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Latest revision as of 00:51, 26 October 2017

Farenheit 451
Date of Scene: 09 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Corusca, Ravenna Levesque

Corusca has posed:
    Bryant Park outside of the New York Public Library is a place many New Yorkers go for a plethora of reasons. After dark, however, the steady stream becomes a trickle. Even a library as large as thsi one has closing hours, however, and as those recently ticked away.. that trickle has become a drip. Thankfully, the area is not so winding as Central Park and inviting to predation. This does not make it immune, however, and there is one figure sitting at the chess tables by herself that sticks out like a sore thumb. She's a well dressed golden-blonde socialite reading a book on ley lines. The dichotomy would be lost on anyone that doesn't know what a ley line is but there it is. She reads, oblivious to any apparent danger, and nudges a pawn into play as though partaking in a game with a nonexistent partner.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
There are many things someone can be doing in a park outside of a library, but Ravenna has decided that now is the best time in the world to walk her cat. The cat is following the blond, only pausing occasionally to sniff the air and investigate random things on the ground, though it does not look at all happy to be on the leash. Ravenna has a satchel over her shoulder and seems to be scanning the area, as if she's waiting to meet someone. Looking down at the cat, she sighs and addresses him. "Well I am sorry that the city believes you are a dangerous creature and must be shackled." She pauses as if actually listening to a response. "I could have left you back at the apartment and you wouldn't of had any fun tonight." Her accent is a thick Quebecer accent, though it shows that she has lately been speaking more English than French. The cat makes a grumbly meow and she sighs. The black and white cat slowly walks over to Miranda and sniffs at her shoe. "I will pick you up if you don't stop that. I'm so sorry, he has a mind of his own."

Corusca has posed:
    The woman reading pauses then looks to her right.. then down. She speaks in Icelandic but with a commanding tone. "Curiosity has killed many a cat and you are looking to lose a life." The book is set down and she rises to her feet. She's not an overtall woman but somehow that doesn't seem to matter for her presence belies her femininity. "Good evening." Her words are measured as she regards Ravenna. "Please rein in your companion. I am not fond of being sniffed. It is rude and.. often an act of hostility." There is an arch to a delicate brow then as she looks Ravenna over in a measuring way.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna Levesque blinks as she is spoken to, or the cat is in a language she doesn't understand. Still when the woman stands and makes her request, Ravenna raises a brow, but slowly leans over to pick up the cat. "Again, I apologize, but he is just a creature, he doesn't understand the meaning of the word Rude." She's tried explaining it to him, but he still insists on washing himself in front of guests. "I meant no hostility behind it, I'm just trying to tire him out so he doesn't keep me up all night."

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda gives the cat a near scolding regard.. she is quick to tear her attention away to Ravenna then and look the other woman over. "I see." Skepticism. "You'll forgive me if I find your explanation lacking. But then I'm not very trusting of wizards and their ilk. I presume you are such. Your cat.. gives you away." Which is to say anyone with magical senses likely can feel the power coursing through Miranda in a very palpable way even if the source of that power is undetermined. It is.. primordial.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna Levesque blinks several times as she is outed, than looks at the cat. "You're really becoming a pain in the ass." Still she holds the cat, even if it looks like he does not want to be held. Still it's better than offending people. "Though whether or not you believe, he does clean himself in front of others, it's rather rude. Though I'm not technically a wizard. I think you have to be super old with a long beard to get that title. I am a healer however, that does not have a beard length requirement." She says with a nod, as if there is a book somewhere with required beard lengths for wizards.

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda still doesn't seem convinced. "You'll forgive me if I'm not terribly trusting of wizardly types. Witches. Whatever. Though I suppose healers are less.. cuplable.. than others where it comes to world domination, empire building, and similar megalomania." She sniffs once then gives the cat the eye. "So what brings you to New York? It's not exactly what I would call a bastion of mystical power.. though.." Now she looks off in a direction but only briefly. One eye seems to want to keep Ravenna in view at all times.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"I'd be weary if you were to trust me with out even knowing my name." Ravenna says with a shrug as she shifts the cat around in her arms, who is still trying to spring free. Looking around the city herself, she apparently doesn't see whatever Miranda must have seen. "I got bit by the acting bug in high school. You know how it goes, you fill your head with ideas, than you move here and it's nothing like you thought it would be. Needless to say I pay the bills by waiting tables, not acting. I don't know why I stay, perhaps it's a ponit of pride more than anything.

Corusca has posed:
    "I see." Miranda allows s she finally turns her full attention back to Ravenna. "That doesn't explain how you managed to get involved with the arcane arts." She gives a not indelicate point of a finger to the cat. "Actresses aren't exactly known for their ability to summon forces beyond what many would call the surreal." She offers a faint laugh that could be called a snort were it not unladylike. "I apologize. I'm being rude. I was born to the arts and magic so I.. well.." There's a shrug. "I won't burden you with my problems and simply return to my curiosity. What brought you into the ars magica?"

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"That came first." Ravenna says with a shrug. "Magic runs in my family, so I've had more study with that than I have anything else. Acting was just a way to get out on my own and take control of my own life." She's not has the easiest time with that, but that's not something she's going to offer up just yet. "Unforunately, fate has other plans for me and I can do nothing but bend to it's whims." Hearing that she too was born into magic, she smiles, though her next words are slighly confusing. Still she shrugs. "Like I said, most everyone in my family can use some sort of magic, so we teach it among ourselves."

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda ahhs. "Magic does have a way of.. influencing lives.. it is true." Whatever her skepticism or dislike of Ravenna seems to be softening if only slightly. "But I would be cautious as to how much one bends to fate. Call me.. fiercely independent that way but I've found that fate is simply another term for doing what someone else wants you to do without realizing that they're pulling your strings. I cut strings on a regular basis." She smiles. "So is everyone in your family a healer then? Or do you have storm wizards and dragonslayers in your linneage as well?"

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"Indeed it does." Though on Miranda's musings on Fate, she frowns. "I suppose I didn't see it that way before." With a shrug she ruffles the cat. "Fate obviously sent him to me, and I'm really not sure if that was a blessing or a curse." She ruffles the cat's ears before she shakes her head. "There are one or two other healers in my family, and I have some skill in elemental magic. It almost seems random what we end up with, as if someone were rolling dice when we were born. I can learn other magics, but healing and earth magic are what come naturally to me. My brother is excellent with wards and sheields. Though I haven't read about any dragon slayers in my family, I'd be insanely jealous if I had.

Corusca has posed:
    Ravenna's last statement draws a laugh. It isn't an amused one so much as one laced with irony. "Of course you would." She offers a little sigh and picks up her book from the chess table. "Remember this. Murder is murder. Who you kill is just window dressing. Why you kill is how you will be judged." There's a glance to the cat. "Be glad you are a healer. War is brutal. Killing is hard on the soul. And conflict.. is often caused by misguided reasons, ignorance and bigotry." There's a moment of silence as she muses upon something then she turns a smile on Ravenna. "Perhaps we will meet again. Perhaps not. Until that day comes to pass, be safe, be wise and always.. remain a healer. Do not think of it as a curse but a blessing that this is where your gifts lie. Were all witches and wizards of your ilk, the world would be a better place." She tips her chin to Ravenna then and turns to begin walking into the night.