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Revision as of 15:30, 26 October 2017

Get to Work
Date of Scene: 26 October 2017
Location: Gotham Rooftops
Synopsis: Huntress meets Batman; admires his Wheaties.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Huntress, Batman

Oracle has posed:
The crunch of her boots on Helena's rooftop is deliberate, alerting the other woman to Batgirl's arrival so that the redhead doesn't get shot. "Sorry I'm late," she murmurs to the Huntress as she reels in her grappling line. "Got sidetracked by a wannabe a couple alleys over -- had to leave him hanging around for the PD." Shooting a wicked grin at Huntress, Batgirl joins her in the peering over the side of the rooftop. "Find anything useful down there?"

The ping that said 'meet me <here>' didn't really say what the meet-up was for -- whether it was actually work-related or perhaps related to the calls Barbara asked her to make. So Batgirl is on alert without being in that coiled state of readiness that means immediate combat expectations.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress is crouched down low near the rooftop ledge, crossbow in one hand and night vision binoculars in the other. She doesn't turn when she hears the crunching of boots on the roof, and continues looking through the optics when she replies. "Yeah, I sometimes wonder whether we're doing more harm than good by setting bad examples for Gotham's youth." she replies.

Only then does she lower the glasses and turn towards Batgirl. "Slow night at my favorite Italian cafe, I'm afraid. A few minor figures have made an appearance, but nothing really noteworthy. Looks like this stakeout might be a bust."

Batman has posed:
    Of the two women, Batgirl might be the most used to it. To the subtle feeling of something else, the faint hint of being watched just moments before there's a voice that comes forth from the darkness. Huntress has not heard it before, though she has heard of the man himself. Not recognizable as anything beyond a dark silhouette in the heavy shadows of the tall water tower that takes up a portion of that rooftop.
    "Batgirl." It's said with such finality, as if he were passing judgement. Then he'll step forwards, the light from the low hanging moon limning the dark figure, seeming at first as naught more than a tall man in a cowl with a cloak around his shoulders. "This is Huntress?" He'll ask, though most likely knowing the answer.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon says, "It's a valid question... after all, the only reason I started on the rooftops was because Batman was the coolest--" Batgirl's voice cuts off abruptly, hyperaware of that subtle sense that HE is nearby and observing. She pivots on one booted heel as his voice sounds. "Batman," she greets him easily -- apparently she's used to the judgemental tone and it doesn't faze her. "Huntress, meet Batman." They might as well be getting introduced in someone's living room, for all the formality Batgirl accords the introduction. But for a man who sees everything, her nerves are definitely showing

Huntress has posed:
Huntress -does- start at Batman's arrival, easing into a ready-crouch at first. She relaxes when she recognizes him, then. Huntress has *seen* the Bat before, when he crashed a dinner with Mafia families. The woman lowers the crossbow and pulls the hood back, the mask still hiding her expression. "Nice to meet in person." she replies, simply. It's pretty unlikely that he'd even remember her from that meeting, after all.

Batman has posed:
    There's a moment of silence, just quiet where the only sound between them is the distant hum of traffic. The tall man turned slightly, white eyelets granting no insight into his thoughts, no window to the soul. His body language is staggeringly hard to read, and when he speaks it's in that steady and stern deep tone, "Do you vouch for her?" He says as his attention is still fully on the Huntress. She can't tell but he is measuring her, gauging her, taking in the way she had slipped into that ready stance, had turned and moved with that brief instant of adrenalin-rushed muscle memory.
    And now he is judging her all the same.
    Before Babs can answers, he'll step forwards to stand before the vigilante in purple, his gaze unwavering. "I have one rule. Do you know what that is?"

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl's chin goes up and she pulls in a slow breath. Yeah.... this is about to get ugly, she has a notion. /No killing./ And given that Barbara's already had that conversation with Helena, she lets the other woman speak for herself.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress considers the tall, dark figure before her and she doesn't flinch. Not at his gaze, nor at his scrutiny. She knows that Gotham is HIS city, and that he reserves the right to sanction all vigilante activity here. Right or wrong. Her jaw sets, cheek muscles flexing a moment before she relaxes again.

Exhale the rage. Thank you, Richard Dragon.

"Yes I do." she replies, evenly. "No killing." Yeah, nevermind the very-lethal loaded crossbow she's holding.

Batman has posed:
    There's a brief moment when she might see the subtle tension in the tendons of that firm jawline, but then he'll give a single sharp nod. And as quick as that it's over, at least for now as he turns away and tells Batgirl, "If you vouch for her then I'll trust you to help her along." As if she needed to be brought to heel. But then the moment is past as he steps across that rooftop, the gravel barely making a sound at his passing.
    He'll turn to face them both, arms appearing from underneath that cowl as he crosses them over his chest, "Anything to report?" Those irisless eyes level upon Batgirl, his manner sharp and severe as he asks.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl merely shrugs slightly. "All quiet on the western front," she replies mildly. "I'll help her along where I need to -- she's a big girl." The redhead's tone doesn't hold deference or intimidation, just a genuine respect for his position in the hierarchy. There's a subtle pause, as if she's deciding whether to mention something. "And we've put out some feelers for the last teacher you sent me to -- I'm asking him to pay a visit." His panties might get in a wad... and he might tear a strip off her in front of Huntress. But ah well. "I need the extra practice, and so does Nightwing."

