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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/23 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=14, 1045, 994, 282 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:14|Gambit (14...")
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Latest revision as of 00:05, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 23 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Molly Millions, Grace Choi, Juggernaut

Gambit has posed:
It's late at night, nearing the witching hour in June, so it's still muggy, humid and incredibly hot. The humid air off the nearby rivers and ocean makes it nearly unbearable, however, it's hard to up and move your home. Some folk though, don't even have the luxury of a home.

Those that do have homes, tend to have pets, and as of a few days ago, a young woman has retreated from the Coney Island Amusement Park where she was hiding and is now in the concrete jungle of Brooklyn.

Coincediently, since Rose's arrival into the brick and mortar part of town, a few animals have disappeared, including a family's dog, whom they had spent most of the day looking for, putting up flyers, driving around and calling out her name with no luck.

Molly Millions has posed:
It's a slow effort for Molly, working her way through the streets, trying to get a handle on this place she finds herself in. Day, night, it doesn't matter much to her, and either through confidence or sheer blind ignorance the woman with the silver lenses isn't concerned with where her feet might take her. Which is how she ends up staring at a flyer regarding a missing animal with a bare furrow of her brows, absorbing the information and trying to puzzle it like it was a foreign language she only understood the half of.

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace was not a woman who was worried about walking home, at night. Not when you're 7' tall, and built like a solid brickhouse. She's still drinking a bottle of beer from her trip to the bar, where she'd travelled up to New York from Metropolis to, to meet with an old friend. And now she was on her way back to her her hotel room. Her other hand is in her pocket.
    "Whoa," she calls, lifting the bottle and moving smoothly in a half circle when she suddenly comes up on Molly who stopped, suddenly, right in front of her as Grace was approaching the building the flyer is posted on. "Jesus," she comments, frankly, "Didn't see you there."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Nearby :

A group of teenagers find their entrance to a corner store abruptly blocked by a literal wall of muscle and flesh that fills the double doors up completely . A towering mass of pectorals and thick stomach muscles protruding their shapes visibly through a tee shirt featuring Godzilla dwarfing Mount Fuji with appropriate Japanese letterings identifying the 'King of Monsters'. The outfit is all to fitting, to say the least, as the teens are forced to back away and watch, slack jawed, as the red headed giant of a man emerges from the store interior, turning sideways and ducking low to emerge onto the streets in a series of controlled movements that would put a team of clowns doing the tiny clown-car gag to shame.

He eventually arrives, large family sized bag of chips in hand, and begins stepping down the streets with footsteps that are slightly shy of causing seismic disturbances. The sheer pressure of his presence and overall size is enough to turn heads as he passes and swallows the sidewalk with his girth but he pays no attention to anyone. They may as well not even be there. That is until he rounds a corner and Grace's figure stands out in stark contrast to the rest of the crowd, a few blocks ahead..

Gambit has posed:
In an alley way not too far from Grace and Molly's position, there's something moving slowly, carefully as it hangs from one of the large, steel fire escapes, something big, as the women feel like there's something watching them over their shoulders, and it's not Marko.

After a moment there's some rustling in the alley and the sound of something wet and with some weight to it, landing heavily on the ground, like a bag full of produce hitting the cement, a bit of wet and crunch at the same time.

Molly Millions has posed:
Whoa, indeed. Molly's reflexes are fast enough that at the sudden sound and proximity of Grace she slides smoothly a step and turns... habits betrayed most likely in the way her hands raise. But clearly, she wasn't expecting someone of Grace's height, given the way her head slowly pans upwards from her comparatively tiny 5'7" and she can't quite help but whistle lowly. She's not nearly as noticeale as Grace, but in the same black clothes and same silver lenses as their last encounter she might be recognizable to Cain at least... even if right now she's a little distracted by mount Amazon to notice his presence.
    "Tall..." she probably didn't quite mean to say it out loud but can't quite snatch the word back. There's that itchy shoulderblade feeling though, and although her finger points absently at the poster like she was going to say something about it those silver lenses pan slowly in the direction of the alleyway with a beetling of her brow.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "No harm, no foul." Grace sees Cain, too. Marks the distance the man must be, down the street. She seems about to comment on the man, when the strange sound grabs her attention. She's learned to pay attention to odd sounds, on the streets. So, her brown eyes turn to examine the alley from where the odd wet sounds, and crunching is coming from. "That isn't an animal," Grace comments, mostly to herself. "Or a drunk."
    She doesn't move towards the sound, but her attention is focused there, now. She glances, sidelong, towards Cain one more time, then back to the alley. "Huh," she remarks to herself again, in regards to Cain. It's not often she sees men, built like her.

