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Latest revision as of 01:07, 28 October 2017

Yard With A View
Date of Scene: 04 July 2017
Location: Xavier's Mansion, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Polaris, Cypher, Storm, Juggernaut, Gambit, 207

Professor X has posed:
    It's simply a fantastic day today, with nary a cloud in the sky to block the bright sunshine that radiates warmly from above. It being summer holidays means that while most of the students have gone home, those that have opted to stay are on break. They are scattered all over the place, ensuring a constant buzz of chatter and laughter echoes across the yard. They splash in the pool nearby, or slamdunk on their friends. Some even hit home runs!
    Seated in his wheelchair along the back stone walk of the mansion, underneath an umbrella that sticks into a table, is Charles Xavier. Sporting some athletic looking shorts and a white polo shirt, he is certainly looking nice and sporty! Perhaps in a vein attempt to fit in with the nice weather. A glass of chilled lemonade sits on the table near him, the Headmaster occasionally taking it to sip it down and refresh himself. While there's a nice summers breeze that sweeps through on occasion, it's still warm to be out. But not /too/ bad. Through his sunglasses, Charles sweeps his gaze across the yard. Much like a hawk keeping watch over its nest.

Professor X has posed:
    It's simply a fantastic day today, with nary a cloud in the sky to block the bright sunshine that radiates warmly from above. It being summer holidays means that while most of the students have gone home, those that have opted to stay are on break. They are scattered all over the place, ensuring a constant buzz of chatter and laughter echoes across the yard. They splash in the pool nearby, or slamdunk on their friends. Some even hit home runs!
    Seated in his wheelchair along the back stone walk of the mansion, underneath an umbrella that sticks into a table, is Charles Xavier. Sporting some athletic looking shorts and a white polo shirt, he is certainly looking nice and sporty! Perhaps in a vein attempt to fit in with the nice weather. A glass of chilled lemonade sits on the table near him, the Headmaster occasionally taking it to sip it down and refresh himself. While there's a nice summers breeze that sweeps through on occasion, it's still warm to be out. But not /too/ bad. Through his sunglasses, Charles sweeps his gaze across the yard. Much like a hawk keeping watch over its nest.

Polaris has posed:
Walking out onto the patio in a sensible sundress of light purple, Lorna smiles as the skirt swirls around her legs as she swings about to smile at the professor. "Hello Charles. You look summery." She admires and looks to see he has refreshments at hand with a satisfied nod.

Cypher has posed:
The young man is covered in grave dirt, his suit is rotten, hair lank, his skin threaded with black vains, his eyes glowing a dull red. And he looks up at the gates, and inexplicably begins to cry -- before he looks over his shoulder at the massive figure behind him.

"I am afraid." He says. But then he walks up to the security gate, and... he leans in to whisper something to it. And the gates swing open for him. "It's easy." He says. "All is language. Say the right words, and everything wants to be your friend."

Storm has posed:
Out from the main house comes Ororo, carrying a piece of notepaper in her hand which she has folded up in one hand and she is moving with something of a purpose as she starts off towards where Xavier sits lounging beneath the shade umbrella.

"Charles." Ororo calls out as she approaches, "We just got a call from the Salem Center police." She says, moving nearby the professor so she can lower her voice, "It seems the grave of one of our former students was dug up.. Douglas Ramsey's."

Juggernaut has posed:
    So...yes..this is strange. The Juggernaut is..playing chaperon to an ex-New Mutant. Weird times.

Indeed, Cain Marko, having suggested Xavier's after coming across a ..for lack of better word..zombiefied..Doug Ramsey, has followed him. A morbid curiousity along with a buried but still present bit of empathy for Doug's circumstances and..perhaps..a teeny bit of just wanting to rub the Xers the wrong way, prompting his arrival. He's no stranger here obviously. He was raised here - has attacked here, destroyed here, and even been an ally here with on again off again good guy habits save now he's back to his old die hard mercenary habits..but the mansion is no strange place to him even if its inhabitants may not necessarily want to see him.

"Yeah, yeah." He rumbles at Doug, "So you told me. Multiple times. Let's get this over with. I've only got so many good deeds inme per a given month.."

Gambit has posed:
Opposite the front yard, in the backyard, Remy is at a table next to Charles and he has a coulpe of teenagers trying to scam him out of some cash via three card monty.

