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Nighttime Rooftop Rendeveous
Date of Scene: 26 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Reed talks magic ...er interdimensional energies, Chat Noir leaves in a bit of a huff, and Mari is a mini Pepper Potts. Or we all try our best to explain something Miraculous.
Cast of Characters: 142, 143, Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Nighttime. It's the purrfect time fur a pawtrol.

Do you HAVE to pun the inner monologue, Chaton?

Yes. Yes, I do. Do you have to interrupt my innremonologue?

When it puns this badly? Yes.

Would YOU like to cat-ch...
..everybody up?

No, you go right ahead.

Thank you. As I was saying. It's nighttime and it's the best time for Chat Noir and Ladybug to parkour about the city. As promised, the two made their path steer close enough to Four Freedom Tower to be spotted and for said spotter to call them over.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Now... Let's all be thankful that Ladybug can't hear Chat's inner monologue. Why? She may have started carrying a squirt bottle with her for when he gets carried away with the puns.

Tonight's patrol was more than just a regular patrol though and they both knew it. They were making their way closer to Four Freedom Tower. Ladybug would have been fine with simply waltzing up and through the doors but the boys seemed to want to play ca-- a game of-- Yeah, never mind.

And so, as they get near, Ladybug gets as close as they decided their perimeter would take them and then sits down on the edge of the roof to wait patiently. Can Kitty do the same?

Mister Fantastic has posed:
The roof of Four Freedom Plaza is one of the more recognizable landmarks in the city, a gleaming advanced design, highlighted by the softly glowing blue 4 that rests near the top of the building. Usually it's fairly low key, with just a few lights blinking near antennas at the top in case of low flying aircraft.

Today, however, a new item has been added on the roof itself, to the side of the main hangar doors built into the rooftop itself.

That being that as the two sit nearby, there's a soft flash of a hologenerator powering up, and that there is now a slowly rotating red hologram, showing a red spotted oval. It's near the edge of the roof. In addition to the rotating symbol, the hologram marks out a fairly wide square on the roof in blue. Apparently intended as a landing point.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Wait? Patiently? HA! Kitty can not sit tonight. Chat Noir stays on his feet, pacing slightly, tail tip twitching until that beacon is spotted. He stops, ears canting forward, tail flickering near his ankles.

"There. He's waiting fur us," Chat says, one hand raised, a clawed finger pointing.

"...Are you sure about this, m'Lady?" he asks, finally giving voice to the worry and concern of someone ELSE knowing about them. And yet, the tone is clear that he'll follow Ladybug to hell and back, thus will he follow her to that bright rooftop and in speaking with Reed Richards, and giving him all sorts of information. Chat's still not clear what Ladybug means to tell the scientist, but SCIENCE! So tonight's not going to be ALL bad.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
With the beacon pointed out, Ladybug smiles and pushes to her feet, pulling the yoyo free. "Trust me, mon Chaton..." Because she'd never do anything that she believes could even possibly hurt him. The yoyo is whipped out and a look cast at the black cat at her side. "Ready?" And with his confirmation, she leaps from the edge of the building, swinging her way over to that landing point.

Typical three point hero landing? She could but, eh, why? Instead, she simply lands gently and turns to make sure her kitty actually manages to land on her feet. She's also going to hope Sue is around because if she has to spend the evening listening to Chat SCIENCE!!! she may well go insane. And an insane Ladybug is a bad thing. A bad bad thing.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I always do, My Lady," Chat replies, the unease and discomfort bleeding from him as she pulls her yo-yo free. She looks up at him and he grins. It's a sly suggestive grin, smirking and cattish. He even flicks his brows up once, right before Ladybug casts off. Chat backs up a few yards to make running leap. Roof top to roof top, it's a bit of a distance, and the cat catches the side of the building and flips himself up and over and HE makes the three-point hero landing.

Beclaws he can!

Chat Noir holds the landing for a few seconds, showing off before he stands up, straightening to his full height. He grins at Ladybug again.

