Marie, my doors are always open when you want it. I can teach guitar, work with your piano, your voice, whatever you need, but you've got time here, okay? No rush. I like to think that my class isn't one of the boring ones and is more about, you know, spending time together geeking out over music." Alison clears her throat then offers a hand out to Tatum. She looks from the white-banged woman to the goth, formalizing her introduction.

"Well, here I'm a musician." Alison brightens. "And when I'm on tour you're more than welcome to cover, or we'll do the class together, or I'll get you hooked up with some music so you can get up to speed. I love this place, but I'm kind of like a touring musician who //happens// to teach a class. Revolving door kind of thing; my life is busy like you wouldn't believe."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked between the two of them, Tater and Razzle Dazzle. She showed a soft smile. "Battle'a the Music teache'ahs..." She quietly said before looking specifically at Alison. "Yeah... I guess its not this Remy's fault. I guess. I'll try not t'beat on him for it." She sucked in a deep breath, indicating it was going to take a lot of effort on her part...

Rogue would then reach up and put her aviator shades back on over her eyes. "Screw teachin' French for a livin'. I wanna be a travelin' musician..." She said, with her Cool Girl Shades back on. "Goin' town t'town, sleepin' in the finest hotels surrounded by the finest'a my muscley manned fanatics." She motioned up to Tater then. "Now that I got you here, this is one step close'ah t'being reality!"

She nodded her head sharply to emphasize her own words and grinned nice and big after saying them.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum's eyes go wide as Marie gets upset about Remy. Oh! So... that's different from her world. "Well, I don't even know if Storm is in this reality yet. I mean, you do have Storm, right? It's hard to think of this place without her. Seriously, Marie, don't worry about it. Turns out my boyfriend doesn't exactly relish the idea that I saw him and wanted to go to bed when I saw him. Looks like I`m probably single again. Yay. Seriously. Can`t you hear the excitement in my voice?"

With a smile, she nods to Alison. "Actually, that would be a great way to deal iwth it. Once I get a cello to audition with, I'm going to see if I can't get back into the Philharmonic. Of course, auditions don't happen until June, so I've got time. So, you and I can work together, trade off with the other."

Taking a deep breath, Tatum looks up at the sky. "You know what, I'm gonna go to my room and see what music has happened in the last 8 years. Bet Pentatonix have some great shit out."

Dazzler has posed:
"Oh we're not gonna battle. Not over being a teacher at least. Music teachers are like the unseen, unspoken golems of the music world." Alison swats at the air, lifting a wrist in wave to Tatum as she begins to make her way away. The pop-starlet lifts her chin and beams her teeth after the goth. "I'll drop my information by your room. We'll figure it out!" Alison calls out, waiting until Tater's out of earshot.

"...and then I'm gonna ask a bajillion questions about what the Professor's like in another dimension. Like, do you think he has HAIR?" Alison spins around to Rogue and reaches out, finding a shoulder of the woman's leather jacket to nudge. She pulls her hand away and sighs, balancing her wrists in her lap.

"Seriously, it's hard work, Anna-Marie. I have to practice so much all day, barely eat anything worth eating, and do a shitload of yoga. I could bring you along to a show, though, show you what it's like." Alison's features draw more silent, less dazzling, though her smile remains. She lets a pause fall into place, then her smile begins to twist, once more.

"So, Remy, huh?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nodded her head at what Tater had asked. "Stormy is around here somewhere... She's usually like, the busiest adult around so its hard t'eve'ah get her attention for long." But then Tater was on her way and Rogue watched her go from behind her shades.

When Alison said she could bring Rogue to a show though, the southern girl shot back her attention to the Dazzler and smiled at her. "Really?" She asked. "That'd be so cool... I mean... I can carry heavy stuff like its nothin', I could totally be an equipment.. uh.. person, whateve'ah they're called."

When the subject of Remy came up, Rogue just smirked and slumped on the bench. "He's one'a the only people around my age thats been nice t'me since I got here. Everyone else seems t'think I'm the cold hand of Death. I just haven't been able t'tell if Remy is just, ya know... playin' some game with me like he does with all girls." Rogue nodded toward where Tatum had gone.

"She said that he's honestly not like that though. But maybe thats just her version'a him. Maybe where she comes from, Remy is loyal and the Professah is a eight foot tall black man. I mean, who the hell knows."

Dazzler has posed:
"A roadie, which, oh my god I wouldn't stick you around them." Alison widens her cobalt blue eyes and holds out her cell phone. Checking a message and talking at the same time, she's like a humanized palm pilot and her own secretary all at once. "Some of them are great, but there's others that are kind of like carnies. Not that you couldn't handle yourself! Just, ew. Jesus. Ew."

Sobering, Alison sets her phone down, turns it over, and makes a display of pushing it away to give the younger woman more of her attention. She straightens her back, turns a little, and tucks a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear to listen.

When Rogue's done, Alison digs her eyes to the corner of her sockets.

"Remy's got that accent and that hard to read Southern thing, which is, you know, dangerous." Alison sighs softly and looks to Rogue's face, clearly trying to read her facial expressions. "Well, you're //not// the hand of Death and don't lose hope, okay? Remy hasn't hit on me, if that helps?" If Alison could grow rabbit ears with a question, she would now.

"In the meantime," Alison continues. "While you're figuring this whole thing out, if you need someone to run to Starbucks with or an ear that won't blab, you can depend on me, okay?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to all that Alison had to say and it made her smile softly and she nodded her head at her. "Roadies wouldn't bother me." She said, swiping some of her white hair out of her face. "I lived on the road for awhile now... all by my lonesome. I shacked up and around strange company." She cleared her throat softly.

"This one time, out in Cali... I was staying the night with this group'a... questionable folks. I told them what my mutation was and they claimed they were all cool with it and under'ahstood. So... I go to bed on the sofa in the trailer they set I could stay in. An' low'n behold, I wake up like an hour late'ah an' one'a them is layin' ontop me. He'd snuck in and, I... I think he -licked- my -face-. And... poof, he was out, on the floor and I was stuck with some'a his thoughts'n shit."

Rogue cleared her throat again and shook her head. "So I doubht any'a your roadies would be worse than a night like that night was."

Rogue would go to stand up then. "I bette'ah go back t'my room though, I gotta get back t'my studies if I'm eve'ah gonna graduate before I'm thirty."

Dazzler has posed:
"Oh, well, at least at my shows if one of them acts up I can deal with it, it's not like at my shows I'm not the boss-" Alison gets out, quickly. She twists her wrists against her knees and bars her arms down in a v-shape, directly to her shin, when she holds in place to listen to Rogue's story. At first, she's curious, but by the end of it, her mouth and eyes are twisted up in a look of mild horror.

Clearly, Dazzler has been creeped on, but never something of the sort. She's been protected, and what she didn't want, she could laser her way out of.

"Hey," Alison shoots up, bringing her cell phone with her. She reaches out to Rogue's back and rubs a hand over the rear-center of her bomber jacket, a thoughtful brush of her hand. "I'll walk back inside with you and we'll get breakfast in the morning at that place that's only open until one, okay?" Alison blinks, then looks to the school.

"And if I heard right that that girl can cutoff powers?" Alison grabs the door and holds it open, following Rogue inside. "Well, then have I got an idea for us."