Laughing out loud, the cajun turns his attention away from the kids and over towards Lorna as she walks out and he pauses, to listen to her happy tones before Ororo show up and he tries to eaves drop as much as he can on that little tid-bit of information.

The thief points at the two kids and he speaks to them, "T'e one on t'e lef'." before he turns towards Chuck and takes a step closer to show he's going to get involved.

Professor X has posed:
    "Good afternoon, Lorna." Charles greets after a period of quiet. Perhaps his head was a million miles away? "Yes, I like to try and blend in with the youth of today." He remarks with a small smirk. "So I don't look too much like an old man. Jubilee suggested I wear something far more outrageous, but I managed to settle on something conservative. How are you?" Sipping from the straw of his iced lemonade once more, he lets out a refreshed sounding sigh. "It's good to see you looking a bit better than when I last did. I hope you've managed to get lots of rest since your return."
    It looks as if he's about to say something else. That is until Ororo makes her arrival. As she swings over to deliver the news his brow furrows, visible mainly because he has taken off his sunglasses in surprise. "Dug up?" He clarifies. "Am I to conclude that someone has pilfered Dogulas' corpse, Ororo?" He doesn't sound disbelieving. He's quite certain that Ororo has never lied to him, actually. Perhaps he's trying to gauge of just where the situation is at. A weary glance goes to Remy, though it's clear he doesn't mind the cajun being present for this information. "Is there any news as to who did this?"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Of course When Cain and Doug do arrive at the front door they will be greeted by one of the Students who seems surprised at the big man, only his surprise atn Doug makes him do a double take as he asks. "Um." At a complete loss for words he looks behind him and swallows hard, "The uh professor is out back. if you will follow me." And of course he will lead Marko Cain and Doug out back as he says. "PRofessor we have a couple unusual guests I think you should see." he says. Of course David has no clue as to the history of Juggernaut or Doug but the fact Doug is still moving as he looks as he does? yeah mutant.

Polaris has posed:
"Why is his name so familiar? Oh, one of the extracurricular students." Lorna shakes her head, placing him pretty quick after that still concerned. "Have any other mutants been dug up?" She asks, wondering if it might be some nefarious plot. She gapes a little and quickly closes her mouth.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up at David, and then he says, out of nowhere, "You desperately hope you have found a home here. You fear even now that something has come to take it away from you." Then he adds, "Your language is so sad. I hope you find what you're looking for." His arms are by his side, as he follows.

Storm has posed:
"The detective I spoke too was quite perturbed, he suggested someone both dug him up, and he dug himself out based on his analysis of the crime scene." Ororo says, "I took down some of the details." She says, handing the note paper across to the professor.

"I was going to take Logan with me and go and visit the spot a little later. It coincided with that storm last night, which seemed a bit unusual to me." Ororo adds, "Like someone gave it a little nudge, made it worse then it should have been. No coincidence, I suspect."

Juggernaut has posed:
    For his part, Cain refrains from speaking and just arcs an eyebrow as he looks down at Akenda and then over to Doug as the latter once again launches into his use of 'language' to decipher the internal workings of those he meets. He then simply shakes his head and follows along behind both young mutants. For his part, he maneuvers through the passage ways he and Doug are led through agility and control that would put a troupe of clowns doing the whole 'Squeeze a ton of clowns into a small clown car' routine to shame. Even at his most 'human' such as right now he's still got more in common with a wrecking ball then a man but he manages to avoid any damage as he moves along. His presence, however, is likely getting announced the closer he draws towards the outdoor gathering. Though he treads 'lightly' the slightest of vibrations begin to rumble the ground. His thoughts bleeding ahead of him as well. A cauldron of nostalgia, wariness, muted jealousy and anger. Resignation to reality and things being what they are.. and other assorted familiar things.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's ruby eyes dance from Chuck to Ororo, unsure what they're actually talking about. He didn't know Doug well enuogh to have made a connection with the student. And he might have dug up his share of graves back in New Orleans.

Gambit looks over to Lorna with a shrug of his shoulders, no idea what to be doing or even how to respond to this news.

Remy certainly isn't aware of Cain and Doug being escorted through their place by David, but that's not his expertise either.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David doesn't waste much time especially after that insight into his soul as it was accurate enough to make him shiver slight as he heads through the main hall and out Side as he comes out into the back yard and says. "Professor Xavier. We have guests and I think you may want to see one of them." As behind him and off to the side is Marko Cain and Doug ramsey.