Huntress has posed:
So that's approval, right? At least provisionally. Regardless, it'll have to do for now. Huntress listens to Batgirl's report before she weighs in as well. "I've studied with this teacher as well, for what it's worth. He... was very helpful to me at a really low point." No, she doesn't get into controlling her rage or that Question introduced her to Dragon after she nearly got herself killed.

Batman has posed:
    It's curious, the ease of interaction between the two, there's history there. Years working together, and it's clear that despite Batman's curt words and tone, it's not there out of a dismissive attitude, more needing to be concise. He nods towards Babs and says levelly, "With the Shiva situation in play, I've changed the training roster to a rotation."
    For a moment he looks askance towards Huntress, then back to Babs as he answers. "So yes, Nightwing does need the training." Of course he doesn't mention what has passed with Shiva for his part either.
    But then he turns towards the vigilante in purple, "Huntress. Your style is a unique blend of techniques. Would you be willing to train with the others?"

Oracle has posed:
There's a moment where Batgirl is very still, parsing what just got said on multiple levels. And a subtle tension that she's been carrying for days eases out of her neck and shoulders -- she's not usually the one keeping secrets from the Bat; it never sits well with her. But she was doing it anyway and is grateful now not to have to. She didn't tell, but he knows the whole situation -- there is relief in that.

"I saw the roster," Batgirl replies with a small smile. "Huntress would be a great addition to the training as well," she agrees.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress nods slowly to Batman's question. A unique blend indeed; Sicilian assassin brawling techniques tempered with Richard Dragon's kung fu. She relaxes further, keeping the crossbow pointed down. "My style isn't really suited for a martial arts ring, but I'd be glad to work with the others."

Whether she'd be doing more learning or teaching remains to be seen. But she held her own with Batgirl when the two sparred, at least. So that counts for something.

Batman has posed:
    A nod is spared towards Batgirl, but Batman focuses fully upon Huntress and tells her. "They need to be confronted with someone good and someone who won't fight as they expect, who will brawl and strive to win at great cost." He glances towards Batgirl and then nods, "When you get a chance add her to the rotation."
    He unfolds his arms, "With your teacher arriving, that will aid the training. I've told Shiva that she is to not challenge any of our people. And if she does then I'll be facing her." There's a pause, a ghost of a scowl. "If you see Nightwing, tell him that I need to speak with him." And that, assuredly, will not be a pleasant thing.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl's smile is gone when he says Shiva's not 'allowed' to challenge our people. "I'm sure she took that very well," she observes quietly. "I'll let him know." It's not her job to explain why Nightwing didn't want to tell Batman what was going on. Crossing her arms a bit, she considers whether it was Robin who was a tattletale or if Batman is just that darn good.... and as always, she kind of assumes he's just that good. "Anything else you want on my agenda while I'm at it?" she asks him.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress tilts her head at the mention of Shiva, finding the conversation about Nightwing curious as well. She conceals her amusement, however, and just listens for the moment. "So will Shiva be doing any training, or will she only be observing? I was under the impression that she only fights those she considers worthy, by her standards."

Batman has posed:
    "No, Shiva..." He shakes his head and frowns. "Is taking her own steps."
    In response to Babs he says simply in that sharp tone of his, "Nothing else for now." But then he turns and begins to walk away, footsteps silent as he steps across the rooftop. The cloak billows behind him, catching the wind for a moment before curling back around his legs as he moves. Over his shoulder he'll tell them, "I may be out of contact for the next day. Check in with the others when you have time."
    But then he'll turn slightly in Huntress' direction, before looking in turn to Batgirl. He gives them both a nod and says simply, "Good hunting." That said he takes the grapple line from his belt and brings it up, the line snapping forth and firing with the hiss of compressed air, the grapple catching and curling around the corner of a building nearby, then the line grows taut and snaps him forth into the air.
    For a moment as he swings, his cape flares fully into the shape of a bat's wing, then his legs slice forwards and he swings around the building, disappearing from view.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl silently watches him fire off the line and take off. She waits until she's very sure he's out of range, despite the fact that he already obviously knows what's happening, before she turns to Huntress. The worry is clear in her body language and her tone. "Yeah.... well, apparently she considers Nightwing worthy," she informs Huntress tightly. "He has 11 months to prepare." That was why she needed Richard Dragon.

Looking in the direction that Batman disappeared, Barbara confides quietly, "That challenge was issued without Batman's knowledge. I don't know what that means for what he'll do about it, but..." She looks at Huntress. "I don't want to take chances. It's either Nightwing's life on the line ... or it's Batman's. And I'm not okay with either option."

Huntress has posed:
"Interesting." Huntress offers, watching the Bat swing out into the night. "So Shiva challenged Nightwing and is coming to Gotham." Yes, she picks things up quickly. "And all Batman wants to do in response is step the training rotation?" Not that it's hers to judge, of course.

"Real charming guy, by the way. Does he have someone pee in his Wheaties every morning just to keep the mood rolling?" Smirking, she takes a deep breath and exhales again. "Let me know what I can do to help, of course. And keep in touch."