"Looks like my mu was big enough this time," he comments. She's probably not gonig to get hte joke. Mu, the coefficient for friction. It's what keeps things from skidding and sliding. When that number is large enough things don't go skimming across rooftops to slam into walls without grace. The joke is in the pun. In the fact that the greek letter mu is pronounced like 'mew'.

See? It's funny! Because Chat's a chat, mew mew!

Mister Fantastic has posed:
There's a soft flicker in the hologram as the two land, followed by Reed's voice issuing from an attached speaker on the device in a soft chuckle. "I try to keep the roof clean, but not frictionless, thankfully." he says in response to Chat's pun. Ahh, science nerdom.

"Welcome...We'll be right there. The roof defenses are temporarily off line, so don't worry about that." The speaker clicks off.

A moment later a circular area of the roof about three feet across glows, then opens as Dr. Richards rises into view on a small elevator, stepping off. He's dressed in his uniform, but wearing a white labcoat over the top, unbuttoned at the moment. Mostly for pockets, you suspect, from the way it's weighted down in places. He smiles at the two. "Welcome to Four Freedoms Plaza."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The pun gets an arched brow and goes right over Ladybug's head. "It has to be a science thing," is muttered as Reed pipes up with a response that makes no sense to her.

"Uh... Take your time. Thank you for not shooting at us." Sometimes, she ends up saying some of the weirdest things...

And then he's there. "We refer to ourselves in the Royal sense now, do we?" And everyone thought playful snarky was Chat's thing. "Good evening. And thank you."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"He gets me," Chat says of Reed's reply to his pun. There's a bright smile on Chat's face, like he's found another nerd-mate to geek out with. One hand points gently toward the sound of Reed's disembodied voice. He grins at Ladybug.

"You don't remember that chapter, my Ladybug?" he asks of their physics class. He loved that class. Hearing Ladybug say that weird thing has Chat chuckling, moving to her side to wait for her. He taps his foot, then drops his arm onto her shoulder to lean on her. Tail comes up in to hand to swing around in a circle and POOF!

A wild RICHARDS has appeared.

Chat Noir grins, looking from Reed to Ladybug.

"Purrhaps we should follow suit, My Lady." He turns to Reed. "We thank ye ever so kindly fur your gracious welcome and hospitality," he says in the Queen's good English, bowing with a flourish. His tail - it's a belt, tipped with metal - is let go so his clawed hand can come up to his heart, and the tail sweeps up behind him in an amused loop.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed smiles at that. "Very welcome. It's generally rude to shoot people you invite." He motions to the larger passenger elevator in the center of the roof. "As for royal we, Sue decided to stay downstairs to meet you there. She may have tea." He walks over to the larger elevator. "This way, please." He steps back and makes room for the two younger heroes.

"The living area is much more comfortable than the roof, believe me." he adds with a smile.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Ladybug rolls her eyes. "Of course he does. No. I have tried desperately to permanently delete all such things from my mind. Besides, I think I zoned out for most of it."

At the mention of tea, Ladybug lights up. "Tea sounds fantastic!" And she's immediately following Reed to the elevator. "I've gotten used to roofs but if you've got an actual chair, I'm not going to complain." She reaches out for Chat's hand, smiling up at him. "And you'll translate for me, Chaton, yes?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Purrmanently delete...? Zoned out.! My Lady!!" Chat sounds almost scandalized at this, though he's grinning broadly. Ladybug lights up and so does he, clearly happy to see her happy. He reaches for her hand and easily moves to lace his clawed figures with hers.

"I'll try, Bugaboo! But if you zoned out, I don't make any purromises that it'll make any sense," he offers cheerfully, like a cat chirping at a field mouse just outside the window.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Ah the cat puns. It's like having that Parker boy visiting again. Jennifer will probably love it if she stops by, then again. Or Franklin and Valeria, for that matter. Reed touches a button, the elevator closing, then smoothly descending a half dozen floors or so, before it opens again onto a comfortable looking living room. "Make yourselves comfortable...Sue, we're back!" he calls, stepping out of the elevator.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    And that's when Reed has a blonde blur run by him as he gets out of the elevator....then peek out from a corner it rounded. It's a small blonde girl that seems curious about the pair that came in. Of course, that's until she sees Reed. "DADDY!" And she runs forward and hits Reed full force in a hug.