Professor X has posed:
    "Douglas was part of the second generation of mutants that passed through this school, Lorna." The Professor explains, taking the note from Ororo as it is offered. "He died taking a bullet for his friends during a skirmish with terrorists. He has long been buried." As he reads the note, his blue eyes narrow. "...that is very disturbing." Whether that's in regard to the storm being worse than it should have been, or someone climbing out of his own grave is anyones guess! "Yes, take Logan with you, Ororo. His instincts and tracking skills could give you both some insight as to what's happened here. Good plan."
    The moment Cain and Douglas walk through the front gates of the school, Charles turns his head a bit from his position in the back yard. It's as if someone had called his name, given the way he suddenly looks distracted from the immediate group. "...Douglas..." He mutters quietly.
    "It seems we have visitors." The Professor announces, shortly before David makes his arrival with the zombified corpse and Cain.
    "David." Charles greets, smiling to the newly admitted student. "Thank-you for bringing them here."
    For a long moment the Professor is then silent, taking in the form of Douglas. Only a small amount of attention is given to Cain, as he is obviously not the greater sight to behold here. As strange as that may sound. "Douglas?" He speaks, sounding incredulous. No doubt he is poking around at his mind. "How is this possible?" Finally, a glance goes to Cain too.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, and what a ghastly sight the boy is! Skin threaded with black veins, a red glow in his eyes. Filthy, dressed in rotten clothes, hair lanky and crusted with mud. His thoughts are full of some intrusive noise, a second voice, filling his mind with a directive. You must live. Live. Live. He says, simply, plaintively, "Professor Xavier, what is my language?" And of course, he's framed by the enormous figure of the Juggernaut.

Polaris has posed:
Looking at the undead ex student, Lorna takes a careful step back. She studies the boy over with her own senses, feeling out his metal content before looking to Marko with surprise. That's not a face she expected to see mosey in. She lifts a hand after a moment to wave. "Look 'Ro. David found Doug...and he brought a friend."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David Bowed to the Professor as a sign of respect. He's missing out on something as he moves over to one of the teachers and not having heard of what happened he Looks to Ororo and LeBeau for some answers. Before he will just remain quiet. He under stands that something of signifigance is up he just doesn't understand what yet.

Storm has posed:
"Well.. this is unexpected." Storm says as David leads the two guests out into the back yard, her gaze shifting from David, to the oddcouple that is Doug and Cain, a sidelong glance cast towards the professor, but otherwise doesn't react to the rather strange presence.

Ororo gestures lightly towards David for him to approach, "How have you been doing since we last spoke, David?" she asks, "Well, I hope?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "I found this." rumbles Cain, brusquely, while also allowing one of those arrogant ear to ear full toothed grins of his emerge on his broad features. His large jaw and the swell of his massive chest nearly hiding his grin as he jabs a thumb in Doug's direction. "Some guy called the Reanimator tried to get me to smash this kid. Said he wasn't worth anything but.I thought differently."

It should be noted he's dressed rather casually. Jeans and tee shirt nearly splitting at the seams from his outrageous proportions and physique. An image of Godzilla peering out from the center of his straining shirt. But no helmet. No armor. Though they could be summoned in an instant, their lack is telling. He clearly he comes in peace for once.

Gambit has posed:
Remy shrugged towards David, he has about as many answers as the young man does but Remy does speak, "Ya coulda warned us Chuck." Remy gives Charles a sidelong glance to his boss with a teasing familiar smile.

Remy does seem to be the only one to move forward, choosing to step up to actually take Doug's hand.

"Ona scale from one t' Jeanie, how boned are we?" He asks Doug, ruby eyes sneaking a glance towards Cain not going to let the big guy get the drop on him.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, and his eyes widen. "The man in black."

"I know his language. He's going to do something terrible! Terrible... with my blood... he used the power from the storm to awaken the... Warlock. Warlock was in me. I was *infected* by the Technarchy--am infected, I can HEAR it, but it's different... it doesn't want to make me it. It wants me to live, live..." He grabs his hair, with both hands. "The virus rebuilt me! I was dead."

"He called me a Proof of Concept! He wants the virus to sell resurrection like a designer drug."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as David comes to Stand near Ororo he swallows hard as he says. "Better, I still do not like being outside that much." Considering that the League of assassins Located him here left him very unnerved. Recalling what Psylocke said and to do if they should return for him. He looks to Ororo, "What am I missing here?" He says in a whisper.