Juggernaut has posed:
     To far away at the moment to take note of whatever is going on in that alleyway, Cain's attention is mostly held by Grace and Molly. He sweeps his gaze over Molly, lingering it there for a second but if there is any recognition he does a good job of hiding it. He stuffs a pile chips into his mouth with a sausage sized finger and then balls the bag up between two fingers as he starts to approach the two ladies, bearing down on them, even Grace, like a creeping semi truck, Even at his most restrained he's..still got more in common with a wrecking ball then a human. Towering up over seven feet towards some undetermined massive proportions and yet he eyes Grace appreciatively as he draws near.

".H'lo ladies.." he rumbles once close enough, dropping the empty bag into a nearby trash can. At this point something does seem to tu g at his perceptions and he glances to the side to peer briefly into said alley, "..What's goin' on here?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Uh." Molly utters intelligently, attention panning away from the alleyway towards Marko as her lips part, suddenly feeling like a midget beside the two.
"I swear that I am not under the influence of anything as far as I am aware... but there is a..." she's trying to find the words, given the way her mouth moves,"Girl... with six arms... hanging upside down in that alley." pause,"So you're right... it's not... though that thing probably used to be." sunglasses. At night. Or maybe not, for all that the shorter woman sounds like she's not sure she entirely /believes/ what her eyes are telling her.

Gambit has posed:
Rose, the young mutant, hangs upside down looking at the carcass of the dead and lost dog with a scowl, six of her eight eyes squinting at the thing, the other two, the two smallest near her temples are aimed to both ends of the alley way. Looking up(or down from everyone elses view point) The young girl starts to move.

A giant spider seeming to make up her body, as at the waist she seems to be attached to a large arachnid and slowly, the back two spider legs gather the end of web from her large spider abdomen, attach it to the fire escape and she starts to lower down to the ground, her side arms reaching for the body to finish devouring the poor house pet. Her six arms all reaching out the tattered hoodie covering her has holes down the sides for her four extra arms to peek out of and around her waist are the remnants of a pair of jeans and the pockets seem to be the only thing that made it through her transformation, like a denim belt.

She has webs and dried sand in her hair, and is covered in dirt and blood on her face, arms and chest.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Huh. Ain't often I meet someone bigger than me. You're fucking huge," she tells Cain - who has likely heard such things before. Then, the overly large woman points into the alley.
    "That. Jesus. I've seen some weird shit in my day," she mentions, watching the spider-girl with a mild trepidation. Sizing the mutant up, determining how tough of an opponent it-she would be if Grace were attacked. It's the street-life way of thinking, afterall.
    "She's probably homeless," Grace adds in, sourly as one of her hands forms a fist, and she tosses the now-empty beer bottle into a trash can, and it crashes with the very loud sound of broken glass. And yes. She did that on purpose. To see what the mutant spider girl will do.

Juggernaut has posed:
    He's indeed heard that quite abit and it stil doesn't cease to inflate his already inflated ego. Cain's quite comfortable in his own skin it seems. "Yeah?" he answers Grace, "Why thanks.."

Any interest in any sort of flirtatious comment or quip is briefly stolen from his lips as he considers the presence of the mutant spider girl and hears Molly's and Graces explanation. He lots out a low rumble of mild displeasure from the depths of his massive chest and turns his head like the movements of a tank turret, to fully glare into the alleyway.

"She some kind of mutant then?" As he takes note of the spider-girls potential meal he grimaces lightly, wrinkling his nose abit and sniffling, "..Don't think that'll be particularly sanitary for her.."

Gambit has posed:
The beast below her is mostly fur and bones at this point as her mouth opens and something akin to saliva drips in it only it doesn't smell quite right as it seems she's got venom in her canines, and has already been liquifying and sucking at the beasts organs and muscles. She still reaching for it but stops, her head turning to look towards the mouth of the alley, her eight legs tensing up and coiling beneath her body only the back two quickly grab onto the web at the base of her spinneret, ready to make a hasty retreat.