Sue, on the other hand, walks her way out of the kitchen. "Hey Reed." She then looks over. "We have guests? They have any time for a snack?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Ladybug giggles at Chat. "I know. I'm terrible. I couldn't help it though. None of it makes sense and the teacher was so monotone..." Her head drops back and she huffs.

Straightening when the elevator starts to move, she takes a deep breath. "Thank you," is said to Reed as she steps from the elevator at Chat's side.

The blonde girl makes her giggle softly. "She reminds me of Manon." A look is cut over to Chat and then Sue arrives and she smiles at the woman. "Snacks sound lovely, thank you. I was told there was tea?" She sounds so hopeful.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Looking at everything in the elevator, it is only bcause Ladybug has a hold of his hand and is holding him near to her side that Chat isn't curiously pressing at the buttons.

"She was not monotone. She was stressing the impurrrtance of-" DING!


Chat Noir steps out with Ladybug, tail swaying slowly, tip curling up behind him. The metal glints faintly. He smiles at Ladybug's assessment of the little girl, head nodding.

"And sandwiches?" Chat adds, just as hopefully as Ladybug sounded. Of course, there was absolutely NO mention of sandwiches but he said it anyway.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
There's a faint *OOF* as Valeria barrels into him, drawing a chuckle from Reed as his arms stretch down to scoop up the little girl, craddling her in his arms. "You've been taking tackling lessons from Uncle Ben, I see." he says with a smile, reaching up to ruffle her hair gently as he carries her over to take a seat in one of the armchairs. "Yes, the two young heroes I was leaving the welcoming mat out for on the roof." he says in reply to Sue. "May I present Ladybug and Chat Noir." He looks thoughful. "I think we still have that plate of finger sandwiches from the reception the other day downstairs..."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue smiles a bit. "Ladybug and Chat Noir, hmm? Didn't we run into you two at the Planet?" She says before she heads into the kitchen. "Yeah, but those are likely stale, Reed. They're guests. Let me make some fresh ones."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Chat asks for sandwiches and Ladybug smirks and shakes her head. At least getting this persona to eat is easier than the other one.

About to say somethibg about her partner's request, she stops as Sue calls them out. Blue eyes flick to the woman and Ladybug smiles warmly.

"Tikki..." A flash of pinkish-white light that starts at the spotted earrings and earrings and expands out encompasses Ladybug. When it disappears, Marinette is standing there in a pair of jeans, a tee shirt with a floral print and ballet flats. On her shoulder sits a little red 'thing' with medium sized black spots on it.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat loves to eat. And with no care given to what Dad thinks since who he is is hidden by mask and magic, Chat eats whatever he likes. So with Sue offering FRESH sammiches, Chat Noir smiles happily.

And then they are called out. Chat tenses a bit, turning to look at Ladybug only to for her to call to her kwami and for the transformation to fade away. She seems all too at ease when compared to Chat Noir, but he takes what must be a steadying breath before...


A crackling green energy flashes over the black cat suit leaving behind a slightly nervous, not at all as bold as Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste. On his head is what looks like a tiny black kitten (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/493707177892299177/). A kitten that turns its head, looks at Marinette and says outloud in English: "You sure you know what you're doing right now, Mari? Cause, I could bring downt he building, but I can't rip out memories." The cat's words make Adrien roll his eyes and groan out loud, most of the nervousness fleeing in a heartbeat.

