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Latest revision as of 23:52, 25 October 2017

School Reunion and First Meeting
Date of Scene: 06 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rift, Polaris, 34, Forge

Rift has posed:
A girl whose body is glowing dull red with bright red glowing lines visible inside her body (arms, legs, heart, head) is sitting on the ceiling of the foyer, as if it's perfectly normal, reading a comic book. Hey, she isn't all study and no play. The foyer is rather empty at the moment - she often likes to sit here people-watching - few look UP at the ceiling to see what's going on. She wonders who will catch her eyes today.

Polaris has posed:
Trotting down the stairs, Lorna seems a little flustered. She swoops her hair up and twists it into a messy bun with a scrunchy before she pauses. Glancing up, she seems almost relieved it's a person. "Glad to see we're all past the tossing forks in the ceiling thing." She murmurs and leans on the banister lightly. "Are we enjoying ourselves?" She asks the girl on the ceiling.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono's the quiet sort, doesn't like to bother people. When he first got here, he'd requested a room in the basement, fearing that he might lose control of his powers again, and not wanting to put any of the other students in danger. And since then, he's more or less kept to himself; unless he's in classes or out somewhere, he's spent most of his time in his room. Today though, for whatever reason, he's decided to go into the foyer. Maybe he's on his way out? Who knows?

Either way, he stops in the foyer, as if looking around. Hm. Looks near-deserted. Though as Lorna speaks, he looks to her, with a nod of greeting. And then he blinks, as she looks up and addresses someone up there. He looks up as well... and then starts a little, not expecting to see a person sitting on the ceiling. Reflexively he steps back, out from under Kitora.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "Miss Dane," she states as she stands up, still upside down, as she jumps 'down', and in midair spins around to normal orientation and lands on her feet. And when she does, suddenly that eerie red glow fades and you see a normal-looking Japanese girl - but with red hair and red eyes. "I was getting hungry anyway. Shall we go to the cafeteria? It is my favorite room in this school. Though... I'm sure I fill the workers there with dread." Kitora's appetite is legendary - she eats for four.

Polaris has posed:
"Umm, if you can hold off, why don't we take our time?" Lorna suggests to Kitora with out elaborating on Jono's lack of appetite. "Jono, good afternoon. Heading out for some fresh air? Have you met Kitora? She's a senior so I don't imagine you'll have summer classes with her, but she's been a student for some time." She provides, gesturing between the two. "Jono is one of our newest students."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{'Llo, Miss Dane,}} Jono greets simply. It's mental, since... well, yeah. No mouth. But it's not 'aimed' at anyone in particular, despite addressing Lorna. His telepathy doesn't work like that, after all; it's merely 'broadcast', so anyone in the area has the potential of picking it up. Almost like a regular voice, in fact.

And then Lorna's introducting Kitora. {{Don' think we've met before, no,}} he confirms. Then to Kitora he offers, by way of greeting, {{Hi.}}

Forge has posed:
The lean Forge is hopping up the stairs from outside, flanking him are three roombas eaching playing music. He had a request. Who is he to refuse? His specialized Forge roombas once inside dash out in different directions, they're smarter than your average roomba, faster, and work x10 more efficiently and now they also play music. Long dark hair pulled up in to the every fashionable topknot. A olive green tanktop worn showing off robotic right forearm and tatoo sleeves of each supple arm. A pair of goggles hanging around his neck overtop a medicine pouch.
Forge appears in good spirits. It's voices that have him looking up from his wrist 'view screen' on that prosthetic limb. "O. People."
"I mean, hi!" He knew he should have recognized Jono from somewhere. Here it is.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua jumps suddenly at hearing that 'voice' in her head, looking around wildly. She squints at you. "Oh right. I never get used to telepathy... even though Headmaster Xavier uses it sometimes." She nods. "I'm Kitora Alua. Gravity is my domain. but... it makes me so hungry." She grins widely - then sees Forge coming. "Mr. Silvercloud," she muses, nodding to Forge. "I think we were about to go out and get some fresh air before I clean out...." she trails off, thinking. "Before we go for some lunch."

Polaris has posed:
"Forge." Polaris smiles, looking from the roombas to their maker. Turning her attention back to the students she nods to Kitora. "Jono doesn't talk aloud. Should be a welcome relief from some of the motormouths we have here." She adds with a warm chuckle. "Getting on the speedster diet?" She asks the senior, teasing the girl lightly about her increased metabolism.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono looks in Forge's direction when he hears the voice, and greets him with a wave. As for Kitora's not being used to telepathy? He'd smirk if he could, but what of his face is visible does shift toward a smirk-like expression. It's 'audible' in his 'tone' though, when he says, {{Sorry 'bout that, luv. Gotta make do with what we got.}} He nods to Lorna's statement of him not talking aloud, and adds, {{Don' 'ave the parts for it anymore.}} He leaves it at that; any more would be gruesome.

