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Latest revision as of 23:02, 26 October 2017

a 'FANTASTIC' Day in the life.....
Date of Scene: 19 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Invisible Woman, 333, Mister Fantastic

Invisible Woman has posed:
    It's a 'normal' day in the Four Freedoms Plaza. People are coming in and going out, scientists, builders, researchers, some information runners and the like that consider themselves privledged to work in the Fantastic Four building. Of course, there WERE a couple of shady characters........or they used to be, since Ben found a couple of them trying to dig into the restricted files of Reed Richards. Not only that, the one who discovered them was.....Valeria.

So, as soon as she realized what they were doing, Valeria took off running, and both of the hoodlums ran after her at full sprint.

The only drawback? Valeria slides to a stop....right next to Ben. "Unca Ben! They were trying to take stuff from daddy!" Which is VERY obvious....by the fact that they're carrying laptop computers.....

Invisible Woman has posed:
    It's a 'normal' day in the Four Freedoms Plaza. People are coming in and going out, scientists, builders, researchers, some information runners and the like that consider themselves privledged to work in the Fantastic Four building. Of course, there WERE a couple of shady characters........or they used to be, since Ben found a couple of them trying to dig into the restricted files of Reed Richards. Not only that, the one who discovered them was.....Valeria.

So, as soon as she realized what they were doing, Valeria took off running, and both of the hoodlums ran after her at full sprint.

The only drawback? Valeria slides to a stop....right next to Ben. "Unca Ben! They were trying to take stuff from daddy!" Which is VERY obvious....by the fact that they're carrying laptop computers.....

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Yes. It /was/ a 'normal' day, such as normal can be when octopoidal aliens from the 11th dimension could attack as they look for space hamsters to power their starships.. Or Fashion Zombies could rise on Fifth Avenue and start attacking lingerie boutiques.. Normal is subjective the The fantastic Four's Way of life.

But it HAD been normal for ben.. Without having any world shattering crisis' he had been upstairs in The poker Room.. because of course the plaza has a Poker Room. It was a small game and now that it was over ben was coming back to the main FF Floor, dressed in Hawaiian shorts and shirt (not matching) and huge flipflops customized for his rocky feet, counting out bills in his big rocky maws. His trademark unlit stogie clenched between his teeth.

Until Valaria literally slides into him. He looks down, brow raised at his god daughter.. "Squirt! Whas'wrong?" he asks, looking conncerned.. Then looks up and down the hall at the two guys and it all clicks. "Hold this.. and Get behind me, baby girl." he says, handing her a roll of a few thousand dollars.. and Picks up one of the many planters strewn through the halls. "Hey! Stop right there ya idjuts!" he yells and takes three steps. One.. Two... THREEEE! And bowls the semi spherical plastic planter down the hallway like it was a bowling alley.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    As the Spherical plastic planter rolls down the hallway, it knocks the pair of 'thieves' over and knocks them face down into the floor. Before the planter can go too far, it stops on a wall....an invisible wall. "What the heck is going...." And she sees Valeria BEHIND Ben.....and Ben in his classic 'Clobberin' time' stance.....and Sue encases both of the thieves in forcefields......and walks her way towards Ben. "What happened?" She says setting the planter up to where it won't roll anymore.

Valeria bounces as she catches the money. "YAY!" And she starts to look at the money. "YAY! Unca Ben rolls some twits!" So cute!

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    It's mostly the crash of the planter out in the hall that draws attention, as one of the doors down the hall slides open and Reed's head pops out, his neck stretching to peer outside. "...what exactly is going on here?" he says as he takes in the scene, the rest of him exiting the lab as well as he takes in the intruders. "You have them dear?" he says to Sue.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm hrmphs.... Ben wouldn't even consider this to be a proper 'Clobberin Time', no siree bob. But he still watches with satisfaction as the planter smacks the two would-be theives down and he pumps a rocky fist in the air. "WOOT! STEEEEE-RIKE!" he yells and then plants his fists on his hips, looking smug and satisfied. "Yancy Street Bowlin' League Champion, ten years runnin, ya punks!" he taunts them.. just as Sue appears.

