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Following After Flatline
Date of Scene: 20 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Lois calls for a think tank, Ben nearly breaks the elevator, Sue is the calm one, Reed tries to science the magic, Marinette takes charge of things in a power suit that is devoid of spots, and Adrien's jaw meets the floor. Or ...yuuuuup. No bugs. At all. In this room. Nope.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, 333, Invisible Woman, Mister Fantastic, 142, 143

Lois Lane has posed:
The Daily Planet.

A beehive of activity no matter the time or day.

Today is no different. The presses upon the lower levels click and clank, while the keyboards upon the higher levels lightly echo the heavier machinery below.

It was during the morning hours that messages were sent out to Sue Storm-Richards and Reed Richards and also Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain. It was an invitation by Lois Lane to bring everyone to The Daily Planet for a meeting. To discuss what happened weeks earlier, especially for the victims that fell into a coma. Lois wants answers and the explanations the doctors at the hospital have given aren't enough for the reporter.

Now the time is leaning heavily towards late afternoon and within one of the larger conference rooms of the Planet's, Lois Lane waits. The long brown table holds a variety of foods and snacks, as well as coffee, tea and water. There's also a folder of information set near her own chair; test results, notes, articles and anything else that Lois has been able to gather together. The majority of this same information was also e-mailed over to Sue and Reed beforehand, for Reed to review beforehand.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
High above the conference room, on the roof of the daily planet, a strange and silvery vehicle touches down. Whether powered by vectored thrust or anti-gravity is anyone's guess, as the infamous Fantasicar has had many itterations over the years, but it lands with a grace that can only be provided by skill and not just technology. Skill that Benjamin Jacob Grimm, aka The Thing, posesses in spades.

Minutes later, the Fantasicar powered and locked down, the elevator pings... then pings again.. then pings AGAIN and the doors seem to struggle to open. There is a screeeech of metal, not being bent per se but more like being forced open with pneumatics ALMOSt being broken. Rocky fingers slip through the slight opening, then pushes them fully apart. The Elevator seems to.. uhm.. bob a bit in the shaft as Ben steps out and to the side.. and then elevator seems to sigh in /relief/.

"Next time I'm takin' tha stairs." the orange rocky-superhero grumbles, allowing the other occupants to step out. "Stupid pansy elevators..."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Stepping out after Ben, Sue steps out as well. "It really does sound like a Gabriel Iglesias joke, Ben." She says as she steps out of the elevator, and pats Ben on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I mean nothing by it, Ben. We're mainly here to see what the information Lois has means. Of course, that's why Reed's here.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "Yes, well..I think the elevator might prefer it too." says Reed as he steps to the side to let Sue preceded him out the elevator once Ben has stepped out. "I'll make sure to have them send the bill to Four Freedoms. They really should have a reinforced elevator, considering how many unusual individuals visit here for interviews and such." he adds thoughfully. Once Sue is out, he steps out himself. "Now, we just need to find Ms. Lane. I believe her office was down the hall?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
A follow up. Adrien had a feeling it was going to happen eventually. Knowing that Marinette had an invitation, Adrien had scheduled for Nathalie to drive her if she wanted when she was ready. Adrien had a meeting that afternoon away from the apartment and so was closer to the Planet offices. He made sure to let Marinette know about that scheduling stupidity as he arrives to the Planet with his bodyguard. He takes the not Ben'd elevator, since that one wasn't wanting to respond right away, and so his elevators dinged open a moment or so after the Four Family's did. The large man stepping out first and interjection himself between the big walking rock and his tall thin blonde charge. Adrien managed a single glance at the blue clad strangers before falling silent and motioning the larger man forward so they could go to the conference room that the receptionist told him to meet Madame Lane in.

Lois Lane has posed:
That poor elevator.

It's a good bet that Perry White will definitely send a bill to the Fantastic Four. And possibly look into fortifying them as well.

For now, however, the Fantastic Four and Adrien Agreste will be seen by the receptionist and while her gaze lingers on that elevator, her greeting will still be quite polite, "Welcome to The Daily Planet." Even as Adrien motions for the group to follow, the receptionist will add. "If everyone will follow me, Miss Lane is already in the conference room." And with that said the woman leads the group through a maze of cubicles, before ending up at a partially closed door. She'll offer three quick knocks up upon the door before she opens it. "Miss Lane, your guests have arrived."