Forge has posed:
Forge looks curiously at Kitora and use of Silvercloud. A name he uses only on legal documentations most the time but its slipped a few times here and there. Aliases, they're easy to forget about and throw around freely, "Hello." He does not know who she is? Should he? Time to take head out the clouds.
A smile is given to all of them. He's tinkering with something so like someone who stands nearby and is focused on a cellphone hes just about the same. Just for a sec.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "Yeah, one should think that I'd get used to voices in my head. But you have to admit, the telepaths around here are VERY discrete." She smiles. "I'll be right back." She suddenly starts glowing red again and rapidly zooms down a hallway - like she's sliding on the ground. She returns with a few chicken strips about a minute later, nodding happily, nomming on one as she stops glowing once she returns to her prior spot. "Let's go outside!" she chirps as she walks to the door.

Polaris has posed:
"Those aren't Roombaing in my room, I'd rather not loose anything on the floor to them." Lorna tells Forge with a good natured smile before watching Kitora zoom down the hall and back. She looks to Jono. "Well, as you can see, our students do learn to use their abilities around others, or at the very least get more comfortable with them. The more destructive class like myself and the Summers' being the latter example."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono seems not to mind Forge's distractedness. Quiet, after all, doesn't necessarily mean 'I don't like you'. Though as Kitora mentions the discretion of the telepaths here, he notes, {{Gotta be. If I had a pound for every time I've 'ad ter tell somebody I can't read their mind, I'd be a bloody millionaire.}} But as she goes zooming down the hallway he reflexively takes a step back. When she returns, he suggests, the snarky mental 'tone' on full display, {{Yer ever thought maybe not usin' your powers so much would offset it a bit?}}

Ignore him, Jono's a Grumpy Gus.

Lorna gets a distinctly uncomfortable look as she mentions using powers around other students. His 'tone' changes again as he speaks, this time being more than a little... ashamed? {{...Yeah, gotta pass on that,}} he offers. {{No need ter explode things around 'ere, an' that's all I do.}}

Forge has posed:
Forge doesn't appear to notice the usage from Kitora. He's very good at tunnel vision. Hearing Polaris, a light chuckle comes free, "Oh no. You're okay, I set it up in blocks they have designated zones I think I... oh shit." Forge goes quiet and checks who is wear. Or which roomba is where. He doesn't say anything further about it. Maybe he forgot to take Polaris' name off the list and she still has his nonupgraded ones doing her room.. At least you just catch them and gut them to find your goodies and lost treasures. A bashful smile is given the green haired beauty and he delivers a helpless shrug. "Think of it as an adventure for later?"
"Or get lucky like me. Powers on all the time and who knows the wiser right?" A brow quirk and sidelong glance at Jono. Poor guy. All psi-energy blasted like that. Can't be easy.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua shrugs. "If you could go flying or zooming along so fast that getting a driver's license seems like a waste of time, wouldn't you? Beside, food is one of my main passions." Then Lorna's words... and she visibly withers. "I didn't always have control..." she murmurs, her cheery mood suddenly clouding over at the memories. "I just hope one day, my parents can forgive me - I still think my dad has that limp... not that I ever have much opportunity to know - the cloesest I get is flying overhead with a pair of binoculars." She just sits on the floor, the chicken strips just held inher hand - she appears to have lost her appetite. She sighs. "Think they'll ever take me back? My parents?"

Polaris has posed:
"Time will tell Kitora. None of us started with control, but your relationship with your parents will take time and work to rebuild it's not impossible." Lorna says soothingly and regards Jono. "As I said, some of us avoid using our powers. Like myself. Too much tech and metal to be constantly active with out ruining things-or people in some cases. It was a while before I could be out and not releasing EMPs when I got emotional." She shares and offers her most reassuring smile to Jono. Forge gets a shake of her head. "If one of those things chokes on a bra I am not apologizing." She warns.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Forge gets a nod. {{Seen a few like that,}} he confirms. He doesn't seem to be bitter about it, so there's that; nobody he's met thus far who has powers has gotten to pick their numbers in the mutations lottery. Not their fault.

He winces a bit at Kitora's words, though. And then offers, {{...Know the feelin' there.}} His words are colored darkly; if depression has a color, it's all over those words. And of course he remembers Gayle. Not that he ever forgot. Just, her words bring up the memory. And the guilt.

