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Moral Support
Date of Scene: 25 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Jessica Jones helps Ravenna Levesque face down her abusive former employer. Ravenna gives Jessica an important factoid about the Bartender at Lux.
Cast of Characters: Ravenna Levesque, Jessica Jones

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna and Jessica got talking one evening at Lux, since they both spend a lot of time there and they've had the occasion to swap stories between fetching drinks. Ravenna mentioned still having stuff at Cassis that she needs to pick up, but being relucatant to return there due to her abrupt job promotion. She may have hinted at her former boss being a bit of a dick, but it was little more than a hint. Jess agreed to come play bodyguard so Ravenna could fetch her things with out fuss.

The Sommelier is usually confident, calm and collected while at Lux, even with the more snooty and difficult clientele. However as they get closer to the small restaurant she shows visable signs of being nervous. The sign outside looks intentionally worn and distrassed, showing the name "cassis" in all lower case letters. There are a few cafe tables outside that are filled for Brunch, and the inside is very busy, with a smile line waiting for a table. She intetionally picked brunch, knowing that the owner would be too busy to bother with her, still she pauses before walking toward the alley to head in the back enterance.

"So... I forgot to mention that Anthony is my ex." Anthony being the owner that is. "It's part of the reason why I left, so... I hope this doesn't get ugly."

Jessica Jones has posed:
This will be the first time Ravenna gets to see Jessica dressing like she normally dresses. Ripped jeans and a faded blue tank top, sunglasses, boots. Her hair is a messy black waterfall. The make-up is more or less the same, so she doesn't look like a total stranger. "Exes always get ugly," she says bluntly. "But there's nothing to worry about. At worst he'll get to yell some shitty things. He won't get the chance to do anything else. And if I have my way, he won't get the chance to yell many shitty things."

She sounds more than confident. Which might be weird, because the woman looks like she's 120 pounds soaking wet. She carries no visible weapons. But she sure seems like she thinks she can handle Anthony and anyone else who wants to give her trouble. Then again...she is a PI; it's not exactly the safest work. She probably has a few tricks up her sleeve.

"Continuing to work with your ex sounds fucking awful." She swears freely too, out here, because she doesn't have to "fit in," doesn't have to blend.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna has noticed the subtle changes in Jessica, and she finds it refreshing. She seems way more at ease dressed down and swearing than she does at the bar. Well, at least a natrual ease. Still she frowns and nods her head. "He's really good at saying shitty things. You'd think stuidied it with the way that he acts." Still she takes a deep breath and turns the handle on the back door and pushes into the restaurant.

The sound change is drastic. With the mix of the kitchen, and the dinning room, there is more than a healthy buzz to the place. With the high celing, there is little to dampen the sound, which is apparently by design. Some people thrive on it, others find it annoying and are quick to leave. No one is in the back area at the moment, so Ravenna does quick check before she slips back toward the small staff area where there are a gathering of lockers. There is a look of hope on her face as it seems that she might be able to slip in, grab her things and slip out, but once she gets to her small locker she pauses. The padlock has obviously been cut and left hanging, with a frown, she opens it to find a scarf that looks like it was cut with scissors and the word whore written on the inside in sharpie.

"Well, there goes the stealthy plan."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Yeah, well, there goes the plan where I act nice, too."

Jessica's face has contorted into a mask of fury, and she says, "Point this fucker out to me. We're done."

She almost has to blink the red haze from her eyes. She whirls around, almost as if she can pick the ex out without even having to be told. But she will, in fact, wait for Ravenna to tell her. In the meantime, her fist clenches. "I guarantee by the time I'm done this son of a bitch will never bother you again."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
That red haze is easy to see on Jessica's face, and it's not something she's noticed before on the Lux Regular. With a frown she holds up her hand. "Woah there, we don't want to hurt him too badly." She says cautiously. "At least not before he tells me where my stuff is." She does have some priorities. She's about to turn around and point him out, when another waitress spots Ravenna and Jessica, and turns to go play tattle tale. The blond curses in Quebecer as she straigthens her posture. "That's his flavor of the week, she's off to go tell teacher that the bad student has returned."

