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A Scoop for Lunch
Date of Scene: 12 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Miranda tried hard not to draw attention, Lois's story radar was pinging, and Clark missed all excitement again. Or it's not like Lois got the name of a man who died in WW2 Europe. Lois, wth are you investigating this time? You
Cast of Characters: Corusca, Superman, Lois Lane

Corusca has posed:
Metropolis has its fair share of rooftop opulence. On a beautiful night like this one with no clouds in sight and the light polution making stars an impossibility.. there may be no great incentive to enjoy one either unless you're stupid rich and elitist. Miranda is the former.. but perhaps not the latter. Which may explain why she chose a quiet corner bistro with streetside seating for her evening repast. She's sitting alone and dressed in a sleek black number with a scooped neckline. One would have thought she was dressed up for a date but for the book which seems to be occupying the focus of her attention. A coffee is sitting on her table, largely ignored yet still steaming. A page turns. For the curious, the book appears to be a copy of the Rubaiyat.

Superman has posed:
Lunch time. Fine. A late lunch, because Lois. But at least it's so so long after lunch time that it should technically be called early dinner, because Clark. He had to almost draw her out because work, but he knows she's not solar powered like she is and he was still a litte mother-hen-esque from her weekend. Details to be avoided. Clark doesn't want to revisit that for the moment.

Having finally gotten her away from the computer and then the office, grabbing something from a food stand by the Planet was NOT an option and so Clark lead the way several blocks over to a nice streetside bistro.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I said I'm not hungry, Kent. Leave me alone."

That's pretty much everything Lois said to Clark as he attempted to pull her away from her desk and her computer. It's only with that nagging (yes, it's called nagging), that Lois will offer a mutter of a grumble. "Fine fine. Let me save what I'm working on." And just like that, Lois is saving the article she's working upon. When she stretches up from her chair she'll automatically glance towards the clock. A faint look of surprise might be seen from the reporter for the lateness, but that's about it. Her purse will be snagged and then the two are out the door.

It's only as they walk within the little streetside bistro that Lois will /finally/ allow, "I suppose I could eat something." Once inside Lois' gaze will automatically swivel around the room, taking in everything and everyone she sees. The typical crowd is seen at first glance, but with a second look, Lois will start to pick out the people who strike her as interesting. Eventually her attention will focus upon that quiet table within the corner, where Miranda sits. Head canting to the side the Daily Planet reporter murmurs. "Huh."

It's a sound Clark has likely heard before; a noise that says that Lois may not be sure what she's looking at, but something is there.

Corusca has posed:
    Indeed, Lois may not be sure what she's looking at. Rare were the photos taken of Elizabeth Madsen and there was, perhaps, one taken of a sunglass wearing teen as she got out of a car and headed into the law offices of Scheister and Scheister to sign for her inheritance. The resemblance is uncanny. The way the waiter attends to her.. well.. clearly /he/ has no idea who he's talking to. There's not a lick of jewellry upon her save for a small antique locket at her neck dangling from a thin chain of no real worth. She dresses well, has a perfect tan, and luxurious golden blonde hair that she probably doesn't even have to style. Oddly, she doesn't carry herself like someone who primps about it. "I'll have the filet, rare, with the asparagus. And.. can you do a cauliflower mash instead of the rice? Thank you." Carb free. At least there is that sacrifice to produce her figure. There's a glance at the entrance then Miranda returns her attention to her book.

Superman has posed:
"Huh? No Huh. Lois, we're here to eat," Clark says, because he's heard that sound. That sound means a few things, only rarely bullets and explosions but almost always it's Lois not eating.

But just to be safe, Clark takes a quick moment to scan the place over the frames on his glasses, 'cheating' as it were. Not guns? No bombs? Good good.

Lois Lane has posed:
"/Kent/." Says Lois, her tone still likely telling Clark that her attention is completely off track for food and on track for something else. A scoop. Her instincts are just buzzing away now. "Doesn't she look familiar?" Asks the Ace Reporter, as she subtly moves her gaze back to Miranda. "There's just something there -"

That's the second part of Lois' murmur, but soon enough her thoughts are interrupted when the Bistro's hostess arrives. "Two?" Says the young woman as she offers Lois and Clark a smile. And while Lois typically doesn't /care/ where they sit, the black-haired reporter immediately says to the hostess, "Yes, please. And if it isn't too much trouble could you find a table in a quieter part of the restaurant?" And to make it look good, like perhaps the two are on a /date/, Lois will move to place hand upon Clark's arm even as she adds, "Maybe over there?" The Reporter's head will tilt in the general direction of Miranda's table.

