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Latest revision as of 01:01, 25 October 2017

Date of Scene: 01 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Joker

Harley Quinn has posed:
One of the things that's constantly on Harley's mind is how to impress Mistah J. Because, if she can constantly impress him, he's bound to love her more. And if she could just get him to love her enough, well, maybe her dream of marrying him would become true! And that would be the best thing ever! They might even use B-man himself for the cake. No need to eat, cutting will do fine. But first, she must impress the Joker, and tha'ts not easily done.

But as she paces around their makeshift home in an abandoned theme park, she suddenly gets a great idea, and comes in rushing to the room where she last knew the Joker was at, "Mistah J! Mistah J!" She shrieks out in excitment, eyes wide open, arms flailing in excitment, "I got a great idea! You'll love it! It has to do with art!"

Joker has posed:
     As Harley comes running into the room shouting her head off there's a sudden explosion as a plume of smoke fills the room. The heavy sickening smell of harsh chemicals fills the air as the smoke billows outwards flowing out in either direction. At the epicenter of the blast stands the chalk white skinned joker in goggles and a now ruined lab-coat, his pine green hair has been blasted up in all directions as he blinks a few times.

     "Harley" He starts with that familiar smile across his face wide enough it would have ripped a normal mans face in twine like that almost of a serpent or the cartoon characters he so heavily resembles. His eyes flutter for a moment, as his hair falls back to normal and he pulls off the goggles. "Could you remind me what I said about running in screaming like that, while I'm working on my Joker Toxin?" His friendly and loving voice calls out as he puts his hands together firm in their place, ash falling from his ruined coat to the ground.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As soon as the explosion takes place, Harley slows down her pace all the way to a freeze, shuddering as some of the smoke clears and she sees the Joker. The clear victim of being distracted at the wrong time, "eeeep!" She squeaks out, her enthusiasm somewhat squashed.

Hearing his words, while noting his expression, she doesn't make an attempt to come any closer. She keeps to a safe distance, as she recites from memory, albeit with a bit of a fearful stutter, "errr...I-I think it was...not to do it? Hehehe....r-right? Sorry! Eeee!"

Joker has posed:
     "That's right isn't it?" Still all bubbly and smiles, as he walks over slightly towards her. He lets out a bit of a light hearted chuckle, allowing his jacket to fall to the ground, revealing back the bright purple suit underneath the coat.

     It's a completely unsettling sort of kind and understanding voice the kind of thing that would be soothing to anyone who didn't know the joker. "So, if you remembered that, then" As he moves closer he just suddenly snaps into a bit of a scream of his own zero to deranged anger with the flip of a switch as he's almost less then an inch from her face. "Why did you still do it!" Pure anger as his smile vanishes replaced by a look of pure unadulterated anger as he smashes a vile hard onto the ground. "I've been working on this new formula far too long to have it ruined because somebody can't remember simple instructions!" He stomps his foot down hard onto the ground crushing a shard of the beaker he'd just smashed.

     And instantly once he's snapped at her he's back to a more calm and collected self, almost happy as he speaks smile creeping back to his face. "So what is it that's so important Harley, you had to run in without knocking first?" As his head tilts to one side hands pushed back together again as he looks her in the eyes his crimson red pupils locking onto hers. "Come on," He urges for a moment. "I'm all ears." The voice of a friendly mentor.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is still quite tense, the Joker is never predictable, but when he gets upset is usually when he's most dangerous. "I didn't do that on purpose, you know that Puddin', don'cha...?" Harley squeaks out her poor attempts to calm his anger. Yeah, she knows him quite well. Someone else might mistake him for being amicable right about now. She knows she's in for it. "Eeeep!" Harley squeaks fearfully as she shifts to a defensive position, putting her arms up and cowering away from the Joker as he moves towards her and screams out of nowhere.

"It's, it's...it's because I had a great idea, Mistah J! I wanted to impress you...but I guess I ruined it, didn't I?" She sniffles, trying to show her remorse for her mistake. "I'll be more careful next time!" She has her hands covering her eyes when the Joker finally calms down a bit, and splitting her fingers so she can peek at him through them, she squeaks hesitantly, "well...I thought about a field trip. To the Art Museum! It's boring, right? Nobody in high school ever wants it...so...w-w-why don't we do one for the community? We can go to the museum and improve all the art! Give'em big ol' shiny Joker smiles! It'll cheer up everyone! At least until we blow up the museum, what do ya say puddin'...? Want to go on a date to the art museum?"

Joker has posed:
     There's a long pause. A very long, almost awkward pause of pure silence from the Joker.

     His motions are quick and fluid like oil being slicked from one side of a container to the other. His motions carry him back over towards the table covered in hazardous chemicals.

     A lone swipe of his hand from one side of the tables surface to the other sends the entire contents flying smashing hard against the wall. Hands slam down hard onto the table either side as he looks down towards the now blank surface for a long moment, eyes wander back and fourth for a moment as it all rolls through his mind.

     Reaching under the table Joker rips a roll of blue paper. Rolling it out with reckless abandon he starts to scribble a map of the art museum quickly taking form from pure memory alone, that time working as Gothams Chief of police has given him all the info he needs to make this work.

     "Harley you've just given me a fantastic idea...." Trailing off as he speaks his first words following that horrific silence. "We're going to paint the town dead."

Harley Quinn has posed:
The longer the pause of awkward silence lasts, the more Harley's fingers part, before she ultimately removes her hands from her face, feeling much safer. Her eyes are locked on the Joker with anticipation, she's starting to feel like she might have actually been on to something!

She looks in awe-inspired silence when the Joker rummages about to sketch the map of the art museum, before jumping for joy and clapping her hands as it somehow all ends on a good note. "Yay! Fantastic ideas are fantastic! And it came with a pun too! Eeee! You're the best Puddin', we'll show'em how true art is done!" Harley points at the door like some kind of pirate captain, feeling quite proud of having sparked an idea as an active participant.

Joker has posed:
     And there's the opening. Despite seeming to be over the whole ordeal and back focused onto the plot at hand. Despite it seeming all water under the bridge the smile falters, and he strikes Harley hard with the back of his hand putting a good deal of force behind the strike as he moves with the speed of a cobra.

     "Next time you have an idea that you just have to share remember who's top billing." As he adjusts the gloved hand looking her right in the eyes. A quick looming presence like a shadow that stretches far, far across the room. It's just a moment of a peak behind the cheerful facade, that look of pure hatred for being upstaged, for being made the butt of a joke.

     Yet right as soon as the moment passes he switches right back to be smiles and cheer. A brisk walk towards the door. "Now, let's go liven up that field trip the best way we can." A light pause as he skips for the door. "Four pounds of c44 should do." He laughs and smiles as if nothing had happened in the first place before shouting out at the top of his lungs through the door. "Sam, get the Joker-mobile fueled up and ready to go, Harley and I are going to go show Gotham some REAL modern art!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Not much to be said here, Harley was fooled, but then she's dressed as the fool, so it makes perfect sense! Puns are fun! Though the backhanded smack was admittedly far less fun. "Ooowww!" She cries and reaches to rub the area that was struck, looking quite crestfallen.

"Yer always top billing, Mistah J! You the king of the clowns, I'm just a clown of a jester, heee," she tries to make a joke with wordplay to appease him, but isn't entirely sure if it would be a hit. Although if she winds up getting hit, at least it would fit with the joke! But it's all soon forgotten when ultimately her idea is accepted, and she gleefully squees while Joker sends orders to Sam, one of the more recent goons in their service. There tends to be quite the turnaround in that job. "Everyone to the art museum, the gallery will be a blast!"