The bouncy waitress flounces off toward a tall bearded man. His hair is long on top and shaved at the side and his beard is supposed to give the impression that he doesn't care about his apperence, but it is pristine, oiled, coniditioned and well cared for. The same goes for his clothing, while he is in a casual pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, it's easy to see the brand names listed on them, showing how expensive they are. He's a walking condriction, and doesn't seem to care who knows it. There are several tatooes on his arm which it's impossible to tell if they're actually meaningful or just there for show. His eyes narrow behind his thick black frame glasses, that don't actually have lenses, and he strides over to Jessica and Ravenna. "You said you were never coming back, that just goes to show how much of a lying whore you are. Come to beg for your job back? Did your new daddy not like your performance?"

While again, Ravenna keeps that cool and even look on her face, her fists have clentched tightly and her nails are digging into her palms. "I just came for my things Anthony."

Jessica Jones has posed:
So a /hipster/ asshole.

Jessica smiles grimly. She doesn't have to hurt him.

She makes sure the locker next to her doesn't have a lock on it, then turns her back on it. When he's done with his little rant, and when Ravenna says why they're here, she backfists it. Hard enough to crumple the door of the locker in two, hard enough to snap it off its hinges. "Whoopsie," she says darkly.

"I'm sorry, my fist just slipped. That happens sometimes. Lemme fix it."

She plucks the locker door out of the locker and just...straightens it out, the metal bending in her hands like it's clay.

"Where were we? Oh yeah. I think we're at the point where I tell you that you're going to stop verbally abusing my client, you're going to go get her shit or the monetary value of whatever was in her locker if you've already destroyed it like a douche, and you're going to do it pretty much yesterday."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
When Ravenna wanted back up, she figured that Jessica would be good moral suport, not that she could sneeze on a locker and bend it to her will. Both she and Anthony stare as the locker is broken and put back into place before the turn back to look at eachother. Ravenna's fists have unclenched and she quirks her brow at Anthony, giving the impression that this was her plan all along. "You heard her Anthony, gather my things."

Anthony looks like he might shit himself, which would ruin his skinny jeans so he decides to clear his throat and not look intimidated. "I was going to send them to your Aunt's weird shop." It's an obvious lie, but he turns to walk to the office, and Ravenna follows.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica gives a tight, sardonic little smile. Her 'I don't hide, but I don't advertise' policy has its advantages. This is one of them. She can't get the locker door back on its hinges, but she gets rid of the dent anyway, because that way all they gotta do is put the door back on with a screwdriver. She wouldn't /care/ overmuch, except that if she out and out 'destroyed property' they'd have a case against her, and that's not what she wants. Plausible denaibility, 'I repaired the damage immediately', goes a long, long way. She never even issued any direct threats.

Still, she doesn't spend a long time on that. She stays right next to Ravenna, not challenging the statement that he'd have sent her things on, but not looking like she believes it overmuch, either. She keeps her arms free and by her side, clearly ready to intervene if anyone so much as twitches in Rav's direction in a way she doesn't like.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Anthony fishes around in the tiny office bosting Apple products as if they were going out of style. He pulls out a small box and shoves it across the desk, flopping into the chair like an insolant child. Ravenna fishes through the box with a frown. The pictures she has of her family have her face scribbled out, there are a few other clothing items in there that have also been slashed and several note books that have his writing all over in it in sharpie. It seems to be the same dribble as her locker. She dumps these items on the desk with a frown but finally gets down to what she really came for. Her fancy corkscrews, wine keys, and other impliments of her job are mostly intact save for one. This one is silver and it looks like it had a fancy L on it, but most everything has been scratched out or etched away with some sharp instrument. Ravenna lightly traces her fingers over the damaged corkscrew and shakes her head. "You know this was irreplaceable." There is actual hurt in her voice as she begins tossing items into the box angrily. Anthony only sits there and looks smug. It's a cautious smug, but it's there.

"I told that you were irriplaceable and that no where else would take you with such poor credentials. This new place really must be a dump." He's murming this, mostly because he's afraid that Jess will hear.

Jessica Jones has posed:
The thing is, Jess is right there, and has good hearing. Not superhearing, but she's got a job where listening through doors is a thing.

"She's been hired on at one of the fanciest, most expensive, most exclusive clubs in town, you piece of hipster trash," she drawls. "Irreplacable."

She leans over the desk. She already trusts she's made her point to Anthony about what she can do to fuck him up. And truthfully, she wants to scare the bejeezus out of him, because...she sees the signs. This is a stalker. This is a miniature Kilgrave, someone who only lacks the power to act just like him.

"Two choices. You get out your checkbook and you write her a $25,000 check right now for her damaged, irreplacable property. Or I go to my lawyers on her behalf. They're some of the best fucking lawyers in the city. And when they come after you...they're going to clean you right out, and by the time they're done with you? /Your/ place will really be a dump. I'm going to give you about 5 minutes to make a decision."

