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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/11 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=107, 115, 282, 735 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:107|Thor (107...")
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Latest revision as of 01:32, 26 October 2017

Date of Scene: 11 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Sif, Juggernaut, Lucifer

Thor has posed:
With Sif, he walks out of Dominos. Thor has actually managed to get some normal clothes so he is not in his armor today - but instead he's in a t-shirt and jeans. Of course, t-shirts and he don't always get along so he's careful with his movements, but he looks to Sif. "I am telling you, I've been told that if pizza had an armpit, this would be like eating the armpit. But I am convinced that amongst many of Midgard's creations, pizza may be the best." He's got a half eaten last slice in one hand and looking like a tourist, his other hand has a drink with a straw that he brings to his lips. Fortunately, his Asgardian metabolism is good enough that the pizza doesnt' go straight to his hips.

Sif has posed:
Thor dresses in Midgardian clothes. Sif, on the other hand still refuses to which means she ealks at Thor's side in leathers and armor and wrapon on jet hip.

"It smells foul... And is dripping enough oil to fill three lanterns. How can you eat that?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    A ew blocks away, several teenagers attempt to enter a corner convienence store only to find the entry way suddenly blockd and completely filled up by a massive wall of flesh and casual custom fitted clothes. They gape, stepping back hurriedly as the immense figure ducks down, angling his hulking body down and to the side and fitting through the double doors of the store lwith the sort of skill and deftness one imagines is used by a troupe of clowns all attempting to pile in and out of a car much to small for them. The very ground seems to rumble from the giants foot steps but he eventually makes it, towering up to his full height once he does so. Cain Marko is now on the scene.

    Even without invoking the full visual manifestation of The Juggernaut, he has more in common with a wrecking ball then he does a normal man. His physique strains his tee shirt to the near ripping point, swelling with a build that would cast shadow over The Hulk. An image of Godzilla plastered on it and his jeans and straining at the scenes to contain the main. Ice blue eyes peer boredly and boorishly at the streets, seemingly oblivious or uncaring of any stares, gasps or wide berths that are given him. He..stands out a bit, yeah.

Lucifer has posed:
The mobile, rolling mass of mountainous muscle is a handy distraction from the man walking ahead of him. Which is the whole point of some muscle, after all-- be so big and scary no one even /thinks/ about messing with the guy with a bodyguard built like a bulldozer.

He's not headed for Domino's, but rather the little mobile hot dog stand right across from it. It happens to be one of the best rolling brat stands in New York, and a well-known local spot. The suit he's wearing probably costs more than most cars, but his posture is surprisingly mellow and even considerate of the people around him. No bulling down the sidewalk and shoving people aside by dint of personal presence. He even waits patiently in line, with the low rumble of Juggernaut idling behind him.

Thor and Sif get a flickering look, and the fellow digs in his pocket for a wallet. "Bratwurst, spread the garden on it," he requests of the vendor. His short hair, curling and mussy, dances against his brow as he counts out some change for the man.

"Marko, care for a snack?" he asks. "You should probably eat /something/, instead of just standing there looming like a henge."

Thor has posed:
The problem with Thor....is that there's a noted lack of that thing called a filter. So as Lucifer gets towrads the bratwurst truck that's right there near Dominos, Thor tosses away the rest of the pizza into the trash can and starts to head towards the Brats. He hadn't seen them on the way in but the walking wall of....wallness gets his attention and when the other man starts talking to him, well, now Thor has a reason to wonder about what sort of food this place could have.

"Should eat something? It looks like the big man here ate all the somethings already!" Thor grins. See, he made a funny. Of course, this isn't Asgard and he doesn't know Juggernaut from anywhere else, so...filter. But it's possible he'll learn that lesson soon enough.

Sif has posed:
Thor trashes the pizza and Sif's eyes widen. "Odin's beard, Thor! Why did you buy it if you weren't going to eat it?"

Icy blue eyes follow the Thunderer's direction as Sif starts forward again. "Really?" Falling in at his side, the Goddess shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Are you planning on trying to outdo Volstagg or something, love?"

But then Thor opens his mouth and inserts his foot. Up to his knee. And Sif's eyes slide closed, she inhales and then shales her head. "Thor..."

Eyes open and one hand falls lazily to the hilt of her sword while she casually links her other arm around one of the God's. It may look like nothing but for those trained to see it, Sif is preparing for a fight if it becomes necessary.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Marko and..uh..Lucifer! What a pair. The particulars of how -those- negotations went down are probably pretty crazy and out there and best left up to the imagination. Needless to say, whatever was worked out was to the huge mans liking as he peers down towards Lucifer and then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a set if shades to pop onto the bridge of his flattened wide nose.

