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Latest revision as of 22:26, 24 October 2017

A Canary in Love
Date of Scene: 29 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Canary, Star Shimmer

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance hums happily as she flits through the flower store, in an incredibly good mood even for her. She is murmuring the dialogue from her encounter with the mysterious Green Arrow last night. She is even saying his lines in an exact replica of his voice as she recounts the delights of it as she adjusts the bouquets just so right as she unlocks the door to open business for the day. She wonders what will happen today - determined to have a wonderful day as she adjsts the black wig she has taken to wearing when 'off-duty'.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Things have been getting weirder and weirder. Today, Autumn woke up without as much pain in her leg. She is actually up and walking! She's using a cane for now but she is walking without crutches. That is saying something. She's even taken the dressing off her leg and, its mostly healed. Ne'ery a scar there.

This has lead the young girl to go for a walk in celebration! She quietly makes her way toward Old Gotham. Then something odd happens. Something seems to strike her heart. Her ring flickers, guiding her. Love. Lots of it. She can't help but smile.

The door bell rings and in walks Autumn to the Flower Shop. She breathes in deep the sweet aroma of the flowers. "Why am I feeling this. I mean I could pick up on /his/ love because he wears it on his sleeve." She whispers to herself. "Still it wasn't so strong."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance hums softly as she whirls. "Good morning!" she chirps, in a very good mood. "Can I get you anything today?" She squints. "Haven't we met before?" she asks, pondering as she taps the counter she's at. "No matter. You just seem familiar after all." She smiles as she looks all around. "So - what can I get for you today?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles, "Oh umm do you have any lilacs? They are my favorites. I love the smell and the purple color is just so pretty." She beams happily over that. She can feel it even stronger now. Its like a new love.

When she mentiones about having met before, she gives a second glance to the woman. "You seem familiar too. I feel like we've met before." Then she switches subjects, "So what's his name?" She winks playfully.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance ponders. "Let's see..." She ponders. "Well, the only thing that comes to mind is that party at Joker's place a week or so back - you do have similar features to a young hero I met there." She smiles. "Perhaps you're Nightingale? You might remember some very loud noises? If I'm remembering right?" She hmmmmms as she moves over to the lilacs. "The lilacs are here..." She raises an eyebrow. "Whose name?" she asks, playing coy.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Giggles, "Yes that party. THere was a blonde there who shattered a wall with her voice. Black Canary? I believe." She just stops with the games. "Yeah I got shot with an armor piercing round." She then snickers. The person you're in love with. I can sorta feel it." She rubs her head, that violet ring very easy to see.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "Yep, that's me," she states. "And..." She blinks, studying you intently, and your ring. "How do you know about that? I just met him last night... it was a great first date but..." She blinks. "What's up with the ring?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn takes a deep breath and makes a little face before she starts. "The night before the party, Nightwing and I were out. I was doing a little late night training. We seen a streak of violet cross the sky. We chased after it and next thing i knew it was hovering over me and dropped into my hands. Its a umm... Star Sapphire ring..."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance blinks. "A Star Sapphire?" she asks blankly. "I've heard the name before - something about an old problem for Green Lantern... but I dont' know the details." She gestures for you to come over to a few chairs set up at the side of the store. "Tell me more please."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "Ummm. It might be easier to show you." She closes her eyes a moment and focuses on the love within her heart. The ring flares and her clothing quickly changes to a rather typical star Sapphire uniform. Its quite revealing but at least She's covered. She moves over and takes a seat. "Since I put the ring on I've been able to feel love inside people. Its really kinda cool. I felt the love you have for your date, about a block away!"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance blinks. "So it's like a Lantern Ring?" she asks. "Alright, I can go with that." She smiles. "It was so romantic. I got wind of a breakin, and came across some thugs smuggling drugs - I sang to one of them, and then an arrow came out of nowhere to deal with another." She smiles. "We beat them up - this man named Green Arrow - then we dealt with the one still in the sewers - after that, we went for coffee at his place as he jumped over the rooftops and I drove my Harley to follow. It was awesome."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles to Dinah, "It is a Lantern ring. Just not a green one. This one is fueled by love as opposed to willpower." She giggles. Then she listens as Dinah tells of her amazing date. She simply smiles bright as she takes it all in. "Wow! That sounds like an amazing night. Kicking the tar out of some bad guys, coffee... It really does sound nice!"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "Yeah..." She smiles. "I think I do feel something for him - I wouldn't call it love.... well... I guess I have to now." She ponders. "So what can you do with that thing?" she asks.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn shrugs, "I don't rightly know. I mean, This is as far as I got with using it. I know its been accelerating my healing. I mean look. She gestures to her calf. No scar. No wound. "I was shot right there. Its still tender. It still hurts a little to walk but, over like 2 days... I feel a lot better." She snickers, "I was actually hoping to find some abandoned warehouse or something where I could try a few things. I mean I know I should be able to make light constructs and so on."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "Ah. I know just the place," she states. "Wait - are you going to try something overly destructive, or anything? I have a workout room upstairs but if you need more space... there's an old warehouse that I use for practicing my Canary Cry that I reinforced so I don't blast the walls down..."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn takes a deep breath. "Well I am going to try my hardest not to destroy anything. From what Batman said, These things are capable of punching holes in buildings. That might be a good idea. I will try my best to keep control of myself. If its based off of the love in my heart that could be a little scary." She laughs.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance raises an eyebrow. "Oh really?" she asks as she ponders - nobody else is coming in anyway as she flips the sign to 'closed'. "Let me get changed," she states as she goes upstairs - and comes back down as the Black Canary. "I keep my motorcycle in a small storage room in back. Follow me."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods and follows along. She is limping a little bit. ~You know, It would be easier if you flew.~

