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Latest revision as of 00:57, 28 October 2017

I Didn't Just Come Here For The Fishnets
Date of Scene: 04 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Jade

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The final act was indeed a show stopper. The sort of death defying trick that leaves the audience convinced that Zatanna Zatara has finally tried to perform a trick that was simply too much. That she was dead.

Two huge Siberian Tigers leap at the bound up form of the magician in a large plexiglass cage. Gagged and bound so she cannot utter any spells, the dark haired woman somehow... disappeared in a cloud of smoke and sparkles as the tigers lept toward her from both sides, only to capture nothing and barely avoid colliding into each other!

The cries of amazement from the audience are followed by cries of astonishment as Zatanna walks down middle aisle of the theatre still pulling the bonds from her wrists, the gag hanging loosely now around her neck. A knowing smile on her lips she hoped back up on stage in front of the audience as the tigers turn to glower at the fact their snack is now on the other side of the glass. Tails swish wildly in frustration as Zatanna speaks.

"And that... is why you never give up. Why you should always have faith. And why you cannot trust what you see no matter how convincing it may seem in that moment." She dips for a bow, tophat swept off in a flourish. She rises and waves to the audience, "Thank you! You were amazing. I can't wait till next time! Good night!" She then commands loudly, "!ekoms fo latroP"

And just like that, a huge cloud of billowing white-blue smoke appears in front of Zatanna and she leaps out into it, toward the crowd. But she never makes it through the other side. Instead she is gone and the smoke instantly implodes back in on itself and utterly disappears, leaving only a shower of sparkles behind.

Back stage a shimmering portal opens and out steps Zatanna, humming softly. The portal swirls shut behind her and she continues on toward her dressing room, speaking to her crew and assistants as she passes by, "Great show. Tommy, your timing was perfect. Next time, though, I think I want to try having you delay the lighting by another second? Maybe two. Yes, two. I think it will make the escape more dramatic? We'll try it out and see in practice, okay?" She high fives a few other crew, "Great job guys. Thanks again!" Then she disappears into her dressing room.

Jade has posed:
    Jennifer, otherwise known as Jade, had been enraptured, as the rest of the crowd had been. Zatanna was one of the -greats-. Not just because much, if not all her magic was real (a secret her father had let her in on most probably), but because of her showmanship. Zatanna knew how to work a crowd, to put them in the palm of her hand and keep them there for the entire night.
    She, like all the others of the crowd had applauded, vigorously, only unlike most of the crowd, she'd not filtered out the exits. Instead, she'd moved towards the access to the backstage area.
    It was disappointing, if not unexpected, that the stage hand working security had not recognized Jade. Oh, he knew the woman was a meta, the green skin, green hair, green eyes gave that away immediately. But, her manifestation of the Green Lanterns powers, or one similiar to that had been what convinced him as she suggested she had business with Zatanna, and needed to see her.
    And so, Zatanna would soon find a gentle knock on her door, and a woman's voice asking, "Ms. Zatarra? Might I have a word?"
    And, patiently, Jennifer stands, waiting, in her smashing black evening dress she still fit into, from her modeling days, cut high to her thigh on one side and show the tops of her black stockings, low cut to show a moderate amount of cleavage.
    The woman often accidentally mistaken for Jennifer Walters waits, with a smile on her face. And, just a small amount of trepidation.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara listens to the knock and speaks up, "The door is open. You can come in." It's loud enough to be heard but still muffled from within.

Seated at the vanity, Zatanna was still dressed and even still presentable for company. She looks up into the mirror to see who is entering even as she continues to casually pick bits of sparkles and ticker tape like paper out of her long black hair. "Hello. I have a few minutes. How can I help you? Autograph? Audition? Selfie?" she asks casually. Tired. It was a long night and the performance took a lot out of her. It always does.

Jade has posed:
    "Well, I don't know that you'd call it, exactly, an audition. But, something along those lines." The woman in green smiles, and closes the door behind herself. "You really did a remarkable job. The show was absolutely amazing." Jade watches Zatanna with an appreciative look, noting how tired she seems to be. "But, perhaps I should start with my name. I'm Jennifer-Lynn Hayden. I'm also known as Jade." Zatanna may, or may not recognize that name as Alan Scott's daughter, the first Green Lantern. "And, I'm here to seek your support for admission to protect the Earth with the rest of the Justice League. Me, and my brother both. We're ready. At least, I think we are. You, and the others of the League will have to make up your own minds, of course," she says, hand raising to brush some of her hair out of her eyes.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara turns around to talk politely to her visitor. "An audition?" she listens and then understands. "Well... you've got a good color about you, Ms. Hayden. Green is popular, I've heard, among the Lantern Corps. Seems quite lucky for you." She stands and walks over, offering her hand. "Zatanna Zatara. It's nice to meet you. But... you say you want to join the League? And you've a brother?" She considers that. "It's not impossible, nothing of the sort, but I'm just a member. I don't have a lot of influence. Not like Diana or Superman. ... Batma doesn't even approve of himself.. he's not going to approve of anyone else.. so.." she adds on as a random mutter. "Jade you said? Your... father. He was Alan Scott, wasn't he?" She looks to the young woman for her reaction.

