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Latest revision as of 23:01, 26 October 2017

Date of Scene: 19 June 2017
Location: Sunnydale, Bludhaven
Synopsis: Faith and Ares have teamed up and run into Buffy
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Ares, Faith Lehane

Buffy Summers has posed:
Smalltown, USA. Better known as Sunnydale. The streets roll up in most of the neighborhoods, only The Bronze and a few other clubs having anyone out and about. Otherwise, streets are deserted.

Buffy already had been on patrol. She'd done and spoken to Giles and some of the others, although that entire meeting could've gone so much better. It wasn't her fault though. She firmly blamed everybody except herself. Okay, maybe not Giles. The other slayer? Yeah her. Amethyst? Her too. Spike? He's responsible for all the evils in the world, moreso than the devil himself. Or maybe he just was the devil.

There don't seem to be any monsters around the small main street with the boutiques and shops all closed up for the evening. She opts to head for the cemetaries, to see if anything else might be up and looking for dinner.

Ares has posed:
    And it's up the main street of that Smalltown, USA that John Aaron is walking, trailed and accompanied by the Dark Slayer of this particular burg. They make a curious pair, him standing a head and then some above her, both of them carrying bags over their shoulders with ill-gotten goods, and their pace rather steady and purposeful. As they walk he tells the woman at his side, "I am obligated to get word to her Watcher, that will at least aid matters." Their conversation apparently having been carried on for a time.
    But for now, from a distance, they might just seem to be a pair of silhouettes in the night moving along the sidewalk. At times they fade from view when they walk into the darkness, but each time they reach a halo of a street light they'll be visible from afar.
    Perhaps... visible enough for an errant Slayer to catch view of them and intercept their progress towards the High School Library.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith was walking alongside John and she had her black denim jacket on with a black messenger bag slung over her torso from left to right and the bag itself against her right hip. She was reaching into her jeans pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes while listening to John.

"Yeah well... I'm sure they'll all be thrilled once they found out we just slayed a bunch of Bird Women." Faith said with no shortage of sarcasm in her voice as she lit her cigarette with a cheap bic lighter and then tipped her head back to blow the smoke up toward the trees above their heads.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Something catches her attention. She's not even sure what it is. She's about to duck down an alleyway when she gets that oddness. That sense of something.

Buffy stops in her tracks, scanning the area, her own hand disappearing into her messenger bag. One would think that these slayers might come up with something else but no, it's those bags they all seem to carry. As she sees the figures walking down the sidewalk, she shifts her steps and plods an intercept course. About halfway to them, she catches sight while they are in a circle of lamplight.

That is now who she expected. It's the god, self proclaimed. But it's also the slayer with the proclivity for theft. This night just keeps getting better.

She waits. Not moving from her spot but she does lean nonchalantly against the glass front to the store she's beside until they get into range.

Ares has posed:
    "Allowing them to take them unawares might annoy them all the more," John says sidelong to Faith as they walk, his footsteps are even and precise, and Buffy could assuredly have been able to discern who he was without the benefit of her heightened senses. But the God of War is not exactly what one would consider... oblivious. He pauses for a bare moment, head tilting to the side. The tall man's brow furrows as a flicker of annoyance passes over his features.
    Then he continues forwards, his course leading him towards Buffy. "If you stab me again, I'll be pretty annoyed." Those words are tinged with a hint of a growl, but just barely there at the edge of his deep voice.
    Yet he's there now, and in the company of the Evil Dark Slayer, so perhaps she might be readjusting her opinion of him. "Buffy Summers, we bring word."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith caught sight of Summers about the same time that John did and she just angled her ocurse along side him, still holding that cigarette between her fingers as the big guy was in charge of this show... she wouldn't even be here if he hadn't somehow convinced her.

Faith eyeballed Buffy something fierce, took another pull on her cigarette and then glanced between Buffy and John, then back to the blonde.

"Where's your bleach dyed boyfriend at?" Faith asked with a little grin. "I kinda wanna finish what I started with him." Faith gently shook her head side to side. "Slayer and a Vampire... damn, and here I thought I was the bad one."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"I'm not in the mood for you," Buffy says flatly, glaring daggers at Faith. "Hell, I'm not in the mood for either of you," she admits, mouth engaging before her brain does. But she continues as though she didn't just admit that. "He's not my boyfriend but he is an ally so he's off limits. Which you would know if you talked to our watcher."

This just isn't right. She doesn't like the 'our'. He's her watcher. Her Giles. He might be stuffy and annoying and honestly a bore half the time since she can't understand what he's saying but he's still hers!

"You are the bad one. Your company proves it. Or vice versa," she says, looking at the 'I'm not a bad guy really' god in front of her, hanging out with the bad seed of the slayer circles.

"Just one word or multiples?"

