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Latest revision as of 02:40, 27 October 2017

Dinner Theater
Date of Scene: 01 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Corusca, Star Sapphire

Corusca has posed:
    So it was a date. Miranda's first in probably twenty years and certainly her first one with a woman. She didn't know why but she was fidgeting in front of the mirror looking at her shapeshifted figure wondering if she'd made it 'perfect' enough. Then there was the debate over clothing. She ended up settling on something low key by way of a white pleated skirt and an emerald green top that came off the shoulders. For some reason humans loved a bare shoulder. She found a French perfume amongst a dozen bottles and sprayed just enough to mask the nearly permanent smell of earth and brimstone that permeated her skin thanks to living in a cave and bathing in fire. She'd always passed it off as being in the kitchen.. up until her last husband. She shook her head then summoned a portal to her Metropolis office. Once there, it was a simple matter to call up the usual driver. She sat in the back seat in silence as is her usual but kept tapping at her purse in her lap until finally she was let out in front of the theater. It was a throwback showing of Breakfast at Tiffany's so buying advance tickets was almost moot. Either way, she stood there at the kiosk waiting. Distractedly. Her thoughts working her into a frenzy even as she tried to remain calm. Crap.. did she put on deodorant? Human bodies sweated so much!

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol didn't give her own outfit as much thought. She likes Miranda and is pretty sure Miranda likes her, and not just for her appearance, which makes everything better. In the end, she keeps it simple: a black camisole worn under a somewhat diaphonous purple blouse, tan slacks, purple flats. A casual, just-off-work look made a bit daring by her tops. She has a touch of lavender perfume and a some nice, gold earrings in; concessions to the expectations of dating. Walking up the street, she waves cheerfully hello at Miranda as soon as she spots her date, evening clutch in her hand.
    "Miranda! Glad you could make it. I had this paranoid worry I'd get here and find out you called me half an hour ago while my phone was in my purse and I couldn't hear it. How are you?"

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda smiles broadly as Carol comes into view and gives a wave in reply. When she gets into conversational distance, she steps in close and gives Carol an almost too careful hug. Like she's fragile or something. "I like the earings." She reaches out and delicately touches them.. and maybe caressing Carol's ear at the same time. Then she looks back to Carol. "So.. I thought maybe a classic? I hope you don't mind. I was always a fan of Audrey Hepburn." There's a bit of a grin and she gestures to the door. "I bought the tickets in advance so.. after you?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol accepts the offer to go first with good grace, but holds just inside the door until Miranda comes through, so she can take Miranda's hand for the walk up to the concession counter. She does so comfortably, as if it's second nature. "Sounds like fun," she agrees. "I've never seen it, so I'll just wait for Mickey Rooney's parts to get angry at for how culturally insensitive it is." She's grinning as she makes this light little threat. "So tell me how you've been. I haven't seen you in ages."

Corusca has posed:
    Hand holding granted, Miranda's smile turns warm and she accompanies Carol to the counter. "Wait.. if you've never seen it.. how do you know it's insensitive?" She seems confused enough on this point that she fails to realize she's holding up the line and looks to the menu with an apologetic look to the clerk. "Umm.. a red hot and.. yes the spicy hot dog.. and.. a diet coke? No no, the small is fine. Just mustard." She opens her purse and fishes out a fifty... because this is a theater in downtown. As her order is being readied, she looks back to Carol. "I was hit on today? Some guy named Bobby. Totally over the top. Showed off something crazy then.. well.. I had an easy out. I told him I was taken already." She grins.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "The internet, obviously," Carol explains in answer to the first question, with a pert flip of the hair and a little grin that says she isn't taking herself seriously. She orders a small soda (doesn't want to carry too much garbage) with no lid, and expertly plucks a handful of napkins to take into the theater with us. "I'm glad you told him you're taken. And did I mention yet you look beautiful?"

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda blushes a little. "No.. but thank you." There's a moment of awkward silence then she adds, "Oh! Is that all you wanted? Didn't you want popcorn.. or nachos.. or.." She flips her hand about whatever. "He honestly didn't have a chance. I am not fond of the cold and he was apparently a mutant able to summon ice at will." She says this like his being a mutant or having ice powers doesn't bother her in the least. "Truthfully.. all of the men his age I've met.. aren't terribly mature. Not anymore." Whatever that means.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol shakes her head. "Nope, I'm content with a little soda," she explains cheerfully. "I don't really like corn, and basically everything in a movie theater is one kind of corn or another (including the soda, I know), so I'll just drink my drink and sit next to you and have a good time watching an old movie." Her nose crinkles.