Jade has posed:
    "And, I'd just be a member too. But, the Justice League was formed to protect Earth against diabolical threats to the planet, to the people of Earth," she maintains. "And, you're part of that. You might not be a founding member, like Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman, but the more voices I have in support, the more our petition would be considered," she states to the sorceress, with a meaure of quite professionalism and certainty. She hadn't mentioned her father on purpose, but there's a gentle smile that touches at the sides of her mouth. "Yes. I'm the daughter of Alan Scott," she conceeds. "But, I wish to get there on my own merits. Not on my heritage."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara shakes her head, "Never said I'd consider your father as a reason for you to be invited to join." She dips her head in admission, "My father wasn't exactly a saint. I'm not in the League because of him. We each are selected by our own merits." She smiles. "Do you want something to eat? Drink? Help yourself if so.." She gestures to the catering table with plenty of finger foods. Bottles of water. All a girl could want before a performance. "As for diabolical.. you make it sound like we're fighting bad guys with thin curly mustachios..." She winks. "There aren't enough of those these days. Usually it's some massively over powered being of this for or another.."

Jade has posed:
    The green-skinned woman helps herself to a bottle of water, and then smoothly finds a seat, sliding one leg over the other in a casual, professional manner. Her green eyes fixate on Zatanna with a smile of faint gratitude, and slight amusement. "I suppose they aren't that easy to spot," she conceeds. "But yes. I have the power of the Startheart. I wish to make the most of it. And I feel the best place to do that is -with- the Justice League."
    She shows Zatanna the palm of her hand, and the star-birthmark that is there. "All the power of the Green Lanterns, none of the rings," she hints at.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara nods. "they're rarely that obvious these days. No organist playing evil theme songs... it's really a drag" she quips. Then she walks over to sit near Jade, taking another chair. "Well. You've clearly got the pedigree, Ms. Hayden. I wouldn't deny that. I can sense quite a lot of energy from you as it is." She looks over. "I'll bring it up to the League. See what the concensus is for how they want to move forward? If it were up to me you'd be in. Which is why there are processes. I'm not the best judge of character..." she notes wryly.

Jade has posed:
    "We all have our faults," agrees Jade. What hers is, she doesn't offer up. At least not yet. Instead, she tells Zatanna, "You are an -excellent- judge of fashion, though. And I don't think I've seen someone ever have more showmanship than you." She briefly takes a sip of the water, smiling coyly, "I'd wager there was a healthy dose of more mundane legerdemain and illusions in with the real, honest to goodness magic. Couldn't tell one from the other."
    She doesn't -ask- for confirmation if her theory is true. That'd be poor taste. Instead, she continues, "I of course intend to seek out others. Wonder Woman. Aquaman. Superman. Batman, all. And, I'll hope that at least we can be given the chance. With a chance, I'm certain we'll prove ourselves."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara laughs. "Fashion? I thank you sincerely. But I think we both know I dress this way because it fills the seats." She shrugs, taking a bottle of water for herself. "Fishnets aren't exactly practical but they work nicely for a performance. As for the tricks... you're right. There were - a few - mundane tricks. That one at the end? Took me weeks to complete. Tore a lot of fishnets with those cats.." she deadpans. She then nods, "Of course. If you can provide a means to contact you and your brother it will make things a bit easier for the others to get in touch with you, too."

Jade has posed:
    "Certainly it fills the seats," agrees Jennifer. "I know it filled my seat," she jests, warmly. "I couldn't pull off that look. It takes a very confident, very free woman to do so." She sounds jealous, in a friendly, unruffled sort of way perhaps. "but yes, I can leave my contact information with you. I'd be happy to. It's really good of you to hear me out. And, to offer this, Zatanna. If there's anything I can ever do for you, you just have to name it."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara laughs. "Thank you Ms. Hayden. Your flattery is very gracious." She moves to stand, "I'm not one to let chances to bring out the big guns pass me by. I assure you if I've need of your singular talents I'll definately be letting you know." She winks. "It was very nice to meet you, Jennifer-Lynn." A subtle hint she's looking to wrap up the meeting. It's been a long day.

Jade has posed:
    Jennifer rises, offering Zatanna her hand, shaking, gently, firmly. "Enjoy the rest of your evening," she well-wishes. "You probably want to get home. And get some rest. I will look forward to hearing from you soon." She adds, almost as an afterthought, "YOu an just call me Jade. Most people do." Another one of her smiles, before she turns to let herself out, and close the door again behind herself.