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Latest revision as of 23:03, 28 October 2017

A Night at Home
Date of Scene: 10 July 2017
Location: Four Freedoms Plaza, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    It's rare that Four Freedoms is truly peaceful, in the quiet sense. There's almost always something to be done, missions, adventures, visitors, or simply the normal sounds of Franklin and Valeria rushing about as kids do.

    But tonight, it's fairly quiet. Ben went with the kids and his girlfriend, Johnny is out doing Johnny things. Reed is currently not involved in anything that's occupying his complete attention in the lab.

    It is, in fact, time for one of those rarest of events in the household...a movie night with just him and Sue. At the moment, anyway.

    Reed is currently finishing making some popcorn for the pair, having actually left both uniform and lab coat behind. Instead, he has a comfortable button up polo shirt and cotton khaki shirts. Which does make him look like he should be attending a golf course a little bit, but at least he's matched the colors, brown with the green shirt. Barefoot at the moment.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue has decided to just be very casual tonight. While Reed's wearing something for going out casual, Sue decided to wear just some old baggy sweat pants and a shirt that fit her perfectly....before two pregnancies. Now the shirt is barely able to cover her chest, let alone anything below that. She smiles, walks over to Reed and kisses him on the cheek. "Almost done with the popcorn, hun?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Her husband looks over, , definitely admiring how Sue does...strain the shirt in certain areas. He slides an arm around her and tilts his head to give her a soft peck on the lips, before beaming at her."Yes! In fact, I think I've actually mastered the setting for the microwave where none is burned. For once..." he says, amused. "Butter, salt, or plain?" Because it can vary.

Invisible Woman has posed:
Susan Storm-Richards says, "Butter. I put enough salt on our food." She then smiles a bit. "I'm actually surprised we actually got a movie night, thanks to Ben." She says with a giggle. "Let me get some drinks for us too." She says going to get some sodas. "Hope you don't mind me belching, hun.""

Mister Fantastic has posed:
"A gentleman doesn't acknowledge such things." he says mock-loftily, as he shakes a bit of salt and mixes up the popcorn a bit to spread it around, before tucking the large bowl under one arm. "Perhaps some napkins too...' he says, one hand stretching out to snag a few. "Have you decided which we're going to see? Or am I chosing some possibilities again?" he offers.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "This new animated series called Castlevania. I heard it's pretty good." Sue says softly. "I have it set up so we can watch the big screen on the couch, hun. The lights will even turn down when it starts." She says getting a pair of cold sodas and walking her way in there. She's even barefoot, so she's definitely comfortable tonight....

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed hmmms. "I thought that was a game..." he says thoughfully, following her out. A comfy couch complete with comforter if they get need it awaits! It does get a little cool at night sometimes, especially with the storms moving through lately.