While Lois was lost in thought those knocks upon the door and the receptionist's voice pull her back to the present. A smile will be offered to the other woman, even as Lois turns towards the door. "Thank you, Patty. We'll let you know if anything else is needed." And then Lois wait for the odd-little group to enter the room.

Thankfully the conference room is spacious enough that even Ben should find it somewhat comfortable; though the chairs might still be a concern for the man.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm grumbles as he walks behind the famous couple. "Sure sure, gang up on ol' Benjamin whydontchya..." he mumbles. "I'll have ya know I haven't gained a single pound since we..." he then stops, considering what he was going to say. When Reed had him fly through the Cosmic Radiation belt all those years ago and they were changed. Sometimes he barely thinks about that, anymore. And sometimes it slips out. He doesn't want Reed to think he's mad about it still though. "After, you know..." he offers Reed a friendly grin.

Ben continues to follow the group, and the receptionist, keeping quiet as they are herded into the room. Ben allows the others to grab seats, though he remains standing and leans against a wall, arms crossed.. Though not until he has waved to Lois Lane.. and has thanked the receptionist. He's nice like that.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue smirks as Ben 'ignores' the bodyguard that tries to intimidate him. Simply put, no matter what bodyguard you think you have, Ben Grimm is better.....and it's not a pipe dream. Sue raises an eyebrow at the bodyguard and his 'charge' before walking in and having a seat near Lois. "Hi miss Lane." She says softly. Yes....it was Miss Lane again. This was something that required the Fantastic Four's attention, even though only three were there.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    There's a faint twitch to Reed's mouth, though he smiles back. "I know..." he says, giving Ben a pat, tamping down the ever-present twinge of guilt he feels when he's reminded of what his best friend has had to go through all these years. Perhaps it's time to try another test to see if he can reverse...but that's for later. For now, he follows the rest of the Fantastic Four into the conference room, thanking the receptionist as well as he steps in to let her close the door, then makes his way over to take a seat at the table next to Sue. "Ms. Lane, a pleasure as always." he says warmly, then looks to the younger gentleman. "Mr. Agreste, pleased to meet you." He offers a hand. "Reed Richards." The bodyguard gets a glance, and a slightly raised brow but doesn't seem to bother him other than that.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The guard steps in then moves to also stand against the wall. It's mostly near Ben, and while he doesn't glare at the rock-man, it's clear that he's been deemed 'most likely to actually hurt HIS boy' out of the group.

For his part, Adrien frowns at all the other people and stays near the door. Reed's outstretched hand is given a quick thoughtful glance then reached out for with his right hand.

"Good afternoon, Monsuier Richards. Madame Lane. Tout," he says politely enough though his tone is slightly guarded and the french lilt to his words is easy to hear. His green eyes track to Lois.

"I did not realize there would be so many here for this follow-up interview, Madame Lane," he states then, withdrawing his hand back to his side. His face is schooled neutral, seeming open and honest and curious, yet guarded and hesitate all at once.

Lois Lane has posed:
A smile of welcome will be given to Ben, Sue, Reed, Adrien and even the bodyguard. Then Lois will consider Ben for a quick silent moment, when he leans casually against the wall. While she'd like to offer him a better seat there isn't necessarily anything better than what is currently within the room. A mental note will be added to an already long list in Lois' mind, to ask Perry about possibly finding some reinforced furniture, for times just like this. It's not like they've never had other super-heroic beings within their conference rooms, after all. Just none quite so large and heavy.

Still, she's the hostess here and as such, Lois will motion to the food and drinks. "I know it's after lunch time, but I had a bit of food brought up in case anyone is hungry or if this meeting runs long." Which brings her gaze to Adrien when he asks that question of his. A corner of her mouth will quirk upward slightly, "It's not an actual interview, Mr. Agreste. It's more like a think-tank -" States the reporter, even as she steps to folder that sits upon the tabletop, "- I'm hoping to find out some answers on what happened to all of us. The hospital and staff haven't been able to tell us much, if anything really, and I for one would like a second opinion. And answers. Real answers."