"Heya Suzie-Q. Why don't ya hold these guys so we can call tha cops! You'll be much more gentle than I would be." he remarks, the looks over his shoulder at Reed. "Stetch! Think those belongs ta ya.. or Johnny.." he then thinks about it. "I hope he cleared his browser cache.." then looks at Val. "Uhm, ya didn't here dat. Ahem..." he then notes she is still has the money. "Careful wit that, Vally Girl. It's fer charity."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Yeah, I got them." Sue says in a bored tone. "SO....as Reed said...what is going on?" And she looks to Valeria.

Valeria still looks giddy at holding that much money. "Those guys had laptops that were connected to our building wide servers, Mommy. And from what I saw, they were downloading daddy's experiments and secrets and trying to get away!"

Sue then looks at the 'robbers' and smacks one of the 'bubbles'.....which makes it ricochet between the walls for a couple of minutes. "Hey Ben....feel like basketball?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed's brow furrows. "Ah. THAT explains the access alert I just recieved. Well. That was certainly a faster investigation than I was expecting." he says, a faint hint of amusement entering his voice as he walks over to stand by Ben and Valeria, reaching out to pat Valeria's head as he does. "Well down, sweetie."

He raises a brow at Sue's suggestion...but doesn't IMMEDIATELY weigh in on the ethics of using robbers for basketballs. Surely they can sweat JUST a bit? They DID try to break into his records, after all.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm ooooohs, wincing slightly as one of the force-bubbles bounces back and forth against the walls.. probably rattling the guy inside something senseless. "Ouch.." he mumbles and then looks at Val, whom is probably laughing at the guys now. "Good job, Munchkin. Ya did good comin ta get us..." and she did good knowing what the guys were DOING.. which is a lil beyond him. Not that he is ignorant of computers, in fact..

"Hey.. dumb question Reed but.. Isn't our servers behind a wirefall... wait... thats not right..." he grimaces a bit. "Oh, you know what I mean!"

He looks back to Sue then and raises a brow. "I dunno.. I wuz more a football player, Suzie.. And there's not a good amount of roo ta get a wind up fer a good kick.." he emphasises that last part, staring at the pair of theives. "So who ya guys workin fer, anyways.. Because ya don't look like yer smart enough ta 'ave come up with this yerself.."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    The guy is definitely rattled.....so much so that he pukes inside of the bubble. The other guy, despite Sue's suggestion, doesn't budge. "Yeah, you were mean to protect the ball...but you don't want to protect these guys." The non-puke guy is visibly sweating at Ben looming near him.

Valeria runs over and gives ben a hug on the leg. "You're welcome!" She then hands ben the money back.

The first guy really looks green now. "ugh....Aim doesn't pay me enough for this." *HURL*

"Well...that explains that. MODOK's on the move again." She then looks to Reed. "What was it that Grey Hulk said about Modok's name?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "That it put far too much effort put into making an acronym when that acronym wasn't actually a word on its own?" Reed says thoughfully. "Or were you referring to something else?" He frowns more at the idea of AIM causing issues. "Yes, there's a firewall Ben, that's the word you're looking for, and I update it frequently. But MODOK would be one of the beings who would have a fair chance of getting into some files, if he was lucky." He smiles a bit at the two in balls. "And apparently his minions were not."

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm daaaaaws, accepting the money from her.. Then when no one is looking he peels off a fifty and slips it to her. "Don't tell yer mom and dad.." he whispers, then winks at her and quickly regains his as usual innocent face. Yep.. COmpletely innocent. he didn't just give his god daughter enough money to buy as much ice cream (with SUGAR) as she could desire. Nope! Thats what Uncles are FOR!

He looks back at the guys, then Reed and Sue and frowns. "Thse guys seem a lil.. I dunno.. short bus even fer MODOK.. They don't even have tha beekeeper suits.. though.. I guess it owlda been suspicious if they did.." he admits.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "HEYYYYYYUUUUGH!" And the first guy pukes again. And the second one is very disappointed in his 'partner'.

