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Latest revision as of 01:19, 28 October 2017

party planner
Date of Scene: 05 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 360, Andromeda, Brainiac 5, Invisible Kid

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa has to admit, she is a bit of a party girl. She thinks it would be interesting to celebrate Klordny, ppossibly with a different theme day for every planet a member of the Legion in here and now is from. She, however, is not an expert on other worlds than her own. Therefore she has to enlist help.

Andromeda has posed:
Meanwhile, Laurel is eyeing the day's supper dubiously. Oh, sure, it's nutrionally balanced and provides everything a semi-human system absolutely /needs/ -- but that doesn't mean it's satisfying. Not that she isn't eating. But she's occasionally a little glum about it. Needless to say, she'll be an instant convert to any proposal for switching things up.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl is trying. Really, he's trying. But he's not a chef! It's just not one of his skills. Now if Matter-Eater Lad were here... but he's got K.O.K.O. producing meals nutritionally and calorically tailored to individual Legionnaire's needs. But it's all kind of boring, yes.

Not that he seems to notice, the way he's sitting, reading from a datapad and thoughtfully eating his cultivated protein. It's green and wobbly. Wobble wobble.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle wanders in to grab a quick dinner -- he still has too many things to do in the lab. He doesn't even really notice what's on his plate, he just collects it and settles in, obviously paying far more attention to his own datapad than to his plate -- as in, stabbing the table top with his fork rather than a morsel.
    That at least gets him to look up, and that's the first moment he realizes he's not the only one in here. "Evening." He readjusts his aim and actually manages to spear something this time. Feeding time is officially a go.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa states, "Now if this were our time Klordny would be coming up soon. I am sure we all used to celebrate back home, perhaps we could each one of us host a day of Klordny so that the rest can see what it was like on other home worlds? It would take work though, for those of us not from Earth we would need to search out local foods that approximate those of our native worlds...or at least supplies to make those foods if we know how to prepare them."

Andromeda has posed:
This draws a wistful look from Laurel. "That is /such/ a good idea," she declares. "And, to make it more fun, we could even have people from the same planet find different things? Ayla can pick something for Garth and vice versa -- it'll be a surprise!" She's perked up noticeably already, which is a good sign. "I don't have the first idea how to simulate Ordoverian fermented hake with just Earth materials, but I'm happy to go out and bring things back ..."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"You would not be interested in the way Klordny is celebrated on Colu." Brainy says. "We pass by one another in the halls and send one another text messages wishing them a happy Klordny week and then get on with our research." He takes another bite of his protein cube.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Oh, you party animal," Lyle comments to Brainy, with a grin. "I think it'd be a great idea. A little taste of home-away-from-home. And some badly needed letting off of steam."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa says, "I have a research project for you Querl, if we give you a dish from our home world and a list of ingrediants, could you tell us what the closest local equivalens would be?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
That makes Brainy blink in surprise. "I could certainly do some molecular breakdowns and determine the ingredients that would provide the closest approximations here on Earth--" He says, "...But I would need Invisible Kid's help. In matters of biochemistry, he's my better."

Andromeda has posed:
"I can't say I'm at all surprised," Laurel says, with a hint of humor in her voice in her smile, upon hearing Querl's description of the Coluan version of the beloved holiday. "Honestly, I'm a little surprised you'd take time out to send messages! But I suppose they can probably be automated." Glancing between Lyle and Querl after the latter's response to Sussa's question, she blinks wide-eyed at Lyle. "You could make some time for that, couldn't you?" *blink* *blink*

