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Latest revision as of 02:02, 26 October 2017

Date of Scene: 14 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Dazzler

Gambit has posed:
The screaming hiss of blades spinning and the whine of articulated elbows and joins waving, sending the large circular saws around the room, chasing after the cajun. Remy barely dodges it as he rolls across a waist high block, just barely missing the large saw. So close was the shave, that part of his long tan jacket was snipped by the device.

Dazzler has posed:
"The last time," Dazzler says, mid-flip over a suddenly-opening spike trap, "I was in this *Old School* progra--" Woops, flames! She leaps up to grab a vaulting ring and hangs there for a few moments - to laser-blast a couple of flying spikes headed for Remy. *ZARK ZARK! BOOM BOOM!* "Wolverine was trying to make a bunch of cute points about how *unfit* I was!"

She makes it sound like it was ages ago, though given the givens it might have been last week.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's crouching on the block he was vaulting over, stopped himself from falling face first onto an electrified tank of water. "T'anks fo' t'e save!" He says with a hand drawing a pair of cards out of his sleeve and he throws them at Alison. The mutant charged the cards and they both hit their intended target, hitting a pair of bladed robot's approaching Alison from several directions.

"You know Logan has unrealistic expectations of the women in his life." The cajun says teasingly before he rolls off the block and down onto his feet below the block just below an extended flamethrower's pyro-pyre.

Dazzler has posed:
Absorbing the sound of the explosions while Cirque-du-Chic-ing herself through the hoop, Ali tumbles mid-air to land close enough to Remy to channel that sound right quick for a photonic shield; nobody likes to be crunched by piston-columns!

"Back at you; and no kidding right? He needs to find better ways to flirt."

Of course, it seems like the Danger Room difficulty setting for Two Agile X-Men Who Can Blow Things Up From a Distance is apparently "Sadistically Insane" -- conversation is interrupted by another buzzsaw appearing between them. Leaning backwards to avoid it...

"We should keep moving?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy tumbles to the side and nods his response, "T'at we should." The young man stands up and hurls another card towards the flame thrower that was spouting fire towards the duo.

"I'll be sure to give him some lessons wit' t'e one true flirt in t'is mansion." Remy says winking over towards Alison before he reaches behind his back, grabbing his staff and using it to cartwheel and bring his heavy booted foot down on the ground and hurries into a quick run towards a small city of steel poles reaching from the floor to the ceiling in a generated jungle.

Dazzler has posed:
Following closely behind, Ali beats feet into the city of poles; remaining on the alert for hazards, "I'm sure Logan would be gracious and appreciative!" Because of course he wouldn't, but that's what makes it funny.

Gambit has posed:
Remy smiles as he drops to one knee, like a penitent man from that old movie, just in time to dodge a large metal two by four swining out level with his chest. "Goodness, Logan'd spit his tobacco on t'e floo' and t'en skewah me like a pig fo' suggestin' he ain't perfec'." Remy laughs, followed by a WHOA! as another metal bar snaps out from behind a faux tree, and catches his ankles. Gambit on his back with a groan holding onto his staff in one hand.

Dazzler has posed:
Ok, *now* she knows what this "forest" is about. "None of us ever are," Ali says with a faux-sad sigh. Reaching down to help Remy to his feet, she takes a look at the maze ahead of her and takes off running.

A few well-placed lasers shear off sections that sprout spikes, and a fast formed shield at her elbow keeps a hail of poisoned darts from sinking into her... but in the quick response she makes; running up a falling pole to leap for another: It's electrified!


Gambit has posed:
Remy's on his feet, watching Alison move so he can mimic her path a few seconds behind which is fortunate as he's there to catch her, stopping her fall with his arms and body as he crumples under her momentum with a gasp and a crack as his back hits the ground. "Oof!" The cajun says, moving his hands upwards to help push Alison back up to her feet. "T'at one was a sneaky trick." Gambit says after he gasps deeply trying to catch his breath again.