Is seems that she's that starved for food that she'll risk a few dangerous sounds like that.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Okay, so you see it too." Molly just has to confirm that, with just a faint sound of relief. And loitering near the two behemoths she feels the need to straighten herself up some, like that's going to make an ounce of difference in regards to looking less than small and fragile by comparison,"Mutant?" she asks of the pair with a puzzled sort of air,"Damn but that's just... nasty." sometimes being able to hear and see better than the average is not an advantage,"So... what's the go? I've never... something like that before."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Simple," replies Grace, cracking her knuckles again, "You punch it. Until it doesn't get up." Brazenly, Grace begins to approach the spider-creature, with an aggressive posture, and gait to her. She is, apparently, not just all talk. "And given her behavior? I'm guessing she's eaten people before," Grace says sternly.
    She does not look back to see if any of the others are following her.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Huh." Cain watches as Grace stalks forward in full confidence He's not exactly a card carrying superhero after all. At the same time he's no one to just let someone get killed due to disinterest or lack of involvement. He's not a psycho or utterly apathetic but.Grace, uh, looks like she can handle herself.

"I wouldn't get to close." He warns, though thi sis perhaps more for Molly. He then adds, "And yeah, mutant. They aint all pretty looking like X folk.. " His tone implying more then just a passing familiarity with whoever he's referring to. He stays at the alley entrance and just folds his arms.

Gambit has posed:
At Grace's rapid approach, Rose looks to the woman, though her original arms continue to reach for the dog's body until the last moment before she screams and tries to retreat up her webbing but, still unfamiliar with her body and quite hungry, she doesn't have all the strength she needs to be able to make a quick get away.

All she can do is scramble awkwardly, her six arms trying to protect her humanoid upper half as her spider limbs flail this and that way, trying to find something she can cling to and crawl away!

"HELP! NO!" Her voice is loud but weak.

Molly Millions has posed:
"'ey I know it's weird looking... but it's just a dog." Molly calls after Grace, turning to look at Cain with a shake of her head,"I've got no idea what you're talking about, joe... hey, you.. lady... what makes you so sure she's eaten people, huh?" this at Grace as the shorter woman elects to trot in her wake in defiance of the whole 'best to stay clear'. And then the thing is calling for help and she can't quite help but speed up a little, something about that pathetic noise raising sympathy in the cyborg,"Hey c'mon. She's not hurting you.. it's just a dog. Who cares about a dog?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Hn" rumbles Cain, frowning as the girl cries out for help. His mouth twitches slightly as he considers a few scenarios and then rumbles, "Just leave her be..." there is a pause and he says, almost begrudingly, "I got a number I can call.. get someone out here to maybe help her. She might not be dangerous to more then just strays..."
He still doesn't follow into the alley, seemingly gauging how much he's going to get involved.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "So, you can talk," Grace says as she continues to approach the spider-mutant. She does not look sympathetic, at all. As to who cares about a dog? Grace pauses, to look down, hard, at Molly. "Tell that to the dog's owner. Or the dog," Grace replies, dourly. "Or you think it's alright for me to go around snapping dogs necks because I got a penchant for it?" But, she's not cracking her knuckles anymore as her attention turns back to the mutant, and she doesn't launch herself at the thing, just yet to smash it's bones into dust. She just stares at it.
    She asks Cain, "Yeah? And what's this - number you got?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"It's a dog." Molly repeats at Grace when she comes to a halt, staring up at the Amazon. The tone full of flat-out disbelief that anyone could really care that much about a dog. Possibly it's not an accident that she sets herself between Grace and the spider-mutant, some part of her is keeping an eye on it, certainly, but she keeps her attention on Grace with her hands raised,"You get groups like the Panthers and they like screwing themselves up for kicks and to get a reaction from everyone else... but well, if that's what she wants to be... why the hell not?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    The big man glances between Molly and Grace as the two make their cases about the value of the dog be known. He stays silent though, opting to stay out of that one and keep his opinion to himeelf. As Grace addresses him, he lets his blue eyes settle on her and he pauses, grumbling inwardly for a second or two. Finally his deep voice rumbles, "Some folk who like to fancy themselves as saints who help out mutants in need. They'll send a squad out here lookin' for her and take her with them to Westchester to help 'er out. Assuming she wants to go.."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Then, make your damn call," Grace tells Cain, frankly.
    She doesn't seem that put off by Molly putting herself between Grace, and the spider-mutant girl. She looks down. Pointedly. "Right. Just a dog. Just a homeless man. Nobody cares. Just a streetkid. Who gives a shit, right? Don't matter. Nobody cares about them." She shakes her head, then folds her arms over her chest, waiting for Cain to make that phone call, but she seems to have given up on the potential fight.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions glances towards Cain with a nod of aagreement, make the call, looking up at Grace with her hands still spread in the univeral position of 'don't squish me, please',"I see a dog. That's it. Being homeless and hungry's a crime in your world, is it? Not looking right? She's a kid... look at her... I mean. Forget the extra arms and all the rest of that cosmetic crap... aint right. We both know you could flatten her probably with one hand tied behind your back, yeh? But she's not looking for a fight. So what makes you so damned sure that she's not eating that thing because she hasn't got the yuen for anything else?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Marko scoffs. "..Wha..bluh..-Now-??" he rumbles in surprise at both women. He wasn't expecting that. He almost bursts out into a laugh and it's clear that he finds -something- funny about this entire situation. He manages to reign it in though. "Yeah, yeah. Yeah sure, sweet-ums." He holds up his hands. Each finger tip likely the size of the largest smart phone out there. "You got a phone the size of a movie poster handy or should I wait for you to go find one?"