Ares has posed:
    Oh it's clear that John does /not/ get along with Buffy. Even Faith, in her attempts at wheedling him has caused nothing like this reaction. The tendons bunching in his jawline, the way his eyes narrow. His jaw opens slightly and he scowls, as if on some level he wanted to growl and rend and tear.
    But no. No. Calm. Yes. Calm. He reopens his eyes after a moment of letting them close and then tells her, "Slayer, it seems my arrival has caused forces beyond your ken to gather." He holds up a hand as if to stay her protestation, "They seek my blood, but are aware that you and yours are here and may well seek to do damage to them so they can reach me all the easier."
    He then gestures in the direction they'd been walking, "Carry word to your shepherd and have him gather what forces you have. They seek their prey at night. We have already been beset upon by Harpies, and there may well be more on the way."
    There's a moment, and then he squints, "And as for Faith Lehane, I will hear no ill spoken of her in my presence. She at the least spilled blood at my side. While you, Slayer, made an attempt on my life."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith took another inhale of her cigarette and then blew it out off toward the right (John's on her left, don't worry!).

"Mister Rogers ain't my Watcher." Faith said back to Buffy. "My Watcher's been dead over a year. And as for your Fanged Boytoy, well..." Faith gently shook her head then and sighed a bit. "I've never really been 'one' to pay a whole hell of a lot of attention to 'limits'."

She flashed another grin at Buffy and then looked to John as he started in on the blonde and when he defended her to Buffy, Faith just leaned over toward him. "I found me a God, we're gonna clean this shit hole of a town up too. Or out, one of the two."

Faith looked down at her messenger bag and lifted it up. "Its 'new' ... what do you think?" She asked Buffy, smiling more at her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"I think you should learn that fashion is supposed to be about trendsetting and not following others,' Buffy says as she looks at Ares, thinking that was a whole lot of big words to say a little bit of stuff.

"Let me see if I got this right. Because you, the mild mannered god of war who doesn't want trouble and please let me go to my construction convention in peace, came to my town," she stresses the possessive. "Now we have monsters running around? I mean, besides you. And you're acting like I'm the bad guy here because your girlfriend..." See, two can play that game! "...is a kleptomaniac with anger issues?" Yeah, she went there. In all honesty, she reacts to authority only slightly less volatilely than Faith.

Ares has posed:
    The Incognito Olympian flares his hands open as if trying to get her to grasp the important parts here. "If it suits you, yes. Yes fine, it is my fault. For it is in a way, and I will accept that. Whomever of the other gods decided they hated my face decided to let loose with their revenge now, while I'm in your town. There, does it suit you? Do you feel better?"
    Then he points towards the school, "Now. Go. Tell. Your. Watcher." He displays a knowledge of sign language as if trying to somehow get through to her. "There are monsters," He makes a few hand gyrations that mirror what he's saying, "Who will seek to kill you and yours." The sign language ends on the pointing at her to symbolize 'yours.'
    He straightens up and growls, "You do yourself a disservice to not warn him. We will be there soon. Do you understand?"

Faith Lehane has posed:
When Faith heard Buffy refer to John as her boyfriend it made her laugh a little. "If only my mother could see me now... her little Faithy all tied up with the God of War." The Dark Slayer slowly nodded her head. "I could do worse... I mean, I could be boffin' Vampires instead of slayin' them." She laughed again and shook her head.

Faith took one last pull of of her cigarette and then threw it into the gutter a few feet way.

At this point she just stood quiet and let Ares make his pitch, he had some important shit to talk about... she was just here for arm candy, at least in her eyes.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Did you get dropped on your head as a child?"

That's the oh-so-respectful response of Buffy to the god of war having his little tantrum. With all the hand motions and movements, he looked like he was playing a game of charades. Poorly.

"Monsters. Harpies. Maybe gods. Attacking at night. Any other specifics or just various monsters from your Greek Roman-ness? Or whatever. Like minotaurs and stuff going to pop up next? How do you kill those things anyway? I'm guessing everything can die without a head."

No, no, she's lot really looking at Ares's neck when she says it.

Ares has posed:
    The god stops moving and just rumbles low like a deep growl. But he takes a long inhale of breath and then nods towards her. "Physical trauma seems to work well with them. No gimmicks." Though... in some ways, that's not entirely true. There are a few little tricks here or there, but Giles will assuredly know that much.
    With that having been said he slings the bag back over his shoulder and says to her, "I'll make a circle of the town and see what can be seen. Pass word on if you like." But then he dismisses it all with a wave of his hand, "Or let your home burn. I couldn't care less at this point."
    No, he is not the nice warm fuzzy god of war. That was his sister.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith just mockingly nodded to what Ares said back to the blonde Slayer and she did a 'tsk tsk tsk' with a headshake then and there. "Kids these days." She said, glancing up to John. "They just don't know, know, how to respect, their ELDERS." Faith would turn then and path John on his bicep as she went with him.

"Don't worry, God of War. I was put on this Earth to pick up her slack." She glanced back at Buffy then and wiggled her right hand's fingers at the other teen. "See ya around, Buff. Say Hi to your boyfriend for me."

Buffy Summers has posed:
There is nothing more to say really. Buffy has all the information they apparently can provide. Or will.

She turns to head in the direction of the school but there is an automatic response from her as she's walking away. "He's not my boyfriend."