25K isn't enough, but...Jessica figures it will hit him where it hurts.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"I don't have that kind of money! You know I don't have that kind of money!" Anthony says to Ravenna, gesturing to her with a snarl. "Fine, bring your lawyers. There is snothing the can do to me. She left her items here, I was free to do with them as I pleased after she ended her employment." Not that he was, but that's what he believes, and the power of belief is very strong. Still he shakes his head. "It doesn't matter how exlcusive this club is, they have no vision! Not like this place! You know what my mission is! How important it is."

At this point, Ravenna just turns her back and heads toward the door. She doesn't have anything thing constructive to say, and she knows Anthony just wants her to start scremaing at him so he can villify her in front of the staff. It's happened before, and she's going to be damned if it happens again. "Let's go Jess. Let the layers sort him out, he'll lose his castle soon enough."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Of course." This is Ravenna's show, after all. Jessica will follow her out, then pulls out a card.

"Nelson and Murdock," she says. "They won't really let me talk to them about /your/ case, but go to them. Nelson's the one I generally work with, but both of 'em are good at what they do. They'll take this guy down in a heartbeat, or at least scare the shit out of him until he coughs up some sort of fucking compensation. Because as far as I know? Breaking into an employee's locked locker when you know she's coming back for her shit isn't okay. Like if you'd left it there for a month maybe he could have gotten away with it, but whatever, no, you did it within like a week, so /fuck him in the eyehole./"

And then: "You let me know if creepy shit starts happening. He acts like someone who might turn into a fucking stalker."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna takes the card and shoves it into the back pocket of her jeans. She still holding back a lot of anger and once they are out into the alley she pauses and looks at a shinning new car that is sitting next to the door. "Well, it looks like I found his twenty-five grand." She says as she narrows her eyes and passes her box to Jessica. "Hold that for a second."

She takes several steps back, away from Jess just to keep her out of harms way than holds her hand out toward the car. The air gets a heavy smell of ozone and the hair might stick up on the back of Jess' neck. After several seconds of concentration, one thin bolt of lightning shoots down from the air and hits the car. It makes a few warbles as it fries the eletronics on the inside, but other than a burn spot on the top of the hood, it looks undamaged.

"There. Much better."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Does he know you can do that?" Jessica asks dryly. "Cause if he knows you can do that, I'm betting that's going to weaken your case. Just a bit. Then again, acts of God are a thing."

She's really not disturbed by it, takes someone calling lightning down from the sky as pretty much par for the course. Then again, she treats metal like it's silly putty, so why would she be surprised? She shoves her hands in her pockets, content to amble with Ravenna. "Why was the corkscrew irreplaceable?"

Not that she wants to poke at painful things, exactly, but...

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"This isn't something I advertise." Ravenna says, acknowleding that she hasn't told him. "He knows I into 'new agey' things, but not that I have these abilities. It keeps my life simpler if people don't know." And few do, but still she turns to follow Jessica and head away from 'cassis' and head anywhere but there.

She begins her story with a shrug. "France treated Quebec like England treated Austraila. You could be sent there instead of gettting your head chopped off, so it was mostly filled with criminals and whores. My ancestors were one of the many families sent that way, and it was one of the few pieces we still have from back then. Aside from the Vineyard itself, but that's hard to take with you. It took a lot to convince my grandmother to allow me to take this with me, to my new job. I do not look forward to telling her that some asshole ruined it."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm sorry," Jessica says sincerely, even as she tries to revise a mental picture of Quebec, a place that seems sophisticated in her imagination, to one that involves a history of pirates and criminals, whores, and thieves.

"Maybe your new employer knows someone who could restore it before your aunt finds out? He seems to be...well connected. He's certainly not just a simple mixologist."

She has a feeling that man can get his hands on any kind of person or capability if he really wanted to. Something which bothers her, except when it doesn't. Except when she remembers how happy she feels whenever she's at Lux, and specifically, around him. A person ignore a lot of things, to feel that way.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"It's my own fault, I really should have left it at home and not brought it here. It's just a great story to tell, and stories get you higher tips." That's her whole motavation, though at least Lux is paying better than this place. When she mentions 'The Bartender', Ravenna gives a quick snort. "Oh I'm sure he does. That man has so many tricks up his sleeves he could probably sneeze on it and fix it. If you can even call him a man." She says with a shrug. "I still can't put my finger on just what he is, and he always changes the subject when I ask."