He nods at Lorna's words. {{Prob'ly for the best in my case. Not usin' powers, I mean. I can't turn mine off.}} He's still in the phase where he sometimes uses them reflexively when startled badly, after all. Though her warning to Forge, that would get a snort of laughter if he could still do that. And he quips, {{Those bloody things are always causin' trouble for somebody, yeah?}}

Forge has posed:
"Theres a certain pleasure to be had in driving." Forge adds his two cents. "Especially if its something you put together yourself." She spies on her family? "Can't you just text them a hello?"

Forge's hands tuck in to his pockets, leaning forward on the toes of his boots then teetering back, hes paying attention now. "If I find any bras in them I'll know who they belong to but thats also saying you just leave them allover your floor... sounds to me like story time!" A tease from the Cheyenne 'NDN'.

"Part of the fun plus we have a LOT of fur. If not for my little pets imagine the allergy outbreaks! Plus you'd be amazed at what some of you leave on the floor." Laziest janitor ever. He's probably never picked up a broom in his life.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua shrugs. "They block my number - I change it, they block it again - the only way I can keep an eye on them is from afar, without them knowing. But... I have a new family here but it still doesn't hurt any less." She starts nibbling on her chicken strips again as she stands. "Maybe you can make a robot lawnmower too?" she muses to Forge, smiling as she goes out the doors.

Polaris has posed:
"Don't give him more ideas. The whole place would be automated." Lorna rolls her eyes. She looks at Forge and shakes her head. "By me a drink first, though I doubt the story is as exciting as you're hoping." She tells him more quietly as an aside before looking between the students. "You do have a family here Kitora." She agrees and nods to the two of them. "When powers come about in traumatic ways it can take a while to find your peace, but I promise you-from personal experience-you'll get there."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Forge's question of Kitora about her family gets another visible wince from Jono. {{Yeah, I don't... talk ter my folks much, either,}} he offers. He doesn't specify why or say any more about it. But he is NOT saying anything about women leaving bras all over the floor in their rooms. Though regarding the fur, he does note, {{You're not wrong.}}

Though instead of offering solidarity to Kitora again in that whole 'my family hates me' bit, he bring his attention elsewhere. The mention of a robot lawnmower gets a 'smile'. {{That might be dangerous. Spinnin' blades 'n all.}}

Lorna's words get a nod. {{Noticed that, yeah.}} Some of the students, and most of the teachers that he's met, seem to be at least some degree of at peace with their new lives. There's not a lot of use he can offer on that -- he's still in the adjustment phase himself.

Forge has posed:
"It is actually already automated." Forge draws up his forearm and pulls up an app showing Kitora, there it is. Lawn functions, he is a busy bee. So many sleepless nights of just sitting up and playing tinkerer while the rest here slept. Coffee runs through the man's veins not blood.

"You're on, Lorna." Forge says. "I'm from a people who love oral tradition, I'm sure we can exaggerate it up in to something better than... I'm lazy, I just toss my clothes allover like a slob." He is ribbing her now. Actually stepping away to stand with Jono between them.

Forge is leaving encouragement to them. They're better suited. He's a techhound, a logocal thinker and rarely a sympathetic sort beyond a few encouraging words and a pat on the back. He never had parents so really cannot sympathize in any of this either.

"It is the worst." He adds with Jono in regards to the fur.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly as she just looks around. She smiles. "It's so pretty here... I love all these tall trees to climb." She smiles. "So... what should we do, Jono? Where do you want to go first?" she asks. "I think the pool's about ready for the summer."

Polaris has posed:
"It's warm enough. The others were using it." Lorna tells Kitora and looks to Jono. "It's nice to cool your feet now and again." She suggests, mindful of his shyness. Her green eyes flick to Forge with much less mercy. "Scared of me?" She wonders teasingly and beckons, giving his metal a light tug. "I promise to play nice, no need to stand behind Jono."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Sadly, with Forge electing not to offer encouragement, that leaves the job squarely with Lorna. However, he does comment on the fur. {{Yer got the pool covered, I 'ope?}} Because getting fur out of a pool is a HUGE pain.

Jono actually looks a little surprised at Kitora asks him that question. He looks in her direction and blinks, confused. The mention of the pool gets a shake of his head. {{No thank yer. In my case not 'avin' a 'beach body' is a little more than just 'avin' a few extra pounds.}} Again, trying to spare Kitora the horror of why exactly he doesn't want to get in water.