"Sure boss." he begins to rumble, bass voice shaking the pits of the stomachs of onlookers. Naturally that's when Thor interjects and Cain lifts his gaze up to take note of goldilocks and Sif for the first time. He blinks a few times in surprise but then rumbles a deep displeased rumble that actually rattles the very air and shakes the hot dog stand as it emits from the depths of his vast chest. Apparently someone didn't find that funny.

Lucifer has posed:
"/Two/ bratwursts, my goodman," Lucifer tells the vendor. He turns and looks at Thor, then at Sif, then at Thor again, then looks back at Juggernaut. He shares a shrug with the mountain of a man, clearly not getting the humor, either.

"Maybe get a third one ready for the fellow here, I'm sure his wife's hoping to find something to stick in his craw," Lucifer adds, peeling a few more bills from his fold and paying for the meal. "Oh, and a large soda."

He glances at his timepiece-- an expensive, handmade piece of clockwork art-- and regards Sif more closely, noting the sword hand ready to go.

"No need for that, your ladyship," he tells her, smiling affably and brushing his blonde curls back from his brow. "My ... fellow here is playing the soul of restraint, I assure you."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson looks at Sif as well when she puts her hand on the sword, and he just shakes his head. "It's fine," he says, a big wide Thor-like smile full of perfect white teeth that someone probably someday is goign to really want to knock out. "Sorry big man, you just...remind me of a friend. Of course, in retrospect he probably wouldn't have found that funny. Well...he actually doesn't find anything funny. Not really..." he says, and gets derailed for a moment before Lucifer is suddenly buying him a Bratwurst. "Well thank you. That's not necessary but...." and he looks to Sif. "See, what did I tell you? Nothing but friendliness abounds. You really need to stop going out like you're one mis-step shy of being attacked." Of course, she doesn't wear the armour for if she's attacked, it's for if he's attack. And it's probably not HER missteps taht will get her in trouble but his. But...someone would have to walk him through all that and there are only so many hours in the day.

Juggernaut has posed:
    As the Odinson explains himself, Marko squints his eyes and just sort of stares bleakly at him from behind his dark glasses. HIs broad lips curl into a slight sneer and annoyance bubbles up in his demeanor like water in a pan on a hot stove.

However, something said does attract his attention and he peers at Thor and then at Sif once more before finally shrugging and lifting the bratwurst towards his mouth. "Who do I remind you of?" he asks. "..I'm kind of..one of a kind.." He slowly takes a large bite of the bratwurst..soehow managing to make eating a hot dog look huge an intimidating to most nearby nnlookers. It's a skill.

Sif has posed:
That rumble and there's a tightening of Sif's hand on Thor's arm as well as her sword.

It's Lucifer's words of why Thor needs food that males the corners of her lips twitch. The assurance that the very large man behind Lucifer is behaving has her relaxing only slightly.

Even wjen Thor speaks, she doesn't let her eyes linger on him too long, still aware of tje possible threat.

"Of course, my Prince. Silly of me to worry that I may make a misstep and offend..."

Suddenly, Juggernaut once more has her undivided attention. "A dear friend of ours. Volstagg."

And then she frowns at Thot. "And he has a wonderful sense of humor..." Some times...

Lucifer has posed:
"Peace, Marko, peace," Lucifer tells Cain, smiling up at the fellow. There is something absolutely radiant about his expression, and everyone within a few yards can feel it. Like a whiff of a sun-dreched meadow.

"I'm sure no offense was intended. Our jocular new friends here," he remarks, taking a bite of his brat, "are clearly new to the area." He chews thoughtfully, regarding Sif and Thor.

"You're the Asgardians, aren't you? Prince Thor? And the Shield-Maiden, Sif?" he inquires, congenially. "A long way from Asgard, aren't you?"

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson inclines his head towards Sif, "Who she said," says Thor with a smile as he looks up at Juggernaut. He's fought big guys before though something about Juggernaut is definitely, well, Thor would never show he was intimidated but it's not too often that he has to look that much up and also keep that much of his peripheral vision to keep an eye on someone. "Though I was more thinking the big green guy," he says while turning to Sif for confirmation, and then back to the others.