Jessica Jones has posed:

Jessica stares at Ravenna for a moment, her face unreadable but mostly because there's /so/ many emotions trying to cram themselves onto her expression that it would be hard to pick out the right one. Finally, her brow furrows. She speaks slowly. "Back up for me. What do you mean, 'if you can even call him a man? What does that mean, exactly?"

Granted, 'The Bartender' is as much case as romantic interest right now. He set her a riddle, made her a bargain...or is it a capitol-C Contract? It's a game, but she knows she didn't really read the fine print while agreeing to play it, recklessly, in the fog of her own growing feelings, throwing away her desire to poke and prod and ask a zillion distrustful follow-up questions, all perhaps out of a failure of imagination for what could go wrong.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
It's then that Ravenna realizes that Jess hasn't come to the same conclusions that she has. Perahps her strength isn't magical like hers is, so maybe she hasn't 'felt' the same things that she has. Pausing she gives her a half frown before she ponders her words carefully. "I don't think he's human. He's playing one really well, but his power is too strong to be mortal like myself. I felt how he's effected my emotions, and I'm not against it but still... humans don't do that unless they're really powerful empaths." She taps her finger on her lips and shrugs. "If he was more of a player, I would think he was an incubus. That's been my best worst guess so far. Everything else is farfetched or impossible that I've researched. I'm hoping over time he might trust me enough to tell me, but I haven't earned that yet. I don't even know his name, just his title and he wants it to stay that way."

She reaches out and lightly touches Jess' arm. "I'm not trying to deter you, I know you are fond of him. I just don't want you to be some sort of meal for a creature, if that's what he is. Not that I'm worried for you, I think anything that tried to eat you would immedately regret it."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica pales, even as Ravenna touches her arm. "Wait, he's impacting emotions...he's...he controls them?"

Her skin is as cold as it is pale, even as she digs into her pocket and withdraws a battered little notebook. She's scrawled several things onto a page, including a riddle. The rest says:

'Mr. Westen's Good Wine' - Christian Allegory
Holden Caufield - Rebel, hates hypocrisy
Lux - Latin for Light
Now she writes: NOT MORTAL? Incubus????

She circles it four or five times, but...it's Ravenna's words she's focused on.

"You don't have to salve my pride," she says flatly. "Being really strong in one way doesn't mean you're not vulnerable in 100 others. I learned that lesson early."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"No, maybe. I'm honestly not sure. I just know that his smile is really infectious, and I like seeing his smile. Maybe I have a crush on him and this is how normal people get into relationships, but that doesn't feel right either. The thing is, if he was an inncubus, I feel like he would have offered already. Unless he's in for the long con, but that doesn't feel right either." A lot of this feels both wrong and right and I'm keen to ignore all the wrong."

She can see that Jess is a little freaked out and she frowns. "I didn't mean to make you go all note pad, and honestly I could be way off. My powers don't have much to do with emotinal empathy." Just physical, which is never fun. "If it makes any difference, I think he is genuinely interested in you, at least with the attention he gives, but you've seen my track record."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica crosses off incubus. "Yeah," she says flatly. "I like his smile too."

Some of this flatness is the hyper-caution that her past has developed in her. Some is jealousy she can't quite contain. Some of it is not jealousy so much as not wanting to be made a fool out of.

But if he were an incubus, he would have propositioned /Ravenna/ already, /too/. He sort of has Jess, but...would an incubus have been so considerate and conscious of her boundaries?

Well how the fuck would she know? What does she know about supernatural creatures? Meanwhile Ravenna says his interest is genuine, and she lets out a scoff that is almost a laugh, but that's mostly for her track record. "Anyone can end up in a bad scene with an asshole," she says. "I think it says more about him than about you." Needing to comfort-- a weird word, and not one most would associate with Jessica Jones, but the truth is the urge is there if one looks beneath the surface. "I'm sure he was pretty charming at first, knew his wines, seemed like a kindred spirit."

She shrugs and puts the notepad away.

"So you don't think he's using his powers to manipulate, you think it's more a function of...whatever he is. Man, I can't believe I'm talking about...incubi...or things like them like they're a thing, but...my grandfather is immortal and I can lift a car over my head, so nothing seems that far fetched to me these days."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna shifts the box to her other hand and scratches the back of her head. "Honestly, I needed a job, he had an open position, but someone else was also in the running for it, so I slept with him to get an edge over the other guy and got the job. The sex was good so we kept having it, and what I thought was actual affection was an obligation instead. So... after realizing he was banging half of the waitresses I ended it, but I was so invested in Cassis that I couldn't just leave."