He nods to Lorna's suggestion. {{I'll think about that.}} As for standing behind him? {{I'm a poor shield, sorry.}} Though he at least sounds amused.

Forge has posed:
A lot of Forge is composites, varying ones and ionized metal where his cybernetics are concerned. Lorna's tug makes him wince as his hand, several implants, thighs and an entire leg quake in response to her mutant gift. Not in a good way either. "Yeah... lets not do that." He says unsteadily, "This is why I designed micro-magnetic-pulsers... " People like Lorna and that /other/ guy. Temporay solution only and limited in number.

"Pool? Sure. If we're all going I don't see why not."

Responding to Jono, "Oh yes. Routine scrubber pods in there. It is pristine. Plus the water is extra filtered, cholorine cannot even be tasted, I mean it is of course still there..."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods as she decides to just walk along, inhaling the rest of her chicken strips. "It's almost weird, just walking." She smiles. "I can take us all there in a jiffy if you like - or... the scenic route is fine too, I guess..."

Polaris has posed:
"Scenic route is fine." Polaris says warmly and looks to Forge. "Sorry. I won't yank you around. You're very interesting. But not-like Logan or Colossus. Won't be hoisting you into the air or around in a fight." She murmurs and slips her hands into her pockets. "I would worry, if my father ever decides to give up ruling and go back to terrorism. But then, I'm here now, so there's the buffer."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono seems content on heading to the pool, at least, if that's the consensus. He looks a little worried at Forge's seeming upset, but he doesn't ask. He just turns his attention to the mention of the maintenance. {{Sounds like yer got everything in 'and there.}} Though he does visibly wince at Kitora's suggestion. {{That's... prob'ly a bad idea.}} He doesn't want to get startled and explode. That would be bad for everybody involved. So he nods in agreement with Lorna's mention of the 'scenic route'. Though he blinks a little, more than a little surprised at that very casual mention of 'oh by the way, my dad's a terrorist' from Lorna. {{Er... right.}} Because what does one say in response to that?

Forge has posed:
Forge is more uncomfortable with the magnetic pulls than actually upset. To him it feels like unwilling movement, sudden lose of control as Lorna directs various parts so easily. It's a reminder of how much of him is no longer 'organic' and a slap of some memory attached.
An uneasy chuckle, "Always failsafes." He likes to pretend thats the case but they're extremely powerful.

Forge follows along, he is still smiling. "Yank me around she says... it's okay Lorna. I imagine its like pushing a big shiny red button. It says no but its hard to resist. " It's a flex of power. its why so many fear mutants.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "I can take you all with me - I've been practicing my stasis fields." She smiles. "I've lifted two cars with my field. I put them back of course." She hmmmmms happily. "Ah, there's the pool," she coooos as she moves over there. "I didn't bring my swimsuit though... oh well."

Polaris has posed:
"It would take you two seconds." Lorna points out to Kitora and looks to Forge with a shrug. "It's very hard to stay reigned in all the time when the Earth is my battery. It's a lot of energy constantly moving through like a circuit, and you feel..." She considers a way to describe it "More present to my senses the way you are." She glances at Jono as she slides of her shoes and sets about rolling up her jeans. "In case the Electromagnetickinesis didn't clue you in, my father is Magneto. He's mostly busy ruling his country these days. You didn't think Rogue refers to me as Princess for shits and giggles? I mean, it is largely to be a terror, but that's what friends are for."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono keeps mostly silent as they walk out to the pool. Though Kitora's offer gets a shake of his head. {{Me powers go outta control when I feel strong emotions. An' I can't see randomly blastin' through the air at bloody Ludicrous Speed NOT evokin' 'strong emotions'.}} He also considers Lorna's description of her powers, and gives a thoughtful look. Though before he can think much about it, she namedrops! And that's a pretty BIG name to be dropping! {{Oh. Right, er... sorry.}} he offers.

Forge has posed:
Figures walking sounds like the best option and does so. Forge is quiet but still present, checking his systems real quick to make sure everything is all clear while they walk. More tap tap tap typing. They're all incredibly powerful, he is more on the side of a passive power. He could likely create something reality altering but it would take time, resources... not just a fingersnap of destruction and calamity.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua glances over at Forge. "Question... do you have anything that can sense gravitational fields?" she asks. "I'd love for some external scientific analyis of what I can do. How much I can do..." She smiles. "If you think that's possible - yous eem to be able to build anything..." She moves towards the pool, hmmmming softly as she moves to the water's edge, and just lays down on a lounge chair by it.