Corusca has posed:
    How in the name of all that is holy can Miranda hear Lois? Well... for reasons that Miranda doesn't want public. Even before the pair begin walking her way, Miranda brings an elbow to set on her table and casually rests her cheek upon her hand.. to support her face as she reads.. yeah.. that's it. It has nothing to do with trying conceal her identity. At all. She's just a customer. Enjoying esoteric Persian poetry written in the original Farsi.. because everyone reads old dead languages. Her finger traces the lines of the page like she's using it as a running guide for her place on the page. It's all about the focus. "More coffee?"

    Miranda about jumped out of her seat she was so focused on being anonymous. "What?" She looks dumbfounded up at the waiter.

    "Your coffee's gone cold, ma'am. I could get you a fresh?" The college age waiter is no doubt fawning upon his attractive customer and is making her look up from her carefully enacted coverup.

    "What?" Miranda takes a moment, looks to her no longer steaming coffee. "Yes. Sure. Fine. Thank you." There's a dismissive hand at the coffee she'd clearly forgotten.

    "Good book?" The youth inquires every so hopeful to engage her in a conversation she doesn't want for reasons he couldn't fathom.

    "Excellent. Yes. You read Farsi?" Miranda turns the book around and shows him the swirly-q writing. "Oh. Well. It is good. So is hot coffee. Thanks so much for offering." Big smile. She's not trying to hurt his feelings.. just.. GO AWAY.

    And so he does.. taking the cold coffee with him.. passing Lois and Clark with a genial "excuse me". Meanwhile, Miranda not so subtly returns her attention to her novel... book.. foreign thing.

Superman has posed:
Attention directed to Miranda, Clark looks over at her. He had been scanning for things and so his eyes settle on her over the frames of his glasses before his brain can intercept with the 'rude!'. The blurry unclear too dense to be human makes him blink and lift his chin to look at her 'normally'. All of it was enough of a distraction that he didn't immediately notice how Lois basically played the 'we're together card' to get what she wanted from the hostes and before he knew it, he was being pulled over by the woman... reading Farsi... a really old Earth language he hadn't started poking at yet... with the dense not-quite human physical body.. Damn Clark. That sounded so rude.

Lois Lane has posed:
Like a shark.

That's Lois Lane and with the way the other woman jumps and then offers that forced smile to the waiter -

- Lois can smell the blood in the water.

Blue eyes narrow carefully as she considers the odd woman settled at the table all by herself. Still, nothing more is said as the hostess walks the two toward a table that's near Miranda's own. The hostess will say, "Is this okay?" And Lois will carefully glance around them, gaze lingering on Miranda a moment.

"Yes. Thank you." Is Lois' polite enough words and then she'll wait for the hostess to leave. Lois' purse will be set upon the tabletop and while she pulls her chair out from beneath the lip of the said table, she doesn't quite sit. No. Instead the reporter will turn to look directly at Miranda's table. "I'm so sorry." Begins that Ace Reporter as she steps towards Miranda, "But do we know each other?" Why yes, Lois is going to totally pull that card on Miranda, "You look so familiar to me." And while her tone is quite nice and polite, and friendly even, there's a calculating look held within her eyes.

She's waiting to see how the other woman reacts with those questions of hers.

Lois Lane has posed:
And in-between Lois' own questions and any possible answers from Miranda, there's the uttered words that Lois has become quite familiar with.

"Uh, Lois, I think I forgot -"

Yeah, the rest is lost to Lois, as Clark hurriedly makes his excuses and then dashes away from their table.

All Lois can do is offer a vague pained look, even as she shifts her attention off of Miranda for a moment and at the fleeing back of Clark's.

"Smallville." Mutters the reporter, quiet frustration easily heard within that one word of hers.

Corusca has posed:
    The ruse. It has failed. Miranda seems to ignore Lois for a moment. The book. She finishes the line she was reading then carefully closes it and sets it aside. The other arm joins the first with elbow propped and now both hands supporting her chin before, with a sudden purpose, she gathers her book and her chair and unceremoniously joins Lois at their table, taking Clark's seat.