"Ohmygod, Plagg. Will you shut up? We're guests!"
"Do you have cheese?"
"You ate before we left! How are you hungry?"
"I'm a cat. Duh."
"You're a menace."
"Cat." "Men-" Someone interupt them, please.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed blink a bit at that: on one hand, it's nice to see that he wasn't misreading the subtleties in that conversation at the Planet. On the other, what ARE those little...people? Too intelligent to be animals, from the sound of it. Extradimensional visitors?

He's NOT going to even think the M word.

"So it was the two of you then...and you have friends with you, it seems." he says, settling Valeria on his lap. "Tikki and Plag, is it?" He looks fascinated. "I've never seen beings like the two of you before."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue walks back in with a tray of small sandwiches. "Here you go." She then looks at the little cat. "you'd have a lot of trouble toppling this building......Plag, right?" She then sighs. "believe me....world eaters and alien races have tried."

And that's when Valeria 'appears' next to Adrien. 'OOOOOOOooooo! Is that a little cat person? How come you looked like him earlier? Why did you sound like Sir Percival ponce Fondlebottom the Magnificent Bastard?"

"VALERIA!" Calls out Sue.

'What?' Valeria says. 'I was playing Jade Empire!'.

"But you're not allowed to use that sort of language, young lady."


Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette looks up at Plagg and smiles gently. "It's okay, Plagg." The French accent is back now. "At some point... We have to trust others. If, for some reason, I am ever unable to cleanse an Akuma... We will need someone who can. If he can find a way to do that..."

The bluebell eyes then slip to Adrien and she reaches for his hand once more. "We cannot do this on our own forever, mon amour." A soft chuckle is given to Sue as Mari turns to face her. "You might be surprised what Plagg is capable of... And thank you. That was kind of you," She motions to the sandwiches.

As she's done this, Tikki has flit from her shoulder to zip over to Reed and smile up at him. "You shouldn't know about us. Marinette knows better. But she trust you." The tiny little 'bug' stares at Reed for a moment before. "I'm Tikki! And we are Kwami. They are our Chosen."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Hey! It's your call. I'm just trying to be the voice of reason," Plagg quips to mari before looking at Reed then Valeria then Sue then back to Valeria.

"I can be catastrophe when I want to be," Plagg tells Sue, Making Adrien facepalm lightly.

"Plagg...." "Don't be jealous that I stole your pun, kitten. You were way too slow!" Looking at Valeria now, Plagg's head tilts and he smiles. His ears cant forward, bright green eyes peering at the small human.

"I... am a kwami. Godling Cat Spirit, thankyou very much," he says down to Val while Adrien reaches up to flick the cat off his head so HE can get a word in finally.

"I looked like Plagg because he's the kwami that powers my Miraculous Relic... and shouldn't we be explaining this to-"


Adrien flinches were the child seems not to. He turns to look at the mom figure, falling silent and finally nodding at Marinette.

Plagg, meanwhile, being displaced from Adrien's blonde hair, floats over to hover by Tikki. A moment regarding her and Reed.

"I'm Plagg. What she said," grumps the feline spirit before he turns back to Tikki and head bump body tackles her side. "Attention." Just like a cat.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed is distracted enough Valeria makes her escape cleanly, standing up as Sue scolds her gently for language. "A Kwami?" he says curiously, walking over to the pair, rubbing his chin thoughfully. "Fascinating. And you can digest food from EArth? So, you're a combination of the two of you when you become heroes. They provide the energy, and you provide everything else? Where do you come from originally, then?" he asks, looking between Tikki and Plagg. "Are there more of your people there? Is it another dimension?"

Yes, he's just brimming with questions now.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette moves over to stand with Adrien, giggling as she watches Reed interact with the Kwami. She gets the reaction. Although, her's was far less 'oh wow!' and 'OMG! What is it!? AAHHH!!'.

Tikki giggles at her black counterpart and reaches out to pet the kitty cuddled into her. "Spoiled kitty," is teases.

Those big blue eyes go back to Reed and she smiles brightly at him. "We can! I like cookies. Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Warm, melting, chewy pieces of love and sunshine!" And then her face wrinkles. "Plagg likes cheese."