Dazzler has posed:
"It's catching on," Ali agrees, groaning a little from the shock and the fall. As they both struggle upwards, she grins, "C'mon lets find the flag and finish this course before it figures out how to finish *us!*" After a few moments to try and catch her breath, she starts to take off running only to get *launched* into the jungle - a spring board forcibly forming underneath her.

The whole room goes silent as she pulls sound for the force needed to blast a hole through the wall of spikes she'd have slammed right into, turning a somersault before landing and keeping running -- though Dazzler is definitely starting to look winded. "Come on!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy stands there watching the woman do her thing for a moment before he realizes there's a dart stuck in the tail part of his over coat and frowns. Yeah, best to not be standing in one place. "I'm comin'." The Cajun says, as he holds his staff in one hand and starts to jog through the metal forest.

She's on a whole different path than Remy, having vaulted through the air like the badass Ali really is and he's playing catch up on the ground with his heavy boots and a quick hand sends a single charged card through the air at single laser beam that dropped from the low ceiling and was melting the floor as it started to find it's target of LeBeau's face. The purple and white explosion breaking the things joint and causing it to aim at the floor (mostly) harmlessly.

Calling out loudly with labored breaths, "You doin' alright Ke$ha?" teasing the musician.

Dazzler has posed:
"I've been better!" Ali calls back, not even bothering to argue about the comparison - but mostly because the pole she's been running on suddenly angles sharply downwards and she has to focus to find and then bring down two on each side of her to prop it up and gauge her leap for the next platform.

Though she does grumble to herself a little, "Brush *your* teeth with a bottle of Jack..."

Gambit has posed:
"Ah've actually done t'at." Remy says with a laugh as he looks up to Alison and seeing her dilemma, tries to help by tossing another card and aiming it so that the explosion wouldn't be close enough to harm her directly, but give her that extra oomph to her jump, a foot, maybe two more from the shockwave that was below/behind her.

Yet, while he's doing this and running, the man has to do some quick zig zag patterns through and over some metallic trees and fallen branches, vaulting over one that bursts into a swarm of drones that begin to chase the cajun.

"Uh- li'l h'lp would be much appreciated mon ami!" The says calmly as tiny blades wiz back and forth around him.

Dazzler has posed:
Once safely on the platform, only slightly crispy for from the explosion-assist, Dazzler's at least got more than enough stormed sound to hear Remy's cry for help and move to deal with it accordingly -- "Heads up!" she warns, before aiming both hands and firing off a pelting of bright laser-fire to deal with the swarm of drones.

Trying to get a bead on the converging paths, Ali shears off another tree so that it'll lean up against the next platform she's heading to - to help Remy get back up on the same path. "C'mon this way! I think I can see it!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy leaps mid run and turns so that at the apex of his jump he's facing backwards and with the momentum of the spin a final playing card is thrown after Alison unleashed her barrage, Remy wanted to double check that nothing else was on his tail and with the smoke and blast filling his vision, the drones aren't a threat anymore.

Running towards a tree, he plants his boot on the metal bark and shoves off into a low hanging branch and pulls himself up to jump onto the platform Alison is on, his hand reaching out and up to grab her and his other aims to brace his belly from smashing into the platform itself too badly.

Dazzler has posed:
With Remy's help to climb to the next one, Alison returns the favor and helps haul him up, and then offers him a boost up to the next - "We're almost there!"

Gambit has posed:
"I t'ink t'is is t'e first time I evah stood on a lady's- Watch it!" He says as a large piston forms from one of the trees nearby and starts to eject itself towards Alison. From the position of pushing up with his hands to get his knee up on the next platform. Remy can't do a thing but warn the woman.

Dazzler has posed:
She only gets a second to calculate -- and she's a singer/freedom fighter, not a scientist! But it's almost instinctual; rather than panic, a thin, flat beam of light extends from her fingertip and bisects the piston, splitting as if wedged. But from the intensity of the output and the general look of her, it's clear that stunt ate up most of her stored sound.
"It should be right above you - do you see it?" she calls, tiredly.