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda squints at Carol then. "So what you're saying is that you're a tease." Shaking her head, she pays the fellow and takes her hot dog and drink. "Well come on then. At least in the theater you have to tease me quietly." As they wind their way to the theater, she asks. "So how about you? Anything interesting? Fascinating in the world of flight? Ejected from any crashing planes lately?" She is, perhaps, teasing right back.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Nope, nothing interesting, and that's the way I like it," Carol says firmly. "Interesting things happening to experimental fighter jets tend to cost millions of dollars if we're lucky, and funerals if we're not." She juggles her soda enough to slip an arm through Miranda's, and says, "I did make some outreach to a costumed adventurer who says he's from the future. He can fly because of a ring he wears. That would be nice tech to get our hands on! He's not interested, though, so I guess we'll just have to keep doing it the old-fashioned way."

Corusca has posed:
    "And what's wrong with old fashioned, hmm?" Miranda rebutts as she has her arm looped into. She's holding something in both hands so.. when they get to the door to the theater she has to wait patiently for Carol to get it. Once inside, the theater is mostly empty which leaves Miranda the opportunity to pick seats way up in the nosebleed section. It seems she likes high places. Once she settles in, she looks to Carol. "So did he comment about the future at all? Is it all tech and no magic? I don't know about you but that sort of a world would strike me as.. antiseptic and cold."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Old-fashioned is fine, as long as you expect your business model to be sustainable forever. I see too many companies resisting the future for no better reason than to not have to change, and I've always promised myself I wouldn't lead my company that way." Carol's happy to use her hand as Miranda's, to open doors and whatnot on the way to the balcony, where she joins Miranda with a stifled yawn. "Oh, excuse me. Early start this morning. Um...he didn't say much about the future, actually. I remember assuming that was because of some kind of Temporal Prime Directive thing. Didn't want to give out information that might endanger his own future existence, or whatnot; but he didn't actually say that. I just guessed it."

Corusca has posed:
    "Now see. What's the use of meeting someone from the future if they aren't willing to at least let you in on global warming.. or.. /something/.." Miranda offers in a faintly exhasperated way. The previews are playing so she feels no need to stop talking.. even if she does so quietly. "Does this future boy have a name?" She begins to work on her hot dog.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "As Caucasian as he was, global warming must not have gotten too bad," is Carol's wry observation. Now she's in a pickle: it's not likely you'd cross paths with Booster Gold, but if you did, there's enough information there he could figure out her secret identity. On the other hand, he's the kind of guy who would totally bluff his way through any story Miranda told him. To tell the truth or not...
    "He called himself Gold," she answers. It's essentially true, close enough that she can blame a slip of the tongue if the story comes up, and far enough off to throw Miranda off the trail if she goes looking.
    Oy. Secret identities are hard. Carol will have to do something about this very soon.
    In the meantime, Coke doesn't judge her, so she drinks some.

Corusca has posed:
    "Gold?" The word is used both with skepticism and intrigue. "Sounds a bit pretentious to me, don't you think? I mean.. gold is gold and you really can't replace it with anything /but/ gold. So he's either supremely egotistical or.. I don't know.. fragile?" She shakes her head after a moment of thought. "I mean.. people who /are/ gold.. or.. golden.. goldlike? Tend not to refer to themselves as that. Which is to say it's a quality attributed to someone by someone else as high praise. Not something you call yourself." She finishes her hot dog then cleans her fingertips by sucking on them before wiping off on a napkin.

    She seems fixated on this notion because even as the opening credits begin, she looks to Carol and asks quietly, "Was he at least blonde?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "He is blond, yes," Carol confirms, having no particular comment on the speech about gold but to look at Miranda curiously. Well, everyone has their hot button topics. "And a gold-colored outfit."

Corusca has posed:
    Miranda blinks. "Well, of course, he would." There's another shake of her head at that and she settles in to watch the movie. A few minutes in, she leans Carol's way and tucks her arm into Carol's. "So how do /you/ feel about gold?" Because apparently this is going to be a topic now.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    The armrest prevents Carol from leaning comfortably against Miranda's side (at least not without looking like she's taking a comical fart), so she just enjoys the presence of the arm in hers and whispers back, "It's not much to me. A particularly conductive metal with an artificial value attached to it based on scarcity and perceived worth rather than its actual uses. You?"

Corusca has posed:
    "It's.. complicated." Miranda allows after a few moments. "I mean.. the level of avarice thrown at gold is.. kind of ridiculous but.. it does have a value symbolically. And.. I guess this is where I might get a little metaphysical and wierd so.. I'll just say that I prefer tangibles over credit cards. I'm old fashioned that way. No.. I don't know. Gold is.. purity. If that makes any sense? So I've got a high standard for anyone who calls themselves gold. Nobody is that pure."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "I'll be sure not to call myself that, then," Carol whispers back easily.

Corusca has posed:
    There's not much more to say after that. It's either that or the movie is started and talking during the movie is a faux pas that Miranda isn't willing to make. It's kitchy. It's romantic. Miranda is quite content to hold Carol's hand during the whole thing. She sipped her drink only once during the whole movie so one has to wonder why she bought it. When it's all over, she gives Carol's hand a little squeeze then stands up, stretching her arms overhead and arching her back luxuriously. "That's the one thing I don't like about movies. Sitting still so long in those tiny chairs." She grins.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol is fine with holding hands. She breaks her promise that she would groan and heckle Rooney's yellowface performance, and just enjoys spending time with Miranda. "Really, that's the one thing? I would have guessed it's the crowds," Carol comments, sounding interested, like she's taking mental notes.