Autumn stops and looks around. "Ummm, did you say something?" She asks Canary curiously.

~No it was me. I am the AI inside your ring. You can call me Libby. If you want to fly, you need to focus on the love in your heart and think about what you want to do.~

Autumn just blinks a few times. "Apparently my ring can communicate with me. Its talking to me. Told me how to fly..." She focuses and light wraps around her. She gently lifts off the ground and floats along behind Dinah. "Oh my gods.. I'm flying!"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance blinks as she squints. "Interestnig - just don't crash into the ceiling," she muses as she climbs on the vintage Harley and revsi t up - then slowly rolls out the back of Sherwood Florist, only going down the alley slowly to see if you can keep up.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn keeps moving, still flying. She is keeping up fairly well. "I am trying not to. Plus I can land pretty quick I think. If I..." She redirects her thoughts but keeps hold of the love inside. Her body touches down but she keeps on glowing. "Huh! Okay. I think I could go a lot faster too."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance turns back to you, then winks... revs the Harley... and VRRRROOOOMMMM! She takes off like a bat out of hell, travelnig at full speed towards the old warehouse she uses. She decides to take you at your word and see if you can keep up.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn snickers. With a flash of violet she takes off with speed to spare. She is flying above the street, keeping watch on where Dinah is going. A streak of violet trails behind her as she keeps moving.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance pulls up against a warehouse, and gets a key to open the door and walks in. "So... with that ring you can go to space, right?" she asks as the interior of the warehouse looks rather trashed - like someone has been firing a cannon at various things for a while. "I talked to Green Lantern about some of the things he can do... the list seems to go on and on."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn lands a moment later. Her body is still glowing. "Yes I think so. I wonder what it's like to do that. I'm pretty sure I'm not ready to fly up there." As she walks in she sees the mess and smiles a little. "You've been busy!" She comments. She raises her ringed fist and begins focusing. "Here goes." A blast of violet light goes sailing sending debris flying and even shaking the room a little.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance shrugs. "I wonder." She turns to face you. "Do you want to test your defenses?" she asks.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "Sure. Lets do it." She Begins focusing and makes her first construct. Itsn tohign flashy. A simple shield which she moves infront of her. "Lets see what happens!" She smiles as she prepares herself.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance faces Autumn, eyebrow raised. She circles around her, until she turns to faces the novice Lantern. There's a padded wall behind her. She then inhales... then emits a Canary Cry with a loud SKRRREEEEEEEEEE! The sonic blast would fire in a narrow cone right at the girl, as she waits to see what happens.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance faces Autumn, eyebrow raised. She circles around her, until she turns to faces the novice Lantern. There's a padded wall behind her. She then inhales... then emits a Canary Cry with a loud SKRRREEEEEEEEEE! The sonic blast would fire in a narrow cone right at the girl, as she waits to see what happens.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn braces herself. She's not expecting to be shouted at. So when the canary cry is unleashed, her eyes go wide. She braces herself. She's seen this thing take down walls! So being on the receiving end of it? It's scaring her!!! Enough that her love waivers. The shield shatters into crystaline dust and she gets blasted backwards aways. "Yikes! Okay Well I can handle a hit that will break a wall."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance smiles. "Oh, I took it easy on you," she coooos. "That was a low-power Cry." She smiles as she moves to lift you up. "Anyway. It seemed your shield broke a bit. I guess your confidence wasn't quite ready for that?" she asks, eyebrow raised.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles a little. "The last time I seen you do that you took down a wall. Of course I was a little freaked. Can we try again?" She asks curiously. Quickly she forms another construct. Carefully she braces herself and begins to think about the things that she loves. The people, The entire world. Her field glows bright.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods as she focuses at you.... and suddenly, in an exact imitation of Batman's voice, yells "CRIMINAL! I AM THE NIGHT!" loudly. She decides to mess with you a bit, grinning widely.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn laughs, "Good impression!" She laughs. The construct stays up. Though hearing that coming from Dinah just is funny. The imact was strong but with the proper focus on her Love, She doesn't lose her construct.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods and the moment you're distracted sends fly the low-level Canary Cry again with an echoing SKRRREEEEEEEE! She studies you, as she decides to mix it up as hse charges at you right after the Cry, aiming to sweep your legs out from under you by slamming one leg into the back of your knees.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The construct remains but Down goes Autumn. She winces stays down a few moments. "Damn!! OWWWWW!!" She begins to tear up. That is a pain she wasn't expecting. It just rips through her body. Her leg is not fully healed. The wound has closed but things are still tender which is why she was flying and not walking. She slams her fist down on the ground and focuses hard. Her body lifts up courtesy of the ring. Nope. Not standing right now.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance blinks, tilting her head. "Ummmm...." She clicks her tongue, sighing softly. "Alright, we're done for today," she muses. "I won't test your defenses anymore - I forgot that your leg was hurt." She ponders. "Why don't you just see what kind of... constructs... you can make."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn frowns a little. "Yeah even with the rings help I'm still sore there. Damn gunshot. I'd love to find the assassin that shot me. " She shakes her head. Quietly she starts focusing. Starting simple, She makes a box which she drops down and sits on. "Okay A box is a good starting point. Lets seee." She creates another box and starts manipulating it. Pulling on parts of it, tweaking it and altering the shape until it looks like a canoe.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "How about a chair?" she asks curiously. "I don't keep much furniture in here." She smiles. "How many constructs can you do at once?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