Her gaze moves now to Reed with those words of hers, before Lois finishes with, "And thank you all for coming in on such short notice."

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm didn't ignore the bodyguard then, and he isn't ignoring the bodyguard now either. He is /disregarding/ the bodyguard, which is a completely different thing. He has a certain disdain for 'profdesional security' because it never seems to actually be either, professional NOR secure.

But what does he know, right? He doesn't even know who this kid is, really, just that something happened and Reed and Sue were involved or are helping resolve a problem.. blahblahblah.. He was playing Mario Kart against Franklin and Johnny while it was being explained to him... And Johnny was cheating too, the darned flamehead. You can't be expected to get /everything/ right? If it was important he would remember!

As lois speaks he checks out the spread of snacks. Without even giving the guard a gklance he pushes off the wall aqnd lazily strolls around the table to an empty spot so he doesn't disturb them as he picks up a plate and starts piling it up. "Wonder whut everyone else will eat.." he mumbles.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari's phone rang before the car ever showed up. The conversation was quick and it left Marinette in a less than pleasant mood. She had made very quick work of changing and putting to use a few of the 'gifts' that Mr. Agreste had brought by recently. When the car arrives, Marinette's already waiting outside for it.

A short conversation on with Nathalie on the quick ride to the Planet and by the time Marinette got out and was walking into the building, she was only calm because she knew arrangements had been made. She strolled in to the Daily Planet like she owned the place, or very well could if she wanted to, and right up to the receptionist.

A few moments later and there was a knock at the door before it's pushed open and the receptionist announces Nathalie and Marinnete's presence.

The latter of the two strolls in behind the former. She's dressed in a pair of black dress slacks, a deep blue silk blouse, a black dress jacket and a pair of blue heeled pumps. Around her neck and hanging from the bottom piercing of her ears are diamonds and sapphires that likely cost more than her tuition. Her hair has been pulled back into a severe, tight bun.

A tight smile is given to Nathalie as Marinette checks the diamond studded watch on her wrist. "Ten minutes, oui?" When the woman nods, Mari nods back and then turns her attention to the room as a whole.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue looked over at the new person that walked in and shakes her head. "Do they have crackers over there ben? Or, at least, something to make a sandwich with? I haven't had lunch yet." The bodyguard is definitely disgregarded as the Fantastic Four have faced bigger.

However, she looks towards Lois and Reed. "I know it was limited data to work with, Reed but....can you work with it? or is that why we're here? For more information?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Dr. Richards pauses as Marinette makes her entrance, raising a brow curiously as the young lady enters, then glances at Lois questioningly. She seems to know her, however, so he simply nods politely to her, letting her take a seat before he continues once the door closes. "Well...it IS limited data, yes. I've had to extrapolate from what I could glean from the hospital testing and security footage." he explains. "I will say there was no normal medical reason for the condition of those put into a coma that would have kept them in that condition. What stood out, actually, what that that was the case...the comas were almost too regular, as if their physiological status was being frozen in a continuing pattern." He pauses, getting a slightly irritable expression. "And I would have to say that elements obviously have to do with phenomena that didn't correspond to natural laws as we understand it, likely due to manipulations of extradimensional energy of some sort. Which is..." Yes, Reed actually looks a bit annoyed. "...very volatile and difficult to measure." And he's totally not saying magic. Because THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Bah!

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien frowns lightly at Lois' response, arms wanting but forced NOT to fold over his chest.

"We have told you. It was the attack of the akuma I was possessed by, and the effects were undo by Ladybug's Charm. What more is there to say?" Adrien retorts, tone growing a bit colder and more guarded. His eyes flicked to the Rock Guy... who dispite the clothes and the color of the stone, looked far too much like the very first akuma he faced as Chat Noir for his own comfort. Gorille, reacting to the subtle discomfort in Adrien's body language has been keeping close tabs on Ben. And more might have been said by the blonde if not for the arrival of ....double-take.... Marinette?