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "I suppose I could," Lyle says, a little flummoxed at Brainy's unexpected compliment. "I can't say I've spent much time on food sciences, but I should be able to match molecule for molecule. Might even be able to duplicate some of the flavors in yeast strains to simplify things. Although if Klordny Week's next month, I won't have a lot of time to get it right. Just close enough." He actually looks at his forkful before eating it. Shrugs. Eats it anyway.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa shurgs, her hair moving about in odd directions rather than falling naturally, "I doubt any of us are gormet chefs anyway, anything close will at least be more like home than what we see in this century."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 looks down, the green in his cheeks darkening ever-so-slightly when Laurel puts on her coquettish display. "I. Yes." He picks at his food. "It would be a small taste of home in an unfamiliar time. Coluan food is..." He thinks, "Nutritionally balanced, but not known for its artfulness. But there IS a fringe gastro-science movement dedicated to creating scientifically perfect flavor experiences. They're considered a socially disruptive sect and frowned upon."

Andromeda has posed:
An occasional moment or two of coquettishness is worth it in the service of a /proper/ meal. "Wonderful!" Laurel exclaims, beaming. "That sounds like exactly the kind of research that would be perfect for something like this. We can start putting together a list of things to try and reproduce straight away."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle gestures towards Brainy with his (empty) fork. "You know, you've already made a head start on the festivities. Your silverale recipe. You pretty well nailed that. I assume you can re-create it at will."
    He sits up a little in his chair, gathering interest in this project. "I never really did pay much attention to the food and drinks at the festival." He glances down at his plate. "Then again, I don't even know for sure what I'm eating right now..."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa admits, "Where I come from, most of the cooking is done by men, but I learned a few things before I left hime, and more after because you simply can not find some things you like when you are far from home."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Kelp protein supplemented with vitamins and adjusted to a neutral flavor palatable to any human appetite." Briany says, helpfully. "Pea pods grown in the hydroponic garden. And a chocolate chip cookie." Brainy pauses, and then he tries to take Lyle's cookie.

Andromeda has posed:
"How interesting," Laurel says to Sussa, sounding somewhat intrigued. "Growing up, sometimes I'd see one parent take the responsibility, sometimes the other, and sometimes they'd share. It's strange to think of it being one or the other -- I'm sure there must be some reason behind it." Querl's explanation makes her set down her fork. "I'm sure kelp and supplements are good for the body," she says, a little apologetically, "but I'm not sure how good they are for the sanity."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle sees Brainy's hand creeping over; he turns his entire plate invisible and rotates it... well, an unknown number of radians in one direction or the other, giving a seriously non-zero probability to Querl grabbing a handful of greenery rather than cookie. "Hasn't had any deleterious effect on *my* sanity," he comments with complete innocence.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa admits, "I seldom eat here, but they have some interesting food choices down on Earth. Admittedly, not all of them are exactly nutritionally balanced. The trick is getting the money, since food is not free."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 makes a squinch-face at Lyle, and then goes back to his plate. "I've done some dabbling in the stock markets to fill out the budget and create a stipend fund." He takes another bite of his protein and keeps a weather eye out for the re-appearance of cookie. "What's in the Legion Stipend fund, Invisible Kid?"

Andromeda has posed:
"It tastes funny," Laurel says; "-- the Earth stuff, I mean. I don't know how to describe it. Just a -- very strong aftertaste, something I don't think I've tasted before. Even with the Earth food from /our/ time. And, well -- kelp is a /much/ superior alternative." She pauses a moment before adding: "Except for their ice cream. That seems to taste all right."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Money, I hope," Lyle answers with a grin, re-appearing his cookie and promptly eating it to keep it safe, then returning the rest of his dinner to visibility.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"It's the friable lead in Earth's atmosphere. The serum protects you from your lead allergy, but you can still taste the traces of it." Brainy watches Lyle eat his cookie, and then shrugs. Next time. He takes out his omnicom and checks. "Let's see... after my latest diversification... Five million British Pounds, four million Euros, and six million American Dollars. How much money do you need?" He looks up.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa says dryly, "That seems a reasonable assumption Lyle. Unless he happens to have gold in it. They place great value on gold in this time."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Gold has plenty of uses," Brainy chimes in. "They just haven't discovered the asteroid fields full of it yet. You know, the Bling Array. I never did understand why they named it that."