Polaris has posed:
Sitting, Lorna slips her feet into the water and smiles at the group. "Don't be sorry Jono. I love my dad, I can seperate the man he is with me from the things he's done. Doesn't mean I don't hold him accountable, but I can still have a relationship with him."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Upon reashing the pool, Jono sits down near the edge of the pool. Tailor-style, mind, and leaves his shoes on. Thusly, he's not dangling his feet in the pool. He sits, leaning forward and propping his elbows on his knees. He nods to Lorna's assurances. {{You're a better person than I,}} he admits. {{Dunno if I could manage it. Though I don't expect people ter be able t'do that for me either... so I s'pose it's just as well.}}

Forge has posed:
"Of course! That is quite easy actually." Forge says with a spark of excitement. They reach the pool and he kneels down and starts rolling up his pantlegs, drawing them up over his knees, the left one is still flesh the right is like the hand. More cybernetics. Entirely. He would have just undressed down to boxer-briefs but Lorna and Jono look less than eager for the pool. He may as well do the when in Rome thing.

"Family is important. WE're allowed to give them leway. Within reason... " He is not going to press further on that where Lorna is concerned. Magneto is a big shadow.

Lowering down his legs go in to the pool.

"Toldja, pristine."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles faintly. "If you get those gravity sensors ready - I'm ready. I can lift ten tons and fly at 500 MPH - so... I'd love to know just how much I'm warping the fabric of reality." She then squeaks as her cellphone sounds. "Oh my, that movie I wanted to see is about to start." She salutes as she starts glowing red with her powered aura - then gestures as a red line of light forms before her, and tears open into a small portal, showing the outskirts of a parking lot. She steps through, and waves to everyone. "Oh, Jono, maybe we can hang out sometime!" And then the portal seals shut.

Polaris has posed:
"I'm walking a thin line with him, but as he's the only parent I haven't killed?" Lorna shrugs softly and watches Kitora as she makes to go. Looking back at the boys she leans on her elbows lightly.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods to Forge's mention of giving family leeway. {{I s'pose if your own blood can't forgive yer, no one can.}} Then he winces when he remembers Kitora's parents. Way to go, Jono. That must be a unique skill, being able to insert your foot in your mouth when you don't even HAVE one. But he does look to the pool at the mention. {{Oh, I don' doubt it,}} he assures Forge. {{I just don't know what water would do ter me insides. I'm all hollow.}} He lightly slaps his chest with a hand. It doesn't sound like someone hitting flesh. And the shirt deforms oddly, like there's nothing under it where he hits.

Kitora's departure gets a bit of a wince; he hopes it wasn't anything he said. Nonetheless, he nods. {{Take care,}} he offers, as she leaves via the portal. He's a little too worried that he stuck his foot in it to be amazed at her powers, just for the moment. And then he blinks at Lorna mentions having killed a parent. This time he's completely silent on it. Because yeah, he has no idea what to say. He doesn't want to ask about it, because he doesn't want to bring up bad memories. He's kind of already stuck his foot in it once!

Forge has posed:
@emit Warping the fabric of reality? "Me too actually!" Forge once again has a bit of excitement rise up. "I've got a project making compression bags for another student but this sounds like a blast. Find me sometime." That terminator hand lifts and waves as she departs. Once shes gone he looks at Polaris and Jono, "Shes nice."

Forge has no clue if hes been insensitive in this or not. He's not the best or most empathic in those regards, it could be part PTSD. The parents being killed, the loss of them, maybe hes just avoiding it so he doesn't offend. A club footed approach in grace for manners... that would be Forge right now.
Curiously Forge looks over at Juno and the lack of proper sound from the chest tap. "Intriguing."

Polaris has posed:
"She's a good kid. It's hard to see people graduate and move on. Worst part of being a teacher." Lorna smides to the boys and slides to her feet, picking up her shoes. "I'll see you fellas later."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
For what it's worth, Jono does nod to Forge's words of Kitora. {{Seems like it.}} He also further explains, regarding the odd sound, {{Ended up... sorta...}} He doesn't quite know how to explain it, so he makes a gesture at his chest with one hand that indicates an explosion. {{Hard ter explain.}} Then Lorna seems to be about ready to go too. He nods, offering to her as well, {{Take care, Miss Dane.}}

Forge has posed:
Forge waves two fingers as Lorna departs. "You as well." He likewise stands up, "Lets talk another time, Jono. I been up since the sun rose. I need coffee and to go lay my head down for a little while. I enjoyed the lil hang though." Barefoot and bare'botfooted he treks off. Opposite direction of the mansion for whatever reason. Only pausing long enough to collect his sandals.