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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/02 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=814, 735 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:814|Ravenna Levesque (8...")
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Latest revision as of 23:56, 27 October 2017

One Star, Would Not Return.
Date of Scene: 02 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravenna Levesque, Lucifer

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna has been fitting in very well with the staff and clients of Lux. They seem to be enjoying her knowledge, her ability to find the right bottle and her cheerfulness. However not long affter she started, several online reviews of her service are stating the opposite. The trickle was small at first, just one or two reviews, but soon it becomes three or four a day. Not that Lux relies on online reviews, especially with it's regular members, but a few of the non members have mentioned her name in passing and asked questions about her when she isn't around.

Ravenna appears to be mostly oblivious to it. Since online reviews are mostly a place to complain about what went wrong instead of what went right, and most everyone enjoys her service one they have it.

Lucifer has posed:
The Bartender walks into the bar with a smile while Ravenna's covering down for him. Shirtsleeves, vest, and apron, he looks like any other professional getting ready to clock in, but instead he hops onto a stool in front of Ravenna.

"Management was really on the fence about bringing on our new computer guru, and I'm very glad that he's here," he remarks, without preamble. He taps the bar for a drink of whatever Ravenna's got in her hand.

"Do you know about Yelp? Or... whatever it is? Apparently," he says, without waiting, "it's a place where people do reviews. And we've been getting terrible ones."

He holds a hand up. "It's okay-- Lux itself, no one cares. But there's a restaurant and some ancillary services that do rely on a little advertising. Particularly when someone reviews the penthouses and says that we have a rodent issue."

His smile widens. "Our new computer expert says he was able to figure out that all of those Yelp reviews are coming from the same internet location."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Seeing Lucifer on the otherside of the bar is very strange. Mostly because this side is his domain, but Ravenna shrugs and fetches him a glass of wine. She's learned what he prefers from behind the bar by now. His questions cause her to narrow her eyes slightly and she leans on the bar with a shrug. "I know of the page, but I usually stay away from it, it's nearly all negative reviews critqueing the most tiny detail hoping to get a reduction on their next bill." Though the fact that they have been getting bad reviews at such a great place does cause her to pause. "We have?" Though seeing how he doesn't look all that fussed about it only brings more concern.

"Let me guess, there's a tiny restaurant in town that has been posting all of the abuse." She frowns and shakes her head, unable to believe this new low that her former boss is sinking to. With a frown she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know he would take it this far. He was overly spoiled as a child and has a hard time with the word no. I can go talk to him after my shift. Or maybe I'll go find that lawyer Jessica was telling me about."

Lucifer has posed:
"Be sorry, but don't lie to me," the Bartender says, without a trace of ire in his voice. "You knew he was the kind of bastard who'd chase you all your days," he says, matter of factly. "Guys like that never take 'no' for an answer; because it's about their ego, not actually being positive."

He sips the wine, looking at Ravenna speculatively. "There are a few different ways to handle this, y'know. At this point, Lux would hire a lawyer and sue him to hell and back for defamation. Or you could ask Jessica if she'd be willing to bend him into a pretzel for you. And it's not like there aren't /plenty/ of people here who wouldn't do a number on him for you, just to say they'd done the sommeliere a favor."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"It's not a lie, I thought he would harrass me, not my place of work. He's probably got his flavor of the week helping out, adding to the reviews." Ravenna pinches the bridge of her nose to try and fight off the oncoming headache that's started behind her eye. "Poor life choices strike again."

She listens to his options with a frown as she pours herself some water. "The thing is, Jessica has already thretened him, and it's probably scared him enough not to come and find me, but behind the sheid of the internet? He probably feels like he's protected." Ravenna was scared and impressed by Jessica's display, but she doesn't mention that at all. "You're forgetting the third and petty option. Tear him down and ruin his reputation."

Lucifer has posed:
"I do love petty and vindictive," the Bartender tells Ravenna, smiling sunnily. It has that warmth to it that his most sincere expressions carry-- but there's a hint of a bitter knife hidden up his sleeve. As if relishing the chance to go head to head with someone so small minded.

"We could sue him into oblivion, but that'll martyr him. The best revenge is served cold, you know-- not even poison," he tells her. "Poison is just a slow knife stroke."

"No, real victory is to hoist him on his own hubris, and watch as his own decisions run his life to pieces against the flailing feet of his own incompetence."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"I had a feeling you did." Ravenna says, watching as he smiles at the thought. It takes a lot of effort not to mirror that smile, and he can see that she wants to but she's stopping herself. "Exactly, he is probably expecting, and even hoping to be made a martyr. Every good hipster wants a martyr, they thrive on it."

She lightly taps her lip with her finger tip as she thinks. "He's a trust fund baby, riding the wave of a self-made man. I know who he is, who his parents are, and how much they bail him out everytime something goes wrong. He's making money off of people who actually work their asses off, and he really didn't like me discovering that."

Lucifer has posed:
"So he's a fellow who's bumbled into a little power and a little wealth, and never once faced a meaningful consequence."

The Bartender contemplates this. "The first step is to pay it back in kind, but it'd be a bit obvious if we went out swinging. It needs to start slow. We'll drive down positive reviews of his restaurant. Some anonymous reports to the health inspector; a call to the labor board. If he's the bastard you make him to be, he's almost certainly underpaying his employees. He'll be spinning his wheels for a week with a dozen regulatory compliance visits in a row."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"That is a great first step. There is also the fact that his 'farm to table' approch is really ordering through Sysco. That will quickly lose half of his patrons alone. Perhaps it was one of the reasons I was so eager to leave. I was tired of maintaining the illusion of working in a place that was a lie." Though she pauses for a second to look around Lux. "Than again.." She doesn't say what she's thinking, instead she nods her head.

"I know who normally inspects the place, perhaps if we can find some way for him to be out of town, so we get someone who hasn't been charmed by him. Perhaps find someone who isn't goign to take the bribe for the infractions that he has."

Lucifer has posed:
"Amateur," the Bartender scoffs at Ravenna, but not unkindly. His eyes dance. "Management donates to the Mayoral campaign, and he appoints the Chief Health Inspector. It's easy enough to let it slip that one of his agents has been taking bribes. He'll show up, find /something/ that got missed on the last report, and that'll be one more dock against your former employer."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"You keep talking about mangement as if it's someone besides you." Ravenna says dryly as she sips from her water glass. Reaching up to her temple, she lightly rubs it and her finger tips glow faintly as she magicks the headache away. She has work to do and doesn't want it getting in the way. "Well I think that's a great place to start. It'll put some doubt in him, and hopefully get him to stop wariting horrid reviews while we excute the rest of the plan." Not that it's fully formed yet.

Lucifer has posed:
"Habit," the Bartender says, still grinning. "But the coupe d'grace-- that has to come from you. I want you to come up with a wicked, wicked way to hit his pride and vanity in such a fashion that he trips all over himself to address it." The Bartender rises. "I've got every faith you can do it, but if you come up short, come find me. Worst case, we can always raze the restaurant and salt the fields. Worked at Carthage, right?" he inquires amicably, before strolling towards the offices around the bar marked 'Private ' in discreet gold.