"I dunno. This is the first time I've really done constructs." She makes another square and begins manipulating it. Turning it into a proper chair. She moves it to the floor. "There you go. Try it out." Thats two she as active and she tries something. She focus on a chair as opposed to a box. She forms a quick school style chair which looks rather uncomfy to be honest. Just like the school ones.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods slowly. "I wonder. Can a Green Lantern teach you? Or are they... incompatible?" She ponders, clicking her tongue. "Interesting - I'm sitting on light. And it's relatively comfortable." She studies you.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn shrugs, "I don't know. I mean, from what I've gathered, the difference is in what our power is stemmed from. I think Green Lanterns stem from willpower. Star Sapphires stem from love." She smiles a little. "So if I can do that. Maybe I can do this?" She quickly creates something interesting. A guitar and Amplifier! She picks it up and plays a few notes. "Huh Cool!"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods slowly. "Play something country," she cooooos. "I'll sing along. So... do you like being a ringbearer? Green Lantern said it's an immense responsibility... how does your group think?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles and and begins playing some Patsy Kline. She's actually pretty damn good with the instrument. At the question, she shrugs a little. "Its hard to say. This is the first real time I've spent time using the ring. Its a bit strange to be honest. I know the Bats all warned me about the ring and that it was dangerous. I guess it technically is. I'm starting to understand that a ring is crazy powerful and could do a lot of damage in the wrong hands. I've met Star Sapphire a few times. I think maybe I should seek out the actual Corps and find out what this ring means."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "That would be the advice I'd give you. But if you ever need a protector, a confidant, I'd be honored to serve." She nods slowly. "You have to learn what you're capable of - a weapon is somewhat useless if you do not know its capabilities." She shrugs.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "I am being trained to fight without my ring. Thats who Nightingale is. I am learning from Batwoman so I can actually do things without needing my ring. So if I am ever unable to use it be it, the ring going dead, or if gods forbid, I am not fit for it and it leaves me. So I won't be a victim ya know? But as far as actually using the ring? I'm just getting started with it. I only first put it on a few days ago."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "Well, if you need a supplemental teacher, I'd be happy to oblige." She ponders. "But one that Batman would give that mantle to must be very accomplished." She nods slowly. "I trust his judgemnt."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles, "I am definitely wanting to learn as much as I can. I need to find a job. I mean I love being in the hero game but even heros gotta eat right? I am really smart, valedictorian and everything. Just gotta apply it I guess."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "Well - if you need some money, I can give you a part-time at my flower shop. You're a good kid." She smiles. "Just minimum wage - I can't afford a lot of labor costs but if you like, the offer is open."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn mms, "That combined with Busking, I could make enough to keep living I think." She keeps playing "Crazy" On the guitar. She smiles brightly. "Okay Part time At Sherwood Florist. I am sure I could learn the job and help out as much as I can. Its a start right?" She smiles and nods. "Flowers are cool!" She smiles

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "That they are," she cooos as she starts to sing along to your song, knowing the lyrics - and once more using her mimickry skills to imitate the singer as she smiles, winking at you.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles as she throws in a few little licks to make the tune her own. She just happily plays the song. Its really a passion of hers and it shows. Even her ring glows brighter as she plays. "When would you like me to start?"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance smiles softly as the song winds down. "Let me know your schedule and I'll see what I can manage. It's just part-time you understand."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "I understand. My schedule is pretty open. I just graduated so, I am free of school. I can be here in the mornings if you like. Afternoons may be better. Especially if I am getting my butt kicked at night. I've had more bruises since I started training with Batwoman, than my entire time in school."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance nods. "Oh, and if you ever want to learn more exotic fighting styles, I can help you. I have black belts in a dozen different disciplines. And I've even tried picking up some Amazonian techniques as well."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "I might just take you up on that. I enjoy learning. Its fun for me. Even if the lessons often find me banged up. One thing is certain, As Batwoman said, I'm brave." She laughs, "Impulsive but brave. Its a fun combination as long as I can handle the punishment that goes with it."