Green eyes go wide, tension bleeding out into surprise as his eyes travel the length of the outfit from the heels up the sleek pants over the silk blouse and jacket and he pauses at the earrings, the soft dangles surprising him until he spots the black studs in the holes above the dangles. Adrien's eyes continue to Marinette's face and he smiles again, much more natural looking. He waits to see if Marinette is going for a chair and if so he steps forward to pull it out before he even thinks of taking a seat for himself. His attention shifts, mostly, to Reed.

"Magic is rarely easily measured with scientific instruments, for it tends to break all the normal laws of physics that we've come to accept," he says, head tilting. Ooh, science dude.

Lois Lane has posed:
When Ben goes over to the food Lois can't quite stop herself from watching him pile his plate high. There's a good possibility that the reporter will need to step out and have the receptionist order more. However, her attention shifts before that thought can quite complete as the door opens again to admit Marinette.

One of Lois' eyebrows will rise slightly when she catches the young woman's words; ten minutes?

That doesn't stop Lois from offering greetings, "Thank you for joining us, Miss. Dupain-Cheng. Please have a seat."

And with that greeting offered, Lois shifts her attention to Sue and then Reed, when the two speak up. Only after Reed is finished, will Lois lean forward slightly, "That's at least something. The hospital have mostly been giving us -" Okay, really Lois, "- the run around. And I don't know if it's mentioned in there, but I don't recall any dreams while I was out; though that might not mean anything. Most of my memories are pretty foggy after the attack."

Her gaze will seek out Adrien now, before he offers that retort of his. When the retort is heard, Lois will say, "You may be fine with just accepting what happened to you as is, Mr. Agreste, but I'm not. I'd like something a little more concrete than ladybugs and magic, if you don't mind. "

Possibly a nerve hit on both sides, it seems, as Lois continues to look to the young man. "I invited you to hear what was found and to also offer any insights you might have with the incident."

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
That is a LOT of cheese and crackers thats Ben sets down in front of Sue. Not as much food as there is on /his/ plate, of course, but Ben is a grwing boy (who still hasn't gained any weight, he swears) and needs to keep his girlish figure. "Therer ya go, Susie-Q." he says, and then slides a slightly smaller plate of snacks in front of Reed as he babbles.. Good Ol' Reed! He then is about to take his plate back to his wallflower spot when the girl enters and he raises his brow... But says nothing as she seems to have a companion as well.

Shrugging, he leans back against the wall and works on his homemade dagwood sandwhich, munching as he listens.. and listens.. and ooooh boy....
"Magic.." he suddenly says.. then frowns and looks at everyone. "Sorry. Yer really talking about, or not talkin 'bout in Reed's case, Magic?" eh asks, then shoots Reed a dirty look. "Ya can say the darned word, Stetch-o. magic. Maaaaa-jik. Its easy. It's barely two syllablies compared ta yer, what, usually twelve syllable words? And it ain't like we never dealt with magic before, ya know."

He then looks at everyone else. "C'mon. It ain't hard ta believe that magic exists when ya got Gods wit' hammers and bearded sorcerer's wit' red cloaks flyin around. Heck, Even Doc Doom uses freakin magic." He eyes his dagwood...

Mmmmm. Sammich.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Bluebell blue eyes flit first to Sue when she speaks and then over to Reed. "Give that neither of us, as has been stated previous, have any real memory of that time, I fail to see how we can be help. You've been given what information we have."

Another glance at her watch. "You were told to who to contact if you had anymore questions, Ms. Lane." Marinette lifts her head. "The lawyer that Mr. Agreste keeps on retainer will be here in seven minutes." Taking a seat? Nope. "If the hospital doesn't have enough information for you, I'm sorry. We can't offer any more than we have. We have made our peace with what happened and quite frankly, I don't appreciate that being dredged up for us again."

At least Ben gets a hint of a grin from Marinette as she steps over to Adrien's side and wraps her arm around one of his.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue quietly clicks her tongue at Marinette and takes a deep breath. "I'll see what Miss Walters can do to help, Miss Lane. Though I don't know why anyone would bring a lawyer to a meeting where we simply need information, not to lay blame." She then shrugs. "But, that's just me. Thanks Ben." She says as she makes herself a sandwich. "So you don't have any sort of recollection of how it happened to you, Miss Lane?"