He's almost child like in her excitement. "There are more of us, yes. Many more. And it is more... We provide the energy for they abilities that are funneled through them by the relics they wear."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Hugged, Plagg purs audibly as if he were a feline of a much larger size. His slitted eyes almost close, but eyeing Reed takes a bit of presence. Of course, as Tikki comments about cookies, he twists in her embrace to making throwing up gagging faces.

Cookies: Gag! Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies: Dry Heave. Chewy pieces of False Hurl and Faux Upchuck!!

Of course, these smooth over at the mention of.."I LOOOOOOVE Cheese. I love swiss, I love bree. Cheddar? Always better. I'm a munster for a gouda asiago. But above all... I melt for camembert." And Plagg does indeed melt, going boneless in Tikki's arms, tongue lolling. Adrien puts his arm about Marinette, chuckling and roling his eyes at his kwami's melodrama.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed hmms, smiling a bit at that as he folds his arms. "Cookies and cheese? Interesting choices...both fairly high in energy." Reminds him of Franklin and Valeria, really.

    "And relics? So you came to this place via the relics? Or are they more a home to stay in while you're here?" he questions. "Would more of you be able to be here if there were more of these relics tied to you?" Because of course he thinks interdimensional anchor when he hears 'relic'. No matter what Stephen Strange insists.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki giggles brightly. "I like you! You're smart!" She pets at Plagg some more as he goes ragdoll.

"The relics are how we get home. When a Chosen willingly takes their relics off, we are drawn back into it and return to our own realm, making the relic dormant." Those blue eyes sparkle brightly. "There are several more Miraculous Relics already in existence but not as many as there are Kwami."

Some of this Mari already knew. Some of it, she did not and it has blinking as she listens. Her eyes flit up to Adrien to see if he knew any of it.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Plagg curls back up against Tikki as she pets him and his eyes open to peer at Reed without commenting. Tikki's the personable one, after all. Plagg is a big ol' jerk.

Meanwhile, Adrien is regarding Tikki with a thoughtful look. Some of this doesn't look like news to him. After all, he was looking at that book with Lila, but the book was lost. And Adrien frowns lightly at that thought.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "Hmmmm. Interesting, so there are more like you two then." Reed muses as he glances at Mari and Adrien. "Er, you four." he corrects himself, glancing back at Tikki and Plagg. "More Chosen and their Kwami, chosen as heroes? Or are those Relics not carried by anyone currently?"

    He adds after a moment. "And the akuma...are they also from where you're from? Or somewhere else?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And that happy little ladybug spirit droops slightly. "The Akuma are not normally bad. It means Nooroo's Chosen has forced their power to become dark and twisted. The Akuma are meant to create allies to help in battle... Like Ladybug's Lucky Charm and Chat Noir's Cataclysm are their special abilities..."

She snuggles against Plagg, sighing sadly. "There is one other being held as well. We are peaceful and fight only to defend and protect but our powers can be twisted if a Chosen goes Dark."

It has Mari frowning slightly, wanting to go over and snuggle the Kwami but not wanting to interrupt the explanation to Reed either.

"Some relics still lie dormant as well, a Chosen having not yet been found for them," Tikki explains.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Plagg's tail lashes about under him in aggitation at the topic, clearly disliking the thought of a Chosen going Dark. Adrien too seems ill at ease about this topic, for he turns his gaze away from the group a moment before.

"Which is why I gave Plagg into Mari's keeping when I noticed the akuma coming for me. I... couldn't risk ...being corrupted while wearing the Miraculous," he says, as if still trying to explain himself. It has Plagg looking over, tail growing still, ears drooping; sad.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed idly strokes his chin as he considers. "Sensible choice. So the akuma could affect one of you, even if you hold a relic?" He pauses, then continues. "And you don't know exactly who the Chosen was who went bad who is partnered with Nooroo, I assume." he says slowly. "So you can't feel each other, or relics, once they're given out. If you could, you'd already have been hunting Nooroo's partner down."