Ravenna thinks about that and nods. "It could honestly be that he projects his emotions with out realizing it. He was so pleased that I accepted the position that it poured right over me and I felt it as well. It feels more as if he feels something and it gets brodcasted out to the world and those who are receptive to it, receive it. I would hate to see what happens if he were feeling negative emotions." Note to self, never piss off the boss.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica listens to the sordid tale of Cassis without any sign of judgment. There is probably nothing about the sexual things people do that can surprise her, given her line of work. And she's...certainly had a lot of bad sex for bad reasons. There are worse reasons than 'needing a job and needing to eat.' She only listens, choosing not to comment on it-- there's really no comment that can be made that is a good comment to make here-- but she does not to show she's listening and hearing.

She then turns her attention to this thought about his abilities. She shoves her hands back in her pockets. She has to think about this. Kilgrave claimed he couldn't /help/ but order people around, too, that it was a burden to be so careful with what he was. In the end, is it the ability or the way it was used? Does she judge by that ability, or does she judge by the actions? She thinks about the day she stomped Kilgrave into a hostage situation, the day he ended it, mostly to humor her. He could have made that choice all on his own.

What has the bartender done? Given her drinks and books and made her feel a bit less miserable for awhile, treated her to delightful conversation. Made her feel a little calmer, made her feel a little more sane, made her feel a little less like a drunken mess.

"Yeah, I'd hate to see it too," is what she says out loud, hesitation and uncertainty in her face and mien that is all out of keeping with the confident woman who stormed around Cassis not ten minutes past.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"Let's just... never see that." Ravenna thinks, wondering just how that would feel. She knows so little of Jessica's past, so the paralells are not there for her to pick up on. Still she shifts the box again and stars walking. "Maybe we should go get a drink some where. It doesn't have to be Lux, but we did at least have one victory today." Even if they still have a mystery to solve.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Yeah, let's skip Lux for today," Jessica says, nodding in agreement. She'll never turn down a drink. She smirks and says, "But that's the only high class place I know. I could drag you into Josie's or my local pub, but somehow I don't think they're going to serve anything you want to put into your mouth."

Sadly, the woman isn't the most forthcoming of people when it comes to certain things, but Ravenna can rest assured she's been given a lot to think about. For now, though, she seems to put the matter of the bartender out of her mind. "So...you said 'new agey' stuff. And you're talking about demons and shit like that's kind of your everyday. You a wizard, 'avenna?"

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna shakes her head and sighs. "It's a stigma, I know, but I do enjoy normal everyday booze. Honestly small pubs like that are the best. Everyone knows what they want, they get it, so it's more about the company than impressing people with knowledge of obscure booze. As long as they have clean glasses and can make a gin and tonic I'll survive just fine." There is a smirk on her lips as she tries to lighten the mood. Not for Jess but for herself as well.

"I haven't heard that one before." Ravenna says flatly. "Occasional demons, mostly I just cheat in my garden to make it grow nicer, and I can heal things when I need to. I occasionally brew up a storm, as you saw earlier but I left a lot of that behind in Quebec. It's easier to hide in a larger city like this." She shrugs her shoulders. "I guess I'm a witch, it was one of the reasons my family was kicked out of France."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica smirks as Ravenna dings her on going to the old, tired joke. "Look, sometimes things are a classic for a reason."

But with Ravenna's requirements, she knows just where to go. There's a small pub at the corner near her place that's comfortable and clean. There's even some pub food there that is relatively tasty; one of the places Jess goes when she wants to drink, but she doesn't want to drink herself ridiculous. She starts walking in that direction, and says, "Better kicked out of France than burned in France, I guess."

Ravenna makes being a witch sound almost like it's prosaic, like she just sort of uses it to make her life a little more comfortable. Well, why not? Not everyone has to run around getting themselves into ridiculous and improbable situations. "I guess some people are still assholes about it?"

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"A well done classic is very hard to beat." Ravenna says brightly, some of that darker mood finally lifting as they walk toward Jessica's watering hole. "Well I'm glad it's not to that point these days, but you begin to wonder. Than again, most peole see flying Super Heroes and they're not burned at the stake so that's a plus. This country is more religious than my own, still there is some worry that someone is going to accuse me of devil worship."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Yeah, there's a lot of weird shit," Jessica agrees. The pub, as it happens, is called...