    His hand stretches out to set the popcorn down along with the napkins, smiling to himself. He does like seeing Sue relaxed like this, she doesn't let her hair down from being a full-time mom too often. When she sits he plops down beside her, getting comfy, as he stetches out a bit, his right arm behind her on the couch. "Gothic horror or something like that?" he says curiously.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "It was, actually. A video game in the 80s and they just got around to making a cartoon about it. Strange, but it's better than that movie they decided to make of us." Sue then shudders. "anyways......" She flops down, leans against Reed, steals a piece of popcorn and presses play. They have the comforter too, but she keeps warm by keeping close to Reed.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Ah yes..I remember now. Nintendo." Reed says, sliding his arm down as Sue snuggles close to rest comfortingly around her, his hand coming to rest on her right hip. "Well then...let's see how it did going to the smalll screen." He mmms a bit at the feel of Sue against him, it's...distracting in the right sort of way. He certainly doesn't object to the theft of popcorn! He knows she'd nab some, that's why he makes the big bowl. "How many episodes is this one?" he says curiously as the Netflix logo comes up.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Four, last I heard. But after this is the Bionic Six. It has about....165 episodes. I don't think we'll be watching that in one sitting." Sue then chuckles a bit. "I'm glad we were able to have this time alone, hun."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed says a bit plaintively, if playfully. "Is that going to be one where I'm wincing at how they're describing bionics?" As the screen for Castlevania comes up and it starts playing, he looks over at Sue, his eyes gaze into hers as he murmurs. "Me too.." He gives her a soft kiss on her forehead where she's resting against his shoulder, his hand sliding up a bit, brushing under the buttom of her shirt to rest against her bare side, tickling a bit. "It is nice to have a quiet night, with just the two of us..." he murmurs, a content note in his voice now.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "I'm also glad Ben was able to spend time with Alicia....even with the kids." Sue says softly....then they watch the cartoon and...smiles. "This is better than most other attempted movies. Super mario brothers anyone?" She then giggles a lot.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed hmphs a bit at that, his fingers resting comfortably where they are. "Well, certainly a bit better...wait, was that the one that had the Simon Belmont character? I thought that's who was the hero for it..." he says curiously, watching as it plays out. "I vaguely remember something like that, now that you mention it." Probably on in the background while he was studying or such.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "No, SUper Mario Bros was Mario and Luigi. The movie was seriously different than the video game. Saving the princess was just.....lost in the stupidity." Sue then quiets for a bit...munching on popcorn and using Reed as a pillow.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "Mmmmm..." Reed responds. "That one I remember, I got talked into seeing it once. It was...weird." he admits. His free hand winds out to get a hand of popcorn, popping it in his mouth before he takes a swig of soda. "Mm, so are you interested in the tortured gothic hero look?" he teases a bit.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "tortured gothic hero? Why would we want to look like that. We're supposed to be the Fantastic Four, not the Depressing Four." Sue ways jokingly. "But then again....we should come up with a new name for Ben."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed hmmms. "Other than the Thing?" he says slowly. "Well...I wouldn't want to put a new moniker on him without him wanting it. Why do you mention it?" he says curiously, turning a bit to face her a bit more as he adjusts where they're resting together, his hand sliding up her side slightly before it goes back down where it was. "...I'm not calling him Gargoyle...it's gothic and, I believe, taken..." he jokes softly.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Just a thought. I mean, it's hard enough for him to look like he does without being called a 'Thing'." Sue says softly. "and Gargoyle is taken.....by a villain, no less. "Plus, he doesn't look like a gargoyle....."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    He nods a bit at that, looking thoughful. "Yes, I know, it was a poor joke..." he admits. "I...don't know. Do you think he'd like that?" He's a bit tentative now, his brow furrowing a bit guiltly, as it often does when he remembers...well, what he put his friends and family through. And what he couldn't undo, even after years of trying. "Something that...suits who he is, not what he looks like, perhaps..." he offers.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "I continue to call him 'Ben' to remind people that he's a human. Not a rock person. Admittedly, Ben is one of the toughest people I've ever seen." Sue then sighs. "And you didn't know it was going to happen, Reed. I know you're still working on a way to turn him back to normal." She even pats his hand.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    He lets out a soft sigh. "...honestly Sue..." he says quietly. "I don't know....I've...I've tried so many things, and there are others, but...but what if I make it worse? He's...happy. He has Alicia. I don't want him to lose that just because I'm trying to...." He trails off, closing his eyes. If anyone knows how much this haunts him, it's the love of his life. "He'll always be Ben Grimm to me. My friend. But I would be a terrible friend if I didn't keep trying, no matter how much of a long shot it is..."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "I know, Reed. it's just bad with how Johnny teases him though. But then he's always been a bit of a man-child. I think that's how he shows his own affection since....he couldn't do it to me."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    That at least makes Reed smile faintly. "...people show they care in different ways, that's just what they've ended up with." he says philosophically. "And Johnny has been...a bit better." He peers down at where Sue is curled up against him. "...also, that's because you'd slug him if he tried it." he notes dryly.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "And since I know a new trick, I'll hit him with that the next time he 'misbehaves'." Sue then giggles. "At least he's not trying to actively hurt Ben."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
He raises a brow at that. "Oh, what trick is this?" he says, looking amused. "I know you've been practicing, but you haven't told me what, exactly." Which he hasn't minded, he likes suprises like anyone else. "And no, he's not, and he generally knows where the line is. It's just bad when Ben is already in a poor mood and then Johnny starts in on him too."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "You saw it. When those two guys tried to hack into our mainframe, and Valeria caught them. I encased them both in bubbles and I batted one to bounce around like a tennis ball.....made him throw up." Sue then smiles. "Was proud of myself."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Ah! Yes, that is a good trick..." Reed compliments. "Especially that you were able to contain the, ah, liquids and drain them off without too much problem." He affectionately nuzzles the top of her head. "But I've said before, I still feel you could easily be the strongest of us if you keep expanding your repertoire. You have the most adaptable ability."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "I'm not worried about being the strongest, just want to protect you guys is all." Sue says to Reed. "I mean, Doom has already tried to get our 'itenerary' so he could figure things out when I tried to see what happened after an assault near the Latverian Consulate. His ego gets in the way of his genius, really."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed frowns deeply at the mention of Doom. "...he may have been involved in the murder of that Latverian dissident and his associates, too. I haven't been able to find out much about that, just that one of the waitresses was a recent hire, and that there was apparently a refugee girl he was meeting with. No sign of either of them, so I assume they may have both had something to do with it."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Well, it's not like he's going to let us anywhere near the Latverian Consulate. I mean, we've had to stop his own moronic schemes so often that he loathes each and every one of us. He doesn't even seem to care that we have children."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "Would they they WERE moronic schemes." Reed says ruefully, then frowns a bit as he slides his other arm around Sue as well, giving her a gentle hug. '...he's still obsessed with you, Sue. You know that." he says quietly, his eyes flashing.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue 'ughs' at that thought. "He certainly didn't seem like it when I dropped by the consulate. At least Namor is willing to respect boundaries." She then leans back against Reed....