He pauses and then says, "I can't literally make the call right this second. Unless one of you wants to for me. Otherwise - I'll get the word out though so they look for this girl. Trust me they'll find her." His tone does soften slightly. Truthfully some of her words did hit home. "There's folk who care about those things."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Exactly," says Grace. "And what makes you think she hasn't eaten some drunk laying on the street. Or some scared ten year old who sleeps in a cardboard box at night because she ran away from her abusive parents?" She shrugs, "Ain't my problem."
    She looks then over to Cain, turning towards him and moving away from the alley, apparently leaving the affair to Molly to deal with. "Sure. Whatever. You ever come to Metropolis, stop by Chaney's. Drinks are on me, big guy. Metas and mutants there will trip that we'll have someone in they think I might not be able to toss out, if they're too rowdy. You'll liven the place up, some. At least for a night."

Molly Millions has posed:
There's only Molly's posture and the way her lenses stay seemingly on Cain to suggest that she at least doesn't... understand why there's an issue with him making a call,"I'm not compatible with the local system." she informs. Maybe she's just trying to buy the mutant time to scuttle away to safety,"So hungry and weird looking also automatically means she's a cannibal?" the shorter woman challenges,"I've been hungry plenty of times... that mean we're going to have beef?" but Grace is moving off, and Rose is probably scuttling away in the opposite direction, so she lets her hands drop and takes a breath of relief, falling silent for now with a tilt of her head towards the sky.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Metropolis huh?" Cain watches as Grace begins to move off. He looks after her for awhile and then allows a slow smirk to crease his broad features, "Yeah sure. Okay sure. I'll drop by.."

He looks back to Molly now and just watches her as she seems to take a defeated posture. His ice blue gaze flickers back to the alley and then he looks at Molly once more. His expression briefly cools, as if momentarily allowing the veil that had been over his mood to be lifted and a brief hint of the what lies beneath showing for a moment as he studies her. Perhaps he..does recall her after all. But he makes no aggressive action and his intense look lightens as he asks, "..You uh...you're not from around here, are you? You seem pretty confused about some things"

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace shakes her head, wryly at Molly. She doesn't say anything further, but she does nod to Cain. "Hope your friends know what they're doing." And, with that, she starts sauntering off down the street, once again heading to her hotel, apparently with no desire to press the issue of Rose any further with Molly, or with Rose herself.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions shoves her hands in her pockets,"No, I'm not from around here." she grunts quietly as she lowers her gaze again and schluffs from the alleyway with a glance down to check she didn't get dog-gunk on her boots,"And this place is about fifteen flavors of weird to me... but still don't make it right to squish some girl just because she looks weird."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Life's weird, yeah. Folk got different values. I think you were both on the same page if it helps any. Girl that desperate might have hurt someone or might be confused. Mutant powers aint always a pretty thing when they first show up. That probably was someone's dog and dog's are special t'folk. I'm sure she was going to try and just scare and capture her and then turn her over somewhere so she could get some help.."

Cain shrugs and then turns to begin to leave himself, "..Be careful what things you jump into. It can get rowdy out here.."

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions shrugs her shoulders slightly,"I've not no problem with that lady, really. And yeh, maybe that girl will, but going off of 'maybes' is trouble looking for a place to happen." she shakes her head,"Still got no idea what you mean by mutant powers. And it's still just a dog. Freeside people might own dogs, designed from the genes up to be cute or whatever the latest craze is.. but in the Sprawl they're food. People thought horses were special, too, Arabs have spent years trying to clone them after the last die off, and I get it... sort of. But if it aint your dog, then why's it matter to you?" she itches her temple and gives an abrupt kind of laugh for his parting words, shifting back in the direction of the alleyway, herself,"Hey, someone's only tried to kill me once this week... so far this has been a nice vacation." she opines, from the way she assesses the fire escape, clearly planning on checking in on the spider girl... just to be on the safe side.