The Pub.

That's it.

She opens well-carved wooden doors. Sound washes out...a jukebox is playing classic rock, and glasses are clinking. It smells like beer, but she can see the grizzled old bartender putting together a gin and tonic for someone else the moment they walk in. It's the kind of cozy, comfortable, polished-wood-themed place that is a classic, warm and friendly. Jessica waves to the bartender, the bartender waves back.

"Cutting you off at 5 bottles, Jones," he says.

"Not here to get smashed, Lenny," Jess says.

Today. She's not here to get smashed /today/.

"No worries. Bar or booth, Rav?"

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"Bar is fine for me." Ravenna says brightly as she takes the place in. It's very homey, and there are a lot of places in Quebec that she's spent her younger days in. Not that she's all that old. "Besides, I think this places shinning star is obviously the man behind the counter." She says, giving Lenny a beaming smile. It seems she can pile on the charm when she needs to. "I'll have one of those if you'll please." Her accent is also a little thicker than it was as she hops up onto one of the bar stools.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones observes this sudden shift with amusement. Lenny gives Ravenna a bright smile, though not a flirtatious one...the man is married, given the ring on his finger...and fixes her a gin and tonic. He just opens a bottle of Wild Turkey for Jess.

Jess drinks out of it directly.

Then again, given what Rav has seen, this is /probably/ less obscene for Jessica than it would be for your ordinary average lady.

She's happy to settle in at the bar, and says, "Probably you shouldn't tell your new boss you're drinking other places, though."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
So that's what he meant by bottles. Ravenna was a little confused, given that she has seen Jessica put down more than five bottles of beer. While Wild Turkey isn't her favorite, she isn't going to put the other woman down for her life choices. She smiles as the drink is presented and gives it a sip and an appricateive nod. Though Jessica's comment makes her snort. "If it was going to be like that, than I would not have accepted the job. I'm sure he does not give a rats ass what I do outside of work, just so long as I am there and peddling off expensive wine."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Probably true, considering the price tag on that evening." She'd seen the math he did, after all, and it was impressive. It wasn't /meant/ for her, but so what? She's a PI. She snoops. And she was happy to snoop on that one, to find out just how much dough the man made from a few hours of wine and tapas. It hadn't kept her from contributing several hundred dollars to that bottom line, to be sure.

She takes another long swig off the whiskey, sighing as it hits her bloodstream. This makes everything better. It eases some of her worries, fears, and tensions away. Granted, Ravenna is on a short list, apparently...people she can stand to drink /with/.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"I told him I could rake in the money and I delievered. He apparently called around and checked on me, he must not have spoken to Anthony." He probably talked to the head chef instead, who Ravenna was fond of at Cassis. "Or maybe he did and that was part of his decision. I'll have to ask." Not that Ravenna is expecting an answer. Ravenna herself takes a long swig from her G&T and smirks. "So what other hideaways are you keeping to yourself? I've only been in the city for a few years and most of it was studying. I still haven't gotten a feel for New York."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Depends. Are you looking for drink spots or food spots?" Jones asks, shrugging a shoulder. "Or both? Mamma Tiff's has great breakfasts and great mamosas, and she's one of the only places that isn't obnoxious in town that serves both. I could list you enough bars to drown yourself in booze from here till next Tuesday, and there's just so many little eateries that you could never taste them all."

For the record, if /she'd/ spoken to Anthony that would have inspired /her/ to not only hire Ravenna on the spot but burn Cassis down, so hey. She doesn't think the bartender is stupid enough to take Anthony's word for anything.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"A bit of everything. I like to dance, but dancing usually takes some level of intoxication, so I either need a place with affordable drinks, or strong ones. Lux is good for that, but I have a feeling that at some point, I'm not going to want to dance where I work." The free membership is great, but she can't spend all of her time there. "It takes a lot of booze for me to drown in it." It's the downfall of her super healing, or the upside. "I take it you're not the dancing sort."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica shrugs her shoulder. "Not really, no."

Bodies pressing up against each other in a sweaty grind. She pulls a face, considering it.

She also smirks at 'it takes a lot of booze.' She salutes Ravenna with her bottle and says dryly, "Yeah, I know what you mean."

She pulls over a napkin and starts jotting a list of places down on it though, jotting a quick little description of each one. Most are in Hell's Kitchen-- she knows her neighborhood well-- but not all. A few are in other neighborhoods, and she marks which neighborhood they're in too, just to help Ravenna find them.