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed mmms, then slides his hands up, resting them against Sue's bare stomach. "He never did understand those..." he says, a bit of anger in his voice now. "...what did he try?" Yes, there are some things that will get Reed riled up. One of those is Doom crossing boundaries with his wife.

Invisible Woman has posed:
Susan Storm-Richards says, "He tried to get our 'itenerary', remember?" She then giggles. "The problem is....while he was concentrating upon his 'guest', he didn't realize that his oil painting of himself, sitting over his chair was.....melting. So....I told him...on my way out.""

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed grins at that. "Oh, did it? That WOULD annoy him." he says, with no little approval. "I imagine he was less than pleased when you pointed it out to him, yes." The episode ends, not that either were entirely paying attention to it at this point. "Well, I'm happy to hear he was disappointed." He does still hold Susan in his arms, perhaps a bit subconsciously protectively. Of course, he knows she can handle herself...but it's Doom and it's Sue. He can't help but be a little relieved he didn't try something worse.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Oh he threw a temper tantrum that I heard from outside of the compound." Sue bubbles a giggle at that. "Oh, I also ran into Lois Lane, after I took care of a robber and Valeria ran into the Daily Planet and ran into Lois lane. I told her about how Valeria reprogrammed Herbie."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed siiighs. "Is he back to normal yet, by the way? I'm not sure of all the new subroutines she put in him. How was Lois?" he says, absently tracing little circles against Sue's stomach as they talk. "And a robber where?" he says, raising a brow.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Some guy tried to rob a starbucks. He's in custody." Sue says softly. "And I think so, but I can't program all that well. Lois is pretty neat and I invited her to Four Freedoms Plaza if she wants to visit. She's really nice. You'd like her. What I'm afraid of....is if Johnny likes her. I mean, She's with Superman, and you know how Johnny doesn't like being second best."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "I wouldn't mind meeting her outside of her professional persona, though she does seem like a woman who might have problems turning her reporting instincts off..." he murmurs wryly. "And of course he would. Though I'm suprised he hasn't tried to ask for Supergirl's number at this point too."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "I think Supergirl's a little too young for him. He might go for Power Girl though." Sue then giggles.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "You mean he's developing standards now?" he says amusedly, then mmms. "Well, I think I would rather Power Girl than the teenager, yes. She seems much more her own woman, at least, and there's an obvious attraction." He peers down playfully at Sue. "Though I think I'm quite happy with the assets already near at hand." he teases gently.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "He's always had his own standards, Reed. I mean, he's got an ego, but Supergirl can't be more than 16....and...well..."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed shakes his head, sighing. "Well, he generally prefers college co-eds closer to his age. I'd have to have a talk with him if he seriously attempted to date a high school student. That's just..." He shakes his head again. "I'd like to think he was a bit more....than that."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "Yeah, college co-eds, at least. I don't think he's....creepy enough to go after high school girls." Sue's chuckling now. "At least the show's entertaining."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    "I think he knows what you'd do to him if he tried it." Reed notes, honetly and yet teasingly as well. "Mmm, let's enjoy the show, anyway...and leave Doom and JOhnny to their own time, instead of ours?" He leans back a bit, quite comfortable hugging Sue to him as she rests against his shoulder as the show plays on. He does wonder if he IS going to be wincing a bit at the other one though...

Invisible Woman has posed:
    The other cartoon is more campy than wincy, though the way they become cyborgs is quite iffy. there's no possible way in reed's mind that this could actually happen. But then...they are the fantastic four.