    "You are Lois Lane. That /was/ Clark Kent. Both of the Daily Planet." Miranda circumvents the small talk? "And no, you don't know me though I may be familiar in the passing sort of way that individuals who do a lot of research into people they don't know would." She gives Lois a genial smile. "No, you may not tape this conversation." Her expression seems to say, your move Lois.

Lois Lane has posed:
That frustration evaporates when Miranda joins Lois Lane at her table. When the other woman sits so too does Lois Lane.

Perhaps the waiter will find it odd to see both women at the same table now, but he'll adapt.

Lois Lane is doing much the same. After all, she wasn't quite expecting the woman to admit that there's a definite possibility that Lois might know of her.

It's, however, that last bit that causes amusement to flare within Lois' eyes. "Alright, no recording our conversation." She'll allow, even as she continues with, "So, you know who I am - who my partner is, but I still don't know your name. Care to share?" And while she isn't going to record this conversation that doesn't stop the reporter from opening her small purse and pulling out a small notepad, and pen.

She'll take notes for this particular interview. Situation? Possible interview.

Corusca has posed:
    "Not particularly." Miranda replies with a smile and a thanks to the waiter who.. wait.. she was just.. oh! Coffee. Here you are. Miranda dips a chin to him and refocuses her attention on Lois. "Miss Lane, I have gone my life largely avoiding the scrutiny of reporters. Not because I have anything particular to hide but.. because they hounded my parents for decades and I'm not terribly fond of them. Because of paparazzi and the like, I was home schooled away from other children and it was a rather lonely existence I might add." She takes a deep breath and picks up her coffee.

    "And no, I do not qualify you as a paparazza. You are, from what I've read, a very good and very tenacious investigative reporter. Which is probably the only reason why I haven't lost my appetite. So.. why don't you amuse me and tell me who you think I am. Just.. don't start with something trite like Mother Theresa. The woman did far more good than I have in my lifetime and I'm much taller than she is anyway."

Lois Lane has posed:
The vaguest of smirks crimps Lois' mouth upward when Miranda mentions the paparazzi. Her head will dip slightly in acknowledgement at the added qualifier that she isn't viewed as one. "Yes, I do have standards." Remarks the reporter, even as she flicks a look towards that waiter. "Coffee and water, please." She'll add, before her gaze returns to Miranda.

She'll consider the other woman for a few silent seconds and then with a quirk of a grin, Lois will say, "Amuse you, sure, okay."

Then the reporter will state, "Home schooled and your parents were in the spot-light; so some sort of wealthy family situation." Her head will tilt to the side again, "Decades in the spot-like probably means older money, or, newer money that was made quickly. You mentioned loneliness so I'm going to guess you were an only child." And here is where the reporter pauses, to see how much she guessed correctly.

Corusca has posed:
    "You're doing fine so far." Miranda opines as she leans back into her seat slightly and takes up the now steaming hot coffee. She sips it without much care to its temperature. "But a reporter as good as yourself is better than making the obvious connections and the fishing. But.. since we're making a game of this.. I will answer.. five questions truthfully. Excepting my name because it amuses me to keep you guessing and anything else I deem too intrusive because.. for lack of a better sum.. I would think it rude of you to ask and so I will politely ignore such an inquiry. On the assumption that you are not rude." She smiles again.

    "In the meantime, you will reciprocate and answer four questions. Since I already know your name, I will count that against me. Fair?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Five questions. That's not a lot, but Lois has worked with fewer qualifying factors. As such, the reporter will offer a nod. "Fair. It's a deal."

Then she'll fall silent for a few seconds as she considers her questions. She understands the other woman isn't going to give her name, but that doesn't mean other names won't be truthfully given.

"First question -" And here she'll pause as the waiter brings forth water and coffee for Lois. "- Your parent's name?" With that question of hers Lois offers the faintest quirks of her mouth, a vague smile there; she's anticipating this question might be deemed too intrusive, but it'll still be asked.

And while Lois doesn't necessarily remark about the woman's odd phrasing of this particular deal, it is noted somewhere deep within Lois' brain.

Corusca has posed:
    "Lois..." Miranda shakes her head disappointedly. "You fail to see the spirit of the game. For that I will deduct one question from each of us out of weariness." Oh, the food has arrived. At least, Miranda's has. She looks down at the succulent filet mignon and takes up her knife and fork. "So I will offer this question in reply. Our meeting. Was it by coincidence or design?" As she cuts into the steak, it bleeds a little. "No, I'm not asking for your source."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois spreads her hands; expecting Miranda to say something along the lines she did. "Had to try."