    He paces a little bit, thinking. "But you can...purify these akuma, somehow? Remove this taint. How do you get them out of a person who's been affected? Do you know how exactly you change them back?" he asks, the questions coming more rapid fire now as his mental gears turn faster, considering possibilities.

    He stops his pacing as he realizes he's doing it, turning back to the group. "...ah, if I'm poking into material you'd rather keep private, please let me know, by the way."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette looks up Adrien and leans into him a little closer. "You made the best of a bad situation, mon amour."

Tikki looks to Plagg and then back to Reed. "We can sense when the aura of a Miraculous is first awakened if we are 'awake' when it happens. We cannot sense in order to track one another. Just the initial burst. Whether an Chosen can be akumatized or not... I don't know. It's never happened but..."

Mari smiles faintly. "I can purify them. I'm the only one who can. I don't know why." Tikki nods. "Because we are the power of Creation." This causes Mari to blink but she'll question that later.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien leans into Marinette, the arm about her tightening slightly.

"Still doesn't mean I liked it," Adrien replies softly, causing Plagg to extract himself to float over and deposit himself on Adrien's head. A wiggle to burrow into the boy's hair, and Plagg starts purring again, though his eyes are open. The purr of a worried cat.

"That makes sense, though. You create the akuma new?" Adrien offers to Mari before looking to Reed to answer the rest.

"We have to locate the object the akuma used to house itself, the minor relic it created. For me, in that moment, it was my phone. I remember that. It was my phone. I was focused on... on the timer. because I was told... I fixated. Mari had to wake in up .. in six hours or.. or she probably wasn't... wasn't going to. The akuma ...the corruption... used that to attach itself. The YouTube videos of ....Flatline attacking Tony Stark shows it clearly. The heroes there got the phone out of Flatline's hand and broke the relic. It freed the akuma, but without Ladybug to purify it, the darkness and its threat multiplied and the moment I was aggitated again, Flatline 'woke' back up as did many of the others."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed slides his hands in the pockets of his labcoat as he nod slightly. "Given the strength of this effect, you were wise, nonetheless. It might have been worse if this effect could interfere with your partnership with Plagg, after all.

He frowns, considering the explanation, nodding slowly. as he looks to Marinette "I see. Perhaps it's postive energy, if it's creative. A strong source might counter this...negative energy in the akumas. Or perhaps even affect the emotional state of the person whose been changed? I've seen similar effects in the past, though if it requires that that energy by on the specific wavelength created by Kwami power, it may be difficult to replicate it without your help." Ugh. M-...er, interdimensional energies have odd rules at times.

    "But.." he continues. "If it is always an object on their person, that does help for freeing the person in the short term. Though...what do you mean by multiplied?" he says slowly. "Thus far it's only been one person affected at a time, hasn't it? But it can...reinfect you, for want of a better term if not purified once it's been released?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki also makes her way over to Adrien and settles on his shoulder, hugging and snuggling his cheek. "We will help what we can..."

"When the Akuma is released, it spreads and infects others... That's why so many people were able to imitate Flatline after he was reawaken... Because they had been infected why the influenced alumna was free. As for positive energy... Unless you're talking about thinking happy thoughts... Adrien's the one you want to work with. I'll feed everyone." That's all she knows about positive energy.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"From what I experienced, it's emotional energy so if you're gonig that route, you'll have to work out the wavelengths for every single bioelectric trigger on human emotions and that... just sound daunting," Adrien sciences the best that he can science.

"But... if you can figure out how to measure the wavelength of energy used during her Lucky Charm or my Cataclysm... I'd be more than interested," he says, eyes brightening up a smile on his face. Of course, Mari's mention of food has him smilng and hugging her.

"If you ever get tired of making clothes, you can open a restaurant."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Dr. Richards frowns again. "...I see. So you want to do it right the first time, or the problem will continue to spread. That's a very powerful ability your opponent has." He raises a brow at Adrien's comment, smiling faintly. "Yes, that'd be a bit difficult to do on the fly, and it'd have to be very individualized to each victim's neurological patterns, as well as anything else affected."