Gambit has posed:
"Yeah, Ah see it." Remy says almost annoyed but relieved is the better way to describe it. He doesn't grab it just yet and instead is taking off his coat.

After a moment he lowers the sleeves end down having tied them together and peeks his head out over the edge of the platform.

"Toget'er." Gambit says, "X-men stick toget'er Laser-Spice."

Dazzler has posed:
"Just taking a moment to breathe while nothing was trying to kill me," Ali smarms back in a chirpy voice - even as she takes the offered sleeves and hauls herself on up with Remy's help.


Gambit has posed:
"Any time Dazz." Remy says, smiling with his cheeky trademark grin as she stands up and he extends his hand in a gesture towards the flag, inviting her to be the one to finish the program, as she did save his hide more than the other way around."

Dazzler has posed:
"Pffft. Together or not at all, right?" Grabbing Remy's hand, Ali reaches up with *both* of them to grab the flag and bring the Danger Room to a nice, stable, closed and reset state.

"I'm joining SHIELD, by the way. Government Representation and all that."

Gambit has posed:
Remy blinks a few times as the room shimmers and returns to its resting state, and he continues to blink at Alison, his brown eyebrows moving to try and meet over his nose as he contemplates Alison's words. "I- I don't know how t' respon' t' t'at cheri." His accent continues to this day and he almost wants to sit down. The government is something he's always been trepidatious about, but he doesn't put her down in any way, just feels he might be loosing a friend or sister even.

Dazzler has posed:
"Don't pout! I'm not *ditching* the X-Men. The deal isn't all hammered out yet, but I should be able to move back and forth with a certain amount of freedom once the dust is settled."

Ali can see that worry, though, and she just leans over to give Remy a big hug, "Hey, I may have just gotten to this Universe and all, but let's face it - you're never gonna be rid of me. Especially *that* easy. Like some Big Brother Acronym is gonna keep me away when you guys need me."

Gambit has posed:
"So you're still gonna be mah bes' man?" Remy says teasing and returning the hug in kind, his hands trapped down by his sides by her embrace still try to reach out but only far enough to pat her hips.

Dazzler has posed:
"The other me agreed to that, right?" Ali's still a little lost trying to figure out what all 'she' was up to. "If you still want me, this me, I'd be happy to do that - but if you want someone who knows this you better than I do, I'd understand."

Gambit has posed:
"I hones'ly was teasin', but I haven' really asked anyone else yet, and I t'ink it's gettin' close t' too late t' ask anyone." Remy chuckles softly and starts to move towards the exit that slowly opens as they approach. "But I do t'ink you'd t'row t'e most kick ass bachelor partah outta anyone else 'ere."

Dazzler has posed:
"Well now that I can't argue with at all," Ali muses, and then she reaches over to further mess up Remy's hair on their way out. "Not even a little. Of course I'll do it, Rems. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Gambit has posed:
"Jus' don' go makin' Rogue jealous now. I'm tryin' t' be on my bes' behavior." Remy laughs as he then shakes his head a bit, his longer hair moving back to a somewhat less messy look, and even lifts his hands to brush through his locks like a makeshift comb.

Dazzler has posed:
"Oh, I'd never. That girl packs a serious punch I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of," Ali admits with noooo foolin'. "Did you know, in one Universe, I got under her skin so bad she *broke my NOSE*? GOD that hurt. I totally had it coming, though."

Gambit has posed:
Remy cocks up an eyebrow and blinks a few more times, "I imagine she musta been holdin' back." The man blinks and frowns. "I'm sorry 'bout t'at." He says, moving towards the locker rooms and still holding his coat in one hand he starts to undo the knot he put the sleeves in. "She can be a handful."

Dazzler has posed:
"No kidding," Ali doesn't elaborate - universes away and not technically the same people, no apologies or further explanations are really needed. "But hey, she's *your* handful right? Listen, I'm gonna go clean up. This was fun. Old School "Everything Will Kill You" Danger Room is always a blast."