"Still though, sorry if I did offend thee. I assume you're a warrior of some sort....or by the nine realms you should be! But...that alone would merit respect so...I humbly offer my apologies if I did offend with my quip. I do like to talk...." but then Lucifer is asking questions of course and as the buyer of delicious street-side fare, he too should be addressed! "You're correct. Though most people seem to think I'm just some sort of...what's the word? Cause player?" He purses his lips, thoughtfully, but answers on. "The city calls one back now and again. There's a lot here to enjoy. It's like a vacation from paradise to a much more crowded...not quite...paradise but I like it anyway?"

Sif has posed:
Mention ofbthe Avengers earns a tight smile. "I lile Volstagg more."

There's a small bow towards Lucifer, her hamd slipping from her sword even if her other stays firmly wrapped around Thor.

"We are. As you said, however, I am his Shield..." Which means she goes where he does. Normally.

A look is shifted between Lucifer and Juggernaut. "I fear you have us at a bit of a disadvantage, however... You know us and yet...."

Juggernaut has posed:
    In truth, Juggernaut was calming down when Luciver spoke to him so the added sense of peace being brought to the scene merely accelerates it somewhat. He eyes Sif first but has no idea who this Volstagg is - though ironically Cain is..actually -perhaps -bigger- then Volstagg and also isn't shaped like a pear but instead has more in common with a bodybuilders version of rough hewn block of stone. He shoves the rest of his bratwurst into his mouth, pushing it in with a single finger and chewing loudly as he hears Thor. He then forms an 'o' shape with his mouth as he hears the term 'big green guy'.

"Yeah..I fought 'im." he lets casually slip out there. Saying it with about as much weight as 'Yeah I went bowling once.' Deliberately leaving the rest unsaid for the moment.

To the rest he adds, "And yeah I do a little muscle work here and there. Like..right now. For him." he nods towards Luciver.

Lucifer has posed:
"Paradise?" Lucifer asks, wrinkling his nose a little and looking around. "I don't know if I'd go that far. It smells terrible and the only really redeeming thing about this city is the diversity of the food," he remarks, chewing happily. With a meticulous air he wipes his fingers clean and tosses the waste into a bin, pushing his hands into his trouser pockets.

"Marko's a good lad," the blonde fellow says. "Works hard, spends money like a sailor on shore leave. A bit on the blunt side, but that's the sort of thing you want in a bodyguard," Lucifer says. "I'm the manager over at Club Lux. You two should come by sometime," he says, eyes glittering momentarily. "It might just be the distraction you're looking for."

For some reason when he says this, he looks at Sif. And it's very difficult for anyone but Sif to notice that something in Lucifer's tone is... almost /baiting/ her.

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson nods. "Well...it is good you found your true calling then. And I suppose we can't complain about you protecting the purchaser of fine processed.....something," says Thor, still keeping thigns light hearted even though he's getting the feeling that he may not be in his element any more. "Well then...a club might do us some good. I've heard about them but haven't really checked any out. I've heard a lot about the one up the street here," he offers. "Not all....good and then some downright hard to believe but sure. A little trip would be worth the visit."

And so he looks to Sif...."Have you had enough worrying if I'm going to do anything to make this very large man here who fought our friend and stood to tell the tale do something that's going to break me into itty bitty bits? Shall we head on to house hunting?" Ahh yes, domesticated Thor. It probably sounds a lot like he'd much rather fight Marco than go house hunting cause...the whole worthy opponent thing. But...alas.

Sif has posed:
What happens next is something Thor would likely recognize as Sif's temper starting to flare as she catches Lucifer's eyes. Her own eye color lightens, stance starting to shift into a relaxed position that would enable hernto attack or defend.

The smile she gives is forced and tight. "Perhaps," is the offered reply, a bit of a growl to her voice.

Thor's question has her tearing her eyes from Marko and Lucifer to look up at him. A heartbeat and then she nods. "A good idea, I think..."

Juggernaut has posed:
    The tension that enters the air courtesy of Sif's and Lucifer's exchange doesn't go unnoticed by the giant man and so Cain Marko flickers his gaze to them, looking first to Sif and then to Luciver again. He tightens and tenses up ever so slightly himself, though it's more visible given that his body is basically a bill board for announcing his own movements.

Lucifer has posed:
"Well then. I look forward to seeing you there," Lucifer says. And then just like that, the tension's gone, and turns around to Marko. "Come along, my good man, we best get back to it. Time waits not for the virtuous or the wicked." He tilts an imaginary cap to Sif and Thor. "Sirrah. Lady. A pleasure," he assures them-- and he walks back down the street the way he came, whistling a jaunty tune that carries over the din and crash of traffic and city noises.