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel looks a little bit green upon hearing this -- not literally, of course! "It /does/ feel a ittle -- metallic, now that you mention it," she admits. If she weren't already giving up on eating for the night, that would probably be enough to do it; she carefully pushes her plate a little bit further away from her. "If we really need gold, though, it'd probably be easier to just go and get some from the asteroid belt, rather than use up our resources getting some from Earth. I don't think it would be hard to find a decent quantity."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Good point. Or at least mine them for what's available -- nickel, iridium, iron, all that good stuff -- and trade with it, at least the excess that we don't need." Lyle shrugs and returns to his plate. "One decent sized asteroid would be worth... well, I don't know. I'm not sure what value dollars and pounds and euros have in this era, but millions. Maybe billions."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa is something of an expert on the subject of selling things, due to years with the Legion of Super Villains, "It would vary greatly based on the materials, but I think you could find something more valuable much closer to Earth. I believe Helium 3 is extremely valuable on this planet at this point in history, and is fairl common on the surface of the moon, relatively speaking."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 thinks about this. "I could build some drones to harvest Helium-3 from the moon, easily," He muses, "But this is about the era when corporate concerns will start harvesting it, too. They couldn't really compete with me but I don't know if it'd be a good idea to get involved."

Andromeda has posed:
"We probably ought to be extra-careful about giving things from the asteroid field to Earth in this time period, too -- shouldn't we?" Laurel says, sounding somewhat uncertain. Notably, she says 'giving' rather than 'selling' -- of course! "It wouldn't be any trouble to bring back a good-sized asteroid, but if we give them something that they /shouldn't/ have for another hundred years -- could we foul up the timeline that way?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Not if we do some of the processing ourselves. We'd have to anyway, to extract the materials we're going to need ourselves." Lyle leans back. "I'm sure that some current groups are thinking about doing it, but I'm not sure any of them have yet. And given the primitive state of space exploration in this era, they're going to target the Earth-grazers. The main belt is too far away. Of course, that means we have to get our sub-light drives on-line. And that's a whole other project."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
"History is not exactly my forte," comments Sussa, "Even without the mental blocks. I will leave it to those more familiar to decide what we can and can not do." She had suspected lead with the problem when Laurel mentioned the taste thing, but was uncertain until Braily confirmed it.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 has a mouthful of food, and then he says, "...I'm sorry, Laurel. I did go out of my way to elimiate as much trace lead from the food as I could but I'm afraid as long as I'm harvesting cultures from Earth I'll never be able to get rid of all of it. I'm going to try to purify the cultures and see if I can't get them going completely in space, to elminate it."

Andromeda has posed:
"That's all right," Laurel says to Brainy, putting on her best brave face and smiling and attempting (not entirely without success!) to sound reassuring. "It's just fine -- I'll hardly notice unless I'm paying really close attention." She asks Lyle, a moment later: "How big are the asteroids you'd want to investigate? Between Lar and Jo and me, we might be able to push one close enough to make use of. Or at least go and have a look and see if there's anything there that would be easy to harvest and bring back without moving the whole thing."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Doesn't need to be a large one, really. Especially with the right class of asteroid," Lyle muses. "Find a S-type just ten or twenty meters in diameter, that'll give us several hundred tons of material to work with. And those are reasonably plentiful in the main belt. Find an M-type in that size and we're set for any reasonable project, and a few unreasonable ones."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa says, "It might not be possible to remove all traces of lead from Earth plants and keep them healthy, they need all kinds of trace minerals. As to astroids, it should be easy to do a spectrographic analysis to find the composition you want."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"...A very good project." Brainy says, to Sussa. "I can work on the lead problem. But, find a couple of volunteers and run the spectrographic analysis." He says. "I want to hold a vote to get you your Flight Ring very soon, Spider Girl, and this asteroid survey would provide an excellent way to put doing so on the table."