She then takes a bit of a breath. "We're aware of Magic, Ben." She then chuckles. "but Reed tends to use the scientific method and 'rule things out first'. So.....perhaps a visit to Stephen is in order."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Dr. Richards shoots Ben and Sue a Look. "Just because they call it such doesn't mean there's not a system of explanation that can be used to predict..." he starts to say, then coughs, inhaling, then letting out the breath. "...regardless..." he continues, looking to the two young people as he holds up a cautioning hand. "Certainly neither of you are to blame for this." he says simply. "Nor was anyone attempting to place blame. This is simply an attempt to determine what happened, in order to prevent it from happening again. Or at least, to provide a way to combat a similar effect. That is why Ms. Lane asked for our assistance, nothing more." He gets a serious expression. "In my experience, such things can happen more than once. And if so, wouldn't you prefer to have a way close to hand to undo it?" He leans back in his chair.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
With Marinette taking a very decisive lead in this conversation, Adrien settles his elbow into her arm more fully, having to work to take his eye from her, and even more when she mentions Legal being here in seven minutes. Really, that calm cool in control confidence Marinette has is ...not alike catnip. The click of tongue AT MARINETTE draws Adrien's green gaze. Under Marinette's fingers, Adrien's arm tenses and at his side, his right hand closes into a loose fist. Nathalie and the large man stand at the ready, calm and steady looking. Adrien takes a breath, then looks to Reed.

"Monsuier Richards. You are a man of science, by the very nature of your words. Thus, evidence is what you need. Have you not, then, found and looked through the Ladyblog? After all, Madame Lane cited it to us during our interview. A source I noticed that she may have over looked referencing in her article. In said website, are ofter first hand accounts and video footage of akuma attacks in Paris. This has indeed happened, and will likely continue to happen. But, as Madame Lane has published, Ladybug is here in New York, 'close to hand' as you say, to 'undo it'. As for what to combat and prevent? Don't get overly upset. Don't get overly depressed, or sad or lonely," Adrien states firmly, an almost cat-like disdain to his voice.

Lois Lane has posed:
A sharp look is given to Marinette and then a slightly kinder look is given to Sue. Then to Reed's words, Lois Lane nods, "What he said." Her gaze turns to the two teenagers, "I'd rather have answers on what happened and the possibility that we might find a way combat it, then just let the world spin around hoping it doesn't happen again. Or if it does that Ladybug will /always/ be around to cure it."

More should be said but there's the pressing matter of a lawyer showing up, and so, Lois adds, "Let me grab one of our counsel, I'm sure they're just twiddling their thumbs, just so we're all on the same page." Remarks Lois, then she's walking to the door, "I'll also have Patty order more food. Give me about ten minutes."

Then the reporter is gone, her dinstinctive steps likely evoking terror in the hearts of each lawyer; she is afterall the one that typically causes the Planet to need them the most.

Ben Grimm (333) has posed:
Ben Grimm catches the smirk from the young french woman and grins, nodding his head at her as she takes her place next to the too-pretty french guy. "Feisty." he jokes and then finishes off his sammich, licking his fingers before he shoots Reed and Sue a look and shrugs. Then waves again as Lois finishes her part of this.. interview thing.

"Nice meetin ya, Miss Lane! By tha way! I luved yer Op-Ed peice on Markovian Revolution against their Royal Family!" he calls as she walks out.. then looks at the rest of the group.

"Whut? Ya think I just reed tha paper fer tha funny pages?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed nods to Lois, smiling as she steps outside, then raises a brow at Ben. "Not at all..." he assures him gravely. Johnny, on the other hand, generally requires four color panels when reading. He turns his attention back to Adrien and Marinette. "I have, actually, once I determined that the ladybugs were the vector for the cure. It's certainly an interesting read. But if, as you say, Ladybug is here, then I'd assume these akuma are more likely to make an appearance here. And while I could wish it, it's undeniably there will be someone feeling negative emotions in a city this size." he say wryly. "So...I suppose what I'm saying is, we..well, I acknowledge that I don't completely understand the means by which it happens, comments on magic aside. But, we would like to offer our assistance if such attacks should happen again. That's the other part of why we've offered to help. Understanding is good, but ultimately we'd like to help fix the issue should it become as widespread again."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I take full blame for calling the lawyer," Marinette says with a smile. "Sadly, the last encounter with Ms. Lane left me feeling any encounter with her again would require one." And the young woman is wholly unapologetic about it.