Corusca has posed:
    "Oh I never go to movies during peak times." Miranda replies as if it should be a given. Crowds. Humbug. "Come to think of it.. this is the first time I've gone /out/ to the movies really in.. forever. I mean why would I when I have a couch and a big screen?" She gives Carol a wink. "See how you rate? You got me out in public to a theater."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol smiles back at that wink. "So I'm getting closer to golden territory, then?" she teases.

Corusca has posed:
    "Hah!" Miranda barks a laugh. Thankfully, the place is nearly empty so she only draws a look from the theater worker giving the place a sweep. "You're going to have to work harder than just a movie theater appearance to get there." She nudges Carol with her shoulder. "But you're getting warmer." She slings her purse and looks to Carol. "So what's next?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "The movie was my idea, and it was such a trial on you, maybe I should let you pick the next thing," Carol says comfortably, walking side by side with Miranda out of the balcony, down the stairs, and eventually out of the lobby. "What sounds fun to you?"

Corusca has posed:
    "A trial was it?" Miranda laughs. "I wouldn't call it a /trial/ per se... just.. different." She shrugs then slips her arm into Carol's as they step outside. "Fun.. wow.. flying? Swimming?" Basking in a pile of gold... "Reading isn't what I'd call a team sport." She brings a hand to her chin and thinks. "I don't know... is there a park around here? We could go for a walk?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Might be better than swimming," Carol agrees. She remembers the last attempt at that! "Let's go for a walk and see if we can find one. And if we can't, there's always a taxi." Content to take it as it comes, Carol picks a random direction on the street and begins walking in. "So I notice you keep dropping hints about flying."

Corusca has posed:
    "Do I?" Miranda looks to Carol quickly. "I mean.. I don't have a pilot's license or anything. I just.. think it's neat. You know?" She looks off at a storefront as they pass it. "Soaring through the air. Nothing up there but you and open sky. It's.. like.. real freedom. You know?" She looks back to Carol then back to the street. "At least that's how I imagine it." She seems content to walk then adds. "And why better than swimming? I mean when you can't fly, swimming is the next best thing."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Lack of suits, for one thing," Carol explains diplomatically. "But you're right, flying is nice, if you can afford it. Which I can, if I want to. I just feel bad when I think about all the dwindling fuel supplies on the planet and prioritizing them for my own pleasure. I know, I'm terrible, it's such a downer thing to say on a date."

Corusca has posed:
    "Who nee.. right." Miranda concedes the point with a nod. "Sounds like you need to invent solar powered flight." More nods. "Or another fuel source. I mean.. heck.. we have aliens on Earth now. Surely some of them have solved this fuel problem right? Go make friends with one of them. Or.. wait a second.. this Gold fellow. Surely /he/ has an answer." Pesky directive thingy be damned.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "He claimed to not know how his tech works, just how to use it. I'd be tempted to call him a liar, but then I think about the phone in my purse and every single appliance in my home, and I have to admit it sounds plausible." Carol grins. "We'll just have to figure it out ourselves."

Corusca has posed:
    "He what?" Miranda looks to Carol skeptically. "That.. sounds just like a man. Oh I can drive a car but I have no idea how it works. As if they've never read the manual or about internal combustion or electromagnetics or the sympathies of ley lines and standing stones." A beat. "Okay, I'll admit that there's very few people left who've studied magic or even believe in it. Never mind that it doesn't require you to believe in it to make it work. It's a bit like science that way." She laughs. "Of course, my rule tends to be to never trust a wizard."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style," Carol observes. It sounds like a quote. It's also just about the only thing she has to offer on the topic of magic. "But seriously, most people haven't read those things. Society has progressed to a point where specialization is profitable rather than deadly, as it was just two hundred years ago. People focus on one or two areas, to the exclusion of all others."

Corusca has posed:
"True... but I'm not fond of people who knife people between the shoulder blades." Miranda observes wanly. "So I tend to deal with wizards in a more up front way. Which.. always gets messy because they think they know everything." She rolls her eyes. "I will admit that people do tend to focus but.. I think it has a lot to do with time. People just.. lose track of it. Or waste it. Or are so hell bent on some objective that they obsess to the point of madness and leave all other things behind." She shrugs. "I try not to stress."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol swings her hand with Miranda's still in it, a casual gesture that maybe makes up for the topic as she explains, "I agree. I remember the day I realized I'm going to die. I was panicked about it for at least four years. Then I realized, I'm nothing but a system of memories existing inside a temporary vessel of meat that only has so much time as a thinking creature on this planet, and the rest of the world won't even notice, so why get all hung up on my own sense of self-importance? Just let go of the ego (okay, I'm making that sound easier than it is, but you know) and the stress goes with it. Acceptance brings a nice mellow."