Watching the interaction of the professor, Cain and Doug as he stands there silent and respectful. And he listens to the information he is infected with something...and resurrection. he blinks and the ideas already in his mind...

Polaris has posed:
"Oh, this is almost a Jeanie." Lorna murmurs and looks to David. "Nothing young David. Just a former student having a very bad day." Lorna says softly and looks to the Professor. "Leave it to the Professor. He's the smart on. How about we get some lemonade for Mr. Cain and young Douglas?" Polaris suggests, steering the student to the end of the patio.

Professor X has posed:
    The differences in Doug's psyche is vast, of that there is little doubt in Charles' mind. But what is this other presence? Is it what brought Doug back to life? Does it power him now? So many questions! Though while he thinks through these and perhaps a hundred more, his face remains unchanged. He just looks to the odd couple with a serious expression, fingers steepled in front of him. Wrinkles creased.
    "I'm glad you showed restraint, Cain." Charles answers honestly, looking up at the absolute man mountain. "And even more so that you brought him here. I appreciate it." Despite their ... ongoing history ... the Professor sounds quite truthful in that statement to Marko.
    "I don't know, Douglas. Perhaps you can tell me what your language is?" Again he probes at the edges of the zombie-mutant mind, though he takes a breath.
    The speech from Doug then, answered to Remy, causes his eyes to narrow a smidgen. He remains calm and composed, despite the obvious craziness that is happening. "Don't worry, Doug. We can help you." Soothing words as always. "Lorna is right. But maybe we should relocate this to a more private space, too." A sidelong glance goes to poor David. This was probably a bit too much for him! "Try not to worry, David. You'd be surprised at how often this sort of stuff comes up." With a small wink, he begins to wheel forward.
    "Cain and Doug, follow me please. Everyone else, I would ask that you please keep this to yourselves for now."

Cypher has posed:
And Doug is gripping Remy's hand with both of his. And he's weeping, profusely, tears running down filthy cheeks and dripping off his chin. Reluctantly, he lets go, and follows Xavier. "I do not know. I am language. You are language. Everything is language. And I am everything... but I do not know where my language belongs. I was dead. I saw my father, and I understood that I had died and he had moved on. I did not belong there."

"Please help me."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain had fallen silent after his initial statement and his eyes narrow a touch as he listens to Doug recount the words of The Reanimator to the Professor and the others. He drums his fingers against his folded arms and then leans back slightly to step aside as Charles begins to move to lead them to somewhere private. His brow furrows for a moment as he considers options but he returns his gaze to the weeping Doug and holds it there for a moment. "That Reanimator guy really worked this kid over. Alright then.. Lead on Charlie.."

Gambit has posed:
Remy doesn't fight Doug, or really much of anything. A look over his shoulder towards Storm, David and Lorna he frowns deeply but then looks back at David, Cain and finally Charles.

"I don' t'ink t'at's t'e bes idea Professah. Jus' you t'ree?"

Remy does as he's told and moves over to stand and protect the three others with his body should anything happen, he's the weakest.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods her head at the Professor, "Of course Chales." She says to the Professor, gesturing lightly towards David with a quick smile coming to her lips, "Why don't we go inside and see if we can't plan an outing into town in the near future. I've heard you've been staying rather cooped up at the mansion lately."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As he looks a bit distracted and then he jumps processing some of What Ororo said as he swallows. "That doesn't sound like a good idea. But he is eager to go inside and at least talk about it. He knows it's not healthy to stay indoors all the time. But it has given him a chance to focus all his time on his studies and his education he has missed out on in the last two years. David is fairly much a book worm it seems.

Professor X has posed:
    "I'll be fine." Charles assures Remy, giving him a small tap on the arm as he wheels by. As if to say he appreciated the thought if nothing else. "I don't believe there is much to fear, here. And if I need aid, you will all know." With that said he wheels away, heading back into the mansion proper. Likely back to his office.

Cypher has posed:
After a moment, Doug sits. He looks unwell. "He had a mask. He pulled me out of the grave... and took a sample of my blood. Then he... watched me." It's quieter in here, Doug's thoughts are better able to orient themselves. "I went home... but I couldn't do it. I couldn't go to my parents."

Then he says, "There's so much noise. I understood the call of every bird all around me."