    His thoughful look returns. "Exploring the wavelengths involved does seem to be a good starting point, if nothing else." He tilts his head a bit. "Though, that would require your cooperation and some scanning on my part. At least of Tikki and Plagg here, and when your relics are in use as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ideally, a scan of what happens when you purify an akuma, though I'd imagine that'd be a bit difficult to plan for." he says dryly.

    He looks to Marinette curiously. "Ah yes, Sue told me you're a budding designer..a good match for the two of you, one to design and one to wear what you make."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
MAri considers it a moment, head tilting. "I... Might be able to keep the akuma in my yoyo until we can... Hmm... That would take some coordination, I think. A way to contact you when it happens. If Plagg and Tikki want to sit still for scans, that's up to them." She won't make that choice for them.

Reeds observation makes her smile before her eyes widen and she looks up at Adrien. "Don't you have a 5am conference call with the home office in the morning?" She's a mini Pepper Potts too...

Her eyes go back to Reed. "We could meet with you again? When it's convenient for you? And Adrien. Uhh... Why schedules match! Or an Akuma attacks..." This makes her frown. How is she the one in school and the one with the most open schedule?

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien seems amiable to putting his Cataclysm to work on scans and more than willing to get Plagg to sit still, though as that flickers past his Chosen's face, Plagg's purring ceases. It's that observation that has Adrien's back growing stiff and his smile to go from open and honest and curious to the picture perfect paparzzi ready blank grin. Being reminded of a meeting has the model turning to look at her with that gaze she knows is a mask for the tormoil inside.

"Yes. Of course," is the pre-programmed answer as his arm falls away from her and the kwmai are collected; Tikki more gently than Plagg. The red kwami is held out, Plagg kept in his right hand, the hand with the plain silver signet ring on it. After Tikki is taken, Adrien powers up into Chat Noir; green eyes seeming to glow sharply, ears flat, tail tip twitching.

"Give Mari your number. We'll key it in and call you when there's an attack. We'll try to minimize the damage and hold it at bay as long as we can, but protecting innocent lives is our priority," he tells Reed before turning his gaze to Mari.

"I'll see you at the house. I'm going for a run," he says before turning away to head back toward the elevator. Pissy pussy is pissy.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed roots around in one of his pockets, emerging with a business card that he offers to Mari. "As well it should be. I wouldn't want to put someone in danger, including the two of you, for a scan. If nothing else, perhaps I can create some sort of drone that could shadow you and be present when you deal with the next akuma. I'll have to think of something workable."

    He smiles at Mari's reminder, then nods as Adrien heads for the roof, sensing the change in atmosphere as he looks back to Mari, offering his hand. "It's been a pleasure, please get in touch for the scans when you have time." He looks to Tikki. "As she said, it's up to you, take your time to consider it. If you'd rather not, we'll come up with another way to figure this out then."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari smiles at Chat and nods her head. "I'll see you at home, Chaton. Be careful."

When he's gone, Mari turns a sad smile back to Reed. "His mother was a model too. She disappeared years ago... It still stings."

Tikki nods, looking expectantly at MArinette who calls for Spots On and in a flash of pink energy, transforms. The card is taken and tucked away. "It was wonderful getting to talk with you. We'll call as soon as we can. And he'll be okay. The run will get it out of his system." Maybe.

A small wave and she's off.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Dr. Richards gets a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Ah, I see. My apologies for opening an old wound." he says quietly. He does watch the transformation with interest, as it's the first time he's seen it from the other way! "Fascinating..." he murmurs, mostly to himself. "Oh! I'll add you both to the roof defense grid...you shouldn't have to worry about where you land in the future, it'll treat you as guests. Just ring the bell at the elevator door and someone will be with you." He waves as Mari steps out, then seats himself again, hmming to himself. "...well. This should be interesting...."