Her eyes flit to Reed. "Magic is energy, oui, sir? And as such, must surely be predictable?" What? She pays attention when Adrien talks. "I can understand your frustration to a degree but as we told her the first time, we don't know what happened during Adrien's time as Flatline." Her voice is still tight and tense.

The tension in Adrien draws Mari's attention and the first real smile is seen as she looks up at him. His arm is given a gentle squeeze before she looks back at those gathered, the smile fading. "Perhaps, sir... You're asking the wrong people."

The sharp look from Lois is met with a hard from the raven haired girl. The moment the reporter leaves, however, she relaxes marginally.

Being called feisty has Mari grinning outright and shooting a wink at Ben. She's only feisty when she has to be. Now, when she looks back at the others, her smile is less tight and more genuine. "I have no doubt it will happen again. If it's happened once, then it will again. If you want answers, my suggestion would be to seek out Ladybug and Chat Noir. We can try to help but... I'm really not sure what information we can offer."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien glances to Marinette again when she speak, anytime she speaks. Because Marinette, in a power suit, and dangling earrings and Mon Dieu does that just fuzzy his brain! He has to work to focus again, turning his gaze to Reed as Marinette says that there is little they recall from his time as Flatline.

"I have no detailed memory of my time as an akuma, Monsieur Richards. Only feelings I do not wish to dwell on, for all the hurt I caused before Ladybug found me and set me free," he says, voice softening at the last part. It's all he has to add, nodding further when Marinette mentions the two Parisian superheroes.

"Oui. I agree completely. They have first hand experience fighting akuma and could tell you almost anything you need to know about them," he adds, right hand coming from his side to rest over Marinette's hand on his arm.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed smiles at that. "Good advice, yes. I'm hoping I might be able to do so, if I can meet them. Like many heroes they're shy of the public eye, after all. But perhaps if I keep an eye out for other akuma...or if I can track the effects of an akuma when they're causing havoc...well. I'll be happy to introduce myself." He purses his lips. "...well...when I've isolated the energies involved enough that I can track it, that is." His eyes gleam a bit. "It's a challenge, and I do love an interesting line of research." He leans forward. "But you do have a point, mostly why I wanted to speak to you was to see if you'd experienced any after effects or remembered anything further. If you haven't then I apologize for pulling you out here, especially if you were less than interested in reliving those events. Honestly, my concern is what might happen if a powerful metahuman was affected by an akuma. It seems powerful enough when they affect a baseline human."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette is silent for a long moment, her eyes flicking back and forth between those still gathered. Finally, her eyes settle on Reed and her face grows somber. "In confidence? Nothing I say can be given to Ms. Lane. If that needs to happen elsewhere, I will gladly meet with you a different time and place of your choosing." Perhaps there's something she hasn't told Lois everything after all. Of course, most of Lois'... Questions... Were directed at Adrien. "Ms. Lane went way too far the last time Adrien and I spoke with her. I will not tolerate attacks, of any sort, towards those I care about..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
And at Marinette's 'offer' Adrien looks right at her, eyes a little wide. His right taps hers twice, in mute question: My Lady? Are you pawsitive? He is friends with someone that looks a dead-ringer for Stoneheart!

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed tilts his head. "Ah. Yes. She is a very tenacious woman, especially when she's looking for her story. I suppose it's necessary when you're a reporter." He stands up, since both Mari and Adrien are at this point, clasping his hands behind his back. "I can agree to that. It's not like we haven't held quite a few secrets over the years. Anything you want to say will be held in confidence." He glances around the room. "As for here...hmm. Moment." He raises his forearm, tapping it as a touchscreen fades into view, then does a slow circle with it. "..hmm. No bugs, no transmitters, no cameras detected. Here should be safe enough, especially since you've managed to distract Ms. Lane." he says dryly, closing the screen, then waiting to see what Mari has to say.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari's eyes slide to Adrien and she smiles: Trust me, Kitty.