Now the reporter will sit back against her chair, consideration upon her features again. She's down to three questions. A faint grimace twists her lips downward for a moment, but Lois is nothing if not tenacious.

The question about coincidence or design causes the reporter to frown slightly. Her eyebrows furrow towards the midline of her face, as she says, "Coincidence. You'd have to consider my partner as my source. He was playing mother-hen to get me to eat something. So, here we are."

The cup of coffee will be brought close and with a cautious sip, Lois will take that moment to decide upon a question. "What's your family's business?"

Corusca has posed:
    "Money." Miranda answers tersely as though money has no value for her. "And more money." She sips at her coffee again. "Which is to say I've been surrounded by people obsessed by wealth for my entire life. For a while, I fell into that trap as well. Now.." She shrugs and takes a bite of her steak and chews.
    "So how about you then?" Miranda inquires after she's swallowed. She seems to be one that savors her food. "What got you into the reporting business?"

Lois Lane has posed:
The vaguest of snorts can be heard from Lois.

She fell into that one, didn't she.

Still, Miranda's question remains to be answered and so, Lois will say quite honestly. "Truth. I want the people to know the truth about the world. The good, the bad and the ugly. Especially the ugly, so those injustices can never hurt another person."

Lois' next question is quickly followed after her answer, "What pulled you out of the money trap?"

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda regards Lois with a moment of scrutiny. Her lips purse ever so slightly over the rim of her coffee until she decides to put it down and go back to her steak. "Love." She lets the word hang in the air while she cuts her steak into bite sized bits. Just when one might think she was going to say nothing more on the topic, she puts down her knife and fork. "I fell in love with a genuine man of good heart." Her gaze doesn't go to Lois then but to the street at large. "He reminded me that mankind.. can be good and decent and worth giving a second chance."

    There's another pause but then Miranda is taking up her knife and fork again. "How about you? Any love in your life?" She let's Lois stew on that one while she chews away.

Lois Lane has posed:
Surprise briefly flashes across Lois' expression at Miranda's answer. That was definitely not something she was expecting from the other woman.

And when that question is tossed back at her, that surprise turns wry now; half-expecting the woman to lob it back. "No." Comes her quick answer, before Lois offers a pause, the vaguest of frowns flitting across her mouth with that moment of silence, "No."

Another sip of coffee will be taken now, as the reporter ponders her next question. And while Perry would likely kick her for her next question, Lois asks, "What happened to him? This man with the good heart."

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda seemed quite content to enjoy her steak as Lois became discomfitted by the notion of love. "I'm sorry to hear that." She offers with a tired sincerity. She puts down her utensils and takes up her clutch. "I think you will find that love has a way of changing your entire outlook on life. Even after it is lost." She is fishing in her wallet and separates out a hundred dollar bill. It's more than her meal is worth to be sure. Probably hers and Lois' and a tip. So she takes out a second. "I suppose I can't fault you for asking what happened to him. He died you see." She puts the bills down on the table and tucks away her wallet with a sigh. "He died and now I carry on with life wondering if I could have done something or anything to prevent it.. knowing in my head I couldn't.. and still missing him desperately every day." She takes a deep breath then offers a sad sort of smile to Lois. "If it seems like I made a promise and failed to make good.. I'm afraid you'll find my apology weak at best. Excuse me." And so Miranda rises from the table. Her tone did not express anger.. only a deep sorrow kept at bay through force of will. "Good night miss Lane. Perhaps we will meet again under better circumstances."

Superman has posed:
Ok. Random near nuclear melt downs are not fun. But Superman does what Superman meeds to don and so Clatk walks back in as quickly as he dares, trying so hard to avoiding clutzing out that he clutzes out. Grateful that Lois is still here, he heads over, catching only the tale end of the conversation.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois will watch Miranda pay for the meal and listen to what the other woman has to say. When Miranda rises upward, Lois likewise stands, even as she says, "I hope so." The reporter will finally say, in complete agreement about meeting under better circumstances.

And then, "I'm sorry for your loss. Take care." The reporter adds in a much gentler tone of voice, only adding at the end, "If you ever want to talk off the record, please, call the Planet."

And while more might be said the re-arrival of Clark is noticed and Lois will turn an arch look towards the man. It clearly reads: What the hell, Smallville, what the hell!