Sue smiles a bit. "Good point." And Herbie comes around the corner. "The police should be here shortly, Miss Richards." And Sue nods.

Valeria takes the 50 and puts it in her pocket...and nudges him arm to say 'thank you'.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed frowns at Ben's comment. "...yes. That's...not very like MODOK. I should run a quick check on our security systems, they may have just been decoys for an actual intrusion...." After all, it's only paranoia if they're NOT out to get you. He winces a bit as one of the unfortunate lackeys loses his lunch. "Ah...dear, perhaps a small hole to drain, once I've gotten a housekeeping drone in here." He has some sympathy for them, at least.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm eeews.. makeing a face as one of the guys loses his lunch a /second/ time. "Thas disgustin. Why would ya 'ave buritos before ya went on a freakin HEIST?!?" he asks, shaking his head, then turns Val /away/ from The Sick. "Decoys.. ya mean like a distraction?" he asks Reed, and frowns, then he looks at Sue, "Where's Franky? Cause if we gotta real breah, I wanna know where he is so we can get him and Val ta tha safe room." Ben is not a coward by any means, but he, like their parents, would never ONCE allow them to be harmed.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "uuuuugh.....Modok just wanted Richard's secrets tot he negative zone." The guy is coughing, but he seems to be fine now....mostly. The other guy is silent as the police start to come in.....and it's only then that Sue opens up a hole in the bottom to let the 'sick' out, and into a bucket Herbie brought.

Sue doesn't look convinced. "Last I checked, Franklin was with ALicia." She says softly. "Reed? Can you check on them?" She says as she hands the guys over to the police.......

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed gets a flash of faint alarm in his eyes at the thought. "...I'll go check on them, just in case." he agrees, turning to begin jogging down the hall towards Alicia's room. He touches the arm of his uniform as he goes to activate the touchpad there. "Call Alicia..." he says as he goes.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm 's heart.. sorta speeds up a bit when They mention Alicia.. Yeah, if he could blush he would. He doesn't like talking about his feelings with anyone, especially when he isn;t sure what his feelings truly are..

"Sue... meybe ya should take val ta tha safe room and then come back when Franky and 'licia are in there. I'm gonna take these two mooks downstairs fer tha cops.. and maybe check if anyone is comin up from that way... I'll call if we're clear from below.. And call Johnny, damnit. I swear he turns his phone off whenever he goes out on a date.." Stupid Johnny. Stupid Dates...

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "You do realize that Valeria can hack her way out of the panic room, right." Sue says in rather deadpan voice as Ben takes the two guys, now released, to the police.

Alicia picks up the phone quickly enough. "hello?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "Hello Alicia, it's Reed. We've had a minor breach of security. Is Franklin still with you? Are you both okay?" Reed says, rounding the corner as he approaches Alicia's suite. No signs of trouble yet, but then again, if they were interested in actual files, they wouldn't be in the residential area most likely.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm has plucked the pair of wannabe home invaders from their bubbles and has them BOTh under arm, heading for the Elevator, when he stops and turns around.. he looks at Sue.. then Val.. Then sue again.. then Val.. And he wags his finger at her. "Remember whut we talked about?!? No hackin' Daddy's security whatchamacallits...Unless you absoluely HAFTA! Kay? That's my Girl." he winks at her.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "We're fine, Reed. Franklin is just playing video games and I'm painting as usual." Alicia says as Reed can hear 'HI DAD!' in the background.

Valeria looks to ben. "But I was bored!" She then sighs. "all right. I won't."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed looks relieved, slowing in his jog. "Hi buddy...just checking in on you...okay Alicia, let me know if you see anything odd, but it's probably nothing at this point. Sorry to bother you. Reed out." He shuts down the communication, then sighs out. Well. Still a good idea to look over his computer security systems again. He turns to jog back to Sue. Crisis averted. For now, at least.