She watches Reed, laughter suddenly dancing in her eyes for a moment before she gets herself under control. "Akuma take what you are feeling in the moment Hawkmoth senses your emotions and sends it out. For Adrien, that would have been when I died. While I was in my coma, I was very much aware of everyone and everything around me. Theirs was deeper because that's the second the akuma was created for him. Each akuma is different based on who it is meant for."

She steps from Adrien's side and towards the scientist. "You must understand... If Ladybug and Chat Noir opt to stay out of public eye... It is likely because many of your heroes are unknown to them and resemble, in so many ways, the very akumatized they have had to face." She stops and stares directly up at him. "Perhaps it is because, behind the masks, they can be themselves." Her words are so very carefully chosen. Hinting at so much without really saying anything at all. "Watch the rooftops at night, sir... If I remember right, it's how they patrol the area they call home..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Trust me, Kitty.

Adrien gives Marinette a nod. His gaze shifts to Reed and a snicker and a smirk dances his face just as Marinette too seems amused. The two parisians both clearly think soemthing's amusing. He watches Reed and Sue and the rest as Marinette speaks, his arm failing loose and calm to his side as she steps away from him. His chin lifts lightly, watching how His Lady makes her point, all that confidence he can hear in her voice.

He's just the sidekick, the Knight, and he's completely okay with this. Rooftops. He'll research which one and put it on their patrol path. Not right in it, but near enough. Let Reed 'lure' them in. See how good his science is.

Oh god. Please not a giant laser pointer!

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed hmms, folding his arms, nodding at the explanation, his brown eyes meeting Mari's blue gaze while she explains. His right brow raises ever so slightly, and if there's a faint twinkle in his eye, he quickly hides it under a more serious mien. "Again...good advice. I'll be sure to keep my eyes open when night falls then." He adds thoughfully. "You know, Four Freedoms has a very nice rooftop, come to think of it. We often have guests stop by that way. Perhaps we'll be lucky enough to catch them passing by some night." He holds up a finger. "I'll have to be sure to leave out a welcome mat, since they're new to the city. It's only polite." There's the faint smile.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Not once do those blue eyes waver but they do light in acknowledgement and approval? as she notes that brief twinkle in his eye. What he says makes her smile warmly. "Very kind of you, sir. Not a bad idea. Perhaps they were simply waiting for someone to reach out." The hardness to the girl has certainly fallen away and her hand is held out to him. "My apologies for my earlier behavior. If you and your family would like to stop by some time, I'd love the chance to make it up to you. Perhaps you'll have some more information by then. Adrien is quite a lover of science and I'm sure he'd be thrilled to discuss it all with you in detail. Sadly, I don't keep up with him in that field very well at all."

A look is cast over shoulder and she smiles, tossing him a wink: See, Kitty? Everything's okay. "I could always use another excuse to cook, no, mon amour?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Any excuse for you to cook is a good excuse for me," Adrien acknowledges, his grin not unlike a smirk, eyes warm and honest and more than pleased by what just happened.

"Nathalie, add Monsieur Richards, Madamemoiselle Storm, and Monsieur Grimm to the approval list at Bedford," Adrien orders, face growing a little more serious as he speaks to his ...Marinette's.. assistant? And just like that the large man, Gorille, seems to relax, face going from French Special Forces 'I am watching all of you' to passively scanning the room for other threats.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Dr. Richards takes Mari's hand as she offers it. "No need to apologize, I understand the frustration. And I'd be happy to discuss it with Adrien, when he has the time. You're welcome to stop by Four Freedoms Plaza." He clasps Mari's hand, shaking once, then releasing. "I have kept you long enough I think though. Bonne soiree, mademoiselle and monsieur, and adieu. It's been a pleasure meeting you both." He offers his hand to Sue as she stands, then follows Ben (who pretty much has cleaned out the snack table by this point). "We'll distract Miss Lane for you for a bit, if you'd like to leave without further questions being tossed your way." He waves, then the Fantastic Four (minus 1) exits the room, off to distract a nosy reporter.